• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 21,601 Views, 111 Comments

The Little Pony Legend. - MaggiesHeartLove

Twilight Sparkle and her friends travel to a whole new world unlike anything they had ever seen and meet a surprising new friend....Avatar Korra!

  • ...

Turning the Tides


Romans 12:9 ~

Don't pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.


Turning the Tides

Everybody was safe and sound at Air Temple Island. Korra got her medical attention and Rainbow Dash's wing was already starting to heal, but she still couldn't fly so much.

Outside, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were gathering flowers for Korra to make her feel better. They passed by Naga and Pabu who were both curled up in a courtyard, napping. Once they were done the two ponies walked towards Korra's room, only to find Asami standing by the doorway with a sad expression. The heiress was looking into the room where the Avatar was sleeping, but she was not alone.

Beside her bedside, on a small chair, was non other than the firebender Mako himself. He never took his eyes off of her, not even more a moment. The Avatar was sound asleep on her bed, her hair was all undone, and the rest of the ponies were on her bed asleep with her. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were on both corner sides of the bed while Fluttershy was sleeping with Korra's arm wrapped around her. Twilight was on Korra's side sound asleep. Spike was next to Twilight.

Asami's heart began to ache as she watched her boyfriend place his hand over Korra's. She had never seen him this way. He was so protective towards her, like if anything had happened to her he would have fallen into a deep sea of depression with no way out. A part of her was relieved the Avatar was safe, and Mako could be at peace, but that did not make this situation any easier.

She was taken by surprise when a lovely flower was levitated in front of her face. She noticed the two ponies smiling kindly at her. The heiress smiled and graciously took the gift before walking away. Rarity and Pinkie Pie entered Korra's room, where the Avatar slept and noticed Mako's hand over Korra's.

He had been so worried about her before, and now even though she was alive and slowly getting better, he still felt awful for not being there enough for her. But thankfully, Fate had mercy on her. She no longer had her scars, it was almost as if they had faded by magic. Her face did not look bruised or injured, neither did the rest of her body. She was tired, yes, but alive and well, and that was a big relief for Mako. He was caught off guard when Rarity levitated the bouquet of flowers, placing it on his lap. The firebender looked at her confused. Then Korra began to stir and wake up. This slowly woke up Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike. Mako quickly removed the hand he had over Korra's. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat upright.

“Mako? What are you doing here?”

Mako was obviously blushing as he tried to come up with a cover story. Aside from watching her sleep, that sounded creepy enough in his mind.

“I--I uh…I came to make sure you were all right.”

“That was really sweet of you.” she said as she cuddled Fluttershy closer to her. “What's that?” she pointed to the bouquet of flowers on Mako's lap. He looked at Rarity who winked.

“Oh, these? They're, uh just something I thought you'd like.”

Korra sat on the side of the bed, Rainbow and Applejack woke up and saw her smelling the flowers. “They're beautiful, and all of my favorites too. Fire lilies, violets, daisies…a white rose? How did you find this one? They don't normally grow here on the island.”

“I…may have had some help with that one.” Mako said, somewhat shyly.

“Well, this was really thoughtful. Thanks.”

“No problem." he stood up from his chair, "I'm going to let the others know you're up. I'll have Pema make you breakfast.”

“Applejack can help with that.” said Korra as the orange pony jumped from the bed and joined Mako.

“I'll be back. Get some rest” Mako said sweetly before walking out with Applejack behind him. Once they were gone, Korra arched an eyebrow at Rarity.

“What?” the unicorn asked innocently.

“Come on Rarity, this has your work written all over it.”

Rarity blushed and chuckled, “What makes you say that?”

Korra rolled her eyes while smiling, “You know all of my favorite flowers and…the pink sparkly ribbon.”

Indeed, the bouquet was tied together by a lovely sparkly pink ribbon which could only have come from Rarity herself. Korra then gently petted her head, “But that was very generous of you. Thanks.”

The unicorn smiled.


Tenzin entered his room, where he saw his wife and children all sleeping together in one bed. He sat next to the side of the bed and placed his hand on Pema's stomach, as both she and Jinora opened their eyes.

"Daddy, you're home. We waited up for you." Jinora said, "Is Korra okay?"

"She's fine sweetie." her father picked up Ikki and she woke up and embraced him.

"I was scared. I thought she wasn't coming back."

"I'm sorry you were scared, but everything is going to be fine now. I promise."


Everybody gathered at the dining hall, minus Applejack, as they watched Korra practically gorged down Pema's food. Twilight giggled at how fast the Avatar was eating, “Korra, slow down. The food's not going anywhere.”

Korra spoke with her mouth full, “Sorry, but I haven't eaten in twenty four hours.” she swallowed the rest of her food before talking again, “In case you forgot, I was trapped inside a box.”

Spike also spoke with his mouth full, “How can I forget? I was there.”

As Korra continued to eat Rarity arched an eyebrow, “Her table manners are far from perfect…" then she smiled, "I'm so happy to have her back!”

“The food tastes amazing Pema." Korra said, "I'm starting to feel like myself again.”

“We're so thankful you're home safe.” Pema replied, just before Applejack walked into the room with a hot apple pie balanced on her head.

"Make way, folks. Fresh apple pie coming through!"

Twilight levitated the pastry onto the table and cut everyone a slice. “You made apple pie?” Korra asked, being wonderfully surprised to see her friend had made apple pie.

“Well Pema did most of the work actually.” said Applejack.

“Pema, you made this?” Korra asked the woman with a smile.

“I just followed Applejack's instructions. It took a little while to get it, but it turned out pretty good.”

“Dig in everyone.” said the country pony. Everyone took a bite of the sugary pastry and they all smiled and hummed in satisfaction.

“Mmm. This is amazing!" Bolin said with his mouth full. He swallowed the piece of pie before speaking again, "Aj you have got to give me the recipe”

Mako took a forkful of the pie, he swallowed before speaking, “Wow, I've never tasted anything like this."

“Delicious. And sweet too” said Asami.

“Happy to be of service.” said Applejack as she lowered her hat. Korra was especially happy to be eating Applejack’s famous apple pies. After everything she had been through she deserved it. Pema stood up and began taking some of the empty plates from the table.

“Let me help” Asami said as she assisted the pregnant woman.

