• Published 24th May 2014
  • 748 Views, 9 Comments

Brought Together - Dream Treasure

A single party turns Apple Jack's Ideas over.

  • ...

Part One

The Orange pony slumps in the corner, not feeling up to partying. She watches the party happen before her eyes. The most notable thing in the room is the bright rainbow maned pony dancing, Small lights are sprawled in her tail and mane. Many tightly packed ponies dance to the strong beat of Dj-Pon3's Beats from the front of the room.

"AJ! Hey!" Rainbow dash pushes her way twords Apple Jack. "AJ! Lets go dance!" The Rainbow maned pony's head is near centimeters from Apple Jacks. Her breath smells strongly of beer.
"Rainbow Dash. Have you been drinking?" Apple Jack turns her head away, the smell too strong to bear. "You know how i feel about beer, Rainbow."

"yeah, Yeah. Whatever!" The clearly intoxicated pony rolls her eyes. "Lets just go!" Rainbow Dash is pushed as another pony bumps into her. Her lips lock onto Apple Jacks and linger there 5 seconds after. Apple jacks eyes widen in surprise and shock, Her mouth tasting like beer now.

"Rainbow Dash, what in the hay a-" She is cut off when Rainbow Dashes lips hit hers again briefly, and is left with no words as the bright pony pushes her way back through the crowd. Now Apple Jack is stuck with her own thoughts. I feel so confused. I-I... I need to go home. She stands and Pushes her way out the door.


Apple Jack lays awake on her bed, silence on the farm. Only her own thoughts surround her. Why... I mean i know she was drunk, but why didn't she pull away? Or... Why did int I Pull away? Why did i... Why did I like it? She lay awake for hours untill she falls asleep.


Apple Jack sleeps under the willow tree, granting her the shade she wants. Rainbow dash flys down infront of her. "Hey AJ" The Rainbow pony says wiping the dirt off her hooves. "Wake up AJ." Apple jack nuds her hat down and sighs. "Hey! come on!" Rainbow Dash taps her hoof against her hat. Nothing. She lifts up her hat and presses her lip to Apple Jack's forehead.

Apple Jack abruptly sits up in her bed, she looks out the window to see the sun just over the apple trees. She looks back and sighs. Nothing could explain that dream. Maybe.... Maybe I... she couldent bear to think it. Maybe I like Rainbow Dash. Like Like. Have I ever liked a stallion? No. Have I ever like anyone? No. Thats when it hit her. She liked mares. Not stallions. She blushes as she realizes Rainbow dash is her first crush. Ever.
How will she tell everyone? Her family? Her friends? Rainbow Dash?


Twilight. She decided on telling Twilight first, asking for her advice. She opens the door to the Castle, Twilight is normally in here on her throne. She gallops down the hall until she reaches the second door and pushes it open. "Apple Jack?" Twilight's voice calls from her throne, she looks up from the book she was reading and smiles. she places her book down and uses her wings to hover down the hall to Apple Jack.

"Twilight. Ah... Ah need to tell you something'." Apple Jack sits down in front of Twilight. Twilight sits in front of Apple Jack on the ground and nods her head to signal Apple Jack to continue. "Ah need you to keep it a secret." Apple Jack whispers as Twilight Does the lock my lips and throw away the key action. "Ah...Ah think ah like... Rainbow Dash" She whispers so quietly its barely audible.

"say again?" Twilight asks as she leans in.

"Ah like... Rainbow Dash." She looks to the ground, not wanting to see her friend's reaction.

"Oh." Twilight looks up. "advice?" Apple Jack nods her head while biting her lip. "alright. I say tell her, but lead her into it. Dont suddenly tell her. maybe even first see if she like mares or stallions. Thats what i would do."

"Thank you, Twi." Apple Jack nods her head and stands, Then leaves.


"Rainbow Dash, Would you like to go to the park?" Apple Jack asks Rainbow Dash from the ground.

"Sure! just let me fly down." Rainbow Dash yells down from her large cloud house. It puzzles Apple Jack as to how it doesn't just float away. Rainbow Dash floats down from her house and lands infront of Apple Jack. "Alright, lets go AJ." They begin to walk down the dirt road, Nearly orange leaves strew on the trees around them. "So the running of the leaves will be happening soon. will you be in it?"

"Maybe, It depends." Apple Jack responds watching Rainbow Dash closely. "how about you? Ah assume you're going to run in it."

"Yup. Can you believe the castle?" Rainbow Dash focus ahead.

"No, ah cant. Um. Random question... But..." Apple Jack gulps. "Do you remember the party last night?" She looks away, trying not to blush.

"Not a bit. Why?" Rainbow study's Apple Jack's face.

"Uh. Ah might tell ya later." Apple Jack stares in front of her, attempting not to blush best she can.

"alriiiight..." Rainbow Dash says suspiciously. "well. We're here." The two mares stop in front of a tree. The one from my dreams... They sit down in front of it, their backs on the tree.

"Uh... Another Random question..." Apple Jack starts "Who... Who do ya like?" She focuses on the ground, still trying not the blush.

"No one." Rainbow Dash replies a little too quickly. Apple jack looks at her closely enough to see the blue pony blushing.

"I mean Who, Like, What do you like? Stallions or... Mares?"

"oh." She looks down. "Um, keep it a secret but...."

Author's Note:

This is my first published Fan Fic, so please enjoy!