• ...

Loyalty 11: ライバル

Saturday was usually a school day in Neighpon. Today, however, was a national holiday, and Sweetie Belle intended to make the most of it by spending time with the boy of her dreams.

She hummed her favorite Lady Sashimi image song as she skipped toward the bookstore where Spike lived with Twilight Sparkle and her mother. As she approached, she saw him leave the front entrance; she prepared to call out to him in greeting—

A pretty silver-haired girl in a silver-and-black seifuku followed behind him.

Sweetie Belle stopped short, her happy mood crashing down around her.

The silver-haired girl laughed at something Spike said, following in behind him as he walked down the sidewalk in the opposite direction.

Sweetie Belle sank to her knees.


Loyalty 11: ライバル

A nest of human-sized cockroaches gathered in one of the dark access tunnels beneath Pony City.

"The numbers which are the numbers of surviving Infestation have not increased by a number which is satisfactory since that which is known as the extermination of the Infestation on the surface by those who are known as the enemy."

"The numbers which are the numbers of surviving Infestation are irrelevant. The Infestation must serve that which is the will of she who is known as our Queen."

"That which is the Infestation cannot serve that which is the will of she who is known as our Queen without a number that is a satisfactory number of surviving Infestation."

"That which is the will of she who is known as our Queen is that which is more important than that which is known as numbers."

"Up that which is known as yours."

"Cease the discourse which is known as the volatile discourse. That which is known as a scouting party must investigate that which is known as the surface. We require that which is known as information."


"Agreed. Send that which is known as a scouting party to that which is known as the surface."

* * * * *

"So where are we going?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Just around," Spike said. "There's lots to see...it's a really big city. I think today we'll stick to the basic stuff close to home, unless there's something in particular you'd like to see."

Silver Spoon shook her head. "I know practically nothing about this city. I wasn't expecting to be here more than a day, so I didn't really..."

Spike chuckled. "Yeah. Well, let's start with the most important stuff."

"What, like museums, libraries, transportation?"

"Food," Spike said, turning a corner. "You gotta know where to get the best snacks and quick foods." He walked up to an open-front shop with a short curtain above the "entrance" and a long counter behind which stood a burly man with a short, scruffy mop of uneven brown hair. "Yo, Joukichi!"

The man grinned. "Spike, my favorite customer!" He glanced at Silver Spoon. "Haven't seen you before."

"I just moved here," Silver Spoon said.

"She's enrolling in school here next week," Spike said. "She's staying with us at the bookstore."

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood," Joukichi said. "What can I get you kids?"

"Two with azuki," Spike said.

"You got it," Joukichi said. He pulled two wax paper wrappers out of a dispenser and began working behind the counter. "Perfect timing, too, I just took a batch off to cool." He reached across the counter, offering one golden brown taiyaki wrapped in wax paper to each of them.

Spike laid a few coins on the counter. "Thanks," he said.

"Come back anytime!" Joukichi called.

Silver Spoon eyed the pastry she'd been given dubiously. "What...is this?" she asked.

"Taiyaki," Spike said. "It's basically a filled waffle. Don't ask me why it's shaped like a fish, I have no idea." He blew on his and took a bite. "Joukichi makes the best taiyaki in Pony City."

"Okay..." Silver Spoon blew on hers and took a bite. Her eyes widened. "It's good!"


They ate their taiyaki in silence as they walked. When they were finished, they discarded the wrappers in the nearest recycling bin. Silver Spoon looked down at herself and frowned. "I really should go shopping," she said. "I didn't bring much with me, and if I'm going to be here a while, I'll need more clothes than this."

"Hmm. Maybe Neechan or one of the other girls can take you shopping tomorrow?"

"Or we could go now," Silver Spoon suggested.

Spike grimaced. "Ugh. I hate shopping with girls."

"Really?" Silver Spoon tilted her head. "That's funny, considering what you said about your vice..."

