> the Adventures of Makaar and Draco > by geicomano7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > the first adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One fateful afternoon Makaar was walking home in a state of boredom his mind trying to think of ways to stop his boredom. He decided to visit his best friend whom was also his neighbor, Draco Essence. Makaar stops at Draco’s house and looks at it for a few seconds, “I shouldn’t bug him he was probably up all night writing…” Just as Makaar finished his thought which he was thinking out loud for some reason. Draco comes out of his house and looks at Makaar. “Hey Draco”, Makaar said. “Hey Makaar… why are you at my house?” Draco asked looking confused. “I’m bored!” Makaar exclaimed while grinning.  “Oh, really?”  Draco asked “I was just about to come over to your house. So can I come over?” Makaar replied with “Yeah, sure we can play my video games!” Makaar leads Draco to his house but his older brother Perception is in Makaars room playing his games. “Hey perc can me and Draco play?” asked Makaar.  Draco said “He can play with us Makaar only if he wants to.” Perception looked at them then shrugged, “I have to go anyway, it’s all yours bro” Perc ruffles Makaars mane then leaves the two alone. “Your brother is so cool Makaar!” said Draco “No he isn’t Draco” replied Makaar.  As Makaar turned on the game he realized that Perception took his game. “He took our favorite game” Makaar said with a sigh.  “You mean team ponies’ fortress 2?” Draco asked. Makaar nodded then looked around for a different game for them to play.  “I can’t find a good one Draco” Makaar sighed. “Then let’s go find Perception!” said Draco excitedly.  Makaar nodded “Alright he probably went to his station to stand guard.” “Come on Makaar we don’t have all day!” said Draco. Makaar blinks a few times, “Okay!” Makaar rushes outside and Draco lands next to him. “So where does your brother work?” asked Draco as the two starts trotting towards Perceptions station. “He works as a guard his station is up head he normal stays in the same area” said Makaar. As the two friends were going down the street, living in a small town they know their way around relatively well, the two look over at a cave. “We have walked past the cave so many times, but have never been inside, what in there you think” asked Makaar Draco shrugged “I bet it would make a good story.” He said. The two keep walking onward after a few minutes and Draco playfully punching Makaar. The two arrive at Perceptions station. “Where is he Makaar” asked Draco hovering above the ground a bit. “I don’t know let's’ ask his commander” replied Makaar then Makaar leads Draco to the commander. “Have you seen Perception?” Makaar asked. The commander nodded as he took the two to where Perception is. “Perception!” Draco exclaimed waking Perception from his nap. Perception Snaps awake then salutes to the commander who walks away after Perception salutes. “What do you want Makaar and Draco?” asked Perception. “Where’s my game Perc?” asked Makaar just wanting to leave his brother alone. “Makaar you don’t want to hang out with Perception?” asked Draco noticing Makaars tone and wanting to stay for a bit longer. “It’s in your room Makaar I put it in the wrong case when I left by mistake” said Perception. “Okay thanks Perc. Is it okay if me and Draco hang out here with you for a bit?” asked Makaar letting Draco chose what they do today. “NO!” shouted Perception. “I need to get back on duty and you two would get hurt. Dad would kill me” said Perception Draco looks at him. “You’re sure we can’t stay?” he asked “I’m sure. I’ll get in trouble with my commander…” Perception looks at Makaar “dads my commander mak” Makaar had known this for a long time but he called his dad ‘sir’ while he was on duty, he hated it, he wasn’t big on formal stuff. “Yeah I know Perc. Come on Draco he is right.” replied Makaar Makaar and Draco started to walk away from Perception. “Your dad’s the commander of the guard here in town?” asked Draco Makaar nodded,”yeah you should know that by now.” Draco said “right I do know that I just forget sometimes” When the two reached the cave they looked at each other “I bet there is something cool in there” said Draco Makaar was in front of Draco already knowing that he wanted to go in there. “You coming?” asked Makaar with a smirk. Draco laughed and the two headed inside the cave. Makaar is a unicorn so naturally he can use his magic to light up dark places, but he is still learning beginner spells. So when he said “I can try to my magic to light up this place” Draco looks at him “no Makaar it’s too risky to try you’ve only just now got control of your horn.” He said with a concerned look. Makaar agreed but the cave was too dark to see anything. So by mistake he used magic, his horn sparked for a few seconds then a beam of light shot out of his horn. “Makaar what did you do?!” asked Draco both concerned and relieved that Makaar wasn’t hurt. The cave was now lit up and a ball of light at the end of the tunnel. “I don’t know I’m only ten Draco” said Makaar The two friends delved deeper into the mysterious cave then stopped when they came to a ledge.  