• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 21,601 Views, 111 Comments

The Little Pony Legend. - MaggiesHeartLove

Twilight Sparkle and her friends travel to a whole new world unlike anything they had ever seen and meet a surprising new friend....Avatar Korra!

  • ...

When Extremes Meet

When extremes meet

The following morning, Korra and Rarity were both by the docks. The unicorn stood by the water while the Avatar stood only three feet away.

"Okay, Rarity. Let's try this one more time."

"It's not exactly easy when I don't have any hands or wrists."

"Come on, I know you can do this. Just focus."

"Korra, darling, I understand that the others managed to get bending after you returned our Elements of Harmony, but how are you so certain that water might be mine?"

"Well, based on what I've seen, each element reflects your personalities: Twilight's is fire because she's got a bit of a temper and her strong passion, and Rainbow Dash also because she's so assertive. Applejack's is earth because she's so strong, both in muscle and will, Fluttershy's is air because she's so gentle and passive, so my best bet is that your element is water. It's the the most graceful element I know, which corresponds with you perfectly."

"Well, I can't argue with that logic." the unicorn flipped her mane proudly at Korra's words.

"Just give it a try. I got a good feeling about this."

"Oh, alright." The unicorn took in a deep breath and was now deep in concentration. Her horn glowed softly as she took in slow deep breaths. She stood on two legs and rose her front hooves slowly. Korra held her fists close her chest smiling eagerly.

"That's it. You got it."

The unicorn slowly opened one eye, followed by another. She smiled with glee…a medium portion of water was rising upwards, foam streaming like the water of a fountain.

"Yes! You did it! I knew you could!" Korra happily jumped up while throwing her fist into the air.

"I--I did it. I waterbended!" the unicorn was so happy she clapped her hooves, only to have the water she had risen to slap back. Both girls were hit with water. Korra didn't mind but Rarity shook herself dry. "He, he, I guess I still need practice."

"But you did great on the first try. I'm so proud of you!"

The unicorn blushed at the compliment, "Awww, thank you Korra. I can't believe I can waterbed now."

"I still can't believe Fluttershy actually got airbending. Speaking of which…" Both girl ducked just in time as Fluttershy flew right over them. She was flying backwards with gusts of wind coming out of her hooves. "Lean right, sweetie!" Korra shouted with her hands on both sides of her mouth to increase the sound of her voice.

"I'm, trying!"

Both Korra and Rarity winced as they saw poor sweet Fluttershy ram right into a tree.

"I'm okay."

Korra rushed towards her and caught the pony as she fell from the branches. "Is there by any chance I could exchange my bending power for something a bit more…not like this?"

"Sorry, I don't think that's possible." Korra said.

"I'm so sorry, Korra."

"Sorry for what?"

"That I got airbending and you didn't. I didn't even ask for it. I honestly thought it would be easy since I'm a pegasus, but it's really hard to control those powerful winds."

The Avatar simply chuckled as she squatted down to Fluttershy's level, "Don't worry about it. I'll admit, I was a tiny bit jealous when we found out you could airbend. But I think you'll have more luck at it than me. Besides, your personality is WAY more like an air nomad's than mine."

The pony smiled at Korra's kind words. The Avatar loved Fluttershy way to much to stay mad at her, if not at all. How could she? Flutters was so sweet and innocent after all. Fluttershy's nose twitched again and she sneezed, releasing a gust of wind from her mouth, which blew her backwards onto the docks. She was perfectly fine, though Korra and Rarity both looked at her with sympathy and surprise.

"Or maybe my lack of airbending skills is starting to rub off on her."


"We're getting close" said Bolin as he leaned to the side of the ship. Their little ferry was approaching Air Temple island. Mako held Asami close to him as they approached. Mako turned his head to look at the water bellow. His expression shifted to one of curiosity as he absentmindedly released his girlfriend and looked down at the water, surprising Asami. Mako looked at the water, as if he were looking for something strange. He squinted his eyes a bit as the sunlight made the water sparkle and shine…with rainbow colors. Mako silently gasped as that strange sensation he felt once or twice in the past returned. He reached into his pocket and took out the petal. Asami looked at her boyfriend curiously.

"Mako? You okay?"

The firebender was woken up from his thoughts as he placed the petal back in his pocket. "Yeah. I'm fine."

But Asami knew that from the tone in his voice, that he was not fine.


Korra, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Spike and the Ponies were all by the docks at Air Temple island anxiously waiting for their friends. Pinkie Pie was jumping excitedly as usual. “I think I see the boat!” Pinkie Pie pointed to the distance. Indeed it was the boat where Mako, Bolin and Asami where on. Once the ship arrived, they all greeted their friends as they got off of the boat.

“You're finally here,” Ikki said excitedly,

“Glad ya'll made it,” said Applejack

“Yay!” Pinkie cheered.

“Welcome to Air Temple island. Your new home.” said Ikki

“Yes, welcome to my domain.” said Meelo

Bolin smiled at the young boy, “Well aren't you a sweet little monk child.”

Pabu jumped from Bolin's shoulder and ran towards Naga and Fluttershy who greeted the little ferret with nuzzles.

“What's that fuzzy creature?” Meelo asked while pointing at Pabu.

“That is a Fire Ferret.” said Jinora.

Twilight surprised Jinora by speaking at the same time she was, “An arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central earth kingdom.” Jinora arched an eyebrow at Twilight who smiled proudly.

“I've read all about them too.”

Ikki gasped when she saw Pabu, “He's cuuuuuuuuttttttteeee!”

Jinora covered her ears from her sister's loud shriek. Pabu hissed at Ikki and tried to run away from her.

“Oh dear, Ikki please be careful he doesn't like loud noises so much.” said Fluttershy.

Meelo airbended himself on Naga pulling her ears, “Yip yip, fly sky bison fly.”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes at their antics.

“Thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move.” Mako said to Korra.

“Yes, they've been amazing." said Asami, "Such tireless workers.”

Korra and the other ponies arched their eyebrows as they watched two Air Acolytes carrying A LOT of bags out of the boat, which they assumed belonged to the young heiress. “I thought you were only bringing a few things.” Korra said as she looked at the large amount of bags.

“Trust me, it could have been worse.” Mako said as the acolytes struggled with the large amount.

“Worse? It looks like she brought her whole room.” Spike said.

“And you girls say I overpack.” said Rarity.

But Korra shook it off, “No problem, everyone here wants you guys to feel welcome.”

“Right this way, folks.” Rainbow Dash said as she led the way for their visitors. As they walked towards the buildings of the air temple, Asami noticed Meelo smiling at her,

“You're pretty; can I have some of your hair?”

Mako laughed at this, “Looks like I have some competition.”

Rarity and Applejack heard this and they both rolled their eyes in annoyance. Just because they were friends with Mako and Asami, didn't mean they had to like their mushy stuff in their own temporary home. Ikki and Pinkie both stood in front of everyone ready to show them around. They each took turns,

“And now for the grand tour.” Ikki said while spreading her arms wide.

“The flying bisons sleep in those caves down there.” Pinkie Pie said as she pointed to the right as Mako, Asami and Bolin all looked at that direction.

“And that's the temple Grandpa Aang build.” Ikki said pointing to the buildings and her guest turned their heads to the direction she was pointing at.

"And that's the greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat.” Pinkie said while pointing to the left as the three guests looked at her direction. Once they were done, Ikki and Pinkie both smiled.

“I have a couple of questions." said Bolin, "Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train airbending? Do we have to wear Air Acolyte cloths? Do we each get our own sky bison? And final question, how many trees are on this island?”

While he was asking these questions the ponies looked at him weird. Ikki thinks for a moment before answering, “Yes, yes, no, no ten thousand nine hundred and fifty two.”

The ponies dropped their jaws, minus Pinkie, “She's good.” said the pink Pony

Rainbow was not to happy about this, “Great, first there were two now we've got three!” she said upsettingly.

“So, where are we gonna be staying?” Mako asked.

“You're a boy," said Meelo, "boys have to stay on the boy side.”

“I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory.” Jinora said politely as she led the way.

"I'm a boy." Bolin added. The two brothers followed Jinora to their new rooms when Spike then realized something,

“Hey, wait a second; I'm a boy too! Why do I stay here with the girls?”

Meelo scratched his head, “You're a boy? I thought you were a girl dragon.”

“WHAT?! What gave you the idea I was a girl?!”

“You're always with girls and you let Ikki and Jinora put dresses on you.” said Meelo.

Spike looked at him in annoyance while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie burst out laughing. “They force me to, okay!”

“Meelo, why don't you go with the boys too.” Korra said kindly.

Spike waved his claws to get her attention, “Hello!”

“Okay, you can go too, Spikey-wikey.” said the Avatar in a cutesy voice, making the dragon pout.

“Did you really have to call me that now?”

Meelo looked at Asami and waved, “We shall meet again soon beautiful woman.”

“Stop right there pal, you're embarrassing yourself.” Spike said as he dragged the boy away by his pants and they both went to follow Jinora and the two brothers while Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Oh, the irony.” said the alicorn with a smirk.

“The girls and I will take you to your room this way.” said Korra as she and the girls led Asami to where she will be staying.

“You are going to love it darling, we had it arranged just for you.” Rarity said.

