• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 21,601 Views, 111 Comments

The Little Pony Legend. - MaggiesHeartLove

Twilight Sparkle and her friends travel to a whole new world unlike anything they had ever seen and meet a surprising new friend....Avatar Korra!

  • ...

Out of the Past


Philippians 4:16-7~

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Out of the past

Both Korra and Spike struggled in Tarlokk's grip as he levitated them with his bloodbending. After capturing them, Tarlokk took the two to a cabin located within the mountains near Republic City. He levitated Korra and Spike down the stairs to the basement and placed them within a metal box.

“What are you doing?” Korra asked, still struggling in his grasp. Both she and Spike felt Tarlokk release them from his power. One they were inside the box, he aggressively shut the metal box, locking them both inside. “Tarlokk!” Korra kept hitting the door with her fists, Spike joined her.

“Let us out!”

“You can't keep us in here forever!” Korra shouted.

But Tarlokk did not answer. He left the room, got into his car and drove away. The two friends were now stranded in who knows where.


At Air Temple Island, a ferry arrived and the ponies jumped out. They were all extremely tired from searching for Korra all night and decided to return to Tenzin and tell him what had happened. Rainbow Dash felt her wings would fall off at any time, “I never thought I'd ever say this: but my wings are killing me!”

“Mine too.” said Twilight. They all walked inside down the halls of the temple and reached Korra's room. Twilight called for her dragon, “Spike?” she knocked on the door twice but received no response. “Spike, we're back….Spike?” but there was still no answer. They opened the door only to find the room completely empty.

“Naga's not here either.” said Fluttershy as she examined the empty room.

“Maybe they're with Tenzin.” Applejack said.


Tenzin and Pema were both still asleep in their bed with Meelo in between them. The phone started to ring and the little airbender hesitantly sat up, rubbed his sleepy eyes and crawled over his father's face to answer the phone, waking his father up in the process. "Who is it?" Meelo asked in annoyance as he had the phone pressed against his left ear, "It's six in the morning! This better be important!"

Tenzin sat up and took the phone from his son, leaving him somewhat annoyed. "Councilman Tenzin here."


The ponies walked towards Tenzin and Pema's room. Just when Twilight was about to knock on the door, they heard the airbender from inside.

“What?! I'm on my way!” Tenzin quickly opened the door and saw the ponies, who were a bit startled by his speedy exit, “Girls! Oh, thank goodness you're all alright.”

Pema walked out and spotted the ponies, “Girls? Oh dear, you all look exhausted.”

“Hey Pema. Tenzin, what's going on?” Twilight asked with concern.

“I have to get to city hall. Korra's been captured.”

The ponies eyes widened in horror. This was something they never thought they'd hear. "I knew something had happened!” Rainbow exclaimed, stomping her hoof.

“What do you mean?” Tenzin asked.

Twilight began explaining, “Last night we had these strange visions and then we heard Korra scream. We don't know what happened but we broke out of prison and looked all over the city but couldn't find her.”

"Can you use your magic to locate her or something?" the airbender asked hopefully.

Twilight lowered her ears, “I'm sorry, but no. The cops injected us with a sleeping formula that was suppose to keep us down for at least twelve hours. The shock from Korra's scream woke us up and gave me enough energy to blast us out of our prison.”

“But alas, a side affect from the formula has left our horns on the fritz.”, Rarity said as she tried to make her horn glow but it was faint, “I'm afraid even if we did have a locator spell handy we wouldn't be able to use it."

“It'll wear off but, I'm just not entirely sure when.” said Twilight.

“Come with me, we'll go check out the crime scene and maybe find some clues to what happened to Korra.” Tenzin tells them.

They all nodded in agreement but Pema stopped them, “No, you girls should rest and eat something, you can't go looking for Korra in this state.”

Fluttershy was about to protest, “But we—“

“No buts!" Pema interrupted sternly, "I'll make you all some breakfast. Now come along”

The ponies all groaned, there was no use in arguing with the mother of three, and latter four. “Yes, Pema.” the ponies say in union.


Photographers took pictures of the damage made to City Hall. Tenzin arrived and was very surprised to see all the damage. He spotted one photographer taking a picture of an equalist glove. The air nomad spotted several other equalist weapons around as well, including a bola tied around a large pillar. His eyes narrowed when he spotted Tarlokk having his arm healed by a male healer. His air was still a tangled mess.

"What happened?" Tenzin asked as she walked toward Tarlokk, "What was Korra doing at City Hall?"

"As I told Chief Saikhan, Korra came to my office late last night." he said as she sat up and covered his wounded arm with his long sleeve, "She was upset that I arrested her friends. She asked me to release them and…that's when the Equalists attacked."

As Tarlokk explained to Tenzin what happened, he recalled the scene of the 'attack'. "I tried to protect Korra, but we were outnumbered." he said. In reality, it was he who planted the equalist mask right in the place where he had bloodbended Korra and threw a bola around a pillar. "Then, I was electrocuted" he recalled the painful moment when he has to use an equalist glove on his arm, shocking himself on the shoulder while growling in pain. "When I came to, the police had arrived. But Korra was gone."

Tenzin didn't know what to say in the matter. He was scared to death about his student's safety. He was thankful the ponies weren't here to listen to this, especially that Tarlokk would capture them again in a heartbeat.

"I'm sorry." Tarlokk said in a sympathetic tone before bowing to the Chief of Police, "Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar."


Lin hatted lying in bed. She felt so helpless. Ever since she was practically whopped by those stupid meca tanks, she had been in the hospital. But her boredom would soon come to an end when a voice was heard on the radio,

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special report. Late last night, Equalists attacked City Hall," Lin quickly sat upright, startled by this news. She turned up the radio to listen more closely. "Subduing Councilman Tarlokk and capturing Avatar Korra. Details are still common in, bu--"

Lin switched off the radio and slowly got out of bed, groaning in the process while holding her arm. She crossed to a cupboard and opened it, looking at her Metalbending Police uniform arranged inside. She too in her underclothes with her bare back to the cupboard and metalbended her uniform onto her body. It felt good to have it back. She looked down at the police insignia on her chest and tore it off. She wasn't a cop this time, so she didn't have to play by any rules. She put on a long coat and walked out.


Asami was lying on her back on a cot in her cell. She never in a million years would have imagined that she would be in jail. She was surprised to see the door open, and saw the former chief of police who had metalbended the door off of it's hinges and tossed it away.

"Hope you got enough beauty rest. Come on, I'm busting you out."

"Thanks. I owe you." the heiress said graciously while smiling.


"Are you done yet?" Mako asked impatiently. He and Bolin shared a cell, the oldest brother had his back turned away from his brother, who was trying to pee in a toilet at the corner of the room.

"Cover your ears!" Bolin said, "I can't go with you listening."

Mako sighed in annoyance and covered his ears. He glanced to the cell door, which was metalbended off its hinges. He spotted his girlfriend and Chief Beifong.


The two embraced and kissed while Bolin blushed in embarrassment at more people entering the room…while he was still trying to, well 'go'.

"Ahh! A little privacy, please!"