"It gets really boring really fast," Spike said. He glanced at Silver Spoon, sighed, and rolled his eyes. "But...okay. We'll go shopping for some new clothes for you." He held up a finger. "Just ONE store, though."

Silver Spoon giggled. "Okay!"

From more than half a block behind them, Sweetie Belle watched with narrowed, jealous eyes.

* * * * *

The mahoushoujo clustered together in Applejack's hospital room. She was sitting up in bed, wearing apple-print pajamas. "Whut's takin' so long?" she complained. "Ah wanna git outta here already!"

"I know how you feel," Rainbow said. "Hospitals suck."

Twilight shrugged. "Oneesama is working on it," she said. "The hospital staff are being, well...obtuse." She adjusted her glasses. "Not without reason, though. After all, you did come in here with a wound that should have killed you."

"But Ah'm fine now!"

"No, you're not," Twilight argued. "You're still recovering. You're going to need to take it easy for a while. You think you're okay, but that much blood loss takes time to get over."

Applejack sighed.

Cadance and a doctor walked in. "It's all taken care of," she said. "There are some rules and restrictions and a series of follow-up appointments, but..."

"Ah can go home?"

"Yes," the doctor said. "But don't do anything strenuous for at least a week. I'd recommend taking a few days off from school. I'll write a letter for your school nurse and principal."

"Sounds fine t'me," Applejack said, standing and stretching.

Twilight smiled. "We'll just let you get dressed now, Senpai. Come on, everybody, let's wait for her in the lobby."

* * * * *

Spike and Silver Spoon emerged from a shop; Spike was laden with bags. Silver Spoon smiled happily. "That was fun!" she said.

Spike groaned. "I'm callin' Obasan to take this stuff back home," he said, shifting everything to one hand and pulling out his phone. "No way in hell I'm luggin' all this crap around all day."

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. "That's not very gentlemanly of you," she chided.

Spike put his phone away after sending a text. "Let's see. I can play tour guide while carrying around bags of clothes all day long, or I can call Obasan, who can teleport, to take this stuff back home so I don't have to carry it all day. Yeah, I'll do the smart thing here."

Silver Spoon giggled.

Velvet appeared in a flash. "Are you two enjoying yourselves?" she asked.

Spike unceremoniously thrust the bags he was carrying at her.

"Evidently you are," Velvet said with a smirk. She teleported away. A few passersby stopped and stared.

"Well, let's get goin'," Spike said. "I'm hungry."

Silver Spoon nodded. "Me too, actually."

"I think I'll introduce you to fast food next," Spike said. "You'll probably be eating a lot of it."


"You'll see."

* * * * *

"That human male which is the green-haired human male that is in the company of a young human female...is that not the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen?"

"Affirmative. The human male who is in the company of a young human female is the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen."

"Shall we attempt to capture the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen?"

"No, we lack the numbers to successfully capture the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen. We should report the location of the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen to that which is the rest of the Infestation."

"The location of the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen may not remain at this location while we report to that which is the rest of the Infestation."

"The point you make is a point which is valid. I will report to that which is the rest of the Infestation. The rest of you will delay the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen for a time which is...as long as possible."


* * * * *

Spike and Silver Spoon sat at a table at FcBURGER. Silver Spoon eyed the meal on her tray dubiously. "So...what exactly is this?" she asked.

"Teriyaki burger," Spike said as he squirted ketchup onto an unfolded napkin. "Get used to eating meat here. Especially fish. Oh, but this isn't fish, it's beef."

"I'd heard about this," Silver Spoon said. "The meat, I mean."

Spike nodded, dipping a fry into the ketchup. "We don't eat as much of it at home, but Obasan's started cooking with it more and more," he said. "Of course, what we eat at home is a lot better than this. This is pretty much the cheapest food you can get."

Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow at him. "So your idea of taking a girl out to lunch is to take her to the cheapest place in town?"

Spike froze. "Uhh..."