But as nice as it was to have their beloved Avatar back, Tenzin knew that this was not the time to be celebrating. “Korra, I realize you've been through a lot but I need to know everything that happened.” he said. Korra took a brief moment to recollect all that she had discovered from Aang's memories and began telling everyone what had happened.

“Well, first off Tarlokk who he says he is…he's Yakone's son.”

At the very mention of the name, both Lin and Tenzin's eyes widened in shock and Pinkie Pie spit out her drink, equally shocked. “Yakone's son?! Wait, who's Yakone?”

Rainbow hoof palmed her face and groaned.

“Seriously, who is he?” Spike asked, also curious to find out who this person was and why he was of so much importance.

“I remember my father told me about him when I was young." Tenzin said, "He was one of Republic City's most notorious crime lords. He was known for his unusual bloodbending abilities.”

“And what about this bloodbending business?” Rainbow asked.

“I read about it once," said Twilight, "It's a skill only learned by waterbenders. It allows them to control the liquids within a person's body. Aang's wife Katara had it made illegal.”

“So that's how Tarlokk managed to bloodbend us without a full moon.” Lin stated.

“But how did you escape?" Tenzin asked the Avatar, "And where's Tarlokk?”

“Amon captured him…" Korra explained, "and took his bending.”



"Pinkie Pie!" everyone exclaimed.


“Yeah, he just showed up out of nowhere. He almost got me too. But that's not the worse part.”

Fluttershy didn't like the sound of that, “There's more?”

Korra looked over at Twilight, who looked back with worry. Korra swallowed before saying, “Amon wants to capture you too, Twilight.”

Everybody in the room gasped in horror and Pinkie spit out her drink again, “WHAT?!”

The liquid landed right on Mako's face. He wiped away the liquid from his face, looking annoyed. Twilight was completely baffled by this news, what would Amon want with her?

“ME?! W-why would Amon want with me?!”

“No doubt he wants you for your magic." said Korra, "He thinks that by getting rid of me, you will have no owner so you'll have no choice but to obey him.”

Twilight then gave her an annoyed look, “So, basically, to him I'm some kind of pet?”

“But Korra, how did you figure all of that out?” Fluttershy asked.

“While I was locked up I somehow connected with Aang's memories.”

Twilight then remembered how she and the girls couldn't detect Korra before, "Wait, before I found you I saw a vision of Aang too. It felt like…he was leading me to you.”

Both Korra and Twilight's eyes widened in realization, "Wow."

“This very disturbing news." Tenzin said, "Amon is becoming more bold, taking down an councilmen almost capturing the Avatar. I fear Amon is entering his endgame.”

Everyone looked at one another, sharing looks of worry, concern, anger and even fear. They knew Amon was dangerous before, but now…no one would be safe for long. They couldn't afford to keep their guard down. Not anymore.


Pema and Asami were washing the dishes in the kitchen, when Pema suddenly doubled over and cried out in pain. "Pema, are you alright?" Asami asked with concur as she grabbed the woman's shoulder.

"The baby is…just kicking, really hard, is all. I'm fine."

"Should I get Tenzin?"

"No reason to worry him, it's nothing."

Just then, Mako walked into the kitchen carrying the teapot, "Can I get some hot water? Korra needs more tea."

But the heiress simply glared at him and continued to wash the dish she was holding in her hand, "You're a firebender. Boil it yourself."

Mako looked at her in confusion, wondering why she suddenly snapped at him. Pema smiled brightly as she said, "I'm--gonna step out in case you two want to talk" she grimaced as she left the kitchen, leaving the young couple alone.

"Is there something we need to talk about?" Mako asked in confusion and Asami finally amped up the guts to look him in the eyes. But by the way she was looking at him, he was beginning to wish she had kept them lock on the plate.

"I've noticed how you treat Korra. How you acted when she was missing." she dropped the dish and washcloth into the sink as she turned to face him, "You have feelings for her, don't you?"

Mako was completely caught off guard by this, "What? No!" he briefly turned away as he said 'no' before facing her again, "She was taken by a crazy bloodbender! How did you expect me to act?"

"Don't get me wrong, I like Korra and I'm grateful for her generosity, but you've been keeping the truth from me this whole time. You both have."

"The truth? About what?"

Asami was seriously getting more and more irritated with Mako's denseness, "You're seriously going to make me say it?"

"Yes! Because I don't know what you're talking about!"

"The kiss, Mako. I know."

Time seemed to have slowed down, Mako was frozen in place. She knew the truth. She had known and he was an idiot to keep it a secret. "I---Well--I" he turned his head away from her before sighing angrily, "Bolin told you, didn't he?!"

"Don't blame your brother for what you did." she said just as angrily as Mako, "Do you have feelings for Korra or not? And what is with that petal?"

"Petal? What petal?"

"The one you keep in your pocket. Did Korra give it to you?" she asked, still maintaining her angry expression.

"No! Twilight did."

"Then why is it so important? You carry it around like it means something."

"I don't know, okay!?"

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?"

"Look, things are crazy right now. Can we deal with our relationship problems later?" he asked as he placed his hand on hers. But the heiress quickly yanked it away.

"Well there might not be any relationship to worry about latter." she said coldly as she marched out of the kitchen.

"Asami!" Mako groaned in frustration as she left. Once she was gone, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the petal. His fist somewhat clenched as he prepared to crumple it. It brought him nothing but trouble. But before he could destroy it, he stopped. He noticed that in time, the red petal began to shape into somewhat of a heart formation. The sight was too lovely for him to destroy and so he placed it back into his pocket. He got himself into this mess, now it was he who needed to get himself out of it.


Tenzin was walking through the courtyard when Korra came up to him. "Tenzin, can I talk to you?"

"Of course. Are you still feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I just…wanted to tell you something else about the vision I had."

"What is it?"

"When I was in that box, I tried to meditate like you said, but when I did I couldn't master it. So, I started thinking about my friends and then I just… talked to Aang. I asked for his help and actually he listened. Has that ever happened?"

Tenzin was, in all honestly, baffled by this. He had been learning meditation his whole life, but he never heard of a method such as this. Just outright asking a past life for help like that was unheard of in his opinion.

"I…I don't know. Maybe, you just meditate differently." he placed his hand upon her shoulder, "But whatever happened, I'm just happy you're alright."