“It may be a little small but we do hope you'll like it.” Fluttershy said while flying side by side with the heiress.

“I'm sure I will” Asami smiled.


As they all walked down the corridor, Korra was actually looking forward to having Asami around. She was happy to realize she was not the snobby rich girl she had previously believed, and instead she might actually be another good friend to have. She certainly would need the support after what happened with her father. For Korra, it felt good to help the poor girl out. Maybe now they could become better friends.

That is, until...

“Asami, did you know Korra likes Mako?” Ikki suddenly blurted out.


*insert explosions and thunder*

Korra and the ponies were all extremely shocked at what Ikki had just told Asami that information. Pinkie Pie, who was hopping the whole time, froze in mid air and fell hard on the floor. Fluttershy's wings closed shut and also fell while Rainbow Dash's mouth hung open wide, so did Applejack’s, Twilight’s and Korra's. Rarity literally passed out.

Asami, on the other hand, was at a rather loss for words. “Oh, uh…no, I wasn't completely aware of that.”

Twilight started to sweat and chuckle nervously, “Ha, ha, ha, kids! With their wild and crazy imaginations, ha, ha, Ikki sweetie, of course Korra likes Mako. As a friend! We all do, right girls?”

“Uh, yeah yeah” Applejack nervously agreed.

“Totally” said Rainbow.

“A good friend” Fluttershy added.

"Nothing more, really" Rainbow said again.

“What she said” Pinkie said.

Applejack lowered her ears nervously, “Yeah?”

“Moving on!" Korra said, rather angrily, as she grabbed Asami by the arm and led her down the halls, "And some pony please wake up the unicorn!” the Avatar added.

"I'm on it!" Pinkie took out a trombone and blew into it..hard. The noise woke up Rarity who jumped in shock her hair rising up like a cat's.

“I'm awake! I'm awake!”

Korra opened the doors to Asami's new room and politely allowed her to enter first before she and the ponies walked in as well. Korra grabbed the left door while Twilight controlled the right with her magic and they both simultaneously closed the doors in front of Ikki.


“Run a long Ikki!” Korra exclaimed through the door.

“Sorry Ikki!” said Pinkie Pie.

Ikki become furious and snarled. Her eyes comically white before crossing her arms and pouting in annoyance. Inside the room, Asami was still pretty surprised by what Ikki had just said. So, the Avatar, probably the coolest person on the planet who Asami was actually excited to meet, was crushing on her boyfriend. She really didn't know how to respond to this, and in all honesty, she didn't want to. She was still recuperating emotionally from what happened with her father no more than a night ago, she didn't need anymore drama in her life.

Korra tried to ignore what had happened and tried to act casual as she approached the heiress, “So…here's your room”

The room was simple but the ponies made it look very pretty. The walls were slightly pinkish white, the sheets had bright colors as did the wardrobe, and there was a nightstand with a lovely lamp and a vase of flowers.

“We know it's a little rustic compared to what you're used too" said Korra

"We've tried to make it as tasteful as we could but with such small space there was only so much we could do.” said Rarity.

“I think it's really charming” Asami said sincerely as she walked towards the window, “And the best part about it…nothing here reminds me of my father. Thank you so much for your hospitality.”

Twilight bowed in respect, “Of course.”

They were then surprised by a knock at the door, Korra quickly became furious, “Ikki I swear if you don't leave us alone I'm gonna--…” To the Avatar's shock, and embarrassment, Tenzin opened the doors.

“This is just isn't your morning, is it?” Rainbow whispered to her.

“Uhhh, Tenzin! Come right in” Korra said awkwardly, trying to regain her composure once again.

“Good day, ladies." he said as he entered the room, "Asami, welcome to the island.”

The heiress bowed in gratitude, “Thank you for having me.”

Tenzin bowed as well before turning to Korra, “Beifong's replacement Saikhan is going to be inducted as the new chief of police latter. I think we should both be there.”

"Okay," said Korra with a nod. She and the ponies shared a small glance before she turned to the female human, “Asami, if you'd like the ponies can show you around the island some more. I won't be gone long.”

With that, she walked out of the room with Tenzin, leaving Asami with the ponies. For the first three seconds, they all stood there in an awkward silence. Applejack spoke first, “Soooooo”

“Is it true?” Asami asked, rather bluntly.

“Is what true?” Pinkie Pie asked in return.

“About Korra and Mako?”

The ponies all looked at each other nervously and tried to play it off cool. Or at least tried to.

“Whaaaaaaaaat? Pst! No!”

“Korra and Mako are just friends.” Fluttershy said, trying to sound as convincing as she old.

Rarity did also, “Yeah, really good friends, Ikki was just talking crazy, he, he, he.”

Asami arched an eyebrow, “Okay then.” she said unsurely.

Twilight finally decided to put an end to this awkwardness as she spoke to the heiress in a kind voice, “Listen, we've got a whole day ahead of us, if you'd like you can unpack your things, make yourself at home, and we can show you around the rest of the island when you're ready.”

Asami smiled graciously, “I would like that very much, thank you.”

They all left the room to give their friend her space. Once they were outside they all sighed in relief. “Ikki really did a number on Korra back there." Rainbow said. "What was she thinking?”

“She's just a kid, she doesn't know any better.” Twilight said,

Pinkie Pie stood on two legs and crossed her heart, “I should make her do a Pinkie Promise to never tell another person's secrets.”

“What do we do about Asami now?” Applejack asked, more specifically to Twilight.

“I…really don't know.” said the alicorn as she lowered her ears and hung her head upsettingly, “Let's just…go with it and see where those three end up from here on out.” Twilight sadly walked away, leaving her friends looking at her with concern.

“Why must humans make relationships so complicated?” Rarity asked sadly.

Applejack simply shrugged, “Part of their charm, I guess.”


Outside of Police Headquarters, a large crowd stood at the front with the new chief, Saikhan who stood at the podium.

"I was an honor serving under Chief Beifong for so many years." he said, "and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the worlds has ever seen but there is one man who's been effective against Amon's revolution, Councilmen Tarlokk." The said Councilman nodded his head as reporters took his picture. Korra rolled her eyes at this, this man sure was a glory hog.

"That is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him." Saikhan said. Both Korra and Tenzin turned their heads to Tarlokk in surprise. "The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force, until we quell this insurgency." Saikhan slammed his fist down on the podium as he said the last part of his sentence.

Korra crossed her arms in disapproval, "What is that weasel snake Tarlokk up to now?" she asked as she and her mentor both looked at the man with disdain. As the crowd dispersed, Tenzin walked towards Tarlokk, who was shaking hands with the Fire Nation councilman before leaving with the others.

"Tarlokk, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket but I highly doubt it was legal." the airbender said accusingly. But Tarlokk remained as smug as ever.

"Oh, Tenzin. Always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city?"

Tenzin grunted in disgust as Korra walked towards them. She angrily glared at the councilman who maintained his smile. "Well, Avatar Korra. Long time, no see. Now that your little pro-bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force."

"Ha! Forget it!" she replied angrily while crossing her arms in disapproval, "There's no way I'm rejoining your vanity project."

"That is unfortunate to hear, but I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past." he said confidently, but Korra remained unchanged.

"Don't hold your breath, bub. You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong, and now you're playing the new Chief too. Well, I got news for you." she confidently walked up and pointed her finger at him, "You need me, but I don't need you." she pointed at herself as she said the last part before placing her hands on her hips, "I'm the Avatar."

"You're not, in fact, the Avatar." he said in a somewhat scornful and mocking tone. Korra's expression softened with surprise at this, "You are merely a half-baked Avatar in training, which reminds me, how if your airbending going? Made any significant progress with that?"

Korra looked down in defeat, clenching her teeth while Tarlokk smiled smugly, "I didn't think so. Too busy playing with your little pony friends?"

Korra's sad expression quickly shifted to one of anger as she looked up at Tarlokk, "You leave them out of this." she said somewhat threateningly.

"Maybe if you had spent a little less time playing like a child and more time fulfilling your duties, then perhaps you wouldn't be having such problems with your airbending."

Korra's eyes widened at this. Could he be right? No, there was no way. The ponies have done nothing but help her. Even helped her uncover more about herself than she ever could on her own. Her mind though about the possibility, but her heart was telling him he was dead wrong.

"No. You're wrong about my friends. And you're wrong about me. And don't you ever insult either of us ever again." as she said this, Tarlokk noticed something odd about her eyes. How very dim rainbow colors danced across her irises. Tarlokk knew he had seen that before, and for some reason it terrified him. The councilman angrily glared at her and turned away, hooping to forget about what he saw.

"If you will not be part of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way."

As he left, Tenzin placed his hand on Korra's shoulder to comfort her. But the Avatar was still looking in Tarlokk's direction in anger.


Korra sat on the saddle hugging her legs while Tenzin stirred Oogie. They were flying over the city. "I don't understand what's wrong with me." Korra said in frustration, "I've memorized nearly all the practice forms, but I still can't produce a single measly puff of air! I'm a failure."

"No you're not." Tenzin said, "You just need to work through this airbending block."

"Amazing advice. I'll get right on that." she said sarcastically.

"I wasn't finished yet. You see, Aang not only had his bending teachers, but also his past lives to call upon for guidance. Have you ever made contact with your past lives?"