They looked down the ledge to see a ledge below them. “I could jump” said Makaar after a minute of silence between them. Draco shook his head and opened his wings, “get on” he motioned Makaar to get on his back Makaar got on Draco’s back and held on tightly. Draco jumped off the ledge and spread his wings catching the ledge below them. “Makaar climb up and get on the ledge and pull me up.” Said Draco Makaar climbs up and pulls Draco with him. “You okay Draco?” asked Makaar as Draco holds  his now broken wing. “Y-yeah. o-ow” Draco winced as he holds his wing. Makaar reaches in Draco’s saddle bag and puts Draco’s wing in a sling “my dad showed me how to do this” “Thanks Makaar think I can walk the rest of the way” said Draco with a slight smile. The two walk towards the light at the end of the cave to see what's there. “You’re sure you are alright?” asked Makaar worried for Draco. “y-yeah I’m fine Makaar don’t worry about me” said Draco reassuringly When the two friends finally arrive at the end of the tunnel “Whoa” they said in unison as to what they found. “That’s cool I guess” said Makaar to and excited Draco “Cool? No my friend that is awesome times infinity!” exclaimed Draco Draco started to get closer to what they found, a quill that has a magic spell that lets the user understand word they write and write really fast. Draco picked up the quill and put it in his saddle bag. “If I’m going to be a writer I’m going to need a lucky quill.” He said excitedly as he smiled at Makaar. “And it’s lucky because WE found it Makaar!” They hoof bump as Makaar looks around. “How do we get out of here?” asked Draco with a slight chuckle. “Um….” Said Makaar as he found the exit behind Draco “found it” he said as he and Draco go towards the exit. When they got out of the cave they saw that they were back at Perceptions station “How have we not noticed the exit near Percs’ station?” asked Makaar “Magic?” replied Draco. They laugh as they trot to Makaars house to play games for the rest of the day until Draco went home with his new quill which he kept as a reminder that the two will always be friends, best friends even.   > The baby manticore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Makaar and Draco had explored the cave in town Draco had been writing for hours and hours. Makaar decided to help come up with stories for Draco to write. He was over at his house. "How about a pony has to solve a mystery in a small amount of time?" Asked Makaar to Draco who was writing a story. "That could work. But what's the mystery Makaar?" Replied Draco writeing down the idea in a notebook. Makaar shrugged,looking at the notebook that was filled with ideas. When the two decided to take a break they went over to Makaars house for some lunch. "What should we have?" Asked Draco when they arrived at Makaars kitchen. "Hay sandwiches?" Suggested Makaar "Sure" said Draco The last time they were together in makaars house was a few days ago. "Can you belive it's been three days since we got my quill?" Asked Draco with a smile as he got bread and plates out for them to use. "No. Time flies Draco it seems like just yesterday we explored the cave. And you've been writing your story ever since right?" Asked Makaar when he started to make the sandwichs with the rest of the ingredients they needed. Draco nodded with a smile. Makaar finished making the hay sandwiches for him and Draco. When Makaar finished cleaning up his mess his twin sister Marekaar had come into the kitchen. "You made lunch?" Asked Marekaar "Yes mar you missed your chance I'm about to put the food away." Said Makaar Marekaar smirked and took his plate full of food away and she stuck her tounge out at him. Draco laughed as she left the room. "Your sister is smart Makaar" said Draco as Makaar made himself a second sandwich. Makaar just nodded and grumbled something like "she thinks she can just take my lunch?! We will see about that." Draco has been with Makaar long enough to know when he was angry at his sister. "Just calm down Makaar." Draco said sternly. "Why Draco? It's not like I will pull a prank on her today." Said Makaar with a smirk at his new idea. "I mean it Makaar it's just lunch." Said Draco knowing that Makaar is joking around. Makaar loves his family but that doesn't mean he can't WANT to pull a prank. "Fine Draco.." Said Makaar with a sigh. Makaar and