• Published 24th May 2014
  • 749 Views, 9 Comments

Brought Together - Dream Treasure

A single party turns Apple Jack's Ideas over.

  • ...

Part Five

The two mares wave off Scootaloo as the train's smoke starts. They smile best they can, and through the window, you could tell Scootaloo's smile was forced. Once the train is fully gone, and on its way to Manehatten, the blue pegasi turned to her earth pony companion. "How do you think she will do?"

"Well 'nuff. Shes a strong filly." Apple Jack spits to the ground.

"I hope so. It's bad enough that... Y'know. her parents and all. but now her only friends?" Rainbow Dash sits down on the bench behind them.

"Ah know. But shes a strong filly, she can do it." Apple Jack sits beside her lover and leans her head on Rainbow Dash.

"Hm, yeah. I guess. I just feel so bad for her..."

"shh." Apple Jack moves Rainbow Dashes head an inch away from her own face. Rainbow Dash's breath is warm on her fur. She shuts her eyes and leans in. Their lips lock and are in a tight embrace.

"Lesbians!" Somepony yells out from the other side of the train tracks.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash pulls away and yells. "Say that to my face!"

"I said 'Lesbians!'" The Mare from across the way yells back, her blue mane fluttering in the wind. her horn begins to light up a yellow aura. Pebbles levitate around her.

"Hey! Don't yo-" Rainbow Dash begins, but its cut off by Pebbles beging pelted at her. Apple Jack jumps up to defend her lover.

"Now stop that right now!" The blue mare laughs a familiar laugh.

"Trixie...?" Rainbow Dash glares at the mare. The pebbles stop mid air.

"I am NOT Trixie!" The blue mare tosses her head back. "Hmph! How dare you even compare me to my failure of a sister!"

"Sister...?" The two mares ask in unison

"Yes, sister! Trixie is my older sister. I am ashamed to even say the word sister. She failed what she aimed for! I, however, will not!" She stomps her hoof down.

"Er, Sugar cube-" Apple Jack starts, but is cut off.

"Do not call me sugar cube!" The unicorn calls out.

"Fine, Fine. Than what should ah call you?" Apple Jack glares at the blue unicorn

"You may call me Illie Usion!" She calls out.

"Illie...Usion? What kind of name is that?" Rainbow Dash pokes at the mare.

"It is shortened for 'Illusion'! I mean, Trixie!? What do you expect my name to be with my elder sisters name being 'Trixie!?"

"ah, alright, Miss Illie Usion. As ah was sayin'. This is the home of the 'Princess of friendship'. What's with the discrimination?" Apple Jack shoots a glare at Illie Usion.

"My friends and I do not agree with your... ways." Illie Usion tosses her head back again.

"Yall dont need to call us out for it!" Apple Jack yells at the mare.

"Its wrong! Its disgusting! its... Its..." The mare is interrupted by a train coming in between them. It whizzes past them.

"Ah think we should leave" Apple Jack glares at the moving train, as if she looks through it right at Illie Usion.

"Good Idea." Rainbow Dash nods and hovers up and begins to fly off to the other way.


"And that's how we met Illie Usion, Trixie's younger sister." Rainbow Dash stomps her hoof on the ground. "Shes Homophobic!"

"I see. So Trixie has a sister?" Twilight rubs her chin as if she has a beard.

"Duh." Rainbow Dash sits on her throne in the circle of thrones. Spike sits on his smaller throne beside Twilights.

"She sounds like Trixie. But worse." Spike leans over in his throne. Holding his stomach tightly."A letter is-" Hes cut off by a flame erruting from his mouth. a letter shoots out with it. Twilight hops down and picks it up.

"hm... yes.. i see... Oh! Spike! we must go to the crystal empire!" Twilight hops up and pulls spike along with her out the door.

"wait! Why are we go-" Spike is cut off by Twilight.

"-Important royal business!" The door slams behind them.

"That was abrupt" Rainbow Dash hops off her throne.

"yep." Apple Jack follows. The two mares walk outside the palace and down to sugar cube corner where they sit down inside the small family owned bakery.

"Ill go order." Rainbow Dash walks over to the line and sighs heavily. Apple Jack sits down at one of the tables. plenty of ponies sit at other tables around them.

"YOU!" Apple Jack turns to face the voice.

"Ugh. Dash. Lets just g-" Apple Jack is cut off by a flash of darkness.