"No, of course I haven't. Didn't you get the memo from the White Lotus? I'm a spiritual failure, too."

"You may have made a connection without realizing it. Perhaps something you mistook as a dream?"

Korra began to think about any possibility that she had made any contact with her past lives. But all she could recall where the moments when she was knocked out by Amon at air temple island. Even out cold, she felt Twilight's horn against her forehead. The warmth of the mystical glow, the power crossing through both her and the pony.

"Maybe. I had a few weird hallucinations, but I hardly even remember them."

This news took Tenzin by surprised and she turned towards Korra, "And did you see any previous Avatars in these visions?"

"I saw Aang. It seemed like he was in trouble. But you know what really surprised me was that, all of this started that night after Amon ambushed me he knocked me out. But even so, I could still hear the ponies' voices. I felt Twilight's horn touch my forehead, and…I can't explain it but, I think somehow, Twilight might have helped trigger those visions in some way."

"Then Tarlokk really was wrong." Korra looked at her mentor in surprise, "He said the ponies have been a distraction for you, but on the contrary, I believe they have helped you become even stronger. I can't quite explain it, but it really does seem that what you share with them runs even deeper than just your sister-like friendship."

Korra, of course, knew that Tenzin was right. There was something else that connected Korra to the ponies, she just didn't know if it had something to do with the Elements of Harmony or maybe her Avatar spirit. Or maybe it was both?

"That's been buzzing around my head for a long time now. What do you think it means, anyway?"

"Hmm, I don't know." he said as he stroked his beard, "But I urge you to meditate on these visions. I believe Aang's spirit must be trying to tell you something."


A few hours later, Fluttershy had some lemurs perform a show for Asami, Mako and Bolin, who all sat together in the quad. The cute little creatures win the audience over.

“Wow, nice.” Bolin praised,

Asami was equally impressed, “I can't believe you trained them to do that.”

Fluttershy blushed at the compliments, “Oh, it was nothing”

Asami and Bolin then noticed Mako sticking his index finger into his right ear and wiggling it like he was trying to get water out of his ears.

“Um, are you okay?” Asami asked while arching an eyebrow in confusion.

“I just don't get it." said her boyfriend, "Korra said that the ponies can only be heard by someone who is willing to open their hearts. I've known them for a few months now, and still I can't understand them at all!” Mako placed his head on his palm and sighed in disappointment.

“Maybe you're not opening yourself enough.” said his brother.

“I have! I've told them stuff, I've accepted their friendship, I believe in their magic. What more am I supposed to do?”

Asami thought about what he just said and looked down at the ground as she nervously bit her bottom lip before asking, “You sure there isn't something you haven't told them? Something, you haven't told anyone?”

Mako shook his head, “I don't think so.”

“Well, maybe it's---…”

“Korra's back!" Asami was interrupted by Spike's happy cry as he pointed to Oogie who had just landed. The ponies all rushed to greet the avatar who jumped from the bison's saddle.

Pinkie jumped happily in place, “Korra, how was it? Did you meet the new chief? What was he like? Did he--…” But to their surprise, Korra ignored her questions and walked away. “--say hello?”

Pinkie stopped jumping and sat on the floor all sad. The other ponies looked sad too.


Later that night, Korra sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking the city and Aang's statue. Every time she looked at it she felt…small compared to it. It was clear that she would never be like Aang. No matter how much others wanted her to be, she couldn't. He managed to save the world in a year and master all four elements, while she can't even airbend the tiniest breeze. She felt like such a failure.

“Korra! You out here?” She heard Mako call out, followed by Twilight's voice,

“She's this way”


Pabu came out of the bushes and climbed onto Korra and began licking the tears from her face. Her other friends came out too. Fluttershy quickly nuzzled her sad friend's face, “Korra, please don't cry. I hate it when you cry.”

Rarity levitated a hankie and wiped away her friend's tears, “Oh, darling, your pretty eyes will get all puffy.”

“Are you okay?” Bolin asked with concern.

“I'm fine” Korra said sadly. But Mako knew it wasn't so.

“Come on, what's wrong? You can tell us.” he said encouragingly.

Applejack placed her hoof on Korra's knee, “You don't have to hide anythin' from us.”

“Especially since we know when you're lying.” said Rainbow Dash.

Korra sighed before speaking, “How am I supposed to save the city when I can't even learn airbending? I'm the worst Avatar ever! I just feel…”

“Alone?" Twilight added with sympathy, "Like the whole world is against you because you're not Avatar Aang?”

“And you really try but you feel like your best just isn't enough?" said Rainbow with equal sympathy, "And you're scared to let everybody down?”

Korra cried harder as she enwrapped the alicorn and pegasus into her arms in a tight hug. She knew the ponies were not being mean, they were simply saying exactly what she was feeling inside. “You guys are the only ones who truly understand me. No matter how bad an Avatar I am.”


Everybody looked at Rarity, shocked about her sudden outburst. Especially Korra.


“Sorry about the foul language darling, but what you're saying is downright unacceptable!”

“She's right Korra, you're amazing.” Asami said sincerely.

Mako agreed, “Yeah and remember, Aang hadn't mastered all the four elements when he was battling the Fire Nation. He was just a little kid.”

Twilight agreed as well, “Exactly, and he wasn't alone—“

“----He had his friends to help him." Bolin added, "Look, the arena might be shut down but we're still a team. The new Team Avatar!” he said the name with great pride while spreading his arms wide.

Applejack smiled proudly at the young Avatar, “Ya see Korra? These people stick by you because they see what's in your heart," she placed her hoof over her own heart, "and what you are is a strong---“

“Determined“ Rarity said.

“Loving“ Fluttershy added.

“Funny“ Pinkie Pie said while jumping.

“And totally awesome friend” Rainbow Dash said in her usual cocky tone.

“And friendship is the most powerful magic of all." Twilight said with much compassion and confidence, "It doesn't just exist in Equestria….it's everywhere.”

Korra looked up at all of her friends. She realized Twilight was right. She wasn't alone…she never really was.

“It's helped us overcome every obstacle we faced, no matter how impossible it might have seemed. It's the one magic that can truly unite us all.” Twilight placed her hooves on Korra's lap for reassurance.

“Remember what we said the first time we came here?" asked Applejack, "That we would stick by your side no matter what, and I'm nothing if not a pony of my word.”

“We've got your back Korra." Mako said confidently, "and we can save the city. Together.”

They all huddled together, the teens kneeled down and placed their hands into a circle and the ponies placed their hooves in too.

“I'm in!” Spike said placing his claw into the pile.

“Absolutely!” Rarity said happily.

“You know it!” Applejack said confidently.

“Let's do it!” Rainbow said

“Yes indeedily!” Pinkie said,

“Yay!” Fluttershy said softly.

Korra looked at her friends' determined faces. Twilight waited for her answer, “Korra?”

She smiled confidently before placing her hand in with the others. “Yeah. Let's do it!”

It was a wonderful and inspirational moment for the friends…until Meelo came flying down while passing gas right on their hands. The friends looked at him in disgust.

“Yeah let's do it. What are we doing?”

Rarity fainted and everybody laughed.

Twilight looked over at the city and then she started to sing;

(Second parody of The Crystal Pony Ballad song)


Republic City needs our help

This war can not last forever

I think we can do it

But we need to work together

Oh, we have to make things right

Yes, we have to make them see.

We can save Republic City as a family



No obstacle is too hard


No mountain is too high


Once we all unite our talents


This epic team will reach for the sky!

They all smiled as Asami sang the high note beautifully. They all started to sing together, minus Mako, who simply smiled and listened.


Yes. we have to make things right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save Republic City as a family


Amon has turned our world dark

And all they see is hate and fear


But I know we can make a difference

I'll no longer shed a tear


Yes, we have to make things right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save Republic City….

As a family!


“Thanks you guys. Now let's get this show on the road.”




They all gathered together in the courtyard, ready to patrol the city for Equalists. Bolin looked onward at the city as he spoke in a dramatic tone, “Get ready Republic City, you're about to be patrolled by Team Avatar.”

Asami walked out and joined them, wearing an equalist electric glove and her driving suit. “Asami, you always know how to accessorize your outfits.” Mako complimented.

“I figured one way to fight equalists is to use an equalist weapon.” she made the glove give out some electrical currents for emphasis.

Mako then looked around and realized they were missing a few members, “Wait a sec, where are the ponies?"

“They'll be out in a minute," Korra said. "Rarity wanted to do some last minute adjustments to their "action" outfits.” she used air quotes on the word 'action'.

At that very moment they heard Rarity's excited voice, “Here we are!”

They all turned to see the ponies, all wearing similar full body jumpsuits, each with high collars and a slight "v" neck cut with a symbol that matches each of their cutie marks, and matching knee high boots.

Twilight's was navy blue with a magenta six inch star on the front and on the flank of the suite, her boots are light blue.Applejack's was green with a red apple on her chest and flank, a bag with her lasso, and her boots were black. Pinkie's was a dark pink with a balloon on the chest and flank and her boots are pale yellow. Fluttershy's was yellow-green with a pink butterfly on the chest and flank and light blue boots. Rarity's was violet/red with blue diamonds on the chest and flank and matching blue boots. Rainbow Dash's was black/blue with a yellow lightning bolt on the chest and flank and had light blue boots.