Draco finaly finished thier lunch talking about a card game they played a lot. Makaar decied to not prank Marekaar that day. When they were finished the two friends decided to go back to Dracos house and keep writeing stories and brain storm ideas for Draco to write. "Ever want a pet?" Asked Makaar randomly. "No?" Replied Draco confused. Makaar had wanted a pet to play with sometimes but he never acutally got one. He didn't care much though. "I'm done writing for today Makaar. Let's go around town." Said Draco leading Makaar out of his room. When the two went around town they saw something they never thought they would see. A strange animal they have never seen before. "What's that?" Asked Makaar looking at the strange animal. Draco shrugged. The two look at each other and Makaar picked up the strange animal and took it home. Draco followed Makaar closely hopeing nopony sees them. When they got to Makaars room they looked at the strange animal. "What is it?" Asked Draco spooking the animal a bit. "I don't know Draco. I wonder who's the owner of him." Said Makaar petting the animal. "I will be right back. I think I have a book on animals in my room." Said Draco as he zoomed off leaveing Makaar and the animal. Meanwhile in a nerby forest manticores are looking for a baby manticore and are reaching the town. Makaar was in his room. His father knocked on the door. "Makaar, me and perc have heard some trouble on the outskirts of town. I'm leaving you in charge of your sister. Make sure she stays safe." Makaars father said. "Okay dad. I will make sure mar stays home." Makaar replied. Makaars father leaves him alone not knowing about the animal in Makaars room Draco returns shortly after Makaars father left with Perception. "Okay let's see what we can find out about this animal." Draco says to Makaar and the animal. As Draco flips through the book he looks to Makaar who is sitting next to the animal. "Makaar come here for a sec" Draco said Makaar came over to Draco "This animal is a manticore it's very dangrous to keep around." Draco explained to Makaar Makaar looks at the little manticore "I think it's a baby it couldn't be that bad could it?" Makaar said Draco shook his head being the rational one of the two of them right now. "Makaar no. It's a bad idea" he said Makaar gave him a puppy eyes "pwaese?" Makaar tried to act cute and like a baby "No Makaar it's stupid dangours and--" before Draco could finish his statement the baby manticore tackled him to the ground and started licking him. "F-fine he can stay for now" said Draco laughing on the ground Makaar took the baby manticore off of Draco and it sat on the floor. "I saw your dad and brother leave as I was coming back. Where did they go?" Asked Draco looking at the manticore. "There is some trouble on the out skirts of town. They will be back soon they said. I have to make sure mar stays here" explained Makaar to Draco. The two friends are very smart when they put their heads together and think for one second. Makaar thinks on his hooves a lot with Draco doing the same. When Marekaar knocked on the door to Makaars room they panicked a bit. "Makaar! I'm bored! Can you hangout with me?" Marekaar asked "Um one second sis I will be out in a second." Replied Makaar his voice staggers a bit. "Hide the baby Draco. I'll keep mar busy." Said Makaar to Draco who was ahead of him. "Foucus on Marekaar, Makaar I'll worry about this manticore." Said Draco knowing the plan. As Draco left with the baby manticore Makaar opens the door for his twin. "Hey mar what's up?" Makaar asked nervously as Marekaar walked into the room. "Like I said before Mak I'm bored! Let's do something." Marekaar said sitting on the bed looking at his games. While Makaar was with Marekaar and Draco was with the baby manticore makaars father Iron kite was with Perception and the other guards looking on the outskirts of town for the disturbance that was there. "What cuased the disturbance that called us here?" Asked iron kite confused. The other guards shrugged and left the outskirts as two manticores came into veiw. "Dad." Said Perception as he saw the manticores The manticores were angry and everypony that was there could see that. "Perception. Go home to your siblings make sure they are safe " iron kite told Perception "Yeah. See you at home dad." Perception said to iron kite Makaar got Marekaar to leave his room as Perception came home "Mar is Makaar here?" Perception asked Marekaar in the hallway. Marekaar nodded "yes perc." As Perception came up to Makaar,Draco had come back with the baby manticore. "Why do you have a manticore in your room Makaar?" Asked Perception confused and angry. "Um we found it?" Replied Makaar scared of what his brother might do. "Does dad know?" Asked perception Makaar shook