• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 455 Views, 2 Comments

What to do? - bielart

This pony's got lack of creativity.

  • ...

Just relax...

It is around ten o'clock dawn — for me — and I'm holding my brand new black-ink pen. It is marvelous, but there is no time to spend in my drawer just staring and admiring my new pen. I have to do something about it. About my stupid brain, who refuses to draw and/or create anything I propose.

"When I'm in bath you decide to work, don't you?" I say to 'myself'. My head is lying above the drawer, filled with some blank soulless papers and one pot of ink on it's side. In the left I'm staring, the clock ticks and ticks, with an endless symphony of time as my mind goes blanker and blanker, distracting with every single thing that catch up with my attent–

"Hm... never knew my wall was beige..." I say. I'm going crazy with this. How can I, that have created so many stories about the future for ponies to entertain themselves, have my brain 'out of work' like this. "Useless and stupid and lazy brain..." I grunt in discordance. The time is running S L O W, but yet... I don't even know what to think of right now.

"STOP IT, DAMN IT!" I scream slamming both my hooves in the table, making a noise loud enough to be heard by my wife. In the kitchen.

"Honey? Is everything okay up there?" she ask with a calm and tender voice. Good thing the kids were camping for the rest of the weekend. Something about helping the girls on getting their cuttie marks. Heh... kids.


"Whad'ya want?" I ask to my lasy brain.

What if we go out for a couple of hours? I could figure something out while we walk this problem out.

I ignore that for a second, but it is really tempting. Taking a little break for drawing is good once in a while. And the day outside is just PERFECT — for me — The streets are almost empty, the sun is hiding behind the grey clouds that are making a comfy drizzle and a cold weather with little wind blows entering and refreshing the whole house. I couldn't hear the morning dubstep that usually comes from my neighbor, but I do think it helps to hear it... Vinyl is a great friend, just like Octavia. Maybe I should invite one of the girls for a walk. I'm sure it'll be fun!

"Okay, brain," I say. "We're going."


I'm walking downstairs, ladder by latter and watching for every step I make with each one of my hooves trying not to fall from the stairs, like yesterday. I forgot to add, but I'm a clumsy pony. The wooden wall is surrounded by cobblestone in the border, giving an ancient and fancy appearance to the spiral stairs that did not last long to walk off. Now, I reach the first floor. Our living room is very simple with a turquoise-couch, a glass table supported by a black-iron bracket and some magazines about psychology, owned by my older colt on top of it. The TV is off and everything is quiet due the lack of ponies in the house. With only me and my wife, Snow Lotusflower, which is now in the kitchen, there's actually nothing to worry about. I bet she's starting to cook our lunch for today.

"Good morning, HD," she says, leaving the cooker for some seconds to give me a gentle good morning peck on the cheek. Her smooth mane scent is like heaven for my nostrils, giving a relaxing feeling through them and for the rest of my body. The sight of Snow Lotus' light orange-fur, white-mane and big golden-eyes followed by some freckles in the cheeks made the rest of my day, for sure; rare it was to see the details, since our kids came to this world. Celestia bless them, tho'.

"G'morning, cuddly," I say. I've always wanted to give somepony I loved a childish nickname, but all the ponies that "loved" me, regretted their decisions in one or two months. only one pony besides her, btw...

"Sleep well?" she ask me and I nod, snapping out of my train of thoughts. Snow slowly stretches both of her wings and fly to the upper cupboard reaching and biting one of the baking pans, placing it in the cooker's right/cuddly's left. Bending down to get the bag of flour, she ask. "HD, could you open these up for me, please?" Her nice voice is enough to make me do it without any hesitation in anytime. Snow place condensed milk, cream milk, milk, and a bag of flour in the table for me to open. In the meantime she turn on the cooker as I use my magic to open the four items at the same time. After my black aura faded she placed a big and orange pot in the table. "Now, while I finish baking our bread," Snow says wrapping the open bag of flour carefully around her forelegs, "You start the dessert for the kids."