Spike was wearing high collar zipped up black jacket and a navy blue scarf. They all stood proud and fierce.

“Wow! You guys look amazing!” Korra said.

“Yeah!” Bolin agreed.

“Not bad” Mako said.

Pinkie Pie pounded her hooves together, “Now let's go and show those equalists what happens when they mess with us!”

Korra pounded her fists together, “Alright. Let's ride.”

They all got onto Naga's back! Who then bucked them all off of her. The teens and ponies ended up on top of each other on the ground. Spike rubbed his sore rear, “Ow. Not cool Naga!”

Korra rubbed her head, “Alright scratch that, any other ideas?”

Asami flipped her hair as she stood up, an idea formed in her head, “I think I have the answer.”


A few moments later, Asami drove out in a sleek satomobile. She smiled at her friends, “You think this'll do?”

Everybody smiled as they all jumped in the car. “I like the New Team Avatar style” Mako said impressed as Spike jumped on his lap,


Rainbow Dash smirked as she nodded Asami's shoulder, “What are we waiting for? Hit it, rich girl!"


The kids and ponies patrolled the city, keeping their eyes peeled for anything unusual. The earth ponies and Spike were all in the car while the winged ponies flew near the vehicle. They were listening to police reports on the radio.

“My dad had police scanners installed in all of his cars. I guess now I know why.” said Asami.

Just then the radio scratched; "Calling all unites, level 4 alert! Jail break at headquarters, officers down, electrocuted, chi-blockers and equalists are still at large armed and dangerous! Last seen heading east."

The heroes all looked at each other. They stopped at a fork in the road….and spotted the equalists on their motorcycles and the truck pass right in front of them!

“There they are!” Applejack exclaimed as she pointed in their direction.

“Let's get em!” Korra exclaimed while pointing to her left.

Asami charged gears and the chase began…

Korra looked up at the two pegasus ponies, “Rainbow Dash, you Fluttershy and Twilight fly ahead and try to stop them.”

Rainbow saluted her, “On it!”

The winged ponies flew ahead as cars twirled and stopped from crashing into the truck as it plowed through the street. Asami dodged the cars but then another massive truck blocked their path.

“Korra, Bolin give me a ramp!”, shouted Asami. The two earthbended a ramp that send the car soaring into the air. While it was airborne, Pinkie Pie lifted up her hooves in the air with glee,


The car landed and Asami hit the gas pedal to make it go even faster. Twilight flew by near her, “You know I could have just levitated you guys up!”

Asami slightly chuckled, “Oh, yeah I forgot.”

The winged ponies flew ahead and Rainbow Dash firebended one equalist's motorcycle which caused him to crash into a lamp post. Though he was still alive his ride was toast.

Bolin stood from his seat and used earthbended earth darks which hit the wheels of another motorcycle, making the chi blocker fall to the ground. The third one unleashed smoke from his motorcycle which kept the others from seeing.

“I can't see!” cried Fluttershy as she squinted her eyes. Twilight lit up the way, her horn creating a powerful energy light, allowing them to see a bit clearly. They saw the chi blockers turn to the right The alicorn used her magic to levitate the car away and make the turn safely.

"I love magic!" Asami shouted happily. While they were still covered covered by the smoke, Asami followed Twilight's light. “They didn't know we made the turn.” said Asami.

“I have an idea!" said Twilight Sparkle, "Wait for my signal.” Asami nodded as she continued to drive, waiting for the alicorn princess to give the signal. “Get ready….now!”

Asami changed gears and gained enough speed to ram the motorcycles, flinging them into the air before landing on top of the bonnet of the car. Rainbow and Fluttershy aimed to kick them but one then tied up Fluttershy with a bola and she landed in Mako's arms. Rainbow Dash kicked him in the jaw and the equalist was sent flying off. The second equalist punched Rainbow Dash, causing her to land in Korra's arms. He then jumped to the back seat and jabbed Bolin's arm, preventing him from earthbending. Asami electrocuted the equalist with her glove and Rarity levitated him with her magic and threw him out of the car.

“Take that, you ruffian!” she shouted angrily.

Twilight then flew on ahead closer to the truck and zapped the wheels, deflation them. Asami drove the car closer and Mako electrocuted the driver inside the truck with his lightning, stunning them. The truck came to a screeching halt as it hit a lamp post. Team Avatar quickly jumped out of the car, the ponies all kicked the back doors of the truck open and Rarity and Twilight levitated the escaped convicts while Applejack surrounded them by earthbending rocks around, preventing them from escaping.


Moments later, photographers were taking pictures of Team Avatar and the captured equalists and convicts. Rarity and Rainbow Dash enjoyed the moment as they both gave them their best poses.

“Be sure to get my good side, darling.”

Rainbow Dash gave them some heroic/action poses, “Yeah that's right!”

Twilight then noticed that some familiar looking vehicles had just arrived. "Well, look who finally decided to join the fun." the princess said rather smugly as she and Korra both smirked at the angry councilman approaching them.

“Avatar Korra, what do you think you're doing?” Tarlokk asked sternly as he approached them.

“Oh, hey Tarlokk nice of you to show up finally." Korra said mockingly before gesturing to the arrestees, "Here, we captured the escaped convicts for you.”

“What you did was tear up the city and impede the real authorities in their pursuit of these criminals.”

The ponies and Korra all shared a glance before looking smugly at Tarlokk. “Hm, that's funny. I didn't see your little Task Force or the cops the whole time. If it wasn't for Team Avatar, they would have gotten away.” Korra replied smugly while inspecting her nails. The ponies all hoof pumped each other while Korra and Twilight hoof/fist pump with matching smug smiles. "So, still think my pony pals have made me soft and weak?"

Tarlokk narrowed his eyes and pointed at the Avatar in fury, “This is your last warning! Stay out of my way!” The ponies all glared and growled at him making Tarlook back away a few feet, “And keep your pesky ponies under control!”

With that he leaves, and Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry at the Councilmen, “Big nasty jerk-face!”

Korra and the others all smiled proudly of their victory. Rainbow Dash did a brief air flip before saying proudly, "We sure showed them. Right Korra?…um, Korra"

They all looked at the avatar curiously as she suddenly began to….giggle.

“Um, Korra? You okay?” Mako asked concernedly at Korra's sudden tickle on her funny bone. The Avatar then burst out laughing without a care.

“AH HA, HA, HA, did you see the look on his face! HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!”

The others arched their eyebrows. Korra was just laughing like she had just seen the funniest thing on the planet. Pinkie Pie was laughing along too as she laid on the floor, hugging her stomach, “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,!”

The laugh became contagious as Asami slowly started to chuckle along, “It was kind of funny, ha, ha,…ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”

Bolin slowly joined in as well, “ha, ha, ha, ha”

And finally, even Mako couldn't contain it, “AH! HA, ha, ha, ha, ha!”

The ponies and Spike then joined in the laughing fun. They didn't even care that other bystanders were staring at them like they were nuts. The friends simply laughed and laughed together. Finally Korra slowly stopped, her stomach was literally hurting from the laughing,

“Oh, ho, ha, ha. Aw, man. I'm sorry, I have no idea where that came from.”

Asami hugged her stomach, but was still laughing, “Are you kidding? I haven't laugh like that in a long time!”

“Me neither!” Mako said between laughs.

Bolin wiped away a happy tear, “After all of this crazy war and stuff going on, laughing together really seems to make it all better somehow.”

Korra's laugh slowly dies down but she still had on her dazzling happy smile. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess it does.” Then, to everyone's surprise, Korra's chest started to glow again, surprising everyone.

"Here we go again" Spike said as he shielded his eyes from the bright light. Once the light was gone, they saw a blue gem shaped like a balloon with a gold ring around her neck.

“Wow! Another Element!” Asami said.

“Which one is that?” Bolin asked.

Korra smiled as she looked at Pinkie. “Laughter.” She removed the necklace and returned it on Pinkie Pie, it glowed before dissolving into her skin. The little pony started to jump happily.

“Yay! Best patrol nigh, ever!”

“Hey, that makes five in tow.” Mako said before listing out the Elements of Harmony one by one while gesturing to each of their respected pony. "We've got, Loyalty, Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, and Laughter."

“Only one left now is the Element of Magic, right?” Bolin asked.

“That's right. Twilight's Element.” said Spike.

Korra smiled excitedly, “Great! Only, one question…how am I supposed to get that one?" she asked sadly, "In case you all haven't noticed, I'm not magic.”

"Maybe it doesn't literally mean magic," Asami pointed out, "it could be a metaphor for something else in this case.”

“Like what?” Twilight asked.

“I don't know. What else could be an example of magic?”

They all looked at each other, trying to figure out what else could signify magic. But Korra knew the answer wasn't going to come up anytime to soon. Especially not tonight.

“I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.”

"Oh, I wonder what element I'll have!" Pinkie Pie said as she jumped for joy. Korra simply laughed at Pinkie's happiness.

Rainbow Dash flew up, “Okay, so we stopped the bad guys, totally showed Tarlokk just how awesome we really are. Now what do we do?”

“I've got a pretty good idea." Korra said with a smirk as she walked over to the car, "The night's still young, what you say we all have a little fun?”