his head as a 'no' "Listen Perception we did find it we brought it here. Is that a problem?" Said Draco confidently not afrid to protect Makaar Perception shook his head When a roar could be heard from the open window close by. The baby manticore had jumped through it and Makaar followed it not careing what trouble he would get in. "MAKAAR YOU IDOIT!" Shouted Perception chaseing Makaar Draco had also given chase to Makaar and the baby manticore. Draco caught up with Makaar before Perception did. "Makaar, wait!" He said Makaar stoped with a halt holding the baby manticore. "Sorry Draco I wanted to help our new friend." He explained to Draco "It's fine Makaar, just don't do it again!" He said and he turned to see Perception raceing towards them. "Makaar what were you thinking? You can't just run towards a heard of manticores that are in town it's dangrous! And dad told me to keep you and mar in the house!" Perception said angry and glaring at Makaar "S-sorry Perc...I just wanted to go with me and Dracos new friend." Makaar said Perception replied with "fine. I have to get back to mar. You stay with Draco. Let's see if this baby manticore knows if it's home or not." "Thanks Perception! I promise it won't happen again. Just don't tell dad I would be in big trouble with him." Makaar said hugging his older brother Perception hugs Makaar back. "Good it better not little bro." Perception ruffles Makaars mane and leaves Draco and Makaar with the baby manticore who is now siting patently. "Good boy" said Draco petting the manticores fur The two friends and the baby manticore walk to the out skirts of town and see the rest of the manticores. "Those must be full grown manticores...nothing that we can't handle...right?" Makaar said to Draco who was standing next to the baby manticore. "M-Makaar those are b-big manticores. What do we do?" Draco said a bit scared of the growling manticores. "Well um...we could..." Makaar tried to replay but he was getting scared as well. Just as Makaar was about to yelp his horn shot out a small zap of power against the manticore that was coming close to him and Draco. "MAKAAR!?" Draco shouted as Makaar flopped on the ground in front of Draco and the baby manticore. Moments later the manticore that Makaar attacked growled and started to go towards Draco and the baby manticore and the fainted Makaar. Draco stood infront of Makaar and stomped his hooves on the ground. "Nothing is going to touch him!" Draco said to the manticore who was getting closer to him. Draco had opened his wings and begain to flap them as hard as he could sending the manticore flying back a few feet. The manticore got up and growled at Draco and Makaar. The baby manticore went to the manticore that was angry and started to lick it. "Makaar please wake up." Draco said shaking Makaar hopeing he will wake up. "Ugh...what in the name of clestia happened?" Makaar asked and rubbed his head. "Oh thank goodness your okay." Draco said hugging Makaar tightly. "Yeah of course I'm fine." Makaar replied hugging back. Makaar looked at the baby mantiecore and the angry one who wasn't angry anymore well at least at Makaar and Draco. The baby manticore came over to Makaar and Draco and started licking them. "Woah what's wrong boy?" Makaar asked as the baby manticore stoped licking them and looks down sad. Draco petted the baby manticore. "Will we see you again?" Draco asked as the other manticore looked at them and growled at the baby. The baby manticore smiles at the two of them and licks them again. "Okay...bye little manticore" Makaar said as he was licked The grown up manticore took the baby and smiled at the two friends and left them alone. "Don't use magic with out telling me!" Draco said and hugged Makaar again. "I didn't mean to use my magic Draco. I promise I won't use magic without telling you. Unless I can control first and can acually use my magic right." Makaar said hugging back tightly. The two went back to Makaars house and saw Iron Kite. "Where have you been Makaar?" Iron asked looking angry. "He was at my house sir" Draco said. "We were writing stories in my room Perception came over and checked on us." Draco countuied. "Yeah dad I told you Makaar was with Draco." Perception said to Iron kite. "Fine Perception, Makaar go upstairs. Draco you can go home now Makaar can play in a bit" Iron Kite said. Draco smiled and Makaar and Perception went up to Makaars room. Iron Kite came into the room. "Boys are you tellng me the truth that Makaar was with Draco?" Iron Kite asked. They nodded at him "Yes" they said in unison "Good. Makaar you can go play with Draco if you want." Iron Kite said then left to go see his wife Green Mist who is Makaar Perception and Marekaar's mother. Just as the door closed to Makaars room Perception