• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 540 Views, 15 Comments

My One and Only Special Somepony - thefanfictioner

I always thought we would always be friends but then i ruined it

  • ...

I met someone

My name is Vinyl Scratch, and I am currently in the Seventh Grade with my best friend Octavia Melody. I have been in the same classes as her since fifth grade. I couldn't be happier about being in the same classes as someone else. Oh yeah, it should probably go without question that I go to the same school as her. Lake Orion High.

School always seemed pretty easy. I always hung out in the Lobby. Pretty much everyone knew that I hung out there whenever I waited for the classes to change. The lobby was pretty nice. The ceiling was large, rounded upwards. The floor was tiled green. But, the picture of the school’s mascot took up the majority of the floor. It was a large dragon, dark green. It’s wings were beige, as they stretched out to their full length. While it was just a painting, it looked pretty cool. It breathed a mighty wall of flames. I had gotten used to it, so I paid little mind to the floor.

Instead, I focused on the incoming Octavia that was heading straight towards me. She wore a friendly smile as she approached. She held her large band case in her hand. It kind of looked like a gigantic guitar case. It contained her instrument, the cello.

"Hey Vinyl.”Octavia's accent makes everything she says super cute. No one will ever know this but I have had the biggest crush on Octavia for a while. I haven’t mustered up the courage to actually ask her out, or tell her how I felt about her, though. I really wish I did.

"Hey! What’s up Octi?"I questioned. I slid off my headphones to listen to what she was going to say next. Even though one of my favorite songs was playing. I could just rewind it.

"Nothing much. Although there's a new guy in band who is SUPER HOT! his name is Abe and he plays the violin! HE’S PERFECT!"
Octavia squeed in delight. She was obviously ecstatic about this new guy, ‘Abe’. I could feel something break inside of me as she said that. Though, I was always happy for her whenever she found a guy that she liked.

"That's... That's awesome Octi. I'm happy for you, Are you gonna ask him out?"
I asked. Octavia had many a date before, but she was usually unable to find the perfect, perfect guy.

"I dunno maybe I'd have to get to know him first plus he's a tall guy and you know how I feel about that."
Octavia shrugged, her tone going from happy to stale within a matter of seconds. I remembered one of Octavia’s previous guys, Grant. He was a total douche.

"Yeah. I mean the last tall guy you dated was a huge asshole."
I snickered I could recall that huge ‘breaking up’ prank, just like it was yesterday. The way he reacted to the Gardener Snakes in his bathtub was hilarious. She wished she had gotten it on video.

"Please do not mention that vulgar pig. He is in the past and I intend to keep it that way."
That particular guy got pretty grabby.I could tell even mentioning him or his size was pissing Octavia off.

"Anyway from what I've heard about Abe is he is a proper gentleman."
Octavia stated.

"Wow, really? Who did you hear that from?"
I asked.

"I have a gal pal who used to go to Elementary School with him and from what she told me he really treats everyone like his friend. Ha sorta like Pinkie Pie.”
She’s so cute when she smiles.

I get a look from Octavia. A pretty strange look.

"You’re blushing Vinyl. Why?”

"Oh crap was I? Heh, sorry. I just think he sounds nice.”
I awkwardly smile and scratch the back of my head.

"You’re so funny Vinyl."
She gives me a warm smile and I can feel my face warm up even more. Then I hear the one thing that could save me this embarrassing moment. The bell. Saved by the bell.

"OH! Better get to class then. I'll see you later Octi."
I quickly stuttered, and with that I rush over to my first period. English class.

I arrive two minutes early, I plop my binder down on my desk and pull out my ear buds. Then I proceed to put on my dubstep playlist. The up tempo beats and electronic synths put me in a trance, soon my mind wanders over to Octavia. Her beautiful jet black hair her adorable accent, her purple eyes that glisten in the light. I sound so corny. Just as I start to doze off. my teacher approaches. Mrs. Funshine bangs on my desk jolting me awake. I pull out my ear buds and give her my full attention. She gave this menacing glare.

"Vinyl if you can't be bothered to focus on anything but your 'wubs', then I shall be forced to confiscate your headphones."
This forces me to snicker. How could she make such a simple mistake? Isn’t she supposed to be the teacher? Knower of all things?