"Are you alright?" Mako asked Asami with concern once the kiss ended. Even if he wouldn't say it out loud, all of their kisses, while sweet, just didn't feel…complete for some reason.

"I'm fine! It's so good to see you."

"Hate to break up your lovers' reunion," Lin said, "but Korra's in trouble. Amon captured her."

The three of them looked at the chief in complete horror, but none of them was more shocked than Mako. His eyes widened and he could have sworn he felt a painful jab in his heart. "No. No, she can't be gone!"

"Come on, we have an Avatar to rescue."

Mako was the first to walk out, followed by Asami and the Bolin. Lin rose her finger upwards and Bolin heard a zipping noise, he stopped, squeaked and blushed.

"Your fly was down." said the chief in a monotone voice before following the others. Bolin was totally red with embarrassment.

"Thanks for catching that."


Back at the hideout, Korra kept on throwing herself against the side of the box, kicking and pounding trying to break free. Spike was also doing his best to hit the door with his feet and even his little dragon fists, but it was no use.

“Somebody! Help! Please!" Korra cried out while still pounding the door. She slumped to the ground in exhaustion, "…Please.”

Spike eventually gave up on hitting the thing as well as he panted, “This thing is sealed tight. Can't you metalbend us out?"

"Do I look like I know how to metalbend?"

"So, we're stuck here!? But, but we can't! What if nobody finds us? What if we stay stuck in here forever?! WHAT IF---“

“SPIKE! You're not helping!” The little dragon lowered his ears and Korra sighed sadly. Her hair was a tangled mess and there were scars on her face. “I'm sorry.” she said.

Spike sat next to her, “It's okay, I really wasn't helping.”

Korra took the dragon into her arms and the two shared a warm hug. Despite their situation, at least they were together. But they couldn't remain here. It was then, that Korra remembered Tenzin's advice from before.

“I urge you to meditate on these visions. I believe Aang's spirit is trying to tell you something.”

A look of determination appeared on Korra face, “Spike, I need you to stay perfectly quiet.” she said as she placed him down beside her.


“I'm going to meditate. I have a feeling Aang might be able to help us.”

“Well in that case, meditate away!”

Korra smiled as she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and began to meditate. Spike stayed beside her for a while as she sat perfectly still like she was in a trance. The dragon didn't know what else to do so he simply laid his head on her lap and closed his eyes to try and relax. She tried not to think so much, but she was still finding struggle to focus. She tried to mediate the way Tenzin had instructed her, but she didn't feel any reaction. Finally, she realized this wasn't working at all. Tenzin's method just wasn't cutting it.

"Did it work?" Spike asked.

Korra sighed in despair. "No. I can't seem to mediate the way Tenzin does. It just….doesn't feel right to me."

"So, what do we do now?"

Korra sighed, "I don't know, Spike."

Spike decided to lay back down beside her while the Avatar swore to herself she would not give up. So, she got back into her position, but instead of trying to meditate the way Tenzin did, she started thinking about the one thing that gave her peace. Her friends.

She thought about the ponies, their smiles, their laughter, their kindness, their love, the way they were with her and everyone they met. She thought about Mako and how she felt about him. Regardless of his mistakes, she still cared about him and still considered him one of her closest friends. She thought about Bolin and how he made her laugh, about Asami and in hopes she finds happiness after what happened, about Pema's cooking, the adorable airbender children, Naga's wet kisses, Spike adorable antics even Tenzin's kind words and fatherly hugs. More than anything, she wanted to be back with them. Back in their embrace and surrounded by their love. They all meant the world to her. Her heart longed for their companionship, Spike did also. But for now, the wonderful memories she had did something to her.

Even though they were both trapped, the memories began to fill Korra's heart, giving her a sense of peace. All fears and worries started to drift away like the wind. She briefly looked up, seeing the lanterns of the cabin shine a light upon them, even in the darkness of their current prison. The light itself was warm, making her feel even more at ease. It was as if Korra and Spike were no longer the only two in the room. She felt they had company. Then, Korra did something she never thought she would do, closing her eyes and placing one hand on her chest.

"I want to be with my friends again." she whispered. "What do I do? Please, Aang...help me."

The whole idea was silly. Meditating didn't work, so why would outright asking be any different. Korra sat in a lotus position, not technically meditating, just remaining in the stance, allowing her mind to wander back to her friends. The memories filling her heart with a feeling of peace as she closed her eyes.

Then, just like lightning, or a thief in the night, images flashed before her eyes. It wasn't in her control, they just appeared. Almost as if somebody was speaking to her through images that took form within her mind...


"What are you doing here, Aang?" Toph asked. She had several metalbending police officers behind her, "I told you, I have this under control."

Korra saw her past life, Avatar Aang. He was in his forties and looked so much like his son Tenzin, minus the long beard. Aang's was short and rather stubby. His eyes were gray mixed with brown and the arrow stood proudly over his bald head. His friend Toph was a tall woman with raven hair styled into a large bun with strands of hair flowing down her face, slightly covering her blind eyes and wore a police uniform almost identical to that of her daughter Lin.

"Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't get involved, but if what those victims said is true, we're not dealing with a normal criminal." Aang said. His longtime friend smiled.

"Fine. Follow me, Twinkle Toes."

"Toph, I'm forty years old. You think you could stop with the nicknames?"

"Fraid not." she said while walking away smiling. Aang grimaced in annoyance as he followed.

Aang, Toph and her cops approached a man sitting at table at Kuang's Cuisine, who was casually eating his food. Toph pointed an accusing finger at the man, "It's over! You're under arrest, Yakone!"

But Yakone simply sat there without fear. He was a man with tan skin, a wrinkled complexion and sideburns. "What is Republic City coming to? Used to be, a man could enjoy his lunch in peace."

Toph angrily bended a cable from a spool at her belt around her wrist and yanked the man forward, knocking over his table. A policeman came over to tie his arms behind his back.

"What's the big idea?"

"We have dozens of witnesses, Yakone." Aang said bravely, "We know what you are."

"Take him away." Toph ordered his cops. As Yakone was led away, he yelled back at Aang and Toph, "I've beaten every trumped-up charge you yahoos have brought against me!" he smiled confidently and arrogantly as he said, "And I'll beat this one, too."

Aang looked on seriously at the man.


Korra opened her eyes wide, astonished by what she had just seen. “Wow.”

Spike looked up at her, “What happened?

"I…I think Aang just spoke to me."

"Really? Well, what did he say?”

“He didn't really talk to me, it was more of a memory.” Korra looked up at the ceiling, “You really were listening after all. But what are you trying to tell me?”

“A way out of this box would be nice.” Spike said.

"It'll be okay, Spike."

"How do you know?"

"I don't. But…I believe it will be. I'll just let Aang show me." Korra inhaled once more before closing her eyes, allowing the past Avatar to continue speaking to her while Spike laid his head back on her lap.

“This is going to take a while, isn't it?”


In Tenzin's office, the ponies were all with him. Pinkie Pie was biting her hooves while Applejack tried to calm her down, Twilight and Rainbow Dash kept passing back and forth, they've already bumped into each other…twice. Rarity was passed out on the floor with a hoof over her head as Fluttershy fanned her with a handkerchief. Twilight was already furious, “I can't believe Korra was captured by equalists!”

