• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 294 Views, 0 Comments

Three Worlds Lost in Many - DerGroBeHengst

A unicorn raised far away, an earth pony that never had a real home, and a pegasus who lost his only comfort. Three colts blissfully unaware of each other's existence will find that they are inexplicably intertwined; how is entirely up to them.

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2: Lives After Tragedy

“We are here today, not to mourn the loss of our friend, but to celebrate his accomplished life”, the black maned stallion spoke with a grumble, as years of smoke inhalation had damaged his lungs greatly, “Water Spout was a stallion that set an example for everyone: as a kind soul, as a dedicated father and husband, and to his final moments a hero. Anyone who knew him knew that he lived for only three reasons; for his wife, for his son, and for the job. It isn’t easy to march into a fiery inferno to try and save lives but he did it without any hesitation. I first met him when he was a rookie and frankly I wasn’t impressed with his idealist way of thinking that he could save everyone if he gave it his all. I’ve never been so glad to be wrong: he worked endlessly to alleviate the suffering of others and to my surprise the city took note. Things changed little by little and he improved the conditions of the everyday pony. He inspired us all to work towards his goals along his side and we brought Manehattan into a time of prosperity, showing that even firefighter ponies can change the way the world works. Bear in mind his ideal that all ponies, no matter how insignificant they may feel, can change the world around them for better or worse. Thank you my friend… you’re with Autumn Winds once more… I wish you both the best just like I did on your wedding day… good bye”, with the eulogy finished, Storm descended from the platform where the closed, black coffin of his friend was placed so that all in attendance could offer their condolences.

Everyone went up to the coffin and said a few words before taking their leave. The blue colt sat in the front row of many that came to say goodbye to his father. He wasn’t crying, the whole ordeal left him numb to everything around him. He wasn’t ignorant to the concept of death but there are many ways to process it. No one ever really gave him a straight answer to what death was, he was under the impression that no one could, so he came to his own answer. It meant that someone was gone forever, no matter if they were ready to leave or wanted to stay, they were gone and no force could bring them back. He was well aware that he would never see his father again, unless it was in his dreams or memories.

When all was said and done he ended up back in his room; packing everything he could into his luggage. It barely closed but everything he cherished was neatly packed away. He stayed there staring at the picture that always brought him comfort, burning the image of his father into his mind. He never wanted to forget his smile or any aspect of his father and there’s been no place he’d ever seen his father so earnestly happy as in this photo. He knew none of his family would step forward to claim him, his father may not have blamed him for the death of his mother but her side of the family did, and the only family his father had were his elderly parents that lived in a retirement village; barely capable of supporting themselves. In the other room there were shouts and outbursts of emotion. Perhaps saying that his father had no family was wrong, he had the entire station that looked up to him and treated him like a brother.

“Storm… you were basically his uncle, you should take him in”, one of the fire ponies said.

“I can’t do that to him… he already lost his father to this job I can’t take him in and let him live with the fear of losing another. If I was anypony else, in any other job, I’d take him in a heartbeat but I could die the exact same way and then what? How many times would he be bounced between this gathering of potential body bags until there are no more? How many times would he lose someone in this line of work? No, for everything he’s been through… for everything he’s lost he deserves better. A simple and happy life far away from our self-righteous and self- sacrificing band of would-be-heroes…”

“Is this about your wife?”, another one asked.

“I came to terms with that a long time ago…it actually helps that I can understand his pain a little. I don’t know what to do, even if I quit there’s no guarantee that I can find another… this is all I know and I can’t let him be homeless…”

“There’s an option you’re not considering”, a brown maned, orange stallion began, “There’s an orphanage in town, it’s not too far away and the mare who runs it is the kindest pony I’ve ever met. If none of us can take him then this seems like the best option. I’m sure she’d even let us visit him”

“Are you sure that it’s a good place?”

“They’re one of the places we’ve helped the most, that’s how I met her and they’re far better off than most other places”

“If no one can offer a better option… make the arrangements… I’ll talk to him about it”


Quake sat in the cafeteria of the orphanage eating his vegetable soup and loaf of bread; it was the best meal he’d eaten in years in both flavor and quantity. Though he ate readily, when he remembered why he had such a meal, it turned to ashes in his mouth. He finished and took his bowl to the depository and started out the double oak doors.

“Hey kid!”, a male voice called from behind him, “You full? Was it good?”

“Better than anything I ever had”, he called back.

“Catch”, an old, pure white stallion tossed him a cupcake, “Don’t forget dessert. Always get mixed feelings about kids like you: happy that we can give you a home but also really sad that you need us too”

“I don’t need anythin’… I was livin’ on the streets before ma and pa died and I’d be fine on my own”

“Don’t talk like that kid. If you leave how would I make sure you’re eating right? You were just skin and bones a few days ago. Look kid… I know me an’ Ms. Heart can’t replace what you lost and we’re not tryin’ to but you gotta believe me when I say we care. I’m not askin’ for anything more than for you to stick around until you can live on your own. When you’re older you can go out and be whatever you want to be but until then, enjoy that cupcake, enjoy your bed, and grow up strong around other kids, huh? Will you do that for us?”

