• Published 25th May 2014
  • 380 Views, 2 Comments

the Adventures of Makaar and Draco - geicomano7

the adventures of two friends in there home town

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Makaar and Draco visit canterlot

When Makaar and Draco had spent a week finishing school iron kite decided to take Makaar to canterlot with him.

"So what do you say son. Want to come to canterlot with me?" Iron kite asked.

"Sure dad. Can Draco come also?" Makaar asked with a slight smile.

Iron kite nodded to Makaar.

Makaar rushed out of his house and knocked on Dracos door.

"Hey Makaar, what's up?" Draco asked

"Me and my dad are going to canterlot. Want to come? We can explore the castle!" Makaar said to Draco

Draco nodded to Makaar

Makaar led Draco to his house and his dad was waiting for him.

"You both ready?" Asked Iron kite

They both nodded and iron kite took them to the train station.

When they arrived at the station Iron kite bought the tickets for them.

When they got on the train Makaar and Draco sat together.

"Well it's going to take us a few hours. Did you bring your cards?" Draco asked

As Draco was going through his saddle bags getting out his "Equestria the gathering" card game.

Makaar nodded "yeah. Let's play a few rounds."

Makaar and Draco had played the card game for hours when they were bored.

When the train arrived at canterlot the two friends got off the train Iron kite followed behind them.

"Now I have to get right to the palace. Let's go" iron kite said.

The two friends and Makaars father start toward the day palace.

When iron kite arrived at the day palace he looked to Makaar and Draco.

" don't cuase trouble you two. If you do and I find out you'll both be in big trouble. Understood?" Iron kite said to them.

They both nodded.

Makaar was scared of his dad at times, like when he was grounded iron kite yelled his head off to Makaar and Makaar never made the same mistake.

"Good. Now I have to get to my station." Iron kite left the two friends in an empty hall way.

"Come on Makaar let's see the library in this place!" Draco exclaimed

Makaar nodded

After a few mintues of exploreing the two got lost in the palace.

"Makaar you got us lost!" Said Draco glaring at Makaar.

"No I know exactly where we are Draco, we are in a hall. " Makaar said and chukled.

"Not funny Makaar" Draco said turning serous.

"Fine. Sorry" said Makaar to Draco as the two started troting down the hall again.

Draco sighs "it's alright Makaar. We must be close we have been exploreing this place for an hour"

"Yeah. Is this it?" Makaar asked as the two arrive at a big door that says "castle library"

"Well you can read,Makaar, let's go!" Draco said.

The two go into the library and Draco said, "woah..."

When they closed the door they were shushed by a filly that was close by, "I'm studying!"

"Oh I'm sorry." Said Makaar as the two just go to find a place to sit and read.

"She can't talk to you like that Makaar you didn't do anything wrong."

"I know but she scares me.."

"Really and the manticore didn't?"

"Not as much"

"Wow. Makaar scared of a filly. That's a good one!" Draco luaghs

"Can you two kindly shut up?" The filly said glaring at them.

"No we won't. I'm Draco and I'm telling you we will luagh at what we want!"

The filly looks at him "excuse me? I don't think I asked your name Draco."

Draco glares at the filly

"Darco stop. You don't want to get into a fight with a little filly and you know that. Let's just leave her alone and move on" Makaar said.

"Your right Makaar." Draco replied

The two friends go to different sections of the library but this filly kept following them.

Makaar noticed while Draco was reading a book, he was going to be busy.

Makaar goes over to the filly, she had a mane that looked like a setting sun on the horizon, Makaar started to blush hard.

"S-sorry about my friend. He can get hot headed when defending me. When I can clearly handle my self!" Makaar said with a chulke. "I'm Makaar. My friend is Draco"

The filly looked at him with her eyes "I'm sunset shimmer. I'll call you dork one and dork two"

"Hey! I may be a dork but Draco isn't! Don't ever talk about him like that! Ever!" Makaar said with a slight growl his tiny horn glowing a bright green color.