I give her a doubtful gaze, wondering why is she doing it today if they're back only tomorrow. But then I remembered about the last time I've questioned her methods, and it did not ended up very well. "Okee-dokie!" I agree without hesitation. I lift the flour with my magic, and start to slowly turn it over, pouring it into the pot and at the same time trying not to make a single, and only one mistake. She'd be mad. Really mad.

"Celestia save me..."

"Hm?" She 'hmd' turning her head to me. I froze in place. "Did you say anything, darling?"

"N-nope, nothing at all," I say nervously. She, then turns her attention back to the bread baking. I can feel the cold sweat dripping down my forehead before I continue to carefully finish the mix she demanded me to.

After a few minutes, I manage to mix everything up for the cake — with no accidents — that's going to be baked, of course for the foals. It is now one hour after when I went downstairs to ask her if I could... oh, yeah... totally forgot about it.

"Cuddly, can I go for walk? I won't take too much time outside, I'll be back in less than two hours," I tried not to sound nervous, and it apparently worked. No signal of cold sweat falling from my face because of my stupid overreacting brain. "I swear I won't have lunch somewhere else. And just to make sure, I'll head to the neighbors first and ask if they want to join me."

Apparently, at first she ignored me, but then she drops the knife that were wrapped in her big and athletic wings — kinda made me exhale of relief — and approaches me, remaining them open — kinda intimidating... and scary — "If I dream of you eating somewhere else, and liking it, you can kiss your ass and your new pen goodbye," she says with a fierce gaze, piercing directly to my 'holy shit, accept it' senses.

I gulp then spit out a nervous "Understood."

"Good," she says regaining her composure and whipping them out. I sometimes think on how does she do that to her voice, "now go on and don't forget to bring your scarf, it's cold outside."

I start to walk directly to her, maintaining a happy gaze. I can tell she could tell I was approaching, due the tiny smile on the side of her face. "Hey," I try to catch her attention with the most comfy voice tune I have. And it works.

"Hm?" When she turns, I can see her cheeks getting the red color. I'm staring on her beautiful face, with me holding onto the same gaze and slowly approaching her face, until our lips are finally connected. After some seconds in a deep kiss, I break it. And with my right front hoof around her delicate neck, I play with her mane.

"I love you, Lotus, my cuddly."

I broke her. She is now, with wide opened eyes, staring directly to mine; her cheeks are red, not like tomato, but slight red; her body was trembling a little, due the surprising kiss or the fact that she is having a hurricane of thoughts inside of her head. I'm just standing there and watching the show of this confused and amazing beauty of nature. I loved so much this scene. But right after my smile grow larger — 'cause it was too funny —, she regains her composure.

"I love you too, HD." She's more relaxed now. Still red cheeked — even redder than before —. She recovers her concentration on baking the bread, and I walk off the kitchen to the living room, get my black, soft and warm scarf and then I leave home, to pay a visit to my neighbors.


Who'd say, the desire of getting one idea for drawing would lead me to a romantic scene with my wife, I think.

I'm standing before Vinyl and Octavia's house, appreciating the weather of today a little bit, because it's rare when the pegasi project this kind of weather around here. After some time appreciating the cold and the drizzling on my face, I finally decide to knock on their door, breathing with my muzzle buried in my scarf. "So good..."

After I finish whispering, the front door of the house with two floors open, allowing me to face a grey pony with a messed up mane and expressionless. Me and Octavia Melody keep our mouth locked for some seconds and remain awkwardly staring at each others eyes, before somepony in the living room, screams.

"WHO IS IT, TAVI?!" The same Vinyl's 'wildish' way to be, cause me to let out a slight chuckle. Octavia silently and S L O W L Y trots back to the living room, leading me to deduce her weariness. Maybe her last show outside ponyville pushed her as far as she she couldn't. I know how this is because I felt like this once. After drawing two days in a row, I got really tired in that weekend and it wasn't very pleasant. Neither for my wife and foals, because they got really worried I'd almost passed out when walking downstairs. Lucky me my cuddly angel came to the rescue. Tears were dripped then.