Rainbow shared the feeling, “I know! It's gotta be some kind of a hoax! No way Korra would let herself get captured that easily! Well, okay that one time at Aang Memorial Island, but still!”

“Something just doesn't feel right," Twilight said, "If only I had been at the crime scene with Tenzin I could have found some kind of clue.”

“We couldn't risk Tarlokk seeing us and locking us up again.” Applejack pointed out.

Rarity briefly woke up, “She does have a point”, she said before she passing out again. Fluttershy narrowed her eyes.


Tenzin covered the phone with his hand, “Girls please, I know you're all worried about Korra.”

“Not to mention we can't find Spike anywhere.” Twilight added.

“Yes, yes I know but I'm--" he heard the person from the other side of the phone shout at him, "no, not you--let me take this call will you?” he said to the ponies. The ponies all remained quiet until they heard someone come walk into the office and they all gleamed.

“Lin!” Twilight shouted happily.

“Asami!” Rainbow shouted.

“Bolin!” Pinkie shouted.

The former chief of police and the three teenagers entered the office. The teens squatted down to greet the ponies while Tenzin was still shocked to see them. “I have to go, call me back the minute you hear anything.” he hung up the phone.

“You're all here!” Applejack said happily to the humans.

“Thank goodness!” Fluttershy said as she hugged Bolin.

“You're out of jail?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, thanks to me.” said Lin.

“Well I for one have never been so happy to see you." Rarity then takes a good look at Lin, "Nice coat by the way.”

“Thank you…I think.”

“How did you girls get out?” Asami asked.

“Twilight blasted the wall with her magic.” Pinkie Pie explained while making explosion noises with her mouth.

Bolin looked around the room, “Hey, where's Spike?”

“We…don't know." Rainbow said sadly, "We think he might have been with Korra.”

Asami gasped, “Oh, no.”

Tenzin was still baffled to see the three teens and former chief, “Lin, who-what are you--what are you--you should be in the hospital--and you three, you should be in prison.”

Pinkie Pie scratched her head, “That's a weird way to say "I'm happy to see you"

“I figured you could use our help finding Korra.” Lin said.

Rainbow Dash flew up to her, “Good because we could really use some. Twilight's magic is far too weak to be of any help and Rarity keeps passing out every time somebody says 'Korra's missing' " At hearing that, Rarity passes out….again. "See?"

Lin arched an eyebrow, “Yikes.”

“Do you have any leads?” Mako hopefully asked the air nomad. It was clear in his voice that Mako was getting pretty anxious.

“I've been on the phone all morning but, nothing yet.”

“We need Naga! She can track Korra.”

“I'm afraid her polar bear dog is missing as well.”

“We've searched nearly every inch of this gigantic city and found nothin'. Not even Naga.” Applejack explained.

“You'd think a giant polar bear dog would be hard to miss.” Twilight added.

“Then again, my vision was a tad blurry from that vaccine.” Rarity said while rubbing her head.

Applejack rubbed her head as well, “Yeah, mine too. We could have spotted her and not even noticed.”

“I'm surprised we didn't plummet into the ground while we were flying all night." said Fluttershy, "Considering how many build-boards and buildings we crashed into.”

“You guys were that woozy?” Bolin asked.

“Not exactly woozy, just kind of nearsighted. But even that didn't stop us from at least trying to find her.”

“You girls got a lot of guts.” Asami commented.

“Then where do we start looking for Korra?” Bolin asked.

“My guess is the equalists are hiding underground, in the mass of tunnels beneath the city.” Lin suggested.

Asami crossed her arms, “Underground. Just like my father's secret factory. Figures.” she said bitterly.

“Still peeved, hu?” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, yeah that makes sense." said Bolin as she began to remember his past experience, "When those chi-blockers had me in their truck it sounded like we drove into a tunnel.”

Mako's face lit up, “I know where to start looking, come on.”

Twilight followed him “Right behind you, Mako!” she then screeched to a halt, “Wow, never thought I'd ever say that.”

"Wherever Amon is keeping Korra, I bet that's where my officers are too." Lin said to Tenzin.

"Let's bring them all home, Lin."


They all flew on board Oogie and landed on a very familiar location, it was where Mako, Korra and the ponies all saw the Chi Blockers take Bolin and the Triple Threats a couple of nights ago.

“This is where we saw the truck take Bolin and the Triple Threats.” said Twilight.

“The truck with Bolin took off down this alley.” Mako said as he pointed to the direction and they all followed him.

“I wonder if he will ever be able to understand us.” said Rarity. They continued to follow him until they reached the intersection.

“Which way?” Asami asked.

“This way kinda, smells familiar.” said Bolin. Pinkie Pie placed her nose on the ground and started smelling, like a bloodhound, for any signs of Korra.

“I don't smell watermelon or salt water anywhere.” she said.

Asami arched an eyebrow, “Watermelon?”

“That's Korra's signature shampoo." said Rarity. Most of them looked at her with confused looks, minus Mako. "What? It's what makes her hair so silky looking." said the unicorn, "If she had it loose more often it'd show, but she insists on keeping it tied up. One of these days.”

Lin stomped her foot down and felt the ground with her metalbending, “There's a tunnel nearby.” she said as they set off and slide down an embankment.

“There!” said Mako pointed to a large tunnel entrance with a metal gate. Lin then spotted something on the ground.

“Motorcycle tracks.” she said.

Mako looked at the inside of the tunnel with hope in his eyes, “Korra has to be in there…somewhere.”

Lin used her metalbending to lift the bars and they walked in. Both Mako and Rainbow Dash lit up the way with their firebending as they continued their way into the tunnels. Fluttershy was already shaking in fear, “This place is so spooky.”

“Not to mention smelly." Rarity then felt something wet and slimy underneath her hoof, "Ew! I think I stepped in mud!”

Pinkie Pie smelled her hoof and cringed, "Actually, I don't think that's mud."

The unicorn then shrieked in horror and tried to shake the liquid off of from her hoof, "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"

Mako heard Rarity's "neighing" cries and spun around, "Rarity! Quit fooling around!" He spatted, silencing her shrieks while Pinkie Pie cleaned her hoof. The firebender then felt a tug on his long jacket and saw Applejack pointing towards a path. “Let's try this way.” he said, pointing towards the tunnel Applejack just showed him.

“And what if Korra's not down there.” Asami asked. To her surprise, Mako snapped at her.

“Then we pick another tunnel until we find her! Come on, ponies.”

As the others followed, Asami stayed behind a few feet, looking at her boyfriend angrily. He had never blown up at her like that before. She knew he was passionate, being a firebender and all, but still, this kind of passionate was strange and new in her eyes. Something didn't feel quite right.

Fluttershy noticed Asami's expression and lowered her ears in sympathy, “Wow, he's really worried about her.” she said to Rarity.

“Well, who can blame him? Normally I would never stuck to violence." she said while flipping her mane. Then her voice became fierce and menacing, "BUT I WILL RIP APART WHOEVER HAS LAID SO FAR AS A FINGER ON KORRA OR SPIKE!”