The others all shared sly grins. They liked the sound of that.

They all got back in the car, Pinkie turned on the radio and continued to change the station until they found one with upbeat music. The others nodded their heads to the rhythm; Twilight conjured up some nighttime sunglasses for all. Asami started the car and they all cruised the streets while singing to the radio. The new Team Avatar and their magical friends cruised and enjoyed the rest of the night, singing to the radio.


The following day, at City Hall, Tarlokk spoke to the council, "Republic City stands as a beacon of freedom, but the Equalists are using that freedom to tear it down. The law I have proposed would make it illegal for anyone to be a member of the Equalists or even be associated with them. It also puts into effect a curfew, ensuring all nonbenders are in their homes by nightfall."

Just the sound of this made Tenzin sick to his stomach, "This is going too far, Tarlokk!" he said as he stood up, "You can't punish all nonbenders for the actions of a few!"

"That kind of cowardice will caused our city to fall into Amon's hands. We must pass this law. All in favor?"

Tarlokk rose his hand first, waiting for the others to follow. As he had expected, the rest of the council agreed with him. Minus Tenzin, who sighed angrily while tarok smiled mischievously. Rainbow Dash watched in shock and sadness from the window before flying off to find the others.


"He what?!"

"That's what I heard."

Korra angrily slammed her fists into the table they were all sitting at. The slam was so powerful, one of the drinks spilled. Rarity used her magic to clean it up with a napkin. Team Avatar and the Ponies decided to spend the day together and were now eating some lunch at Narrokk's. After receiving the news from Rainbow Dash, the Avatar was boiling mad. Fluttershy had to slid her own plate away just to make sure Korra didn't accidentally smash it.

"I can't believe this! Tarlokk has gone way too far this time!"

"As if the conflict between benders and nonbenders wasn't bad enough, now they're all being treated as if they no longer have their rights" said the fellow nonbender, Asami.

"The council is suppose to be helping," said Twilight, "but instead it seems more like they're only influencing the whole bender and non-bender conflicts even further."

They all heard grunting, as Pinkie Pie kept moving her hooves around the table. "Pinkie, what are you doing?" Bolin asked curiously.

"Trying to see if I can bend the water in the cups, or let out a fire blast, or something." The pink pony continued to move her hooves, until she knocked down Mako's drink and it spilled on the table.

"Gah! Pinkie!"

"Oops. Sorry."

Mako grunted in annoyance at his now wet jacket. To his surprise, Korra chuckled and took both his now empty cup and her own. "Relax Mako, I'll get you a refill." Korra said generously as she stood up with both cups in hand.

"You don't have to, you know."

"I know, but I plan on getting one myself anyways. Save you the trip."

"Are you su--"

"It's just a drink Mako. Gesh."

Mako watched as Korra walked away from the table to refill their drinks, and as he did, his girlfriend eyed at him suspiciously. Just what was so great about her getting him a refill?

The Avatar walked to the counter and refilled the drinks, but the moment she turned around to go back to her friends, she bumped into someone. The collisions caused the cups to fall and the liquids to spill on the floor. The person Korra had bumped into was a man, and once he looked at what happened, he felt remorse.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"No, no it's fine." Korra assured, "It was an accident, no big deal." she then noticed that the young man's shirt was stained with juice. Moving her wrist in a swift motion, she removed the stain from the man's clothes, much to his gratitude.

"Oh, why thank you, miss."

"No problem." Korra replied with a smile.

"And they say all benders are harsh." he said before chucking, "You know, we need more kids like you setting a good example." he said before walking away.

From their table, The ponies, Mako, Bolin, Spike and Asami watched the scene. They already knew Korra was a generally kind person, but for some reason, Mako found himself smiling at the scene. Korra's simple act of kindness somehow tugged on his heart strings. Twilight Sparkle smiled with glee, hearing the man's words sparked an idea in her head. Once Korra returned, now with new drinks, she saw Twilight smiling excitedly at her.


"Korra, you just gave me an idea!" Everyone in the table looked at the alicorn in curiosity. "Okay, right now most people agree with Amon's idea that all benders are evil, right? But we just need to help them see things differently."

"Differently, how?" Asami asked.

"Well, look at us." the pony gestured to all of them, both humans and ponies, "Even though we're different, it doesn't mean we can't be friends. The same rules apply to benders and non-benders. Amon has been blinding people, saying that they should be enemies because of their differences, but we need to show them that he's wrong. Maybe we need to do more than just knock Equalists heads off."

"Yeah, you've got a point there, Twilight." Bolin said.

Mako, who could not understand a thing the alicorn was saying, placed his hands on the table, "Okay, back up. What exactly are we talking about here?"

"Twilight was saying that we should be inspiring unity between benders and non-benders." Asami explained, "Only, just how are we going to get people to listen? It's a lot easier said than done."

"She's got a point." Korra said.

"I've already got it covered." Twilight turned to the ponies and Spike, "Spike, girls, follow my lead." the three teens looked at the creatures in curiosity as they all jumped from their seats around the table and scattered across the restaurant. Twilight took her place near the counter and began stomping her hoof in a very familiar rhythm.

Thud…Thud, thud…thud…thud, thud.

Pinkie Pie followed her example, as did the rest of the ponies, who were all placed around the restaurant, grabbing everyone's attention.

Thud…thud, thud…thud…thud, thud.


Asami began to clap along to the beat. The rest of the Mane Six continued to stomp their hooves to the beat.

Thud…thud, thud.


Thud, thud…thud, thud.


Korra was surprised to see Bolin clapping his hands and stomping his feet along with the ponies. Mako was a bit skeptical about all of this. The beat was heard all around the restaurant, people stopped what they were doing and payed attention to the teens and ponies creating music with their hooves, feet and hands.

Asami opened her mouth and sang, "Oh, oh, oh, oh"

She was followed by Bolin, who opened his mouth to sing as well, while the ponies all sang in harmony to their singing. Korra began to sing with them two as she clapped her hands and stomped her feet. She noticed all eyes were on them. Korra realized that this was the perfect way to get their message out. She winked at the alicorn in gratitude for her brilliant idea.

Bolin and Asami walked away from their table, still clapping their hands and began to sing.

Asami and Bolin;

Hey, hey, everybody

We've got something to say

We may seem as different

As the night is from day

But if you look a little deeper

And you will see.

That I'm just like you and you're just like me.


The Mane Six and Spike all danced to the beat as music filled the air. Twilight and Rainbow Dash both dragged Korra by her arms into the center, with her humans friends beside her. She danced along as her friends all sang to the song.

Korra, Bolin, Asami, Mane Six;

Hey, hey


We're here to shout!

That the magic of friendship is what it's all about

Yeah, we thought we were different as the night is from the day

But the time has come for us to see another way

As they sang the last part, Bolin removed the shades of one depressed looking guy at a table. And once the glasses were off, he smiled. Korra and her friends, ponies and dragon included, all danced and sang to the beat of the music that filled the air and their hearts. Mako was the only one sitting at the table, watching in surprise as they all sang and danced.

So get up

Get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together, we can bring back the town

So get up

Get down

Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together, we can stop the fight and win the crown

Bolin opened the doors as he and his friends all danced along the street, as the customers from Narook's, even Narook himself, followed the dancing group as the earthbender sang. Mako followed close behind.


Hey, hey, hands up now!

We're sending a message to the crowd

Hands wave up

Then come down

We party together all around!





Laughter, kindness, loyalty


Friendship helped us each to see,

Rainbow Dash;

All that we can be

They continued to sing as they danced around the city, everybody around was so amazed by this. They couldn't help but feel content, as they watched benders, and a nonbender, and even ponies dancing and singing together in perfect harmony, it touched many of them.


So get up

Get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together, we can gain back the town

So get up

Get down

Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together, we can stop the fight and win the crown

Asami and Bolin grabbed some happy bystanders and encouraged them to join the fun. They continued to parade across the streets until they reached the park, where they spotted the Equalist protestor, once again, gaining followers for Amon.

Get up

Get down

If you're gonna come around

Get up

Get down

The protester was pulled away from his stand by Twilight's magic as both Mako and Bolin lifted Korra up by her waist and she stood on top of the table singing to the crowed.

If you're gonna come around

If we work together we can stop the fight and win the crown.


I'm gonna be myself, no matter what I do.

And if we're different, yeah I want you to be true to you.

She sang to the people. Many of them were impressed and surprised by how much she cared about not just benders, but nonbenders as well.

If you follow me, we'll put our differences aside.

To prove her point, she stretched out her hand to Asami. The heiress smiled and took her hand as she and Korra both sang together while standing on the table.

Korra and Asami;

We'll stick together and end we'll the great divide!

As the girls danced, The Mane Six jumped onto the table and danced and sang along with them.

Jump up, make a sound


Stomp your hooves, turn around

Start now, make a change, gonna come around

As they sang, more and more people slowly felt their hearts open up. And suddenly, they could hear more and more beautiful voices joining the two girls. They were starting to hear the ponies!

Korra spotted a former Triad member, who had lost his bending, and happily dragged him by the arm while Asami found a female nonbender and also pulled her by the arm as they sang.

Jump up, make a sound



Stomp your hooves turn around

Both girls had the former Triad and the female bump into each other. They smiled before they started dancing together.