Korra smiled, feeling more at ease now that she had told him. She then sensed another presence and turned to see it was Lin. "You wanted to talk to me?" she asked the airbender.

"I better go and check up on Rainbow Dash." Korra politely excused herself, leaving the two former lovers to speak to one another.

"Lin, um I, I--I need to ask you a favor." he said, this was a pretty awkward thing for him to ask of his long time friend/ex-girlfriend, "It would mean the world to me…but I--I know it could be a--a potentially awkward situation; furthermore--"

"Spit it out already!" she exclaimed impatiently.

"Will you stay and watch over Pema and the children while I meet with the council? With everything that has happened lately, I want to be sure my family is in safe hands."

Lin smiled kindly as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Of course I'll help, old friend."

"I didn't realize you two were out here." Both Lin and Tenzin saw Pema walk out while holding Meelo. Her voice sounded a bit suspicious.

"Pema! Ye--yes--yes, Lin has agreed to help out around here and keep an eye on things while I'm away."

"Thank you! I could use the extra pair of hands." she said before giving Meelo to Lin, who was very reluctant to do so, "Would you mind giving him a bath? He's filthy." she walked back inside while Meelo stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberry at Lin.

"This is not what I signed on for!" she yelled to Tenzin angrily while holding Meelo away from herself.

"Thank you, Lin!" Tenzin shouted as he mounted Oogie and flew off. Lin turned her head back to Meelo, who was now picking his nose.

"I gotta poo! Really bad!"

Lin quickly metalbended a cable around his waist to avoid touching the soiled child. She made a disgusted face and hurriedly carried him away.


Later in the courtyard, Korra was done healing Rainbow's wings with a bucket of water. “Give it a try R.D”

The Pegasus flapped her wing and started to fly up into the sky. It wasn't long until she began doing back flips and twirled in mid air. “Alright!” She did a few air flips before landing on the ground. “Korra, you are the healing master!”

“You're welcome.”

“Korra?” The girls turned around to see the alicorn princess walking towards them. “Can I talk to you for a moment…alone?” she asked the Avatar.

Rainbow Dash nodded in reassurance, “Go ahead. I think I have an idea on what this is about. Let me know if you guys need anything.”

“No problem.” said Korra.

Rainbow flew off to join the others, leaving Korra and Twilight alone to talk. Korra could see right through Twilight's face, “It's about Amon, isn't it?”

Twilight didn't answer, instead she ran over and cried into Korra's arms. “I'm so scared! Not just about Amon wanting to take me, but that he's actually willing to take you down to do it!”

The alicorn continued to sob as Korra stroked her mane, “It's okay, it's gonna be alright” she said.

“But what if it's not? If anything happens to you it will be because of me. I…I just couldn't bare to live with myself if that ever happened! I just can't!”

Korra lifted up Twilight's face to look at her, “Twilight, nobody is going to take you away. And I am not going anywhere. Amon's been planning on destroying me long before he even knew about you. It's not your fault.” She wiped the alicon's tears away with her thumb. “Look, I know you're scared, I am too. But we can't let that keep us from doing what we need to do. I'll always be there for you…always."

The two girls embraced in a warm loving hug. Twilight smiled determinedly as she and Korra released, "You're right. We'll stop Amon together.”

Korra smiled proudly, “That's my girl”

They both looked at the city from the horizon, to them it looked grayer and more depressing that it ever did. “I never thought Republic City would look so different than when I first came here.” said Twilight as she looked at the gray city.

(Song is a parody of "Strange new world" from Equestria girls)


I've never seen a place, that's quite like this

Everything is turned around

My whole world is upside-down

Korra and Twilight walked across the courtyard, Korra jumped onto the railing of a catwalk and started to tumble. Twilight used her magic to get Korra back on balance.


Getting on my feet, trying not to fall

Doubts, need to let them go

Gotta use all that we know

They continued to walk around the courtyard, when Asami passed by them, not even looking their way. Latter, they spotted Mako sitting by himself near the entrance to the temple. Korra and Twilight both shared confused looks as to why the couple wasn't together.


I don't hear any laughs, or see any smiles

Everything's either pale or gray

I hope this cloud doesn't stay


Everything's confusing

When all we see is fear

But we look a little closer

And I see there's still hope, my dear

They see Pinkie making the airbending kids laugh along with Spike, making the two girls smile with much hope.

Korra and Twilight;

What a strange new world

(what a strange new world)


We're trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world

(what a strange new world)


Sorting through the ups and downs

Korra and Twilight;

Of this strange new world

(what a strange new world)

What a strange new world


In Republic City, The Fire Nation representative of the Council was pacing around the room while her husband was absorbed in a newspaper.

"Do you know where my keys are? I can't find them anywhere!"

"No, dear" her husband said while still reading the paper, completely stoic.

"Oh, found them!" she pulled the keys from her purse.

"Good, dear." still uninterested.

"Don't wait up for me; this council session will probably go late into the night."

Just then, she heard a knock at the door and rushed to answer it. "The door, dear." said her husband, still uninterested.

The councilwoman opened the door to find two men in exterminator uniforms in front of her doorstep. One of them has a very familiar musquash and smiled slyly. "We're here to fix the spider-rat problem." he said while holding up a spray hose and poison can.

"I didn't call an exterminator."

Before she could react, the councilwoman was electrocuted with the spray hose and collapsed to the ground.



Tenzin landed onto the roof of City Hall on Oogi. He dismounted and walked around the dome, where several workers were cleaning the glass. They nodded at each other as Tenzin passed by. He walked a few steps further, but paused as he heard a fizz of electricity. He ducked in surprise as an electrified disk spiraled over his head and spun around in mid air as another barely missed him. He landed on his feet as the workers dropped to the ground and seized his wrists with bolas. The workers were really Equalists!

Tenzin dodged their attacks and airbended himself high into the air with an air spout. The Equalists who were still standing on the ground flung backwards against the concrete wall by a gust of wind. She slumped down against it. Tenzin now rose his air spout and the two Equalists held onto their bolas for dear life as they were spun around by Tenzin's powerful wind. Unable to hold on any longer, they released their grip and were flung onto an nearby rooftop. Tenzin landed back safely on the ground as the door opened and the Council Page came running towards him. He screamed while covering his face as the wind died down and lowered his arms.