Everyone looked at her concerned. Even Mako was surprised, “Down girl. Save that energy for the equalists.”

Rarity regained her composure, “Quite right.”

“When I get my hooves on them they're gonna wish they had never been born!” said Rainbow Dash while kicking in mid air, still maintaining a flame on her hoof.

Pinkie Pie hopped along singing, “Equalist wrap up, equalist wrap up!”

As they walked down the tunnels, Twilight flew beside Mako, both with matching determined look in their eyes. “We'll find her, Twilight. I'm sure of it.” he assured her, and Twilight nodded in response.

Asami and Bolin were a bit behind, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who walked a few feet in front of them, overheard their conversation. “Hey, is Mako alright?" Asami asked the earthbender, "He seems really worried about Korra.”

“Yeah, we all are, especially the ponies.” said Bolin.

“I know but, he's your brother." Asami didn't know why she was asking this, she shouldn't be worried, but she needed to know, "You think he likes Korra as more than just a friend?”

At the sound of the question, both Applejack and Pinkie Pie looked at each other nervously while Bolin tried to play it cool….with no such luck. “W-what? No that's just gossip. Crazy talk is coming out of your mouth right now. Right Applejack, Pinkie Pie?”

The two ponies stopped on their tacks. “Why are you bringin' us into this?” Applejack asked, she really didn't want to get caught in the middle of this.

“What do you know Bolin? Come on, spill it!” Asami demanded to know.


Applejack tried to change the subject, “Yeah, can we just focus on finding Korra right now?”

The ponies tried to leave but were stopped when Bolin started talking again, “Well, there was this one time during the tournament when Mako and Korra kissed—“

Applejack and Pinkie's widen open, “BOLIN!”

“They…kissed?” Asami could not believe what she had just heard. Her boyfriend had kissed another girl and she didn't even know it. She felt so angry, sad and embarrassed all at once.

“No, no of course not!" Applejack tried to put on a smile, but her natural honesty just wouldn't allow her to do so. She then sadly lowered her ears, "….yeah. It's true.”

Pinkie Pie was equally sad, “Sorry.”

Asami looked hurt and Bolin tried to make her feel better, “Believe me I was upset too but I'm over it. I don't think it meant anything.”

“I doubt that.” Asami sadly walked on ahead. Both ponies then kicked Bolin in the chin.

“OW! Hey!”

“Bolin, you need to make a Pinkie Promise to never tell anybody else's secrets again!” said Pinkie Pie sternly.

Bolin scratched his head in confusion, “A pinkie-what-now?”

“Follow me, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Bolin decided to follow the pony, “Alright. I promise to never tell another secret. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Pinkie smiled proudly, “Good.”

They all continued down the tunnel until they heard the sound of motors. “Hide.” Lin ordered. They follow her orders and duck behind a pillar as they watched as two equalists rode their motorcycles into a wall, which then lifted up and closed once they had entered.

“A secret passage” said Fluttershy.

“Very sneaky.” added Pinkie Pie. Lin traced her hand on the wall and then used her metalbending to open the wall from the inside.

Rainbow smiled at this, “I am loving this metalbending stuff.”

They all quickly ran inside before the wall closed again. They all reached the underground facility, where they saw two tunnels with cable carts….and equalists riding on them. One female equalist came out of one cart.

“Everything went delivered to the prison sir.” she said to one of her fellow brothers.

“That must be where their keeping Korra.” Tenzin said.

“And Spike” Twilight added.

“We need to get down that tunnel.” Lin instructed. She signaled the group with her hand and they all ran toward the tram and jumped in. The ram started to move as they traveled down the tunnel. Pinkie Pie waved her hooves happily, “Weeeeeeee!”

At the tunnel's exit, two equalists saw the tram and approached but quickly found it to be empty. From inside the tunnel, Lin used her extension cables to grab the Equalists and drag them inside. Rarity and Fluttershy both kicked the two equalists right in their faces, knocking them out. “That was for Korra and Spike!” said the angry unicorn.

Lin turned to Bolin and Asami, “You two, keep an eye on them.”

Lin stomped her foot again and with her metalbending she searched the prison, "My officers are inside." she said.

“What about Korra?” Mako and Twilight asked in union.

Lin lowered her gaze, “I don't see her yet”

Applejack galloped with determination, “Well then let’s go and look for her! Come on, yawl!" The ponies all ran ahead as Mako ran after them.

Lin and Tenzin followed as well. They arch the corridor of the prison and turned a corner….only to be stopped by two equalists. Tenzin quickly got in position but before he could even get the chance to do anything, Pinkie Pie let out a loud karate scream.


The little pink pony speeded towards the Equalists with much fury, she jumped up high and began kicking and punching them in their guts and faces. She was moving so fast her friends could barely keep up with her. Finally, Pinkie Pie unleashed another kick at the two, and both Equalists were pushed back and slammed up against the wall, groaning in pain. Pinkie landed and breathed heavily. With the Equalists down, Lin made her way to find her officers while Mako ran to one equalist and removed his mask, grabbing him by the collar.

"Avatar Korra, where are you keeping her?!” he asked him angrily as he removed his mask.

Twilight turned to the others, “Rarity, you Pinkie Pie and Applejack help Lin find the others.”

They nodded before following the former chief. While Lin searched for her officers, the ponies searched the rest of the cells. Pinkie Pie shouted, “Marco! Marco! I said Marco!”

“Found anything?” Applejack asked.

Rarity shook her head, “Nope.”

“No Polo.” said Pinkie.

“Did you find her?” Lin asked as she approached them.

“Not a trace.” Rarity said sadly.

Applejack scratched her head, “I don't get it. If Korra and Spike ain't here where could they be?”

"Hey guys! Look over here!" Pinkie Pie shouted as they all approached her. She stood in front of a large cell door where Lin's officers were held in. She metalbended the bars apart and walked in. Once officer looked up at her with a very weak expression,

"Chief Beifong?"

Lin knew exactly what the look in their eyes meant, "I'm too late. That monster already took your bending, didn't he?"

The officer nodded his head and Lin looked down sadly, "I'm so sorry. Come on, let's get you out of here."

Mako was still trying to get answers from equalist, and he was already losing his patience, “I'll ask you one more time. Where is she?!” He held the equalist up to the wall, one hand with a flame of fire. The winged ponies all snarled at him, ready to bite or kick when necessary.

“We don't have the Avatar and the equalists didn't attack City Hall. Tarlokk's lying.”

Mako, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Twilight looked at him confused, “What?”

Lin returned with Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack and her officers in tow, “I've scanned the entire prison and the ponies searched it too. Korra's not here.”

“Why would Tarlokk make up a story about getting attacked?” Mako asked as he released the equalist, the flame in his hand disappeared. Twilight began to analyze things. And then it hit her, the alicorn gasped in realization,

“Because HE has Korra!”

“What did she say?” Mako asked.

“She said Tarlokk was the one who really kidnapped Korra." Tenzin said with much ager in his voice, "He fooled us all!”

Even Fluttershy was beginning to boil over, “That…that big…dumb…MEANIE!”