This is our time to shine

Spread your love around

Gommu tossed a guitar to Mako, who easily caught it. Finally joining in the fun, he started playing the instrument like a pro while Korra happily dance beside him.

Jump up! Make a sound!

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Start now, make a change, gonna come around

The ponies continued pushing all kinds of people, both benders and nonbenders to dance together as friends. Pretty soon, the whole park was bursting with music and happy people of all kinds having fun together while Bolin played some trashcan drums. The Equalist protester could not believe his eyes!

Jump up, make a sound!

Stomp your hooves turn around

This is our time to shine

Spread your love around

Jump up make a sound

Stomp your hooves, turn around

Start now make a change, gonna come around

Jump up!

Make a sound

Stomp your hooves turn around…

As everybody danced and sang, some news reporters came and recorded the song everybody was singing, which was later broadcasted that day on the radio.


"Jump up! Make a sound! Stomp your hooves turn around…"

"You heard it hear folks! The song that has had nearly all of Republic City bursting and stomping their feet, or should I say 'hooves', all day! It appears to have had a real impact on many people. If the Avatar wasn't popular enough already, she certainly has earned a lot of love today!"

The lieutenant immediately turned off the radio, not wanting to hear anymore of this nonsense. The Equalist leader had his back turned and his hands behind his back. He was looking at a picture of Korra and her friends from that day with a whole crowed of new followers behind them smiling. The happy smile of Korra's mocked him. He could still recall the memory of those shimmering rainbow eyes that haunted his thoughts.

"Lieutenant, would you please leave. I need some time to think."

"Of course, sir." the Lieutenant left. Once he was gone, Amon angrily slammed his fist into the table.


That night, while patrolling, the team stopped at a bakery, eating dumplings while chatting. Korra and Mako stood on the right side of the car while Asami leaned on the left side deep in thought. She silently scowled when she heard Korra and Mako laughing.

“Hey, why isn't Spike here tonight?” Bolin asked.

Korra couldn't help but giggle a bit, “He had a…previous arrangement.”


Meanwhile, at Air Temple Island, Spike was not amused…..

“Awww, look at you Spike!" Ikki said, "You look so cute in that dress.”

“Don't forget the tiara.” said Jinora

Spike just sat there pouting, “I hate my life.”


“Oh, man that poor little dragon!” Mako said in between laughs.

Korra laughed along, “Yeah, but deep down he likes that it makes the girl's happy.”

"I guess." Mako bit his bottom lip before speaking again, "That was a pretty impressive thing you did today. You have an amazing voice.”

Korra smiled shyly, “Really?”

Rarity nudged at Applejack and pointed her hoof at the two teens talking. The ponies smiled as they watched them. Asami overheard them...and she did not look too happy.

“Well, yeah. You really got through to people. You were pretty incredible at Tarlokk's gala too."

Korra couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach, and the blush on her face. "Thanks."

"How long have you been singing?” Mako asked.

“Since forever, I guess. I used to sing to myself a lot when I was a kid. Mainly in private since the White Lotus found it a distraction. I would often come up with a song right on the spot. It's weird, I just feel something stir up inside and when I open my mouth the words just… come out. It's kind of magical.”

Mako smiled, “Yeah. It really is.”

"You were really great with the guitar, too. I had no idea you were such a musician."

"It was nothing. My dad played a bit so he taught me a few things. No big deal." he too was looking down at the ground, blush evident in his face. Both teens finally amped up the courage to look at one another. They simply stood there looking deep into each other's eyes. The ponies all swooned silently at the scene.

As Mako looked into Korra's eyes, the light made them shimmer and reflect rainbow like colors around her irises. Mako felt his heart skip a beat and, unbeknownst to him, the same colors slightly began to reflect in his eyes…slightly. Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something, the radio scratched, waking the teens up from their trance.

"All available units please respond to the 56 hundred block of dragon flats burol! Equalists have taken to the streets, consider them armed and dangerous, and proceed with caution."

Rainbow Dash punched the air happily, “Allllllright! Finally some action!”

Asami took the driver seat while Bolin jumped onto the seat next to her, “I call front!”

Pinkie Pie jumped onto his lap, “Me too! Yay! Front seat buddies!”

Applejack and Rarity jumped on the back seat as Mako took Korra's hand and helped her into the vehicle, “After you.”

“What a gentlemen. Thanks.” Korra said graciously as she sat next to the ponies. Even Rarity was impressed by this.

“My, how chivalrous of you.” said the unicorn.

“First time for everything.” said Applejack.

Mako jumped in and smiled as he sat next to Korra. Asami watched this on her rearview mirror, which briefly emitted a rainbow-colored glow over the two, as she looked at them with visible jealousy. She then noticed Twilight Sparkle in the mirror, looking at her with stern eyes. Asami realized she needed to focus as she stared the car.


They arrived in a neighborhood completely cut off from electricity. All the houses were dark and nobody appeared to be home.

“Why is everything so dark?” Twilight asked as she landed on the ground.

“Maybe everybody forgot to pay their electric bills?” said Pinkie Pie as she jumped out of the car.

Twilight arched her eyebrow, “Everybody?”

“It could happen”

They all see a large crowed of people, nonbenders, protesting at the metalbending police officers who were holding them behind a blockade.

“Wait, these people aren't armed or dangerous.” Asami pointed out confused.

“Sure doesn't look that way.” Korra said with concern.

“Then why would the police say that they are?” Fluttershy asked.

They then see a cop standing on top of a police truck with a megaphone talking to the frantic public, “All non-benders, return to your homes immediately.”

“Yeah, as soon as you turn our power back on!” One of the bystanders shouted and the non-benders continued to shout and complain.

“Why would they cut these poor folks their power?” Applejack asked with concern.

“I'm seriously beginning to question this city's choice in law informant.” Rarity said.

The cop continued to speak through the megaphone, “Disperse, or you will all be arrested.”

“You benders can't treat us this way!” said a woman holding her baby. The woman's daughter pointed to where Korra and the ponies are.

“Mommy look, it's the Avatar and her ponies.”

They all turned to see Korra and her friends. The woman pleaded to Korra, “Please help us. You're our Avatar too.”

Korra looked at all of the poor people pleading for her help. She then saw the little girl making her way through the people past the cops. She ran towards Korra and hugged her legs, surprising the Avatar.

“Can't you ask your ponies to help us with their magic?” the young girl asked as she looked up at Korra with pleading eyes. Korra's eyes briefly shimmered with the rainbow glow as she realized she needed to do something. She gently stroked the girl's head.

“I'll do what I can. I promise. Go back to your mother.” The girl nodded before returning to her mother. The ponies all shared Korra's determined face as the Avatar pushed two cops out of her way. “Everyone please stay calm. I'm gonna put a stop to this.”

Applejack then noticed a familiar figure at the corner of her eye. “I'm beaten' he knows what's going on.” she said.

They all turned to where Applejack was pointing, and saw Tarlokk talking with the police. Rainbow Dash flew towards the councilman, taking him by complete surprise by pulling on his jacket with her teeth. The man struggled as she forcibly dragged him away from the police, only to let go once he was facing Korra.

“Still can't control these pesky ponies, Avatar?” said the councilmen as he adjusted his clothes.

“Tarlokk, you need to turn the power back on and leave these people alone!”, Korra demanded while Rainbow snarled at him. But Tarlook was not intimidated in the slightest.

“Avatar Korra, you and your playmates have no business here.”

“We're not going anywhere. You don't have the right to treat these innocent people like criminals.”

Pinkie Pie stood beside her with a fierce look in her eye, “Yeah! So do as she says….or else!” she said threateningly.

“This is an equalist rally!" Tarlokk said, "There is nothing innocent about it! You think you can just sing a happy song and make everything better?”

“They're not equalists, they're just normal people who want their rights back.” Asami said, standing up to him.

“They are the enemy!", Tarlokk said ferociously before turning to one of the officers, “Round up all these Equalists!”

On his command, the police started removing the legs from the barriers with their earthbending, forcing the people back as they coiled the barriers around them. The cops slammed their feet to the ground and created large mounds of earth to rise from the ground. The people screamed in terror as they held onto one another for safety.

The ponies had never seen anything more horrifying in their lives! The fear in the people's faces was too much for them to bare. Korra noticed their frightened expressions and sprung into action.


She earthbended the mounds down while Twilight used her magic to remove the barriers around the people, allowing them to escape. Tarlokk narrowed his eyes, furious as the teenagers and ponies meddling in his plans….until he spotted Asami. With a wicked smile he wrapped her wrist with his waterbending and dragged her towards the cops.

“Hey! Let me go!” the heiress cried out as she struggled to break free and the police handcuffed her wrists.

“You're under arrest!”

“What? You can't do that” Mako told the councilmen while pointing an accusing finger at him.

“Actually I can. She's a non-bender out past curfew and her father is a known Equalist conspirator.”

Mako narrowed his eyes in anger and fury, “Let her go!” the firebender demanded, but Tarlokk simply smiled wickedly before turning to the other police officers.

“Arrest him and his brother!”