Silver Spoon giggled. "I'm just teasing," she said. She unwrapped her burger, picked it up, and took a bite. She chewed quietly for a minute, frowning. "Well..." She swallowed, then took a long sip of her cola. "I guess they tried, anyway," she said.

Spike snorted. "Yeah, that about sums up FcBURGER. Maybe that should be their slogan. 'FcBURGER: At Least We Tried.'" He took a big bite out of his own burger.

Silver Spoon laughed.

Three tables away, Sweetie Belle sat, slurping a vanilla milkshake and fuming. *Who IS this girl? Where did she come from? Why is Spike-kun so interested in her when he just BARELY notices me? What's so special about HER? I mean, I'd get it if she was Oneesan's age, but...*

A sharp stab of pain lanced through her brain, and she cried out in agony. Several customers, including Spike and Silver Spoon, turned to stare at her.

Spike blinked. "Huh. Sweetie Belle's here."

"You know her?" Silver Spoon asked.

"She's Rarity-sama's sister." Spike stood up and walked over to Sweetie Belle. "You okay?"

Sweetie Belle glared up at him. "I'm FINE," she spat. She took a long, vicious sip of her milkshake.

Spike frowned. "You know you're gonna get a brain—"



The other customers, having realized what was going on, lost interest and turned back to their food.

"Well...seeya later," Spike said, walking back over to his table.

Silver Spoon frowned past him, brow furrowed. "Is...she alright?"

"She just drank a milkshake too fast," Spike said. At Silver Spoon's confused look, he elaborated, "Gives you brainfreeze. A really nasty, sudden headache. It's not serious, it's just really annoying."

"I see..."

At another table, four identical men with short black hair, sideburns, and blue pullover sweaters drank sodas and watched Spike out of the corners of their eyes.

When Spike and Silver Spoon finished eating and left the restaurant, Sweetie Belle got up and followed them.

The four identical men stood and left, following the kids.

* * * * *

Silver Spoon cast a glance back over her shoulder. "That girl's been following us ever since we left FcBURGER."

"Yeah, I know," Spike said.

"I wonder why?"

Spike shrugged. "I dunno. She's not usually this stalkery."

Silver Spoon blinked. "Wait. Are you saying this girl...has a crush on you?"

"Yeah. I...guess I'm kindasortanotreally her boyfriend? I mean, I've gone out with her and I hang out with her and her friend sometimes, but...I'm in love with somebody else, and...well..." He scratched his chin. "It's complicated."

Silver Spoon frowned. "Does she...know you're—"

"She knows," Spike said. "She's 'fighting' for me, whatever that means."

"Really," Silver Spoon said. A devious smirk crossed her face. "Now I get what's going on here..." Without warning, she looped her arm around Spike's. "Oh, Spike-san," she simpered loudly, "it's ever so sweet of you to agree to take me out today! I'm having such a good time being with you!"

Spike froze up. "Wh-what are you—"

"Why, I don't know what I'd do without you!" Silver Spoon turned away, placing the back of her hand against her forehead dramatically. "A young girl like me, new to this city, without a friend in the world to turn to..." She turned back to Spike. "And then you shared your kindness, your compassion with me..." She leaned very close. "Maybe I can share...something with you...too..." She closed her eyes...

Two identical men appeared out of nowhere, grabbed her under the arms, and dragged her away. "What—?!"

"The human female will be that which is known as silent."

Two more stepped into view between her and Spike. Spike scowled and settled into a ready stance. "Who are you? Let her go!"

"The human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen will surrender and come with us, or the human female will be eliminated with extreme prejudice."

Spike's eyes widened. "Heeeey, wait a minute," he said. "You're...you're those cockroach guys!"

"We are the Infestation, and we are here to complete that which is our mission, which is to capture the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen and deliver him to the one who is our Queen for conversion into a Royal Drone."

Spike frowned. "Okay, you know, I was worried for a second? But now I'm just bored." He rushed forward and drove a fist into the nearest Changeling, then dropped into a low sweep, taking its legs out from under it. The second Changeling moved to attack; Spike backflipped away, pulled a kunai, and threw it, striking the Changeling in the neck.