At that moment, a siren alarm sounded off. “Great Fluttershy! You sounded the alarm!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Let's go people! And Ponies” They hear Bolin shouted.

With Lin's police officers, they all hopped on the tram cart. While they traveled down the tunnel, Pinkie Pie, now wearing a sailor's hat, takes out a telescope and saw the equalists coming from behind them on another tram cart. “Equalists off the port bow!” she shouted while pointing toward the equalists.

The others turned to see them approaching. Bolin and Applejack both nodded as they bravely stepped up and rose their hands and hooves, both using their earthbending to block the equalists' path by collapsing the tunnel, causing the tram to crash into the rubble.

“Try to chi-block that, fools!” Bolin shouted before he and Applejack high fived/hoofed each other. Lin stood at the front of the tram, her eyes widened when she noticed an army of Equalists waiting up ahead Among them was the Lieutenant and several mecha tanks.

"We've got company!"

“These guys really don't know when to quit!” Rainbow said.

Twilight then felt her horn glow. Her magic was back to full power, “Lin, everybody huddle together!” she ordered.


“Trust me!”

They all did as the alicorn said, but Mako could not understand her, so both Asami and Bolin had to grab him by the collar so he could huddle with them. They all gathered together and held each other tightly as Twilight's horn started to glow brighter and brighter as the tram closed in on the equalists.

Bolin cried out in fear, “Twilight!!” he screamed, right before he and the others were engulfed in a bright magenta blast.

The Lieutenant and chi-blockers blinked in surprise…the tram was now empty and they were all gone. "What? Where did they go?!"


From where Oogie was, they all magically appeared in mid air and landed hard on the ground, minus the winged ponies of course, who winced when they heard the loud thumps and groans from their friends.

“WOW! That was a rush!” Bolin shouted as he sat upright.

Asami was wiggling her finger in her ear, “WHAT?!”


Mako was also having trouble hearing, “WHAT DID YOU SAY?”

“WHAT?!” Asami yelled.

“WHAT?!” Bolin yelled.

"WHAT?!" Tenzin yelled.

Pinkie Pie; "WHAT?!" the pony really didn't have trouble hearing, she just wanted to play along.

“WAIT, THAT LOUD ZAP MADE MY EARS POP! HOLD ON A SEC!”, Mako stuck his finger into his ear, wiggled it and then he could hear again, “Okay, that feels better.”

Lin stood up as she dusted herself, “I never thought I'd say this but; Thank goodness for magic.”

“Everybody okay?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, a little shaken up but I'm okay.” said Bolin.

“I'm not.” Twilight was sitting on the ground looking depressed.

Tenzin kneeled down to her level with a sympathetic expression. “What do you mean? Your magic is back.”

"Yeah, but now we have absolutely no idea where Korra might be. She said she would protect us, but we couldn't protect her."

Then Fluttershy began to cry loudly, taking everyone by surprise. Rarity tried to calm her down, “Oh, Fluttershy, darling, please don't cry.” but then tears begin to form in her eyes too. “If you start crying I'll start crying!” before long, both ponies were hugging each other and crying their eyes out.

Even Rainbow Dash began to tear up, “Yeah, quit it will you!” but it didn't take long for her to start crying loudly too. In fact, all the ponies started to cry. Pinkie Pie had two waterfalls of tears literally coming out from her eyes as she cried loudly like a baby.


Bolin looked at them with much sympathy, “Poor, ponies.”

“I feel awful.” said Asami.

Mako looked just as upset as they did, but he knew crying wasn't going to help. He walked up to them and whistled loudly getting their attention. “Look! I know you're all scared and worried but you need to stay calm.” he kneeled down to Fluttershy, tears still falling from her eyes. “Fluttershy, look at me.” he said sweetly as he lifted up her chin so she could look at him, “Don't worry. Korra is the toughest, most impulsive and stubborn woman I have ever met, she's going to be okay. And we won't stop until we find her.”

All the ponies looked at him hopefully. They could see in his eyes that he was speaking the truth. The young man reached for something in his pocket and Twilight was surprised to see the single petal from the flower she gave him long ago, resting on his palm. She couldn't believe that he had kept it this whole time.

“I promise.” Pinkie then did her signature Pinkie Promise with her hooves, which Mako already knew about. He smiled as he did the gestures she did, “Yes. I Pinkie Promise.”

Applejack wiped away her tears, looking determined, “And we won't give up either.”

Rainbow Dash also wiped her tears away and flew up with much determination, “What are we waiting for? Let's go find our friends.”

They all got back on Oogie as they flew towards city hall.


Korra continued having the visions. She saw Aang's memory of Yakone's trial. The Prosecution attorney spoke to the court,


"Yakone has ruled Republic City's criminal empire for years. Yet he has always managed to stay out of the law's reach, until now. You will hear testimony, from dozens of his victims, and they will tell you, Yakone has maintained his grip on the underground by using an ability that has been illegal for decades….Bloodbending."

Councilman Sokka narrowed his eyes at the mention of this. He knew a great deal about bloodbending, his younger sister Katara having mastered it long ago but vowed never to use it again, as well as an encounter with a wicked woman who used bloodbending to hurt people for revenge against those who mistreated her. The Defense attorney spoke next in front of the court.

"The prosecution's entire case is built upon the make-believe notion that my client is able to bloodbend at will, at any time on any day. I remind the council that bloodbending is an incredibly rare skill and it can only be performed during a full moon. Yet, the witnesses will claim that my client used bloodbending at every other time except during a full moon. It would be a mockery of justice to convict a man of a crime that is impossible to commit."

Yakone smiled confidently while Aang narrowed his eyes. Korra winced a bit, her eyes still closed as she continued to see the memory take fold in her mind.

"Councilman Sokka will now deliver the verdict." said the Bailiff. Sokka stood in front of the court and spoke,

"In my years, I have encountered people born with rare and unique bending abilities. Why, I once bested a man with my trusty boomerang who was able to firebend with his mind." He looked over at Toph as he said, "Why, even metalbending was considered impossible for all of history until our esteemed Chief of Police, Toph Beifong, single handedly developed the skill. The overwhelming amount of testimony and evidence has convinced this council that Yakone is one of these unique benders and he exploited his ability to commit these heinous crimes. We find Yakone guilty of all charges and sentence him to life in prison."

Sokka pounded the gavel to seal the decision. The defense attorney crumpled up a paper and threw it in annoyance as Yakone slowly stood up, surprisingly grinning. He kept his gaze on Sokka, until his eyes suddenly bulged. All of a sudden, Sokka cried out in pain as his body was contorted and after a moment, the other council members cried out as well. Toph tried to stop Yakone by metalbending her cables at him. But the man simply rolled his eyes at her, incapacitating her immediately. He laughed as he turned his head to see the entire room under his control. Including Aang, who struggled as he reached out his hand to Yakone.


Korra breathed deeply and raggedly with her eyes closed. Spike noticed this but dared not to wake her up. "Hang in there Korra. Hang in there." the little dragon sat there near her crossed legs as he began to softly sing,

(What my cutie mark is telling me, Parody. A bit more ballad)

Trapped here in this prison

Have we been here long?