Sunset looked at him, "if you think you can harm me your surely mistaken. I'm the princesses student. I can do what I want without a consequence!"

She was calm and confident in her tone, "so dork one why be here? Shouldn't dorks be in game sotres?"

"I'm not a dork! My dad is a guard for princess celestia he said I could come here and explore with Draco!" He replied

Sunset took Makaar away from Draco silently so Draco couldn't hear them.

"If you want me to stop calling you a dork stop being one dork!" Sunset said

Why doesn't she leave me and Draco alone? Makaar thought while sunset was just staring at him.

"Well dork?" Sunset asked.

"Just leave us alone sunset shimmer. We didn't do anything to you." Makaar replied and went back to Draco

"Fine. Makaar I challange you to a magic duel. If you win I'll leave you and dork two alone." Sunset said. "But if I win I'm going to tell celestia you bullied me, her student."

Makaar looked to Draco. "You know the rules of magic duels. You can't back down,that counts as the other wining. And in those terms we lose big and my dad grounds me."

"Yeah. I can't help Makaar. Good luck my friend." Draco replied


"Court yards in twienty minutes. I'll see you both there dorks." Sunset said then went off into the castle.

Makaar and Draco eventualy found the courtyards where sunset shimmer was waiting for them.

"Your late dorks" she said

Makaar rolled his eyes "Draco stay back and keep a look out for my dad"

"Okay Makaar. Don't over do it"

"I can't do much aganst a filly Draco. Mostly because I can't do many spells yet..."

The rules of a magic duel Makaar understood quite well. There were only a few rules anyway. The rules are as follows: 1: any spells that severely damage the opponent count as a penalty and the opponent wins. 2: any potions cannot be used. 3: any breaking of laws in a magic duel the opponent wins.

Makaar followed all of these rules when practing magic.

"Who goes first?" Makaar asked

"Me!" Sunset replied

Just as sunset said her reply her horn glowed a bright blue color. She made a bunch of books appear and land on Makaar

"You should read more." Sunset said

Makaar threw the books off of him and put a bubble sheild around him.

Makaar doesn't know any offensive spells but he can keep him self able enough to survive.

After a few mintues of just standing there sunset decided to zap Makaar aganst a wall next to Draco

"Oof!" Makaar said as his back hit the wall hard.

Makaar attempted to zap sunset back but he couldn't muster enough energy to attack. When he was thrown aganst the wall his energy went down a lot! And unicorns need energy for magic.

Makaar heard his fathers hooves coming down towrds them

"okay sunset you win..."

"Wait your just giving up?! Why?"

"My dad is coming this way and we will both be in trouble if he is with the princess. And I would rather take the fall."

Draco was shocked at makaars response to sunset, "Makaar I'm with you all the way! Even if it means being grounded for a month."

They laughed

"Well sunset go and tell the princess I bullied you. I'll take the punshment."

The two friends went back to iron kite who was looking for them

"Makaar what happend? You look like you took one of percs magic duels."

"Nothing dad me and Draco were wrestling in the courtyard away form anypony"

"Okay let's get you boys home it's late now."

Iron kite then took the boys home with him. Makaar convinced his father that Draco could spend the night.

"So if the princess asks your dad to bring you to her what will happen?" Draco asked when he and Makaar were alone

"I'll take the hit for the team."


"Yeah Draco you and me are a team you should know that by now"

Draco chukled " yeah I do know that. "

A few days pass and Makaar gets a letter from canterlot. He goes stright to Draco to tell him about the letter

"I think I just got a sorry letter Draco"

"Why would she aplogize though?"

The letter read: "dear dork one and two I'm writing this to say I didn't tell the princess anything and that I...." The letter stops there with a tear at the end.

"And why was she crying?"

"No clue.. Well at least she's not mad at us!"

"Yeah at least that."

Makaar kept the letter and went back to his house to read some spells while Draco went to write a story.