I could see Octavia laying down the couch and almost instantly taking her nap again. Vinyl Scratch raises from the couch, sneak out of the living room and come towards me to give the greetings.

"Yo, Eight. How are'ya, buddy?" Vinyl Scratch raises one of her front hoof and I didn't let this chance escape so easily from me, so I 'brohoofed' her pronto. "Wanna come in?" She asks me.

"If you don't mind, Blu-note," I tease her. The mare gives me a confident smile and let me inside. We're walking as quiet as we can, due to Octavia's sudden 'faint' in the couch. We both knew she could beat the ass of Discord when awake without her will, so we didn't wanted to be 'Octavied' right now. The kitchen is in total sigh of the living room, and vice versa. I can see the room is with a light wine color, covered by some black colored song notes and there's an extra room fulfilled by all Octavia's classics instruments. Totally different from my house and from when I first came here. It has been half a year since my last visit to both ponies, and I live here in like ten years; since I was a teenager pony, studying hard to get someway to earn money for what I loved to do. Drawing.

The furniture hasn't changed much, is just the couch that is new to me. But it is still in the same place it was since my last visit. The TV is still in the same place it was... yeah, they're very simple for decoration department. It is turned on, while Tavi sleeps, and I keep noticing the details of the living room, leading me to believe we need to see each other more.

I take a seat in one of the kitchen's seat, and with no second thoughts I land my head in the table, with eyes half open. I notice that in the kitchen, every single thing is still the same. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. The fridge is the same; the table is the same; the wall and ground tiles are the same; even the kitchen assets are the same from the last time I've been here.

I snap out of my train of thoughts, noticing that Vinyl is bringing some hot tea in a silver tea-cup with some pink details near it's tip. I wrap it with my magic as she let it go, caring about her own tea-cup. But instead of tea, she was drinking coffee. I can tell it is strong coffee just because of it's scent, but anyway, let's head back to the story.

"So, how are you doing? What have you been doing during the time we've not seen each other?" She ask me, curious naturally. Before I tell about my pattern work on drawing comics for Discopon CORP(Distributor Comics of Ponyville), I levitate the tea-cup from the midair to my mouth and take a sip of the tea, enjoying the heat of the liquid scattering around my whole muzzle. It tastes good enough to make my fur bristle.

Letting out a good sigh of satisfaction, I lift the tea-cup and the saucer carefully above the glass, "I'm fine, thanks. I've been working for Discopon, drawing comics for them," I say. I think of something else I could say about me, but she already knows my wife and kids... better ask how is she before I tell her about how is Lotus... "How about you, Vinyl? You don't look as tired as Octavia, but I guess it's because you're already familiar with this kind of wild-shows."

After taking a sip of her coffee, she gives me a smirk before start talking. "Yeah, pretty much–" she cleans up the coffee in the side of her mouth, with a napkin "–I've been busy those days, working on a new beat for one of Pinkie's parties. So, I'm really onto what 'Tavi is experiencing right now," she finishes her sentence. She's without her 'wub-glasses', so I could take a sight of her red eyes that morning. "How is your family?"

"They're doing great. Specially the kids... they grow up so fast, I can't even tell how old are they, hehe," I say with a slight embarrassment feeling. Yet, it wasn't a lie. My memory is so messed up that beyond distracting myself too much, I also forget about things pretty easily; one of the joys of being me. "But hey, I'm here to ask you if you can join me for a walk. I'm kinda without ideas for my comic right now, and I need to unwind my mind for a while."

She drops her smile gaze to a surprised one. "What? You wanna hang out with me?" Her expression is priceless. After that, she approaches me with a suspicious face, like if she is investigating me. "Does your wife knows that?" She ask me. God, I couldn't believe it...

"Yes, she does," I say, but she doesn't look convinced. I take a deep breath, then I add. "Of all the stallions you know, I'm not sure if I'm the most trustful one, but have you seen me looking at anypony else's flank aside my wife's?" I say, without any regret. And I regret a lot of things.