opened the window and signaled Draco to come in. "Why Perception?" Makaar asked looking at his brother. "Because I will defend you until I can't anymore. And you didn't do anything wrong besides jump a window. Right?" Perception said "Yeah nothing else." Makaar said. Perception left the two friends. "Makaar it's late and my parents said that it's time for dinner." Draco said. "Okay I will see you tomorrow." Makaar said The two friends hugged and Draco left. Then Green Mist called Makaar for dinner and he ate dinner with his family. Later that night Draco decided to stay at Makaars house > Makaar and Draco visit canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Makaar and Draco had spent a week finishing school iron kite decided to take Makaar to canterlot with him. "So what do you say son. Want to come to canterlot with me?" Iron kite asked. "Sure dad. Can Draco come also?" Makaar asked with a slight smile. Iron kite nodded to Makaar. Makaar rushed out of his house and knocked on Dracos door. "Hey Makaar, what's up?" Draco asked "Me and my dad are going to canterlot. Want to come? We can explore the castle!" Makaar said to Draco Draco nodded to Makaar Makaar led Draco to his house and his dad was waiting for him. "You both ready?" Asked Iron kite They both nodded and iron kite took them to the train station. When they arrived at the station Iron kite bought the tickets for them. When they got on the train Makaar and Draco sat together. "Well it's going to take us a few hours. Did you bring your cards?" Draco asked As Draco was going through his saddle bags getting out his "Equestria the gathering" card game. Makaar nodded "yeah. Let's play a few rounds." Makaar and Draco had played the card game for hours when they were bored. When the train arrived at canterlot the two friends got off the train Iron kite followed behind them. "Now I have to get right to the palace. Let's go" iron kite said. The two friends and Makaars father start toward the day palace. When iron kite arrived at the day palace he looked to Makaar and Draco. " don't cuase trouble you two. If you do and I find out you'll both be in big trouble. Understood?" Iron kite said to them. They both nodded. Makaar was scared of his dad at times, like when he was grounded iron kite yelled his head off to Makaar and Makaar never made the same mistake. "Good. Now I have to get to my station." Iron kite left the two friends in an empty hall way. "Come on Makaar let's see the library in this place!" Draco exclaimed Makaar nodded After a few mintues of exploreing the two got lost in the palace. "Makaar you got us lost!" Said Draco glaring at Makaar. "No I know exactly where we are Draco, we are in a hall. " Makaar said and chukled. "Not funny Makaar" Draco said turning serous. "Fine. Sorry" said Makaar to Draco as the two started troting down the hall again. Draco sighs "it's alright Makaar. We must be close we have been exploreing this place for an hour" "Yeah. Is this it?" Makaar asked as the two arrive at a big door that says "castle library" "Well you can read,Makaar, let's go!" Draco said. The two go into the library and Draco said, "woah..." When they closed the door they were shushed by a filly that was close by, "I'm studying!" "Oh I'm sorry." Said Makaar as the two just go to find a place to sit and read. "She can't talk to you like that Makaar you didn't do anything wrong." "I know but she scares me.." "Really and the manticore didn't?" "Not as much" "Wow. Makaar scared of a filly. That's a good one!" Draco luaghs "Can you two kindly shut up?" The filly said glaring at them. "No we won't. I'm Draco and I'm telling you we will luagh at what we want!" The filly looks at him "excuse me? I don't think I asked your name Draco." Draco glares at the filly "Darco stop. You don't want to get into a fight with a little filly and you know that. Let's just leave her alone and move on" Makaar said. "Your right Makaar." Draco replied The two friends go to different sections of the library but this filly kept following them. Makaar noticed while Draco was reading a book, he was going to be busy. Makaar goes over to the filly, she had a mane that looked like a setting sun on the horizon, Makaar started to blush hard. "S-sorry about my friend. He can get hot headed when defending me. When I can clearly handle my self!" Makaar said with a chulke. "I'm Makaar. My friend is Draco" The filly looked at him with her eyes "I'm sunset shimmer. I'll call you dork one and dork two" "Hey! I may be a dork but Draco isn't! Don't ever talk about him like that! Ever!" Makaar said with a slight growl his tiny horn glowing a bright green color. Sunset looked at him, "if you think you can harm me your surely mistaken. I'm the princesses student. I can do what I want without a