If it had been human, it would have died; instead, it jerked the kunai out and charged, swinging it.

"Cease resistance or the human female dies!"

Silver Spoon struggled in the grip of the two Changelings as Spike fought the other two. "Let! Me! GO!" she shrieked.

"You heard her! Let her GO!" Spike yelled, grabbing one Changeling around the torso and shoving with all his might, forcing it to the ground. The other grabbed him from behind and hauled him off his feet. He struggled; the Changeling had more mass and a denser center of gravity, denying him the leverage to break the hold.

"The human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen is captured."

"Secure the human male. The human female will also be taken to the nest. Her fear will be an excellent source of food for the Infestation."

"Let...me...GO!" Spike thrashed around; the only unencumbered Changeling punched him hard in the gut, and he slumped, struggling to breathe.

A shrill siren filled the air. "KIDNAPPERS! KIDNAPPERS! KIDNAPPERS!"

Sweetie Belle ran toward the group, screaming at the top of her lungs, waving around an electronic stranger danger siren.


Up and down the street, doors opened. Men and women emerged, angry-faced, brandishing phones or brooms or other implements.

"Sweetie Belle! Get out of here!" Spike wheezed. "These guys are Changelings!"

"No!" Sweetie Belle yelled over her siren. "I'll protect you! I won't let anything happen to you!"

"BAKA!" Spike yelled. "If I can't even fight these guys without my magic, you don't stand a chance!"

People began advancing, even as the four Changelings stood around, confused and wary.

"Spike-san! Her...whatever that is! It's confusing them! I think they can't stand loud noise!" Silver Spoon yelled.

Spike struggled. "That...would be helpful...if I could get loose!"

"Can't you use your magic?" Sweetie Belle cried.

"No!" Spike yelled. "I'm drained! I haven't had a chance to recharge!"

Sweetie Belle jogged in place indecisively, looking around. "Oh...oh..."

Three police officers charged up the road, batons drawn. More people were pouring out into the street, many of them armed with blunt, heavy objects.

"Human authority figures approach! We must retreat!"

"Agreed. Secure the prisoners and retreat."

Sweetie Belle charged over to the two Changelings holding Silver Spoon...

...reached out, grabbed Silver Spoon's skirt, and lifted it.

"KYAAAA!" Silver Spoon shrieked.

"SPIKE-KUN, LOOK!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

Spike blinked twice. "Eh...close enough." With a weak green flicker of flame, a smoke bomb appeared in his hand, which he dropped on the ground. It exploded, spreading a cloud of thick green fog.

When the smoke cleared, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon were gone.

* * * * *

Three blocks away, Spike skidded to a halt, a hand clenched firmly around each girl's wrist. He doubled over, gasping for breath. "That...was...close..."

A red-faced Silver Spoon rounded on Sweetie Belle. "YOU LITTLE...!" she screeched.

"I WAS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!" Sweetie Belle yelled back. "If I hadn't done that, you and Spike-kun would..."

Silver Spoon seethed for a minute...then smirked. "Well. It's just lucky it was me that was captured and not you," she said. Eyes narrowed, she added, "After all...I'm actually mature enough that I got a reaction out of Spike-san."

"Barely," Sweetie Belle said, sticking her tongue out.

Spike rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm goin' home," he said. "Sweetie Belle, you should...you should stick with us until I can get Rarity-sama to come and take you home."

Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon glared at each other. "Gladly," Sweetie Belle said. "I'm not leaving you alone with her any longer than I have to."

Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. "Fine by me," she said. "I live with him. I can be alone with him any time I want."

"AAAAHHHH!" Sweetie Belle yelled.

Spike's shoulders sagged. "This won't end well..."

* * * * *

"The human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen is no longer at the location which is the location where the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen was last known to be."

"That obvious statement is obvious."

"Shall we locate the human male that is to be captured alive for conversion into that which is known as a Royal Drone for the purposes of mating with the one who is our Queen?"