I know things may seem hopeless now but I'm trying to stay strong

We have to keep on trying, for anyone can see

This can not be our destiny

And it's what my frail heart is telling me


While airborne, the ponies sang to themselves in their head, hoping that Korra and Spike were alright.


I'm not sure where she could be and I hate not knowing why


The thought of Korra being gone just makes me want to cry


It's up to us to find her, no matter what may seem


This cannot be her destiny


And it's what my frail heart is telling me

Unbeknownst to them, their human friends were singing to themselves too in their own heads.


Korra's soul is strong and proud

She's been through worse, no doubt

As mentor I must maintain my peace

But my mind just will not stay at ease

There are so many places yet to look it's no fun being me

But this cannot be her destiny

But, oh where could my student be?

Mako was determined to find Korra by any means necessary. But he was also beginning to wonder…what was this burning sensation within him? Was it his thrive to find Korra because she was his closest friend? Or could it be linked to his growing romantic feelings for her?


She's not here, or there or near but I dare not even rest

I try to keep my cool, I do, but I'm feeling so distressed

This flame keeps me going, it's burning within me

Could this really be my destiny?

When I find her then I will see

Asami observed her boyfriend. She'd never seen him this determined towards anything before. She couldn't help the bubbly feeling in her stomach.


The way he's acting towards her, for me it's no trill

This growing envy inside me, I cannot keep it still

I have to keep on trying, but is this it for me?

This cannot be…


Oh, could this be…


Her destiny….


My destiny…


It's what my frail heart


It's what my frail heart

Ponies, Tenzin, Mako, Asami;

Yes it's what my frail heart is telling me.


They finally reach City Hall and meet up with the rest of the Council and Chief Saikhan inside. “Thank you all for meeting us on such short notice.” said Tenzin.

“Chief” Lin greeted coldly.

“Lin.” Saikhan was just as coldly. He then saw the ponies beside them and was shocked, “Wait, what are they doing out?”

Lin stood in front of the ponies protecting them, “They're with us, and by order of Councilmen Tenzin you are not allowed to take them.”

The ponies smiled smugly at the new chief who narrowed his eyes at him in return. Just then, the doors opened and the ponies all lowered their ears and got into defensive stances when a certain waterbender entered.

“Have you news on Avatar Korra?” Tarlokk asked. He tried to act innocent but he was not fooling anyone. Especially not Tenzin.

“We do.”

The ponies all growled and sneered at Tarlokk, who was surprised to see the ponies out of prison, “Chief, what are those monsters doing out? Arrest them immediately!”

But, to the ponies' surprise, Mako stepped forward in front of them, eying the man with a fierce expression, ready to attack him if he stepped closer towards them. “You're not gonna lay a hand on them. Not while I'm here!”

The girls were incredibly surprised by this gesture. He was defending him just like they defended him against Hiroshi. They smiled in gratitude, he really did care about them after all.

“Besides, the only monster here is you!" Tenzin said while pointing his finger at the waterbender, "You kidnapped Korra!”

“I am shocked you would accuse me of such an evil act." Tarlokk said trying to sound as innocent as possible, "I already explained, equalists attacked us and took her.”

“But there were no chi-blockers here last night. You planted the evidence, didn't you?”

"That is a ridiculous accusation!” said the waterbender angrily.

“It's true! He took her!”

They all looked up at the balcony and see the council page hiding behind a pillar, looking down fearfully at his boss. “Hey, it's that skinny delivery guy.” said Rainbow Dash.

The page continued to tell the truth, “I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night but Councilmen Tarlokk ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarlokk bring her down to the garage. He also tied up a little scaly creature and put in the back of his car with her.”

Twilight's eyes widened, “That was Spike!”

“That is nonsense" Tarlokk angrily replied as the page cowered behind the pillar, "Everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky voice lier!”

“How dare you speak to him that way!” Fluttershy glared as she flew up to Talrokk's face with a fierce look in her eyes. A look even Tarlokk felt intimidated by. “Listen mister! He may be short and skinny and not a bender but he's more of a hero than you will ever be. Korra was right about you all along, all you do is use your powers and position to take advantage of others. You don't care about anyone besides yourself!”

“I was right, you really can talk!” said the council page. Tarlokk was confused by this for he could not hear Fluttershy speak at all.

“What? See, he's nothing but a liar!”

“Why did you wait until now to fees up?” Lin asked.

Fluttershy smiled kindly at the frightened page, “Please, don't be afraid to speak up.” she encouraged.

The council page swallowed his fear until he looked down at the six ponies, all smiling at him. The colors of their coats manifested into a rainbow glow in his eyes. The page finally found the courage to speak up as he stood out from behind the pillar, “I was terrified to tell because…because Tarlokk is a bloodbender!” he pointed accusingly at the shocked councilmen, "He bloodbent Avatar Korra!"

They all gasped in horror as all eyes fell on Tarlokk! Pinkie Pie cried out, “A bloodbender?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Wait, what's a bloodbender?”

They all got into a fighting position ready to take down the former councilmen. “Don't make this worse for yourself." Tenzin said fiercely, "Tell us where you have Korra.”

Twilight and Rarity had their horns glowing and the ponies stomped their hooves ready to fight. Tarlokk's eyes bulged as both Tenzin and Lin bended at him, but they soon realized that they no longer had any control over their bodies. Tarlokk had them completely under his control. Everyone in the room cried out in pain as Tarlokk bloodbended them to their knees. The ponies had never felt such a horrible and terrifying sensation in their entire lives. He continued this until one by one, they all fell. The humans and ponies were now laying on the floor, motionless and out cold. Tarlokk backed away and quickly fled the scene.

While they were all down the ponies began seeing images take form in their minds, the same visions Korra had been having. They saw it all; the court, Yakone, Aang, Toph, Sokka, bloodbending. Then they all suddenly felt a strange sensation within them, what was once blocking their ability to know where Korra was was now allowing them to see and feel exactly where she was. They felt Korra's avatar spirit and then they all woke up with a gasp. The humans were all still down. Twilight turned to the other ponies who where were all waking up.

“Did you guys---“

“Yeah” Applejack replied.

“We did” Rarity added.

Pinkie Pie said happily, “We know where she is!”

Twilight gave them all a determined look, “…I'll go and bring her back.”

Rainbow Dash stood up, “I'm coming with you--ow!” the pegasus pony kneeled down when she saw that her wing had been slightly bended when Tarlokk bloodbended them.

“Rainbow Dash, your wing!” Twilight said with concern.

“It's just a slight sprain, I'll be okay." said the wounded pegasus, she grunted as she tried to flap them but to no avail, "Dang it! I don't think I'll be able to fly out in that snow.” she said dejectedly. She hated feeling helpless.

“My alicorn wings have enough strength for me to pass through the strong winds.”

“We'll stay here and fill the others in." said Applejack, "Be careful Twilight.”

“I will. Once I bring Korra back I'll have her look at your wing Rainbow Dash.”

“Just bring her back safe.” Rainbow said. "Spike too."

Just as Twilight prepared to leave, Rarity stopped her, “Hold on, darling”, she levitated Mako's scarf from his neck and wrapped it around Twilight's neck. She smiled and then flew out the door, heading toward the mountains. The ponies winced when they heard a loud slap behind them. Lin had slapped Tenzin awake.