The cops obeyed and launched their cables towards the two brothers, wrapping around their upper torsos as they struggled to break free. They felt themselves being forcibly pulled by the cops. Rainbow Dash firebended at one of the cops that held Asami while Applejack earthbended a piece of earth underneath the other, which caused him to fall backwards. Fluttershy unleashed a powerful wind with one flap of her wings, blasting away the same cops that had Mako and Bolin tied up, freeing the brothers in the process. Her anger towards them as well as her desire to help her friends increased her bending. Tarlokk had had enough of the ponies' interference.

“That's it! Take down those monsters right now!”

Korra gasped in horror as the cops attempted to capture the ponies, but they all quickly jumped away from them. Twilight slid to a halt, dust covering her hooves, as she witnessed her friends being chased and treated like savage wild animals. The cops tried to capture them, but the ponies fought will all of their might. Finally, her level-headedness had reached its limit. Twilight sneered as her horn began to glow strongly.

“Alright, I've had just about enough of this!!”

Seeing this, Korra tried to stop her, “Twilight, wait!” she cried out, but it was too late...

The alicorn spread open her wings and flew up into the air. With her glowing horn she began zapping police officers with a fiery fury. She levitated their own metal cables and wrapped it around their bodies, tying them up. She even launched an extremely powerful blast at Tarlokk, knocking him right into the police cop van. The Councilmen groaned in pain. He was alright, but he was furious.

Twilight lowered down breathing heavily, sweat streaming down her whole body. She had unleashed an incredible amount of her power, and all of her furry. Korra rushed over and tried to sooth her angry friend. She rubbed her back, telling her to take deep breaths.

“Calm down, Twily. Calm down. It's okay.”

Slowly, Twilight's anger died down as she listened to Korra's soothing voice. Tarlokk grunted as he approached them with much fury in his eyes. “Here to help us, are they? To think I believed that. Those creatures are not friends, they are a menace! They are just as dangerous as Amon!”

“No they're not!" Korra shouted back as she stood up to face him, "She was only trying to defend these people! They all were!”

“If you can't control them then what help are they to us?” Some of the cops managed to release themselves from their metal cables, which Twilight had recently tied them up with. “Take those children and take down those monsters!” Tarlokk ordered.

The cops obeyed. They tied up both brothers once more and handcuffed Asami again while the rest went after the Mane Six.

Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie tried to gallop away but their tails were tangled by the cords, causing them to stop. The cops even wrapped their hooves together to keep them from bending. Rainbow and Fluttershy tried to avoid the cords but they were now wrapped around their bodies, enabling them to fly. They landed onto the ground with a loud thump. All that was left was Twilight, but she was already worn out by her powerhouse display that she hardly saw the cords wrapping around her so quickly. They tied up her hooves, wings and horn, even her muzzle.

The sight of this caused Korra's rage to grow. “Tarlokk!” she waved her arms and levitated two rocks upwards, ready to strike at the man.

“Unless you want to join your friends in prison I suggest you put those down and go back to the Air Temple.” said Tarlokk.

Before she would do anything rash, she heard Mako's voice calling her, “Korra, listen to him. It's not worth it.”

“He's right. Don't do it!” Twilight shouted as well.

Their voices seemed to get through to Korra, like an invisible cord drawing her back to reality. This was not the right way to handle this. Slowly, though reluctantly, she lowered the rocks and watched in anguish as her friends were being taken away, including the ponies.

“We'll be alright” Bolin assured her before he was pushed into the police van.

“Don't worry, I'll call Tenzin he can get you out!” she shouted.

“Tell Spike not to worry!” Twilight said before she was pushed into the van. All the ponies were thrown inside by the cops. Fluttershy was the last to get inside.

“Get in there you little beast!” The cop kicked the poor little Pegasus who yelped in pain, earning a gasp from Korra.

“No! Don't hurt them!” she quickly ran to the cop and grabbed his arm while crying pleadingly, “Please, don't do anything to them! Please!”

The cop broke free of her strong grip, “It's not up to us.” he said. Korra tearfully looked at the ponies and then at Mako with a heavy heart. Once the doors closed, she turned and looked angrily at Tarlokk.

“So sad to see your little Team Avatar broken up. You had a good run.”

“This isn't over Tarlokk!” she said as she pointed her finger threateningly at him.

“Oh I believe it is. And about those little ponies—“

Korra clenched her fists, “If you so much as touch one hair or feather on them you will regret it! I mean it!”

But Tarlokk kept on his wicked smile at all times. “Why do you defend them? You saw the damage they caused. Then again, they did have you as an owner. Maybe that's where they got their destructive behavior.”

You won't take them away from me!

“I believe I already did.”

With that, he and the cops drove away, the ponies watched from the windows of the back of the truck, their eyes so filled with sadness and fear. The sight of it broke Korra's heart into two. Once they were all gone she kneeled to the ground and cried. She felt as if a part of her had been stripped away.


At police headquarters, Tenzin found Korra struggling to get at least one officer to speak to her. “I came as fast as I could. Are your friends alright?” he asked.

“I don't know these knuckle heads won't tell me anything!”

“I'll take care of this”

He spotted Chief Saikhan by the counter and called out his name, “Saikhan, a word if you please”

“Councilmen Tenzin, I'm pretty swamped at the moment can't it wait?”

“No it cannot. Three of Avatar Korra's friends were wrongly arrested tonight as where her ponies. I'd like you to release them immediately.”

“They’re not going anywhere. They were interfering with police business, plus those ponies attacked numerous police officers and a member of the Council.”

“They were only trying to help because your so called police business was rounding up innocent people and claiming they were equalists." Korra stated, "They should be released too!”

“All equalist suspects are being detained indefinitely." said Saikhan, "They'll be freed if and when the Task Force deems they are no longer a threat.”

“Those people are entitled to due process under the law.” Tenzin stated.

“You'll have to take that up with Councilmen Tarlokk”

“Oh I planned to. At the Council meeting, first thing in the morning.”

“What about the ponies?" Korra asked, "What has Tarlokk planned to do with them?”

“That information is unavailable to me at the moment.” Saikhan said. The chief eyes then filled with fear when Korra angrily grabbed him by the collar.

“Listen here bub! If anything has happened to my ponies, so help me, I'll----“

"Korra! I know you're worried about the girls, but try to calm yourself down.”


Tenizn looked at her sternly and she reluctantly gave up in, “Fine.” she then grabbed Saikhan by the chin this time, “But you're officially the worst Chief of Police ever!”

"Calm down, Korra." said Tenzin as he led her away from the man. They prepared to leave until Tenzin stopped and turned to the chief, "But you really are the worst!…Ever!'

They two made their way out until they both heard some familiar voices,

"Let me go."

"Unhand me this instant!"

Korra instantly recognized them, “Wait! That's---“

A group of cops walked out struggling to keep the two ponies, Rarity and Rainbow Dash at bay. The ponies kept on struggling in their grasp, biting into the leashes around their necks, even resulted to biting the cops.

“Rainbow Dash! Rarity!” Korra cried out happily.

The ponies smiled once they saw their friend. “Korra!”

“Take them down!” yelled one of the cops and two of them took out a vaccine from his pocket. Korra gasped and the ponies cried in pain as the needle was injected into them.

“NO!” Korra quickly ran toward the ponies who were already starting to lose consciousness. Rarity had fallen to the ground while Rainbow Dash slowly lowered down. The two were now completely out cold.

“NO!” Korra ran towards her friends, but she kept on getting held back as more and more cops came by to hold her down. She could only catch small glimpses of the sleeping ponies, who were being dragged away by the two men. More and more officers came to hold the distressed Avatar at bay but Korra kept on struggling.


Korra used all of her might to break free but her aching heart was wearing her down. The abuse her friends were going through was too much for her to bear. Those innocent creatures did not deserve this. Once the ponies were no longer in sight Korra could go no further. She broke out crying as the cops slowly dispersed and Korra lost the feeling in her legs, kneeling to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

"No, no...” Korra covered her face with her hands as Tenzin walked over and wrapped the weeping Avatar in his arms.


At Air Temple Island, Korra laid on her bed. The poor girl continued to cry into her pillow while Spike stroked her head, trying to ease the pain. “There, there Korra. The ponies are strong, they'll be okay.”

“You weren't there, Spike! You didn't see what they did to them!”

“I know, I know. I'm just as mad as you are.” Spike hated seeing Korra like this. It was then, he gained a determined look and jumped out of the bed, “Come on, get up!”

Korra wiped the tears from her face as she looked at her little dragon buddy wearing a fierce look on his face. “What?”

“Are we really going to wait till tomorrow morning for Tenzin to talk with Tarlokk?”

“I don't want to.”

“Well then let's go and talk with him ourselves.”

“But what if he takes you too?”

“Okay, fine you talk to him. I'll go in case you need backup.”

Korra dried her eyes, thinking about her little friend's words. She got up from her bed and opened up her window, looking out at the city. The thought of her friends played in her mind. She knew she had to do something, to save all of them. The Ponies, Bolin, Asami, Mako, all of them. She had to stop crying and start acting. Her mind was made up. She turned to Spike, wearing a look of determination of her own.

“You're right Spike. Let's move.”

Spike jumped excitedly, “That's my girl!”

Korra walked to her polar bear-dog, “Wake up Naga. Let's go save our friends.”