consequence!" She was calm and confident in her tone, "so dork one why be here? Shouldn't dorks be in game sotres?" "I'm not a dork! My dad is a guard for princess celestia he said I could come here and explore with Draco!" He replied Sunset took Makaar away from Draco silently so Draco couldn't hear them. "If you want me to stop calling you a dork stop being one dork!" Sunset said Why doesn't she leave me and Draco alone? Makaar thought while sunset was just staring at him. "Well dork?" Sunset asked. "Just leave us alone sunset shimmer. We didn't do anything to you." Makaar replied and went back to Draco "Fine. Makaar I challange you to a magic duel. If you win I'll leave you and dork two alone." Sunset said. "But if I win I'm going to tell celestia you bullied me, her student." Makaar looked to Draco. "You know the rules of magic duels. You can't back down,that counts as the other wining. And in those terms we lose big and my dad grounds me." "Yeah. I can't help Makaar. Good luck my friend." Draco replied "Where?" "Court yards in twienty minutes. I'll see you both there dorks." Sunset said then went off into the castle. Makaar and Draco eventualy found the courtyards where sunset shimmer was waiting for them. "Your late dorks" she said Makaar rolled his eyes "Draco stay back and keep a look out for my dad" "Okay Makaar. Don't over do it" "I can't do much aganst a filly Draco. Mostly because I can't do many spells yet..." The rules of a magic duel Makaar understood quite well. There were only a few rules anyway. The rules are as follows: 1: any spells that severely damage the opponent count as a penalty and the opponent wins. 2: any potions cannot be used. 3: any breaking of laws in a magic duel the opponent wins. Makaar followed all of these rules when practing magic. "Who goes first?" Makaar asked "Me!" Sunset replied Just as sunset said her reply her horn glowed a bright blue color. She made a bunch of books appear and land on Makaar "You should read more." Sunset said Makaar threw the books off of him and put a bubble sheild around him. Makaar doesn't know any offensive spells but he can keep him self able enough to survive. After a few mintues of just standing there sunset decided to zap Makaar aganst a wall next to Draco "Oof!" Makaar said as his back hit the wall hard. Makaar attempted to zap sunset back but he couldn't muster enough energy to attack. When he was thrown aganst the wall his energy went down a lot! And unicorns need energy for magic. Makaar heard his fathers hooves coming down towrds them "okay sunset you win..." "Wait your just giving up?! Why?" "My dad is coming this way and we will both be in trouble if he is with the princess. And I would rather take the fall." Draco was shocked at makaars response to sunset, "Makaar I'm with you all the way! Even if it means being grounded for a month." They laughed "Well sunset go and tell the princess I bullied you. I'll take the punshment." The two friends went back to iron kite who was looking for them "Makaar what happend? You look like you took one of percs magic duels." "Nothing dad me and Draco were wrestling in the courtyard away form anypony" "Okay let's get you boys home it's late now." Iron kite then took the boys home with him. Makaar convinced his father that Draco could spend the night. "So if the princess asks your dad to bring you to her what will happen?" Draco asked when he and Makaar were alone "I'll take the hit for the team." "Team?" "Yeah Draco you and me are a team you should know that by now" Draco chukled " yeah I do know that. " A few days pass and Makaar gets a letter from canterlot. He goes stright to Draco to tell him about the letter "I think I just got a sorry letter Draco" "Why would she aplogize though?" The letter read: "dear dork one and two I'm writing this to say I didn't tell the princess anything and that I...." The letter stops there with a tear at the end. "And why was she crying?" "No clue.. Well at least she's not mad at us!" "Yeah at least that." Makaar kept the letter and went back to his house to read some spells while Draco went to write a story. > The fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day Makaar and Draco were in the school house working on thier math homework. "You take the five and put three on it!" Said Makaar as he finished the last problem Draco laughed at Makaar "you crack me up with your funny maths!" They smile at each other and go for lunch "Make sure your done with your homework and meet the new exchange student from the griffon lands." The teacher Van said. "New kid huh?" Said Makaar to Draco "I guess. Maybe we should make him our friend so he doesn't feel left out." Draco suggested. "Maybe. Let's get lunch first" Makaar said. After the two friends got lunch they sat in thier