"No, you shouldn't noso."

The Infestation turned as a green-haired boy dressed all in black strode into their midst, wearing sunglasses despite being underground in a dark access tunnel.

"An unknown human male approaches."

"We have been seen. The unknown human male must be eliminated."

"I'm not human noso," the boy said. "I'm the emissary of Her Majesty noso. You will address me as Lord Eskargg noso."

"The unknown human male has been identified as Lord Eskargg Noso."

"Understood, we will address you as Lord Eskargg Noso."

Eskargg facepalmed.

"Do you have orders which are the orders that are to be carried out by the Infestation, Lord Eskargg Noso?"

"Yes nos—" Eskargg cleared his throat. "Yes. You are no longer to engage with the human mage known as Spike. From now on, no Changeling except myself will ever confront him."

"Understood, Lord Eskargg Noso."

"My remaining forces in this city are conducting covert energy draining operations. The mahoushoujo have been occupied with other matters recently, which has made it easier for us to feed without being detected. For now, none of you are to leave these tunnels. You are not to be seen by the humans. I want you to concentrate on one thing, and one thing only:

"I want you to breed, and breed explosively. I require cannon fodder."

"Understood, Lord Eskargg Noso. The Infestation will continue to increase our numbers to serve as disposable soldiers for the glory of our Queen."

Author's Note:

Title card for this chapter:

Comments ( 79 )

I still hate that which is known as the speaking style of that which is known as the Infestation.
... Damn it. Moth.

In any case, Silver Spoon is having far too much fun with Sweetie Belle. Naughty, naughty Spoon. And poor Spike, stuck in an increasingly complicated bit of love geometry.

A nice episode, this. Mostly filler, but Eskargg is playing the long game. He's worrisomely intelligent, especially compared to his... father? I suppose that would be the appropriate term.

oh god...the return of the Kraangroaches...

6017628 I like that name. It's clever.:pinkiehappy:

Goddammit! Those who are known as the Infestation are that which is known as unbearable! And now there'll be more! :raritydespair:

And geez, Spike, you need to get your stuff together. Geometry is no fun, and love geometry is even worse :rainbowlaugh:

Funny chapter, Silver Spoon being proactively at attacking Sweetie is unusual, but interesting. I can't wait to see where this goes. :pinkiehappy:

6017622 Yeah, it's annoying, but "up yours" is still funny, even in Kraang. I thought all those mooks were dead, though. Guess they survived in the sewers. And good to see Eskargg's at least trying to drop that annoying verbal tic.


Is it bad that I'm enjoying the drama with Spike and Sweetie Belle?

6018329 Sil trying to have a little fun kinda got away from her a bit there, yeah.

6018362 The thing about cockroaches is...you can never completely get rid of them. *shudder*

6018450 Not at all. It means I'm doing it right. :scootangel:

Yay!! Return of the roach headache.
Also spike's love life would be an funny story on its one.

Welcome to FcBurger, home of the fuc- Dammit!

I spy a To Love-ru reference:

Spike laid a few coins on the counter. "Thanks," he said.
"Come back anytime!" Joukichi called.
Silver Spoon eyed the pastry she'd been given dubiously. "What...is this?" she asked.
"Taiyaki," Spike said. "It's basically a filled waffle. Don't ask me why it's shaped like a fish, I have no idea." He blew on his and took a bite. "Joukichi makes the best taiyaki in Pony City."
"Okay..." Silver Spoon blew on hers and took a bite. Her eyes widened. "It's good!"

That looks just like what Mikan and Golden Darkness (aka Yami-chan) do after school. And Yami is incredibly fond of taiyaki. Just wanted to comment on that. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only person to notice that. But considering other references including who Fluttershy's grandmother is (Littlest Pet Shop, 2013-present), the Sailor moor badass boast until Sparkle-san pretty much retired it, and I'm pretty sure that there is a messload of other references, I should have saw it earlier.