"Ah, I'm so relieved to see you!"

"The other council members. Are you alright?" Tenzin asked.

"I'm afraid not! I just received a call from Chief Saikhan. They've all been captured!"

Tenzin's eyes widened with fear, "This can't be happening."

"The leadership of Republic City is in your hands now." the page held his hands out towards Tenzin as he stepped a few feet back. Tenzin and the page heard a sound nearby explosions and ran to the edge of the roof to see bombs falling onto the city from the airships. The page grabbed his head and wailed.

"It is a tragic day indeed!"


Korra was in her room with the ponies and Spike, and they had on their "fighting" outfits, while Korra was styling Fluttershy's mane and tail into braids. Rarity had her mane in a low ponytail, Rainbow Dash was stretching her wings to be sure they were fine and Spike was doing some sit-ups.


“Careful Spike, don't strain yourself.” Korra said jokingly, but the dragon didn't stop.

“Hey, I've got a score to settle with Amon, I gotta be ready for anything. Sixteen…seventeen…”

Mako was on the other side with his ear pressed up against the door, listening to Korra laughing. Every time he heard it it filled his heart up with so much joy. He took a deep breath before knocking. He could hear her voice from the other side.

“Who is it?”

“It's me.” he responded.

“Come right in, we're decent.”

Mako walked in and saw Korra already done with Fluttershy's braids. “Looking good, Fluttershy” he gave her a thumbs up, making the pegasus blush.

“So what's up?” Korra asked casually. Despite all of the drama happening around them, she still looked as cheerful and vivacious, and pretty, as ever.

“Nothing, I just wanted to know if you were okay.” he tried to sound as casually as he could. But he wasn't fooling the ponies, there was a rather obvious tint of nervousness in his voice.

“I'm better, thanks." her happy expression then changed into a frown, "Physically at least. Emotionally…not so much.”

Mako could tell what she meant by that, “You're worried about Twilight, aren't you?”

“Well duh!” Korra said a she got off of her bed and looked at her human companion. “Mako, I can take Amon wanting to get rid of me but…If anything happened to Twilight or the others, I would never be able to forgive myself. You have no idea how much they mean to me.”

“Actually, I do." this caught Korra's attention as he continued, "I've seen the way you care for them, and how they care about you. To be honest…they mean a lot to me too.”


“Really?!” the ponies all asked happily.

“Really. They're my friends too even if I can't understand what they're saying.” he placed his hand on Korra's shoulder, “And I won't let anything happen to them….or you.”

Korra smiled at Mako. She had come to realize from a long while that there certainly was more to Mako than his broody 'bad-boy' exterior. Deep down inside, there was a genuine heart. A heart she couldn't help but adore. Then, to Mako's surprise, she leaned in and kissed his cheek. The Avatar blushed while Mako caressed the area where she had just placed her lips.

“Thank you” she said, her voice sounding grateful and sweet.

The ponies swooned at the scene, and surprisingly even Spike did too. Mako felt his cheeks burn and he smiled, accidentally letting out a happy yet nervous laugh, that was so unlike him. He quickly cleared his throat and leaned against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets, trying to look casual.

"Um, ye--yeah, sure, uh, no problem."

But then, Korra slightly backed away, “Just to be clear, that was a friendly kiss on the cheek, so Asami doesn't have to worry about anything. Alright?”

Mako's smile faded, “Oh, right. Right, of course” his tone sounded somewhat disappointed. But he knew he couldn't keep this charade on any longer. He had to at least be honest not just with the girls…but with himself. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak.

"Korra, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" she asked with concern. Her friend looked troubled. She was very surprised when Mako took her hand into his. Her cheeks flushed red and her heart started to race. Just what was he trying to tell her?

The ponies and dragon were anxious with anticipation as the firebender spoke, "The truth is… Korra, I--"

He was interrupted when the two teens heard what sounded like explosions coming from outside the window. Pinkie Pie jumped from the bed in shock. “What was that?!” she asked, poking her head up.

Korra, instinctively, was the first one out the door, “Let's go check it out!”

They all followed her while Rarity levitated Korra's parka before following. Mako was so disappointed he didn't get a chance to tell her the truth, but he had to push it aside for the moment. This was too important to ignore.


Lin was standing in the courtyard with Tenzin's children and the White Lotus sentries as they saw the Equalist airships fly overhead. "Alright, kids, time to go inside." the children obeyed her and rushed inside the house, just as Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami, Spike and the Mane Six rush out to see what was happening.

“We heard explosions, what's going on?” asked the Avatar, now wearing her parka, as she ran to Lin and the children.

“Republic City is under attack.”

The team shared the same horrified expressions. They knew Amon was becoming bolder, but this was not what they had expected, especially now. It was a living nightmare.

“Wait, Tenzin's still out there!” Applejack realized.

“We have to go find him!" Korra said determinedly, "Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Spike you all stay here and help Lin protect the island.”

Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and Spike saluted her, “Yes mam'!”

“Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, you guys are coming with us.” she ordered.

“What about me?” Twilight asked.

Korra looked at Twilight's face, “You're absolutely sure you want to do this, hu?”

Twilight looked at her friend with the same determination, “….Yes. I understand you don't want anything to happen to me or any of us, but I am not going to stay hidden away because we're scared. Besides...I am not leaving you to fight Amon alone.”

Korra sighed, she's wasn't sure about this but she felt the alicorn's determination burning with the same amount of passion as her own. She finally caved, “Alright! You can come.”

Twilight cheered, “YES!”

“When did you get so stubborn, anyway?”

“I've been hanging out with you, haven't I?”

Both the Avatar and alicorn exchanged smiles.


Not long, they arrived at the docks. The ponies all jumped off the ferry along with the teens. “Where did you say you parked the car?” Asami asked Korra.

“It's right around here somewhere. There it is!”

They followed the Avatar to where she had parked Asami's satomobile. It had hit a lamppost, causing it to dent and was practically over the sidewalk. The ponies winced at the sight, “Ohhh.”

“Wow, nice parking job” Asami said sarcastically.

“Hey, you guys got arrest and left us alone with the car. I made it very clear: I don't know how to drive.”