She then, open wide her eyes, realizing something she knew for a long time. Then, she facehoofed and said. "Aw, right, I totally forgot about that," she takes her hoof out of her face and then apologize. "Sorry, Eight. Yeah, it'd be great to follow you in this walk. It'll be good to have a nice and friendly conversation with you, since I cant make a single noise inside here." She says staring at the sleeping pony in the couch. Her snoring is unlike Vinyl's; it is a very tiny and cute one.

"It's settled then," I say taking the last sip of the tea. "I'll wait for you to get dressed, outside."

Vinyl nods and sneak upstairs towards her room. I sneak out their home, also carefully.


After some good five minutes enjoying the weather's wind blowing and bringing the drizzling into my ears, my fur and my scarf while I rest in the wooden seat in front of my neighbor's house, Vinyl open the door looking from right to left. "Heya," I greet her, raising from the seat in her left. She is wearing a brown-coat, a blue-scarf and a red ear warmer with a black-ligature as detail. And of course she wouldn't want to dampen her glasses, so she's without'em today.

"Oh, there y'are," she says approaching me with a happy gaze. "Shall we go?"

"Of course," I say leaving the seat and leading the walk, "Let's go."

We start walking toward nowhere, above Ponyville's dirt pathway and side by side the houses nearby. Sugarcube Corner isn't so far away from here and my stomach is rumbling, but I promised Lotus that I wouldn't eat anything until I got back home... how unfortunate of me.

"So," Vinyl start the conversation. "I kinda read some comics from Discopon, and I'm curious. What is your comic?" She ask me.

I'm surprised. I wouldn't think Bluenote would read a comic in a millennium, and there she is asking me the name of my comic. That's too much awesomeness in one single minute. "The name is Almost Unwillingly, but I heard many people calling it Alum to abridge it. It's great to see ponies enjoying and identifying themselves with my work. I've received many fan-mails from Ponyville, Canterlot and even Manehattan supporting my work!" I say smiling and proud of myself, but right then I regain my composure and recall. "Of course the haters would write to me too, and it kinda hurts when these people bother to read and write to me. I feel sorry that they have no life to spend, usually no one to care about. But what to do?" I stare at the horizon. "Guess you can't please them all."

She sees me philosophising for some seconds and feel bad for asking right away. "I'm sorry."

Now I feel bad. "No, no don't be sorry. I didn't feel bad at all. In fact, is Alum the comic you read?" I ask curious and trying to raise up the mood here.

"Oh, yeah! I wanted so much to know what's about to happen with Sp–"

"Sorry, no spoilers," I say, interrupting her before she could finish the sentence and shoving my muzzle in my scarf again. Oh, man, that feels so good.

"Heh, I knew you wouldn't fall for it, but it's worth a shot," she says staring lightning at me. I stare it back, challenging her.

"Anyway, how about your wub? Is it over or it'll take some time for you to finish it?" I pulled out another subject, introducing our old arguing fight. It's been a time we've had some. She always won them while Tavi was around, but without her she was lost. Let's see how much did she... did we change. "I doubt you'd tell me without a good role play. Did you forget how you got your nickname, Bluenote?"

"Heh," she laugh, "I didn't. You just won because I was weak when we played this game," she tries to explain her defeat to me. In the art of rime arguing she's got so much to learn yet. "I want a rematch for that time you won."

"...Keep talking," I say. It wont end well if the result of draw come up.

"Whoever wins, receive twenty five bits from the loser," she propose. It is tempting indeed, but still not enough...

"Twenty bits and one dare for who wins," I offer counter her. While walking she closes her eyes for some seconds, feeling the wind of thoughts hit her head and enter her brain, leading her to open her eyes, and.

"Challenge accepted!" Accepting it. She raise one hoof in order to shake it with me. From the moment I shake her hoof on, the challenge is on.

Hehe. I can't lose. The weather speaks to me saying who's gonna win, I thought.


"How'd that... h-happen," I mutter reviewing in my mind all the mistakes I did during our challenge. I didn't. All the rimes I've done if they were weak. They weren't. So, how the hell did she win? It's simple. She is stronger than before.