I spy a To Love-ru reference

No you don't, because I don't even know what To Love-ru is.

I do know what taiyaki is, though, and taiyaki is a Japanese cultural staple present in many manga and anime because it's as much a part of everyday life in Japan as donuts are in the US.


Long story short To-Love-Ru is basically shy guy with a crush on girl runs into an alien princess that makes him her fiance. Said shy guy cannot spit it out to the girl he likes, and he has feeling for the alien princess over time. Basically Love Triangle turns into Love Decddhyedron (I know that is misspelled) because every girl he runs into has some feelings for shy guy in one way or another. I personally like it because of the humor, but to be honest it can get kinda stagnant because it seems the same thing over and again, being it a slice-of-life harem anime. The reason that I made the To Love Ru reference is that when I reading the latest chapter (thank you for making if a sort of breather chapter after the issues with the Shadowbolts BTW), I saw the scene with Spike, Silver Spoon, and the taiyaki. Honestly I heard of it from that anime (yes I know, it's shameful, but I honestly didn't know other than that). And I assumed that you were aware of the reference, but you have corrected me by stating that it isn't a reference but rather a Japanese crusine item. My apologies, and thanks for the new info. :twilightsmile:

6030976 Always use Google to look up terms you're unfamiliar with. It's quick and easy.

6031131 i thought this weeks chapter was only delayed? at this rate it will count as skipped, but i understand if that pesky little thing called 'real life' gets in the way...

6053578 "Delayed" is starting to look more and more like skipped. My allergies have REALLY been raking me over the coals all week long, and today was absolute HELL. The next chapter is about 56% written, but it might be Friday before it's done.

Or it might end up being a skip week after all. Which I don't want to do, but sometimes shit happens.

(Also, from now on, take this kind of thing to PMs, not the comments, OK? Thanks.)

The vocal pattern that is known as the vocal pattern used by that which is known as the Infestation is a vocal pattern that is known as overly specific and, quite frankly, interesting to read, albeit difficult to follow at times. What gave you the idea for that?

6083943 It's the way the Kraang speak in the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.

6186186 The issue when it comes to transcribing English words into katakana is that if you're a native English speaker, you render them the way YOU think they're supposed to be written, which is not always the same as how they end up being written by native Japanese speakers TRYING to co-opt foreign loan words. I'll offer up "studio" as an example. No English speaker would EVER adopt that bizarre, inexplicable スタジオ mess, and yet that's how it ends up being rendered by the Japanese.

As for "Umadakara"...there are two possible readings (that I'm aware of) on that, depending on how it was written in Dark Cloud/ Dark Chronicle in the original Japanese versions of the games. Only knowing it from the English versions, I don't know what they were going for there, but given their propensity for horse-related animal puns, I'm given to believe the name pokes fun at the fact that the fish in question (it's a fish in the fishing minigame) is very horselike and can only be caught using a carrot as bait.

Any luck with the new chapters?

6260961 I haven't worked on this story in some time. I don't expect to be taking it off hiatus until September, realistically. When I do, though, I'll probably try to finish out the Loyalty arc quickly and post the remainder of it on a daily schedule.

6261030 Assuming a little thing called 'daily life' doesn't intervene

6030913 6030965 6030976
Question: Why does the order of these coments suggest that you read this story backwards? I mean:

1st comment: Chapter 12.
2nd comment: Chapter 3.
3rd comment: Chapter 1.


I seriously demand more; your works are always ones that I enjoy a lot.

6350595 I appreciate that you enjoy my stories, but please do not use words like "demand" around me. :unsuresweetie:

Sorry, it's just that you're one of my favorite authors on this website and I'm eager to see what happens next in the story.

6350866 I can appreciate that, but if I'm really one of my favorite authors, you'd know from my blog posts that readers throwing around "demands" is something I really do not appreciate. Especially since I'm on a writing hiatus right now--again, something you'd know if you were reading my blog posts.

Any progress?