“All things considered you did a great job." said Bolin. He then removed the parking tickets from the windshield, "But how are we gonna pay for all these parking tickets?”

Mako grabbed the tickets out of Bolin's hand and crumpled them up in his hands before burning them with his flames. Bolin gasped in horror at his brother's recklessness. Does he not know he could get in trouble for this?

“Relax, the city is under attack." said Mako, "The police have more important things to worry about.”

“The boy makes a good point.” Twilight said.

Asami took her electric glove from the trunk of the car and placed it over her right hand, “This should come in handy.” Once everyone was seated in the car, Mako opened the door to sit next to Asami in the front, but the heiress stopped him with a glare. “Why don't you sit in the back? With Korra.” she bitterly suggested.

Mako just glared at her with a similar look. She had good reason to be angry but did she really need to be this way now when lives were on the line? He tried to be civil but it was clear she still didn't want to be.

“I think I will.” he replied.

Upon this, Korra and the ponies looked at each other in confusion. “What's up with them?” Rainbow asked. Mako took his seat next to Korra, wearing an angry expression, while Bolin sat in the front with Asami.

“Everything alright?” Korra asked with concern. The two of them have been acting strange lately.

"Yeah, everything's terrific.” he said bitterly/sarcastically.

Asami backed away the car a bit too quickly and they almost hit another passing car.

Bolin cried out, “Car! Oh, we're good.”

They drove really fast, making the ponies' manes flap in the wind. “I get the feeling Asami might be angry with Mako” said Fluttershy

Twilight and Rainbow narrowed their eyes as they said in union, “Ya think?!”


"Chief! Air unit seven was just taken out by an Equalist airship. They crashed into the harbor." said one the male telegraph operators. Saikhan was in the control room inside of Police Headquarters receiving news on the Equalists attack on the city.

"Send a river rescue unit." the chief commanded.

"Chief, all the river rescue ships have been sabotaged!" said a female operator.


The door opened an Tenzin entered the room, "Chief Saikhan."

"Tenzin, am I glad to see you. I was afraid you'd been captured too."

"I'm the only Council member left. What's the status?"

"Amon has launched simultaneous attacks across the boroughs. The police are trying to regain control but we're spread too thin."

Tenzin stroked his beard pensively, "I need to send a wire." he said to the clarks.

"To whom, Councilman?"

"The general of the United Forces."

In the halls of Police Headquarters, people ran in both directions. Smoke poured out of the air vents and people began to cough and fall over. "Councilman, your wire has been sent." said the male operator.

"Chief, the phone lines just went dead!" said the female operator. Both Saikhan and Tenzin glanced at each other as an alarm went off. The power went out, silencing the alarm. Saikhan turned on a flashlight and tossed another one to Tenzin. They both searched the room with their flashlights, then Tenzin noticed smoke coming out of a vent.

"Saikhan, the vents." The chief metalbended the vent shut as the people in the room started coughing. "We need to evacuate immediately." Tenzin said, "Everyone stay close to me." The hallways was filled with smoke, but Tenzin protected them all by creating an air done around him, Saikhan and his workers. They finally reached the outside of Headquarters and Tenzin stopped his airbending. Everyone gasped at what they saw in front of them!

The meca tanks!

The machine held up magnetic arms and attracted the metalbender's police uniforms. Two metalbender officers were captured with these magnets and Tenzin tried to save Saikhan by pulling on him with an air current. However, the magnet was too strong and Saikhan was captured as well.

The three mecha tanks deposited their metalbender officers into a truck and another mecha tanks fired a pincer cable at Tenzin, but he airbended the cables down and captured the attacking monstrous machine. Two more mecas fired at Tenzin, who once again deflected them with airbending. A meca charged towards him and fired a pincer cable, knocking him against the wall of police headquarters. Tenzin used an air wheel to soften his fall. he looked around and saw the truck drive away with the metalbenders and Saikhan. Tenzin felt awful for having let them down. He looked up as he saw a burning police airship falling out of sight from behind a building. He also saw the telegraph operators being captured by Equalists on the City Hall steps. His vision became blurry before completely going black as a mecha tank closed in on him.


Asami drove as rapidly as she could until they reached City Hall…. being attacked by Mecha Tanks. Twilight gasped, “The Mecha Tanks!”

Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof to a truck of equalists taking hostages, “And they've got Tenzin!”

Asami hit the gas pedal and Bolin created a ramp with his earthbending, making the car rise into the air. “JUMP!”

The teens all jumped out of the car while the vehicle flew ahead and hit a mecha tank, knocking it down as it bursts into flames. The ponies flew beside their friends.

“I was kinda starting to like that car.” Rainbow Dash said sadly.

The mecha tanks began to attacking them, one unleashed extension cables at Mako which electrocuted him. The firebender screamed in agony as blue electricity coursed through his body. Twilight's horn glowed as she unleashed a powerful fire blast at the meca tank, forcing it to tumble back and release Mako. The firebender got on his knees as he took in deep breaths. The Mecha tank unleashed another metal cable that hit Twilight right in the gut. The now dazed alicorn began to fall. Thinking fast, Mako rushed up and caught Twilight in his arms right before she made contact with the ground.

“You okay?”

Twilight nodded and neighed a yes to Mako before getting back on her "wings" and flew up zapping the rest of the mecha tanks. With Bolin's ramp, Korra ran up to one of the machines, flipped over it and bended water into its exhaust outlet, the machine couldn't attack and so Bolin used the chance to earthbend from underneath it, knocking it down. Meanwhile, Asami electrocuted the equalists taking Tenzin. She continued to do so with the rest, but two more equalists came from behind her, only to be knocked out by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's fire and airbending. Tenzin began to wake up and Fluttershy rushed to check on him, “Tenzin, you okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Tenzin joined Mako and Bolin in fighting the last meca tank. Twilight bended fire from her hooves onto the machine's exhaust outlet, this gave Tenzin the chance to airbend from beneath the machine, sending it sky high and landing on the building. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew around another mecah tank that kept shooting its extension cords to capture the ponies, but they managed to grab the cords with their mouths and tie them around the machine, giving Korra the chance to knock it down with her waterbending.