"You're not dealing with the same DJ as before, HD," she teases me, poking me with her left foreleg and smiling like never before to the loser of the contest. I am incredulous to what just happened, but I'm dealing well with it.

"Alright, Vinyl," I say defeated. "You won. I'll pay you once we get back, but you can dare me to do anything from now on." I'm obviously trying to make it end quickly, and she detected that. A terrible mistake of mine. She'll make it last long enough for her to be satisfied, I suppose. "So, Vinyl, what's your dare?"

"Why the rush, HD?" she teases me again. "We've got all the time in the world." Now she's bouncing while she talks and probably sings inside of her mind that she's won. After the bouncing, she react in a way like if she's realised something. I'm not asking.

"Sheesh, here we go..." I say, expecting for the worse. She pulls me closer to her with the same annoying left foreleg and says.

"Relax, buddy. We'll first walk for some minutes, then in the way back, you'll pay your price." I just got more nervous now.

"Okay..." I'm crestfallen. But leaving this subject aside, I try to move the conversation on. "And your wub, can you tell me how it is now?" I can see she's grinning and glad I asked about it.

"It's WUBTASTIC!!!" She screams, causing some ponies that were around to stare at me and at the excited mare that is by my side. "It's a heavy one. It begins with a calm beat, that keeps growing gradually and then, in the blink of an eye, it shut your brain down with the most strong beat I could take out of it. And it's not everything! After that, there's a mixed guitar solo I planted in the third part of the song, and it got just awesomely PERFECT!" She screams again, but this time she is bouncing. Right then, Vinyl regains her composure taking a deep breath. "And in the end, as a classic signature of mine, the calm beat from the intro end the beat."

I'm staring at her, really impressed she's gotten that excited when telling me about her dubstep. After that, we kept walking between the wind that was getting rather weak, pointing out that the time of that joyful weather is coming to an end in about one to two hours. Vinyl realise I'm looking at the sky, and bumps me in my right.

"Hey," she gets my attention. "Let's go back, you've got a price to pay." She says, leading the way further to the park, that by now must be empty because of the weather that not many ponies in Ponyville appreciate. Well, they don't want their foals to get sick because of a random child-play. I'd rather not to appreciate the weather too than to see my kids sick, in bed.

"Heh," I laugh as the irony it is, grinning in the royal castle's direction, remembering my visit to both princesses. "I hope they do appreciate my work," I mutter to myself. I snap out of it as soon as Vinyl calls me.

"Lazy-head, let's go!" She's waving her right hoof to me, and I don't ignore her.

"Right, I'm comming," I say trotting fast towards her side, so we can walk it off my mind.

A two minute walk later...

We're at the spa. From all place's she could take me, that mare takes me to the spa. Goddamn it, Vinyl, how'd ya guess?

"You hate spas, don't you?" She asks sarcastically. I can see that she'll enjoy to see me suffering, while the employees in this rather beautiful place with well decorated white-rounded doors in some golden details, light pink and white-sofa, white-curtains and white-balcony torture me. Everything seems to be gathered in their respective places, but it is still hell for me. Oh, just to imagine the affliction I'll suffer from the sanding in my hooves, I can already feel it coming. Vinyl approaches the clerk, with me side by side.

"Hello, may I help y–Oh, Vinyl! Long time no see!" one old acquaintance of mine happens to be the clerk, Miss Aloe. "How have you been?" she ask, hugging Vinyl and giving her two pecks on both of her cheeks, which Vinyl returned as well and absolutely still thinking about... about... "Oh, hello there mister Eight. We haven't seen you around lately, only Orange," she says. "Are you okay coming here? Last time we had to... wrap you up."