"Uh. Mrs. F they're not 'headphones' they're earbuds."
I'm barely containing my laughter I don't even know why I find this so funny but I do regardless. Mrs. Funshine would beg to differ on what is considered humorous. I didn’t know what sort of humour she liked, but she didn’t agree with my taste of comedy. She wasn’t laughing.

"Well, either way they will be mine. That is, if you don't keep them in your locker Miss Scratch."
That's it. Game set, and match. I am now in full hysteria for absolutely no decent reason. I was laughing directly in my teacher’s face, and she was having none of it. If this was a cartoon, she would have smoke fuming out of her nose like a bull. She was MAD.

She yells.

This stops the laughing. I get my things and head for ‘The Dungeon’ That’s what everyone calls the poorly lit, cold, and smelly front office. Not understanding why I had broken down laughing at something not even a little funny.

"Ah, Miss Scratch please come in"

Principal Spring gestures me into her office. I sit in the uncomfortable office chair and straighten my back. I don't know what it is about being in an office but I always fix my posture for some reason. Maybe it’s because I was inside the Principal’s Office.

"So I hear that you like to laugh. Well, tell me miss Scratch is this funny?"

Her soulless black eyes dig into mine as I barely squeak out an answer.

"No ma'am, there is nothing funny about this situation.."
My voice is small and frail almost like I'm about to cry. Which I'm not. I should go into drama, I’m such a good actor.

“So what is so funny about Mrs. Funshine? She feels very disrespected Vinyl, l and I feel very disappointed in you. You used to be such a good student, what happened?"
Principal Spring asked, like she said, she was disappointed. Her tone showed this off in full. It did make me feel slightly guilty, I guess..

"I changed, and my priorities changed. I'm more interested in music now, but Mrs. F is still cool and I intend on apologizing thoroughly."
I don’t really have any intent on doing this, but it’s what Principal Spring wants to hear.

“Hm. I expect a fully written apology from you in Mrs. Funshine’s inbox by Thursday."
There's that scowl again. That thing is soul piercing. Gave me the creeps.

"Now please give me the ear buds. I don't want any more distractions. I will be telling your parents about this, so, your mother can pick them up whenever she feels like you deserve them back."
She holds out her hand for my ear buds. Opening her palm. She can not be serious!

"WHAT!? Come on Ms Spring! These are my last good pair I can't be alive without them!"
I beg and plead but she just gestures her hand forward and I eventually give in. I sigh.

"Fine. Whatever. Here."
I hand her my tangled up ear buds, then get up to leave but I’m stopped at the door. I get stopped by someone who I would have hoped wouldn't find out about this.

"Vinyl? Why are you here?"
It was Octavia. Beautiful eyes and all. Great.

"Pleas, don't tell me you got in trouble again. You really need to clean up your act there, Vinyl."

She lightly punches my forearm and smiles. I can’t breath.
"Principal Spring, I have the scholarship form for Blue Lake."
She walks up to the Principal’s desk, and hands Spring her a green envelope. Then she looks at me.

"So you coming to class? It's already third period."
I hadn't realized I was in here for several hours now. Luckily, I had my iPod to keep me entertained while I had waited. My headphones had to have a source of music, or else they wouldn’t work.

"Sure Octi, hold on I just gotta sign out."

I scribble my name on a piece of paper and walk out with Octi next to me. I explain why I was in there while we walked. Obviously excluding the part about me thinking about her. All of this makes her laugh that adorable laugh. Suddenly, I don't feel as bad about what happened. We make our to third period history which is the one class we have together. I sit down next to her. I always feel like a million bucks just by being with her.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to ChingKittyCat for helping so much to get this revised

Comments ( 8 )

4590100 i apologize but good god just deal with it grammar isnt everything i will admit it is important but ITS NOT EVERYTHING!:ajbemused:

4594243 im going to be honest i suck at grammar thats why i got help and even after the hours of editing it wont be perfect but i appreciate the help, btw how was the story:twilightsheepish:

4597783 this story is anthro so HANDS! But thanks for the advice

4600455 yes and while i agree i am far too lazy to change them at this time :ajsleepy:

4602700 sorry mate got pokemon to catch and mines to craft

4607102 thanks for the advice i really appreciate how vigilant you are :twilightsmile:

The Fanfictioner

4655839 thanks if you have any suggestions let me know i take all into consideration

I REALLY have no idea how people could hate this so much, I thoroughly enjoyed this story and I'm going to favorite it because THAT is how much I loved it, hopefully you could make more, please?:fluttershysad::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

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