usal place under a tree close by. They sat there when they would rather be alone then be "social" with the other kids After about 25 minutes they finish lunch "Where's that new kid?" Makaar said to Draco as they walked back to the class room. "Don't know Makaar" Draco replied As the class started the teacher introduced the new student. It was a griffon who looked like a very tall stalion in a suit and tie. But with feathers and talons "I guess that's him" Makaar whispered to Draco. "Yeah I guess so" Draco whispered back "I hope that while griff is here you will all treat him with the utmost respect. But treat him as a student not a teacher." The teacher said to the class After class Makaar and Draco went over to griff "Hey there new kid" Makaar said to the griffon who was writing something. "Hi" he said back to Makaar not looking at him. "What are you writing?" Draco asked courously. "Oh just a short story." Griff said looking at Draco. "What is it about?" Makaar said "Nothing big.." He said Draco and Makaar left the school house and the teacher stopped them. "Makaar and Draco" the teacher said "Yes?" They both said at the same time "The new student needs a place to stay this week" "And what are we supposed to do?" Asked Draco confused "Since you're the first two to actually talk to him I was wondering if he could stay with one of you two" he said Makaars family would always let Draco come over with at least a day notice. "I'll take him" Draco said knowing what Makaar was thinking. "Thank you Draco essence" the teacher said After the teacher left the griffon caught up with the two friends. "Thanks for waiting guys" griff said as he stopped looking at them. "I'm Makaar and this is Draco" Makaar said introducing himself and his friend "So the teacher guy said I was staying with you guys?" Griff asked. "Well with me. But me and Makaar hang out every day. So yeah I guess you're part of our group." Draco said "We are two friends Draco not a group" Makaar chuckled The now three friends went to Dracos house and Makaar went home for the night. "Mak!" Perception tackles him "Gah!" Makaar fell on the ground with perception on top of him. "Mom wants to talk with you" perception said Makaar gulps "she does? About what?" Green mist was scary when really angry and everypony knew it. "Makaar stop playing with perception and get over here" green mist finally said "Yes mom!" Makaar said rushing over to her. "Your teacher called me today" she said "What did he say?" "That you have a new student in your class and that he needs a place to stay while he's here." "Oh yeah he's at Dracos house next door" Makaar said to his mother "Okay thank you for telling me" GreenMist said going to make dinner. Meanwhile at Dracos house he and Griff were getting to know each other. The next day Makaar Draco and Griff went towards the school "So Makaar Draco said that a few weeks back he saved your flank" Griff said. "Yeah he did" Makaar said smiling at Draco "Well have you uh..." Griff points to makaars horn. "Broke it?" Makaar looked confused. "My horn? Break it? I don't think so. But perception might have when I was a foal..." Makaar rubs his chin playfully. They all laugh and get to the school. "Hey Makaar can I talk to you alone before class?" Griff asked and took Makaar to the side "What's up Griff?" Makaar asked "Stay away from Draco. He's my new best friend and no one will get between that" Griff said glaring at Makaar "B-but..." Makaar started to say then Griff lifts up his talon in a fist. "Yes I'll stay away..."Makaar said scared of what will happen. "Good. Don't let me catch you telling Draco or anyone else about this conversation otherwise you'll meet my talon with your face!" Griff said then went to class. When lunch came around Makaar sat in his usual spot waiting for Draco to come up. "He'll come. But with that jerk Griff..." Makaar said silently waiting for Draco. Makaar ate his lunch alone after Draco never coming to sit with him. I hope Draco is still nice to me even with Griff there. After school Makaar waited for Draco for an hour. "Where is he? We always go home together..." Makaar said and sighed. "Mak?" Perception said as he went by. Makaar just walked away from his older brother. Meanwhile Draco and Griff were talking. "Really Griff, Makaar doesn't want to be my friend anymore?" Draco asked. "Yeah he doesn't like you anymore" Griff said smirking. "He told you this?" Draco asked looking down at the ground. "Yup before class today" Griff said. Draco went to his room and closed the door. Makaar sat his brother close behind him. "Makaar stop" Perception said sitting next to him. "Leave me alone Perc" said Makaar looking down. "I can't even if I wanted to. Mom and dad would kill me if I left you here alone. Where's Draco?" Asked