"Wake up!"

The airbender was fully conscious, Mako helped Asami up as Bolin woke up and moved around. “Ughh! Man! I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil bloodbender. So weird”

“Bolin, that really happened. He knocked us out.” Asami told him.

“Are you serious? Where is he? Is he here right now?”

“Tarlokk is long gone." said Saikhan, "I'll alert the whole force.” He left to do just that and the other council members left as well. Applejack inspected the humans for any serious injuries.

“Ya'll okay?”

“Yeah, we're fine” Lin assured. Asami then noticed something was different about her boyfriend, “Mako, your scarf”

“What?” He realized he no longer had it around his neck. He started looking around the room, “Where is it? Wait, where's Twilight?”

“Don't worry, we know where Korra is now." said Fluttershy, "Twilight went to go and find her.”

Asami smiled at this news, “Really?”

“What did she say?” Mako asked.

“She said they know where Korra is. Twilight's gone to find her.”

Mako was ecstatic to hear this, “Really? That's great!”

They then heard Rainbow Dash wince in pain. “Rainbow Dash!” Bolin exclaimed with worry.

“What happened?” Tenzin asked. Rainbow Dash winced as she tried to move her injured wing a bit.

“When Tarlokk bloodbended us, he sprained my wing. I can't fly.”

Tenzin kneeled down and examined the injury, “Nothing serious, thank goodness, but you still need some medical attention.”, he gently carried the pony in his arms as he stood back up, “We'll take you back to the island so you can get better.”

“What about Korra?” Mako asked. Rainbow said something to Tenzin, which to Mako were 'neigh' sounds.

“She says Korra is somewhere in the mountains. Twilight Sparkle's alicorn wings give her enough strength to fly through the thick snow.”

“Maybe we can still catch up with her." Lin suggested, "How long have we been out?”

Pinkie Pie took out an hourglass watch which was now mysteriously on her wrist, “Hmmmmm….two hours.”

“What!?” Tenzin exclaimed.

“How long?” Mako asked.

“Two hours.” said Bolin.

The council page then walked out groaning while rubbing his head. Fluttershy rushed to him, “Oh, dear are you okay?”

“Yes, I'm fine." he said, "I want to apologize for not telling the truth sooner.”

Fluttershy just smiled sweetly at him, “It's okay.”

“Did--did you really mean what you said before?”

“Of course I did. A good friend once told me that just because somebody looks un-intimidating on the outside, doesn't mean they can't rise to the occasion. You stood up to Tarlokk and showed you too have a warrior in you.”

The page smiled at her kind words, “You really think so?”

“I do” said the pegasus, “And I hope that from this day forward, you will have more confidence in yourself.”

“Oh, I will. Thank you…little friend.”


Tenzin smiled proudly, “Well done, Fluttershy.”

Asami agreed, “Korra would be proud.”

The pegasus blushed. Everybody smiled as the pegasus hugged the page, except Mako who looked down to the floor in sadness. He still couldn't understand what she was saying. “Oooookay, if we're all done here, let's go get Korra!” said the firebender.


Meanwhile, Twilight was flying as fast as she could towards the mountains. She shielded her eyes from the cold winds. She promised herself she was going to find Korra, no matter what. Then, she spotted something down below.


The alicorn swooped down and the polar bear dog happily greeted her. "It's great to see you too. Come on, I know where Korra is."


Spike had already fallen asleep and was resting his head on Korra's legs. She continued having her visions.


Aang was still being bloodbended by Yakone, who was grinning in relish at his own power. He laughed as he forced Toph to grab a ring of keys from her deputy's belt and floated over to him. He forced the blind earthbender to unlock his cuffs, which bounced to the ground. He flexed his wrists and rose his hands to bloodbend everyone unconscious. He turned to see that Aang was still fully awake and levitated him high into the air. Anag struggled in his grip as Yakon bloodbended his arm behind his back.

"Yakone. You won't get away with this!"

The bloodbender laughed wickedly, "Republic City's mine, Avatar. I'll be back one day to claim it."

Yakone bloodbended the Avatar into the steps of the dais, knocking him out, before running outside. He leaped into a cart pulled by an ostrich horse and dashed off. Aang regained consciousness as his eyes and tattoos glowed briefly. He blasted out of City Hall on a large air scooter and quickly caught Yakone, who looked up in anger. Aang sent a blade of wind at the ostrich horse's harness from the cart, which flipped onto it's side and slid to a halt. Aang coasted in front of the cart and waited for Yakone to appear, if he were still in tact. To his surprise, Yakone bursted out of the side of the door and bloodbended Aang to the ground.

"This time I'm gonna put you to sleep for good!" Yakone cried out evilly. Aang groaned in pain as Yakone levitated him into mid air and began contorting his body to painful and near dearth positions. Suddenly, Aang's eyes and tattoos glowed once again and Yakone's bloodbending no longer had any affect on him. He earthbended a cone of rock around Yakone's body, immobilizing him completely. The Avatar placed his thumbs on Yakone's forehead and chest as he struggled.

"I'm taking away your bending, for good." Aang said in such a powerful voice, it sounded like various voices speaking at once. His eyes glowed as did his tattoos as he energybended Yakone to remove his waterbending. Once Aang's eyes and tattoos stopped glowing, he stepped back and Yakone slumped down.

Aang took in a deep breath before saying,"It's over."

But then, suddenly, a new vision emerged, one Korra did not expect to see. It was Aang and a slowly aging Katara, lying on his deathbed. Tears rolled down his eyes as he breathed his final breath. The breath itself lifted up into the air, taking in some form of shape. The shape of a four legged creature with wings and a horn, it was as if it was flying towards her, surrounding her with an incredible feeling of peace and reassurance. But before Korra could see anymore she woke up.


Korra's eyes open and she gasped. Spike woke up from his deep sleep, rubbing his eyes, “Wha--hu? What happened? Are you done? What did Aang say?”

Korra rubbed her eyes, “Aang…this whole time…he was trying to warn me about Tarlokk.”

“Seriously? You've been out like a light for hours and that's all you got?! No offense, but your previous life had WAY bad timing.”

“Actually, I think this information was more helpful than you think.”

"Did you at least find some way out of this?"

"No, but I think I saw something else."


Korra placed her hand over her forehead, the final memory already becoming foggy. "I…I can't remember."

They both gasped once they heard the door opening and footsteps walking down the stairs. Spike instinctively jumped into Korra's arms as she held him tight and heard the voice of the man who imprisoned them. “My life is a disaster now! Thanks to you.” said the angry councilmen.

Korra smiled smugly from inside the box while still holding on to Spike, “So, your little bloodbending secret's out?” Tarlokk groaned angrily at this, not wanting to listen to what Korra was saying, “And I know how you bloodbend me without a full moon. You're Yakone's son!”

“Burn!" Spike exclaimed before asking, "Wait, who's Yakone?”

“I was his son. But in order to win Republic City…I had to become someone else. My father failed because he tried to rule the city through its rotten underbelly. My plan was perfect. I was to be the city's savior, but you…you ruined everything! You and your pathetic little monsters!”