From above their airship, Hiroshi watched the scene from a telescope with scorn, “Tenzin has escaped once again. I can't stand to see Asami fighting alongside those…benders! And those annoying pony creatures are causing nothing but trouble just like they are. And what's worse is that now they can bend. Are you sure you want to have them?”

“I only need one." said Amon. "The one with the right amount of power to make mine invincible and accelerate our dream of equality.”

“But that thing is with the Avatar! You said so yourself, it appears to only be loyal to her.”

“For now. As for the others, we will capture them before long and you will have your daughter back.”

The mecha tanks were finally defeated, the machines all laid down broken on the ground. Bolin stood next to the ponies, “I don't know about you guys, but I am loving Pony Power!” he cheered while raising his fists up high.

“Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talking about!” Rainbow happily cried out as she an Bolin fist/hoof pumped. The ponies all hugged Tenzin, happy that he was alright.

“Are you alright?” Korra asked her mentor.

“I'm fine. Thank you kids, another moment later and I would have been on my way to Amon.”

“Uh, guys…look.” Mako pointed to Air Temple island…where they see equalists air ships heading towards it.

Tenzin's eyes filled with horror “Oh, no”

“Maybe now is a little too early for a group hug.” Twilight said.


The Lieutenant hatched open the door of the airship and he and a group of chi-blockers looked down as a metal hook and cable fired from above their heads and attached to the temple's stone steps. The chi blockers used harnesses to slide down the cable to the island. The White Lotus sentries guarding the island charged forward to confront them.

Meanwhile, Lin The ponies and Spike all saw the airship and prepared themselves to fight the equalists. “Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie stay close and get ready.” the former chief commanded.

Applejack took her stance, ready to stomp her hooves to earthbend, Rarity had her own water skin around her waist and bended water using her horn, the water had no aura around it, even though her horn was glowing, and Pinkie Pie had her party cannon at the ready and Spike was pounding his fists together.

“Everyone else hide inside and remain calm.” Lin ordered to Pema and the children. But then, Pema began to scream in pain. “Pull it together, Pema! Didn't I just say 'remain calm'?”

The mother-to-be was leaning over with her hand on her stomach. Ikki looked at her mother with worry, “Mommy, what's wrong?”

“The baby's coming!”

Applejack and Rarity's eyes widened, “What?!”

Pinkie pie jumped happily, “Yay! The baby is coming!”

“This is the worst possible timing!" Rarity exclaimed.

“Oh, so no yay?”

Jinora, “Oh, no!”

Meelo, “Not now baby!”

Two female Air Acolytes quickly rushed to Pema's side and lead her inside. Applejack turned to Spike, “Spike, you go and help Pema.”

“Me? I don't know anything about delivering babies!”

“You don't have to deliver just help her out, get her some water, anything.”

Pema screamed again.

“GO! She always liked you!”

“Okay, okay I'm going!” Spike rushed to Pema's side, “Don't worry Pema, Spike is here to help.”

“Thank you, sweetie”

"Kids, go inside!" Applejack ordered the kids and they all rushed inside. The woman and three ponies stood their ground.


The White Lotus sentries watched as the chi blockers ran up the steps and began bending at them with their respected elements as a cable from a second airship buried itself in the steps immediately below them. More chi-blockers swung down, followed by the Lieutenant. Lin and the girls stood guard in the courtyard as they listened to booted feet running.

“Get ready girls.”

Applejack stomped her hooves, “We were born ready.”

“I was born with a freckle behind my left ear.” said Pinkie Pie. They all looked at her weird, but the pony kept on her smile, “True story.”

Lin heard something in the distance, “Quiet. They're coming.”

Right at that moment, they saw the Lieutenant and a group of chi-blockers raced up the steps and charged. Lin quickly used her cables to take down two chi-blockers before grabbing another with the cable. An Equalist ran up to her, but Applejack intercepted with an earth column. The pony bended out another earth column and shoot the projectile to a Equalist's face. Pinkie Pie, with her party cannon, send the Equalists flying backwards.

"I've got to get me one of those." said Lin.


Pema laid in bed as an Air Acolyte placed a cloth on her forehead while Spike gave her a glass of water. “The children, where are they?” she asked with worry.

“Don't worry. They're in the other room, totally safe” said the Air Acolyte.

Spike handed her the glass, “Yeah, just relax Pema”

Then Pema let out another scream, “AH!”

Spike was so startled that he dropped the glass of water onto the floor, “Or not! Whichever works for you!”


The Lieutenant charged at Lin, but then he felt his whole body become surrounded by water, Rarity was bending the water around his body and the man was now trapped from the chin down in a pocket of water. The unicorn rose him up and slammed him into the side of the temple.

"Take that you, brute!"

But the Lieutenant quickly recovered, as the ponies prepared to fight him, Lin jumped in front of them and unleashed her cables at him. He intercepted her cables with his batons, sending a current through them to knock her over.


The ponies all charged at the Lieutenant. All three jumped at him at the same time, ready to strike with their respective elements. Time seemed to move in slow motion as the ponies nearly made contact with the Lieutenant.


Lin opened her eyes and saw the three laying on ponies on the ground, unconscious. The Lieutenant had electrocuted them with his sticks.


The Lieutenant approached the woman, ready to finish her off with his kale sticks…

“Stay away from my dad's ex-girlfriend!”

Jinora came flying down on her glider. Once she landed she used her staff to blow the Lieutenant away over a nearby roof. Jinora smiled in triumph. Ponies were so happy to se her.


“Atta girl!” Applejack cried out happily.

“Jinora, you shouldn't be out here!” Lin cried in worry. Then, Ikki arrived on an air scooter and knocked down several Equalists over.

“Get off our island!” She successfully knocked down several more Equalists and joined Lin, Jinora and the ponies.

Pinkie Pie, “Go Ikki!”

Rarity, “Wo-ho!”

“Girls, you need to go back inside this instant!” Lin ordered.

“Taste my furry!” Meelo flew down from the roof and landed his behind on an equalist face, breaking wind right on it, knocking the Equalists unconscious.

Applejack arched an eyebrow at this, “Uh”

Rarity's nose crinkled in disgust, “Ew”

Pinkie Pie simply cheered, “Go Meelo!”

“Meelo be careful!” Lin shouted.

The little airbender kept on blasting away the equalists away with much strength and furry. He then blasted all of them away simultaneously by creating and air bubble around himself which he then dispersed creating a huge gust of wind. The young boy screamed in fury.