I absolutely heard crystal clear of what she said, and the memories of that day aren't good. "UHuuhuhuhuhu," is all what she could get as an answer from me. After my chill attack, Vinyl whisper something in Aloe's ears, leading her to open wide her eyes and whisper something. I can tell it is about the challenge, because I heard a slight "...he lost?" before both begin to stare at me. Aloe wears a surprised gaze, but Vinyl otherwise, wears a 'this is fucking hilarious' gaze all over her face. "You'll pay for this, Bluenote," I say, trying to tease her, but my humiliation here is so satisfying that she just doesn't care at the moment. I know what's waiting for me, so I take a deep breath and decide to dive into the war that's going to happen now. "Let's row, Vinyl."

After I said those three words, the devilish grin became a devilish smirk, expecting nothing but this from me.

"Okay, Eight. Let's Row," she says. And from this moment on, Aloe lead us to the hell's door where one of the most feared nightmare of Eight D. Segahal is about to come true. But I'm brave. I'll take this until the end!
I'm dead...

We're inside. Orange dragged me out home to have a day out with her here at least one year ago, due the Grand Galloping Gala. The place didn't have anything different; the same bathtub, the same beds and light green-sheets, the same painting in the walls and floor; nothing really changed.

There are only two new employees at the moment, but as I'm my wife's husband and Vinyl is Aloe and Lotus's friend, only the twins will take care of us. Aloe whispers something in Lotus' left ear, making Lotus to quickly get two belts and one bandage from below the bed. I suppose that the belt is to hold me tight in the bed and the bandage is to cover my mouth up while they... uhg... sand my hooves.

"Smart move, you two," I say while they're finishing setting me up in the bed. I cover my face with a fierce gaze, trying not to give Vinyl what she wants so soon.

"Are you ready, mister Eight?" Lotus ask me, and before any decisions I take a deep breath.

I nod.

She glances at her sister, who glances back. And with both nodding at the same time, the hoof sanding begins. At the first touch, I can feel one hell of a overwhelming affliction wave, causing my muscles to stretch as another wave of chills come one after the other. It makes me shut my eyes, trying not to give in to the pain, but it is too much for my sensitive right front-hoof to take. I can sense another wave of chill coming as the cold sweat begin to fall from my forehead to between and in to the side of my eyes, which are still shut. I can hear some giggling coming from my left side.

Vinyl, I'll be sure to make you PAY FOR THAT!!!, is what I tried to say, but all the sound I could produce was, "GRRRRR!!!" grunting. I try to move my hole body, searching for the end this affliction and chilling, but it's pointless; the pain doesn't end and my body is still tied up. I hate my body in these times. The sanding keeps going for the rest of the minute, taking two minutes to finish it. When Lotus stops, I'm panting and covered in cold sweat, with my eyes still shut. I slowly open them, and see Lotus staring at me, concerned that she's been hurting me. She loose the bandage from my mouth so I can breathe more easily. "Don't stop now, Lotus – huf, huf – I'm getting like this because it's really sensitive, but a bet is a bet – hah – So keep going as fast as you can."

Then, she stares at me for some seconds, unsure of what she's supposed to do. I keep fierce looking at her and she nervously tightens it, ready to finish the three hooves that are left. The journey's been is settled and the end is near. I can feel it in my bones and in my skin, as she begins with my left front-hoof. It's almost unbearable to carry on this much amount of pain in one single hoof. I've already calculated that to sand one hoof, last for one hundred and twenty seconds (120s/2min), and with only three hooves remaining, the end would come in five to six minutes. So, it would end faster if I concentrate and imagine about something els–OH GOD!

"Hnnnnnnng!!!" I keep grunting while she keeps sanding it, non-stop. It's about one minute to finish this hoof, so I need to calm down and try to focus on something els– "HNNNNNNNNNNG!!! HNNNNG; HMMMMMG!!!"

Below the grunting, I can hear Vinyl laughing out loud while watching the show from cabin, just like a queen watches gladiators to slay one and another in a giant dome, crowded of people screaming for death and... oh, the pain stopped. But in my brain's watch, it didn't last one minute and a half... that's when I open my eyes again, and watch Lotus going to the right-rear hoof to continue the journey of suffering. Goddamn it, it's going to take a month to recover from this trauma, I think looking up at the lights before shutting my eyes again.