6453662 I'm going through a bad case of writer's burnout right now. I'm also probably not getting back to this until after Persona EG is finished.

6453698 I understand. And if I were to make a suggestion, have you ever thought of adding a character like Natsu from Fairy Tail?

6453810 No, I haven't. Because this isn't a crossover.

6453850 I meant as in someone using magic similar to his

6453858 I have no idea what Natsu's magic is like, because I've never watched that show. In any case, the overall plans for this series are firm, it's simply a matter of execution. Which, for the moment, is stalled.


Do you have like an estimated date on which Persona EG will be finished? As much as I love that story, I love this too.

6464449 Probably in January sometime. And that is NOT a guarantee that THIS will IMMEDIATELY come off hiatus the day Persona EG is done.

6464459 I can't wait for PEG finally finishing; cuz I am in the January somewhere...

question: are u gonna make the girls face greyhoof and the blanks in a later arc?

6792519 2 million yen is about 15455.5461 euro


Huh, so this chapter is post Prinsheep.

Actually, it's a coincidence. If you'll take a look at the publication date, this chapter was posted in November 2014, over half a year before that episode aired.

I'm enjoying these comments. Keep 'em coming! :pinkiehappy:

A pretty silver-haired girl in a silver-and-black seifuku followed behind him.

Who dat? Oh right, Silver Spoon.

"Up that which is known as yours."

OK, that is absolutely hysterical.

"Taiyaki," Spike said. "It's basically a filled waffle. Don't ask me why it's shaped like a fish, I have no idea." He blew on his and took a bite. "Joukichi makes the best taiyaki in Pony City."


Spike put his phone away after sending a text. "Let's see. I can play tour guide while carrying around bags of clothes all day long, or I can call Obasan, who can teleport, to take this stuff back home so I don't have to carry it all day. Yeah, I'll do the smart thing here."


Silver Spoon giggled. "I'm just teasing," she said. She unwrapped her burger, picked it up, and took a bite. She chewed quietly for a minute, frowning. "Well..." She swallowed, then took a long sip of her cola. "I guess they tried, anyway," she said.

Yeah, if it's anything like Mc Donalds, they didn't.

Spike frowned. "You know you're gonna get a brain—"

I always find amusement in seeing that happen to others.

Silver Spoon seethed for a minute...then smirked. "Well. It's just lucky it was me that was captured and not you," she said. Eyes narrowed, she added, "After all...I'm actually mature enough that I got a reaction out of Spike-san."

Ooh, catfight, cat fight!

"The unknown human male has been identified as Lord Eskargg Noso."
"Understood, we will address you as Lord Eskargg Noso."
Eskargg facepalmed.

Welcome to dealing with the literal minded.


Happy coincidence. Wonder how the other villains like Starlight and Tirek fit into this? I'd imagine Tirek with his mana drain would be as severe threat, Starlight, possibly, if she's as, mentally unstable as in canon, just ignore this, it's basically me thinking out loud.

I'm enjoying these comments. Keep 'em coming! :pinkiehappy:

As you command/request/whatever the term you want to use, and so it shall be.

6810837 Starlight Glimmer is unlikely to be appearing in this story. She came along ages after I finished planning out all seven arcs.


Fair enough, plus, I honestly don't see how she'd fit into this kind of universe. Ah well, food for fantasy.

Why I got this sudden need of horses doind magical girls? I read mauros's Friendship is Magic webcomic. Can't believe I didn't read it before. It's even older than Equestria Girls :rainbowlaugh:

6017622 You know, the way she is acting I'd almost think Silver is a vice Mage drawing power from envy...

6964286 Nah, Sil's the same type of mage as Twilight and her mom. She's just making her own fun in a strange place. :moustache:

Go read Persona EG.
Flash isn't evil in that.
Well, I mean... Unless you think perverts are evil. :trollestia:

7287037 It's more like who YOU ship, because you're the one reading it that way.

Uh, any progress yet?

7523765 Wanna scroll up to the story description and read what it says there? :ajbemused:

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