The two friends ride on Naga and arrive at City Hall. It was already snowing and the soft white flakes fell all around Korra's shoulders. Once they reached the front of the building the Avatar got off of the polar bear dog. “Wait for me here guys” she said. Naga nuzzled her mistress who hugged her in return, “Don't worry I'll be alright.”

“Be careful” Spike said.

Korra gave Spike a kiss on the cheek, making him blush. “I will.”

They both watched with concern as their friend headed into the building. Korra took in a deep breath before going further. "I hope Twilight and the girls are okay, Naga." said Spike, Naga whimpered in response. "But I'm sure things will work out. Korra will just talk to Tarlokk and she'll have the others out in no time." The dragon looked up at the tall building with a worried look. "I just hope she's not losing her cool in there."


Tarlokk was working on some council paperwork, his sage standing by his side, when the window suddenly bursted open, allowing the cold air and snow to enter the room, blowing the peppers everywhere in the process. The Avatar herself stood by the window, her hair ties bellowing in the wind and her blue eyes filled with determination.

"You and I need to talk" Korra said as she jumped in from the window and walked towards Tarlokk. The councilman looked at her with anger.

"Are any of other council members here?" he asked his assistant, not taking his angry eyes off of the Avatar.

"I believe everyone has gone home for the night." he said in a somewhat shaking voice.

"Then you should do the same."

"Are you sure, sir?"

"Leave us."

With that, the page looked at Korra before looking back at Tarlokk. He bowed and quickly walked away, leaving the two waterbenders alone to, 'talk'.

"You obviously have something on your mind? Spit it out." said the councilman.

"Don't you see? You're doing exactly what Amon says is wrong with benders. You're using your power to oppress and intimidate people."

"And you don't?"

Korra was immediately taken back by what he said. Sure she loved bending and showing it off, but she would never bully anyone just for the sake of it, and especially not someone who was completely innocent and did nothing to hurt her or anyone.

"Of course not!"

"Isn't that what you came here to do? Intimidate me into releasing your friends?" he maintained an arrogant grin on his face that made Korra's blood boil. "See, that's what I admire about you, Korra. Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want. It is a quality we both share."

“You and I are nothing alike!” Korra said angrily. She was repulsed by the very idea that she and him would ever be similar. This man was relentless and twisted.

Tarlokk kept his composure…and his wicked smiled. “Look, I'll make you a deal. You fall in line and do what I say, and I'll let your friends go.”

“Is that why you arrested them? To get to me?”

“I need your answer.”

“What about the ponies? What do you plan on doing with them?”

“Well, at first I did plan on sending them to a science facility lab in order to learn more about their so called "magic".”

Korra was utterly shocked and disgusted by what she had just heard, “You were going to send my ponies to a lab to be dissected?!”

“If you give me your word to do as you're told, I'll reconsider that option. But I need your answer.”

Korra was quiet for a few seconds before giving her answer, “…No.”

That was not what Tarlokk wanted to hear, “I'm sorry, I thought you cared about your ponies.”

“More than you know. But I also know that this is not what they would want me to do. You might be able to manipulate Chief Saikhan into following you, but it won't work on me. And I will set my friends free. All of them. If it's the last thing I do.”

The man stood up and turned his back to face the fancy waterfall in his office. “You will regret that decision.”

"You need to be stopped. You're just as bad as Amon."

Tarlokk's eyes widened with rage at her words. How dare she say such a thing. He was nothing like Amon, that was most certainly true. His patience with this child finally wore thin.

"I've tried to work with you, Korra, but you've made it impossible."

Tarlokk turned around and suddenly sliced a small stream of water from the waterfall at her. Korra barely dodged it, as it cut off a small section of her hair. She knew Rarity would not have liked that. She rolled and earthbended at Tarlokk, forcing him back and causing him to hit his back on the way.


Outside, Spike was starting to get worried. Korra had been away longer than he had hoped. “You know what? Maybe I should go and see if she's doing okay.” He jumped from Naga's head but then pulled on his tail with her mouth, preventing him from leaving.

“Come on girl, I'm just going to sneak a peek, that's all.” suddenly, Spike flinched at the sound of a loud noise coming from inside the building. The little dragon gulped, “Or maybe I'll just stay here with you.”

They heard another noise. This time even louder. And violent.

“That doesn't sound good. Korra might be in trouble! Wait here Naga!” The dragon bravely ran into the building.


Korra shoot a fire blast from her fists at the councilman, who protected himself by waterbending a dome around him. He thrusted his hands forward repeatedly behind the dome, firing several ice darts towards Korra. She flipped back to dodge them, but got grazed as she landed. She attempted to punch the ice darts as they approached her, but one caught her on her side. She cried out in pain before shielding herself with her arms to protect herself. She thrusted her arm forward, earthbending the wall behind Tarrlok into him, causing the man to fly through the wall into the council chambers.

Once Spike was inside the council chambers, he saw the walls crumble and hid behind a chair. He witnessed Tarrlok fly through the wall. He tried to right himself, but tripped over the railing and began to fall. He quickly grabbed the railing with his hand. His hair which was once styled into three ponytails was now loose over his face. Spike saw a figure in front of the giant hole in the wall. It was Korra. Her hair was a tangled mess, her hair ties were loose, her cloths were somewhat torn, and her eyes burning with fury.

“Still think I'm a half baked Avatar?!"

Spike watched in fear as Korra earthbended, causing Tarrlok to fall to the ground below. Korra jumped down and punched the ground once she landed, causing a gigantic hole around her. She breathed heavily as she slowly approached the councilmen, who was quaking with fear.

“What are you gonna now? You're all out of water, pal!”

Tarlokk moved away in fear as Korra firebended two flames from her palms. Seeing her about to strike the man with fire, Spike quickly ran from his hiding place to stop her from doing something she would regret.

“Korra, no!”

Then Korra suddenly stopped on her tracks, but it wasn't because of Spike's call.

Tarlokk had his arms raised up and all of the sudden, Korra's arms moved under his command. The young woman began to cry out in pain, it felt as if some invisible force was making her move against his will. Before long, she was forced down to her knees. The little dragon gasped in horror at the sight of Tarlokk moving his arms like some kind of puppet master, forcing Korra to move to his will.

“You're in my way, Avatar. And you need to be removed.”

“Let her go!” Spike charged at the Councilmen, but was then stopped when Tarlokk rose one hand. Korra couldn't believe her friend was now suspended in mid air. Spike tried to move his arms and legs, even tail, but to no avail, “What's going on? Why can't I move?”

Korra continued to struggle as she came to a horrible realization, “You're--you're a…bloodbender?”

“A blood-what-now?” Spike asked.

“Very observant” said Tarlokk.

“It’s not a full moon, how--how are you doing this?” Korra asked as she kept on trying to move any inch of her body to no avail.

“There are a lot of things you don't know about me.”, said Tarlokk before he used bloodbending to lift up both Korra and Spike into the air and threw them up against a pillar. They landed hard on the ground. Both friends slipped into unconsciousness as Tarlokk approached them. The man rose his hand, ready to finish the job with his terrifying skill. But the moment he looked down at Korra's unconscious face, and the way that little dragon rushed to her side, he stopped. He began to remember seeing Korra's eyes shimmering with rainbow colors, and that warm familiar sensation. Tarlokk lowered his hand and groaned angrily…he couldn't do it. He couldn't kill her. But none the less, he had to get rid of her in some way or another.

In Korra's mind, she saw her visions again... Aang, Toph Bei-Fong, Councilmen Sokka, a mysterious man, it all came back again….

When Korra's vision returned to the present, she found herself tied up alongside Spike and placed on the back of his satomobile, curtesy of Tarlokk. “Where are you taking us?” Korra demanded to know.

“Somewhere no one will find you. But don't worry, I'll at least give you the privilege of having this worthless little pest to accompany you. Out of all of your vermin, he appears to be the least of a threat.” Spike growled at him in fury. “Say goodbye to Republic City, Avatar Korra. You'll never see it again.”

Korra shoot a blast of fire from her mouth as she screamed in fury. Tarlokk closed the doors and started the car. “You can't do this! Let me out! NOOOOOOOOOOO!”



Twilight Sparkle woke up along with the other ponies, the sleeping affect from the vaccines had worn off faster than originally intended by the cops. They were all inside their own prison cell at police headquarters.

“Korra's in trouble!”

“I felt it too!" said Rarity.

“We have to get out of here” Fluttershy said.

Twilight stood firmly on the ground as she aimed her horn at the wall, “Stand back girls.” Twilight's horn glowed bright and……


The walls of the prison they were in crumbled and they all ran the heck out of there.

They all ran and they flew all over the city, they search everywhere, both high and low. The winged ponies even carried a land pony as they searched the city crying out for Korra's name, but they do not find her. They all gathered near the park.

“We can't find her” Rainbow said.

“Twilight, did you happen to see where she was?” Rarity asked.

Twilight sadly shook her head, “No, all I saw where those visions of Avatar Aang. I heard a scream and then…nothing. I have no idea where she could be.”

Pinkie Pie dramatically cried to the heavens, “Korra! Where are you!?


Author's Note:

Wow, I nearly forgot how intense this episode was. Well, now Korra only has one Element left to find, but the story doesn't end here. Oh, no, for those who know the show, get ready to see what happened with the ponies. And wait until you see the Makorra stuff.