"GRRRRR!!!" Great, the tears join the party.

"Y-y-y-y-ou will-ll p-pay for tha-hat B-b-b-b..." I take a pause, almost digging a hole in my scarf with my muzzle, as she keeps giggling at my face. "Bluenn-ote." There it is.

Vinyl then burst in laughter, almost falling down in the dusty streets of Ponyville. I'm almost all the time with those affliction feelings running through my body in a less effective way, but it's still effective and annoying, so of all the great things that could happen to me, destiny gives me the 'best'; I can't walk straight in my four legs, leading me to depend all the time on Vinyl's shoulders. I really doubted if Pinkie was the real wielder of the element of laughter while walking with this mare's help. I can see tears coming out of her eyes because of the laughing. TEARS OF LAUGH. At least, she didn't asked me to put makeover and parade around the city, while hopping all the time. Sometimes I think I'd rather prefer this, than to sand my hooves.

"Heh, y-you g-g-g-got me the-ere," I say with a smirk on my face. As Pinkie usually say, giggle at the ghostly. Vinyl seems to comprehend now that I've admitted my defeat and stops laughing at me while gently taking us back home. We're getting close and it's almost one o'clock; just like I promised to Lotus, it didn't last more than two hours outside home. Looks like I'll arrive home without a quarrel coming from my wife, and I gladly sigh that out. "W-would y-y-you t-talk t-to L-Lotus b-before h-he-eading back t-to yo-our h-h-h-home?"

Vinyl stares at me for a second before looking back forward. "Of course," she says. "And you really thought that I'd leave without a chit-chat with one of my best friends?" She's grinning while carrying me.

"Of-ff co-ourse. H-how ssss..." I failed there. Wait a sec... "Ssilly of m-my p-art..." There it is. It takes me a little longer to look back at Vinyl's face and notice that she's doing her best not to laugh. Until I noticed it, because soon after she bursts into laughter one more, and almost fall to the ground bringing me together. Again.

"You should hear yourself, it's hilarious!" she screams. Oh, bitter humiliation. I'm so glad that you're only some feet away to dismiss me for awhile, 'cause we're gladly near home. "Hey," Vinyl call out my attention, leading me to look at her red-eyes again. Already used to be laughed at, I'm with my usual drawing gaze; half opened eyes and concentrating at my goal; home. "It was really great seeing you again. Be sure to visit me more often, 'cause if you don't, the fooling around wont be around anymore," she says. What I just heard suited quite well for me. My heart just fulfilled of happiness, enjoyed to know that it made somepony smile many times in only one single day. I grin in response of her declaration.

The grey clouds still planted in the sky are keeping the weather temperature the same stable cold since the morning, so I can still enjoy a hot chocolate after lunch with Snow Lotusflower and my best friend Vinyl Scratch.

Yup. This nap was great for us, 'cause I'm pretty ready to row with ya, says the brain.

Good. Now you'll have to wait until I finish my coco, I trolled. Who told you to be one lazy asshole? Now you'll have a taste of your own poison.

... You son of a–

"Ay, ay," I sigh with my muzzle shoved in my scarf before standing on my own. "Thanks for the help, Vinyl," I say, stomping in the ground with one hoof at a time. "It looks like I can walk normally from now on."

"You're not as a chicken as I thought, eh?" she teases me. I grin and then turn my head ahead to face my house's front door.

Knocking at the door, I settle and announce the end of the best walk we've ever had.

Author's Note:

One shot! *BANG* *Get scared* *goat faint*

So, this one shot is just one part of the tip of the iceberg I'm planning on bringing. My other two stories will continue on hiatus 'till I realize I've got enough skills to 'keep up' with the quality they deserve to have.

Thank you for the comprehension,

Eight D. Segahal

Comments ( 2 )

5488171 this was a nice slice of life story. I can relate with HD struggle with creativity, although I wish there was a bit more romance, and there was no need for the alternate universe tag. this could happen in the MLP universe. my recommendation for the story is to remove the ultimate/romance tags and replace it with slice of life tag.

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