“Yer alright for an ol’ bag’a wrinkles… alright I’ll be back fer dinner”

“Glad to hear it… and I’m not that old, I’m a young two hundred”

Quake walked back to the common area of large orphanage; it was towards the entrance and filled with ponies around his age, playing simple games, using rudimentary toys, and trying their best to forget their situation. The only place that was left untouched was the bookshelf. He walked in still chewing the last bits of cupcake in his mouth, he didn’t plan on staying in the room long, he wanted to get back to the boy’s side of the sleeping hall. It was a long section of the building that was separated by a wall; it had rooms on each wall except the dividing wall, multiple floors too. He lucked out and got the room at the end of the hallway which was empty before he came along; the scratches and singed fur made him look tough so not many of the other colts would approach him. He stopped in the middle of the hallway where their communal bathroom was and decided to head in. He couldn’t help looking at himself in the mirror; the first thing he was asked to do when he got to the orphanage was to take a bath. After the bath it felt like he was looking at a different colt in the mirror. His silver mane was finally lustrous and the freckles he forgot about were now visible again. The dirt and clutter was washed from his dandelion colored coat leaving it as even brighter. He walked back to his room and opened the door to find the owner of the orphanage waiting for him. She was a beautiful pale yellow mare with a pink and purple mane; sitting on the bed opposite him.

“Hello Quake… do you mind talking to me for a little bit?”

“Soup Stains already gave me the run down, you ain’t gotta tell me too”

“No, I actually wanted to talk to you about how you’re settling in”

“I’m fine… got a bed… got food… s’all I really need”, he took a seat on his bed.

“But you should really try and make friends with some of the other children, in a place like this, friends make things easier. There are plenty of colts here who I think you could really get along with. There are even some fillies who could really use somepony like you to watch out for them.”

“Ah don’t need friends. Everyone here is either going to be adopted or grow up an’ leave, so why do I need anybody who won’t stick around”

“We all need somepony to help us through the tough times so just try and make a few friends; it would really put my mind at ease, please?”

“Ah won’t do anythin’ more than try”

“That’s all I ask”, she got up and left hoping that he would follow through; as she walked down the hall Soup Stains was waiting for her.

“Is he gonna try and make a few friends?”

“It was a hard sell but I think he might actually try… what brings you out here, usually you’re already started on dinner at this hour?”

“It’s on the burner, I came out here because a stallion who said he was your friend just stopped by and said that he was going to drop off another colt”

“Another one?! This really is a terrible week, did he say when?”

“A few days, poor thing lost his father and is currently hold up in his room grieving… apparently no pony can take him in and your friend recommended this place”

“I was really hoping that we would have more adoptions and less fillies and colts coming in”

“You have to be ready for things like this, there are days when the halls are empty and days when we don’t have any adoptions… but this place does good and you have to believe that”

She wiped tears from her eyes and gave a confident nod before leaving to her duties. The old stallion glanced the clock that hung over the door and hurried back to his kitchen. Quake waited until they were both gone to come back out, he started down the hall in anticipation of dinner and when he reached the end he bumped into a custard colored pegasus with a dark brown colored mane; a light blue streak of her mane covering her left eye. She looked at him with frantic violet eyes and fell back onto her flank; her modest blue doll falling out of her hooves as she did. He looked down at her, then her doll, he picked it up and offered it to her. She tentatively took the doll and quickly ran out towards the cafeteria.

“S’a start I s’pose”


Far off in a forest Light stumbled upon a cave as wisps of blue fire circled him. He walked deeper into the cave until he stumbled over a rock and tumbled to the back wall.

“It’s as good a place as any to sleep… I really should have had the foresight to ask for some money or an heirloom to sell but I didn’t think that bartering was so out of practice”, he grabbed his saddle bags and dug through, pulling out an apple. He lay in the same position just staring up at the roof of the cave as he bit into his apple. Before long he finished his apple down to the core and sat up against the wall of the cave, “I miss the disciples but I guess this isn’t so bad”

His musings were interrupted when he heard something at the entrance of the cave. Thanks to the moonlight he saw the silhouetted outline of a manticore walking in slowly. To Light it appeared that he had intruded in the creature’s home, he was preparing to leave when the beast started bounding towards him.
As it pounced the wisps around Light took the form of full grown horses and the each charged at the manticore; striking with sickening thuds and cracks, each point of impact left blue flame on the creature that soon spread over it. It threw back its head and howled in pain; Light dashed over and tossed soil on the flames and tried to smother the fire with his magic. Soon the fire dissipated but the manticore was left unconscious and vulnerable to the rest of the forest.

The manticore began to stir by morning and found a small collection of berries next to it; being hungry and an omnivore it readily ate the small meal. After eating it tried to stand only to be rebuked by the pain of its burns. While inspecting its wounds it found that they had already begun to heal and close. Seeing a shadow cast just in front of itself it looked up to see Light enter the cave with a bundle fruits and berries held by his sky blue magic.

“Uh hello… you probably don’t like me very much but I can’t really control the specters, they just try to protect me. I didn’t know this was your home, so I’ll leave as soon as you’re better… okay?”, he didn’t expect a response or that the manticore would actually understand what he was saying but it was worth it to try and make up for the trouble he caused. As he set down the fruit it appeared the manticore was careful but soon decided to eat the fruit before him.

“I’ll call you Patches… cause you’re sort of missing patches of fur now… sorry”, the manticore grumbled in response and then settled down for a nap, “*yawn* You’ve got the right idea, I’ve been up all night trying to find food for us, I could really… use… a nap”, Light chose a spot that wasn’t burned on the manticore and nestled in with the large beast.

The beast was a little startled at first; mostly that a pony would so readily approach him and partially that a pony would tend to its attacker instead of fleeing while he was incapacitated. Normally he would have just eaten him but he decided that it was fine for once. To his surprise the blue wisps did not attack him like before even though he briefly entertained a bloody idea. As the unlikely duo drifted off to sleep they were unaware that they had just begun the first chapter in their journey together.

Author's Note:

Hello all, I've been gone quiet some time and I'm sorry, just didn't have much time to write but I'm trying to come back

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