Lin gave up, “Never-mind”


All of the equalists sat on the ground tied up and defeat. Lin looked at the corner of her eye. “Rarity, stop hitting those equalists.”

Rarity was levitating two equalists and making them hit each other. The unicorn lowered the two groaning equalists down smiling in embarrassment. “Sorry, got carried away”

Lin turned to the sentients, “Take these equalists and lock them in the temple's basement.”

Applejack nudged Jinora's arm. “You kids were incredible back there.”

Pinkie jumped around excitedly, “Yeah! You were all like "whoosh!" and they were all like "grrr" and then you were all "get away from them!" and then Meelo was all "taste my fury!" she blew a raspberry for emphasis, “Yay!”

“You were all smashing!” Rarity said proudly.

Lin also smiled proudly at the kids, “Yes they were. Nice work kids.”

Rarity narrowed her eyes at her, “Ahem!”

Lin turned to the ponies. “You girls did a good job too.”

They then saw a bison landing in the quad. “Dad!” Jinora and her siblings ran to hug their father while the ponies ran to hug Korra and Tenzin hugged his kids, “Oh, thank goodness you’re alright.”

“We caught the bad guys” Meelo said while climbing his father's head.

“You let them fight?" Tenzin asked Lin in shock and anger, "Do you realize what could have happened?”

Applejack stood in front of him, defending Lin. “Now slow down there partner! If it weren't for your kids we'd all would have been toast.”

Pinkie Pie jumped onto Lin's shoulder, “Yeah, and not the good kind of toast, all crispy and covered in melted butter, mmmmm, butter!” she jumped off of Lin, who smiled at the airbender.

“It's true; they really came through for us. You should be proud. You taught them well.”

Tenzin smiled at his children who looked up at him with matching smiles. They really were his father's grandchildren. Rarity then yanked on Tenzin's robe, “Not sure if it's a bad time to mention this but, Pema is sort of…in labor.”

Tenzin's eyes widened, “What?!”

Fluttershy gasped, “Oh, dear! I hope she's doing her breathing exercises!” The Pegasus flew at super fast speed towards the temple to the mother-to-be, “BREATH PEMA!”

“Go on, be with your wife.” Lin said kindly as she cleared the path for him.


Tenzin quickly ran into the temple as the others followed. As Tenzin walked into the halls he heard the sound of crying and ran faster. He finally reached the infirmary….to see his wife carrying their newborn son in her arms. Spike was sitting next to her, smiling at the baby making "cooing" noises. Fluttershy removed some strands of hair from Pema's face. She then noticed her husband walk in, a warm smile on his face.


“I'm here Pema” he said as he sat next to her on the bed. They looked down at the baby. Pema couldn't contain her smile, “Our new son”

“He's so cute” Fluttershy complimented.

Spike agreed, “Yeah. Tough, too. He put up a pretty good fight.”

Tenzin took the child in his arms and the baby smiled at his father. The kids snuck a peak from the door entrance. “Come, meet your new brother.”

“A brother? Well it's about time.” Meelo said happily as he and his sisters ran up to the bed to greet the newest member of their family. Fluttershy wiped away a single happy tear.

“You kids should be so proud.” she said.

Jinora smiled happily, “We are.”

“Welcome. I'm Ikki and this is Jinora and Meelo. We have a super great family and we're so happy you're a part of it.”

Spike tickled the baby's chin, making him giggle, "Just to warn you though; they do tend to get a little "nuts" sometimes."

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at him, “Spike!”

“But all in all, they're pretty cool.” the baby grabbed Spike's claw and began sucking on it, making the little dragon tear up, “You are one lucky little guy.” he said.

Korra, Mako, Lin and the other ponies watched happily once they entered the room. The ponies even shed a few tears, well Pinkie Pie cried like a baby. “This is so beautiful! WAHHHHHHH!”

But sadly, Korra's smile quickly faded, “I'm so sorry to interrupt but…more airships are coming.”

The family looked at each other distressed. “So much for the happy moment.” Spike said sadly.


Outside, everyone looked onto the distance, horrified to see a whole bunch of airships coming towards the island. “What do you wanna do Tenzin?” Korra asked her mentor hopefully.

“I need to protect my family and get them away from this conflict as possible. If Amon got his hands on my children…I'd hate to even think of it.” Fluttershy placed her hoof on his shoulder for reassurance.

“If you're leaving, I'm coming with you.” Lin tells him.


“No arguments! You and your family are the last airbenders. There is no way in the world I'm letting Amon take your bending away.”

“Thank you, Lin.”

Twilight smiled proudly at Lin's loyalty, “Spoken like a true friend, Lin.”

Tenzin turned to his student, “Korra, I want you to leave this island and hide for the time being.”

Rainbow's eyes widened, “What?! no way are we giving up!” she said seriously.

“I'm not asking any of you to." Tenzin said, "I said word to the United Forces, they will be here soon and once my family is safe I will return. With the reinforcements we can turn the tide in this war.”

Korra lowered her shoulders in disappointment, “What you're saying is…we need to be patient.”

Tenzin placed his hand on her shoulder, smiling proudly, “You're learning well.”

Korra smiled in return, “If you're going…I want you to take the ponies.”

Twilight was shocked by this, “What? No!”

“I'm sorry you guys, you've all done wonderfully and fought hard and I know you said you would all stick by me but…I can't put you in anymore unnecessary danger." The ponies all looked at her with sad eyes. She didn't want them to leave but she would do anything to make sure they were safe, "And I think Tenzin needs you guys.”

“Actually Korra, I believe it would be best if they remained with you.” her mentor said.

Korra was surprised by this, “But Tenzin--…”

“Me and my family will be fine. I may not know much about magic but I am certain about one thing…you all found each other for a reason.” Korra looked at the ponies who smiled in agreement. “I know that together, and with your other friends, you will have the strength to defeat Amon.”

Twilight's ears perked up, “I have an Idea! Korra, can I borrow one of your arm warmers?”

Korra complied and removed one from her arm as Twilight levitated it. Her horn glowed brighter as she cast a spell on it, making the arm warmer change from blue to purple in color. She then levitated it to Tenzin.