perception "With Griff..." "That griffon?" "Yeah..." Makaar hugged his brother. "Whoa dude. You hugged me." Perception said and hugging back and smiling. "Yeah I know" Makaar said Perception took Makaar back to their home. "Thanks bro" Makaar said and went to his room. Makaar looked out the window. "Makaar?" His dad knocked on his bedroom door. "What dad?" Makaar asked not looking. "Is something wrong?" "No! Nothing!" Makaar said and slammed the door. The next day Makaar went to school alone and Draco and Griff were behind him. "Hey Makaar" Draco said "Hey Draco." Makaar said to his friend. "Griff can me and Makaar have a minute?" Draco said to the griffon "Him? Why him?" Griff said to Draco. Draco went up to Makaar. "Hey..." Makaar said "Hi..." Draco said back "So is griff giving you trouble? " Makaar said. "Why would you care?" Draco asked "I just do." Makaar said "No he isn't giving me trouble." "Well why aren't you with your new best friend then?" Makaar said and walked away. "What?" Draco said as Griff came up to him. "See like I told you he doesn't want to be your friend anymore. " Griff said "But he said...you're right Griff..." Draco said. When school started the three acted as though nothing has happened. "Class dismissed for the day" the teacher said before lunch. Makaar sits alone under a tree. "I'm sure he's happy with Griff...." Draco has Griff go back to his house. Makaar comes over and punches Draco in the face. "What the heck?!" Draco shouted. Draco punched Makaar back sending him back on the ground. Draco and Makaar started to wrestle punching each other in the face. "How could Griff be your best friend?! We've been friends for years!" "Best friend? How could you stop being my friend in general!" Draco punches Makaar "if you ever say he's my best friend you are a blind idoit!" Makaar shouts, "he told me you like him better than me! " Perception sees them fighting and separates them. "Hold it you two!" They look at the ground "What was that about? I've never seen you two fight like that before." Perception asked them. "He started it!" They said in unison pointing to eachother. Perception looked at them "who threw the first punch?" "Me..." Makaar said "Then you started it. But what was the fight even about?" Perception asked "He stopped being my friend and he punched me" Draco said "Stop being your friend? I could never do that. You know how much stuff we've been through just this year alone! You stopped being MY best friend." Makaar argued "I stopped being your friend? What in the name of celestia made you think that?" Draco asked. "Griff. He said you and him were best friends now and that I couldn't get in the way of that." Makaar said. "Griff said YOU didn't want to be my friend anymore. And this morning it looked like he was right." Draco said "Wait hold on. This griff guy he was trying to separate you two from being friends? Why would he do that?" Perception said confused "I don't know" they said in unison again "Well both of you thought you weren't friends. Are you going to keep thinking that?" Perception said and walked away. "Are we really not friends anymore Draco?" "I don't know Makaar." "Well if we aren't then how come I haven't used that quill since griff came?" "Wait you only use it when I'm around?" "Well when I want to write something it's usually because you did something stupid" Draco said pulling out a journal "What's that?" Makaar asked "A journal about our adventures from just this year alone." Draco opened the journal showing Makaar everything "See there's the entry from two weeks ago when we went to canterlot" "Wow...I'm sorry Draco" "Me too Makaar I should've known you wouldn't stop being my friend" The two best friends hug each other "Want to come to my house for dinner?" Makaar asked "Sure!" Draco replied. The two friends decided to go to see their mutual "friend" Griff. "Go get him." Draco said "No it's your room dude" Makaar said "Together?" "Together" They burst into the room "Griff!" Makaar exclaimed. "Wha-oh you found out huh?" Griff said "Yeah you jerk!" Makaar shouted "And tomorrow we are telling Mr.Van before class" Draco said Griff went to the guest room and waited for the worst The next day the three of them went to school. Draco told the teacher what had happened. "Well he's going back to his home today anyway" the teacher said After school they went to the train station "Bye Makaar and Draco. Sorry about separating you two." Griff apologized "It's fine just don't cause trouble anymore" they said in unison galreing Griff got on the train and it departed from the small town "That was a fun adventure" Makaar said "Yes I guess so. But don't believe everything you hear Makaar." "Same goes for you then Draco" The two laughed and went home to be with their families.