“Man, this guy needs some serious therapy.” said Spike.

“Tarlokk, the jig is up and you have nowhere to go.” Korra tells him. But Tarlokk had other plans.

“Oh, no. No I'll escape and start a new life. And you're coming as my hostage.”

Korra started pounding on the door again, “You'll never get away with this!”

Tarlokk ignored her as he walked up the stairs. He stopped once he saw he wasn't alone, more people were in the cabin. All wearing equalist clothing and once man wearing a mask before him.


Korra gasped while Spike hugged her tightly once they heard the name from their prison. They could hear Amon's voice from above them, “It's time for you to be equalized.”

The Lieutenant and other Equalists behind him all took fighting stances. "You fool! You've never faced bending like mine." said Tarlokk. He ban bloodbending the group as other Equalists all crumples and fell to the ground, but to Tarlokk's surprise, Amon seemed unaffected and with only minor struggle, began walking forward to Tarlokk. The waterbender gasped and redoubled his efforts. Amon was halted for a moment, but with every great effort he moved one foot forwards and continued walking normally. Tarlokk began to back away in horror.

"What? What are you?"

"I am the solution." Amon reached out and grabbed Tarlokk's arm, twisting him around until he was standing behind him.

Korra and Spike listened to the noise coming from upstairs, it sounded like Amon and Tarlokk where in the middle of a duel. Spike clung on closely to his friend, “K-Korra…I'm scared.”

Korra held the little dragon tightly, “It's going to be alright, Spike.”

From above, Amon jabbed his right hand at the base of Tarlokk's neck, who groaned at that, and moved his left hand towards his forehead as Tarlokk watched in horror. Korra held Spike protectively as they heard Tarlokk screaming in anguish, followed by a thud which could only mean one thing…Amon had taken his bending away. The Equalists all groaned and stood up as Amon lifted Tarlokk's limp body onto his shoulders.

“I'll take care of him, you take care of the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Once she's gone…that purple pony will belong to me.”

Korra and Spike gasped in horror! Spike was practically shaking, “He---he wants Twilight?”

Korra shushed him as they heard footsteps approaching. Korra looked up at the metal bars above the box, and then at her arm warmer, “I have an idea. Spike, get on my back.”

The Equalists approached the box, the Lieutenant took out his electric sticks and shocked the box. Korra cried in agony from the inside, when in reality she was hanging from the top bars of the box using her arm warmer, Spike was holding onto her back tightly. Once the lighting disappeared, The Lieutenant opened the box and found Korra laying there unconscious. Secretly, she was awake while Spike hid from view, waiting for the right moment to strike.

“Tie her up.”

Spike jumped out and breathed a huge blast of green fire at the equalists. He hopped onto Korra's back as she emerged from the flames and used her earthbending to shake the ground, knocking down the rest of the equalists and ran out the door.

While Amon loading an unconscious Tarlokk into a truck, Korra bursted out of the house….and saw Amon. The two locked eyes for a brief moment before Korra's instinct kicked in; she bended the snow around her into spears of ice and hurled them at Amon, who dodged them. Seeing her chance, Korra quickly ran away and jumped off a steep slope down the mountain. Amon ran toward the slope and saw that the avatar was now gone. The Equalists ran up to him.

“I thought I told you not to underestimate her.”

Korra used waterbending to snowboard down the mountain, with Spike holding on to her back, his arms wrapped around her neck. “That was close.” he said.

As they slid down, Korra tripped over a tree root, causing her to lose her balance and Spike accidentally let go of her. Korra slid across the snow and hit a tree as Spike landed on the snow. Spike popped his head and shook the snow off and ran towards Korra.

"Korra! Korra, wake up!" the dragon tried to shake his friend awake, but it was no use, "Korra, come on, please! Help! Somebody!…anybody." Spike began to cry, he and Korra were lost and alone in the snow.


The dragon's ears perked up and he saw two shapes approaching them. He squinted his eyes as the figures got closer. Once they did, he immediately recognized them.

"Twilight! Naga!"

Spike quickly ran towards the alicorn, and they both embraced, "It's okay, Spike. I was so worried." the alicorn gasped when she spotted Korra laying in the snow. Twilight quickly rushed to her side.

"She took a pretty nasty fall." said Spike.

Twilight laid next to Korra and gently placed her horn on her forehead, which then gave out a brief glow. Slowly, Korra began to stir and opened her eyes, which briefly shimmered with dim rainbow colors.


The princess cried tears of joy and relief and Spike gasped happily before running towards Korra and hugging her. "You're okay!"

"You found us?"

"Well, Naga helped out." said Twilight.

The polar bear dog approached her owner and licked her face. "Naga. You came looking for me too. Good girl." Korra stroked Twilight's face, “This whole time I was trying to save you…but you ended up saving me.”

Twilight removed the red scarf around her neck and wrapped it around Korra. “Come on, let's get you home.”

The three of them rode on Naga back to Republic City, with Korra lying slumped across Naga's back, Spike held onto the reigns while Twilight stayed by Korra.


The others were flying over the city on Oogie, making their way to the mountains. It was already nightfall. “We're almost to the mountains.” said Tenzin.

“Finally!" Rainbow exclaimed, "Bisons don't fly all that quickly do they?”

Then they all heard a familiar howling. Mako recognized it instantly, “That sounds like Naga! Down there!” the firebender pointed to an arena down bellow and Tenzin stirred the bison to land. Korra groaned on Naga's back when she saw her friends approach her, Spike and Twilight

The ponies all jumped off the bison and rushed to their friends, “Korra! Twilight! Spike!”

“Oh we were so worried! Are you all alright?” Rarity asked.

“We're fine." said Twilight, "But Korra's exhausted.”

“We missed ya so much, sugarcane.” said Applejack.

Korra gave them all a weak smile, “I missed you guys too.”

Tenzin rushed to his student, “Korra! Oh, thank goodness.”

“Where's Talrokk? How did you get away?” Lin asked.

Mako shoved them away as he approached the Avatar. “Give her some space!” The ponies and Spike watched with awe as the firebender carried Korra bridal style towards Oogie. Asami watched them with a pained expression as her boyfriend carried the Avatar as if her feared she would be gone if he let her go.

“I was so worried. Are you alright?”

Despite her scars and bruises, Korra still managed to smile at her friend, “I'm fine…I'm glad you're here.” Korra leaned her head against his chest making him smile in relief. Mako gently lowered her down onto Oogie's saddle and stroked her face, removing stray strands of hair. Having her here was a huge relief in his heart.

“You're safe now.”

Korra closed her eyes and breathed peacefully, taking in the warmth of his touch. She felt safe. Twilight landed beside her and nuzzled her face. Twilight removed Mako's scarf from Korra's neck with her mouth and handed it to him. However, once he took the scarf he placed it back on Korra.

“She needs it more.” he said. The other ponies and Spike jumped onto the saddle and sat next to them. It was a wild day, but at least Korra was now safe and sound.


Author's Note:

Well, now you know that Korra and the ponies are closer than they appear. Only three episodes left.