“Tie this to the bison's horn. It will active an invisible force field that can protect you. Nobody will be able to get through." she explained, "But you need to hurry, the spell will only last for a few hours. I just hope it's enough.

Tenzin nodded, “It will be. Thank you princess."

Twilight smiled.


Lin, Pema and the kids were all on Oogie ready to leave. But before Tenzin got on, he and Korra hugged each other goodbye. “Stay safe Korra” he said.

“You too.”

Ikki hugged Pinkie, Meelo hugged Spike and Jinora hugged Twilight. “Be careful” said the airbender, sadly saying farewell to her friend.

“We will.” Twilight promised.

With heavy hearts, the kids got on the bison's saddle. Tenzin kneeled down to the level of the alicorn, “Twilight, promise me you will stay by Korra and help her in any way that you can. I know she will do the same for you.”

The princess placed her hoof over her heart, “You have my word.”

“Tenzin, if we're leaving we better do it now.” Lin said. Tenzin airbended himself on top of the bison, tied the arm warmer around its horn and it instantly glowed.

“Remember, nobody can get in only from the outside.” Twilight explained.

Tenzin nodded, “Thank you. Oogi, yip yip!”

They all watched sadly as the bison flew away into the distance. Twilight placed her hoof on Korra's shoulder, “They'll be alright, Korra” the Avatar silently prayed that her friend was right. Then they spotted the equalist airship approach as metal cables lowered down and made contact with the ground below. More equalists descended down from the cables. The sentries all stood in front of the teens and ponies protecting them.

“Go, we'll hold them off.” one ordered.

Korra and the ground ponies all got on Naga. Rarity was on the driver seat in front of Korra while Applejack and Pinkie Pie rode onto on Naga's head. “Everyone, climb on!” Korra cried gesturing them all to get on. Mako, Bolin and Asami climbed on while the winged ponies flew beside them. Spike rode on Twilight. Korra stirred the reigns as the polar bear dog ran as fast as her feet could take her. As they ran around the side of the island, Bolin pointed to something coming at them; the Lieutenant.

“Mustache guy!”

As the man slide down the slope and jumped to attack them, Naga also jumped up and SLAPPED the Lieutenant down the hill with her paw, all while letting out a mighty roar!

Korra smile proudly at her animal companion, “Nice one Naga”

"Everypony, stay close!" Twilight instructed as the white beast jumped into the water and the wiggled ponies all dove in at the same time. Once underwater, Korra waterbeds an air bubble around them as Naga continued to dog paddle deeper into the sea.


As Tenzin and his family flew away, the armband on the bison's arm glowing bright, and an equalist airship attacked them. They shoot a giant net at the sky bison but the force field repelled it. However, the equalists would not give up so easily as a few more of them all jumped high and landed onto the forcefield. They kept on hitting it with their electric sticks and bear hands until the thing gave way. Luckily, Lin managed to knock them down by whipping at them with her extension cables.

“They’re not going to give up, and this force field won't last for long!”

She used her cables once again to grab hold of one of the equalists net ropes and looked at the family. The looks on their frightened faces triggered something within Lin. While the forcefield would hold, she knew the equalists would catch up with them. She had to make sure they wouldn't. The sun's rays managed to break through the grey clouds and the lights reflected a rainbow-like glow among the family. The rainbow colors reflected in Lin's eyes. She had made up her mind.

“Whatever happens to me…don't turn back!”

“Lin what are you doing?!” Tenzin shouted.

Lin ran and jumped off of Oogie, reeling herself up and landing on the airship, where she took her stance and began ripping off a large section of the airship's metal skin. There was an explosion and it began to fall into the harbor below. Lin metalbended a panel to catapult herself to the other airship. She began to rip it apart when the Equalists came up from behind her. They wrapped their bolas around her body and feet, electrocuting her into unconsciousness. The last airship turned back as the family gassed at it in shock.

“That lady is my hero” Meelo said.

Tenzin sadly watched as the airship grew farther away. His friend had done the ultimate sacrifice. “Yes…she is”


The heroes managed to make it safely to shore. They all watched sadly at Air Temple island from the opening of a sewer tunnel. The ponies and Korra all looked heartbroken at the scene. Mako walked up, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Korra, we should get moving.” He held her close as they all walked deeper into the tunnels. He knew Korra needed the reassurance after everything that had happened. The airbenders were like her second family. As they walked deeper into the tunnel, Asami looked at them disdainfully before she too walked on alongside Bolin and Naga.

Korra looked up at Mako, “Thanks. For saving Twilight back there.”

“It was nothing. She would have done the same for me.”

With a smile, Twilight flew up to Mako and kissed him on the cheek, which caught him by surprise. Twilight then flew beside Korra. “You know he's really not all bad” she said.

Korra smiled too, “I've noticed.”


Lin had her hands tied behind her back and was forced to kneel in front of Amon. Rain poured on them as the masked man looked down at the metalbender. "Tell me where the Avatar and her ponies are and I'll let you keep your bending."

"I won't tell you anything, you monster."

"Very well." he walked behind Lin. Dignified, she closed her eyes and Amon placed his thumb on her forehead. She opened her eyes in horror and gasped as she felt her bending being taken away. Once he removed his thumb, Lin fell to the ground, unconscious. As the Equalists dragged her limp body away, Amon grabbed the Lieutenant by his shirt, "Find the Avatar. Discover where she's hiding!" he ordered in such a frightening way, which was unlike his usual cool self.

"We will do our best sir, but we have very limited knowledge as to where she coul---"

"Find her! I don't care how long it takes, find her and her ponies and bring them to me!!" He released the Lieutenant and shoved him a few feet away. He saluted to his leader.

"Yes Amon. We will do what we can."

"You better." As the rain fell down on his head he looked over at the city before him. "I will find you Avatar. I will find you even if I have to turn this whole city upside-down."


The following morning, a United Forces ship was approaching Republic City. A man walked up to the general, a strapping young fire nation man with a very serious but dignified demeanor. "General, I just received a wire from the Avatar. She says Amon and his forces have gained control of the city. How do you want to respond?"

"Tell her we will be arriving in three day's time. And that I look forward to winning back Republic City, together."

"As you wish, General Iroh." the man saluted him before walking away.


Author's Note:

Only two more chapters left. Reviews and comments are welcomed