• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 653 Views, 2 Comments

How far would you go? - Areos

A young man ends up in Equestria, will he be able to find a way home, or will he be stuck there forever?

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Chapter 1: Hospitals and horses

My eyes flashed open, flicking left and right, drinking in the surrounding area. I was in a room, a clean white room with a single light in the middle of the ceiling. I was lying in a bed made of what I assumed to be steel, a rail lining the edge. A small table lay to my left; a window covered by curtains lay on my right, a door to the left of it. I looked down to see a few IV’s stuck in my arm, a heartbeat monitor beeping in the background. Great, a hospital. I guess it’s what I needed but still. Damn doctors, thinking they know what the perfect cure is, thinking that everything that’s different from normal is a disease!

Voices outside my door caught my attention. I strained to hear what they were saying, struggling to hear what they were saying over the beeping.

“-you can’t go in there miss! There is a chance that thing could be dangerous.” A male voice shouted.

“Come on,” another voice pleaded, female by my guess, “aren’t I allowed in even for a minute?”

“No one is allowed to enter until that…. Thing, is awake and unable to cause anypony any damage.” The male voice again. Did he just say anypony? Maybe that’s something they do here.

“But it’s already restrained!” I glanced down, finding my wrists strapped to the bed, I guessed that my legs were being restrained the same way, “It can’t possibly cause me any harm, and even if it tries to, you’ll be there to stop it. So please can I go in?”

The male voice sighed, “Fine, you can go in for now, but if it attempts to do anything while your examining it, then you’re out of that room in a flash. Understand?”

A moment of silence passed before the door was flung open. Prepared for anything my brain still struggled with what I say. A horse, around 4 feet tall, trotted through the door. It was a dull grey in colour, it’s mane a dash of black against the grey of its coat, its tail matching its mane. The horse walked past the window, its eyes locked with mine, body tensed for any sudden movement. It stood there in the corner, watching me with eyes like a hawk.

I glanced back at the door to see another horse trot in, this one a little shorter. Coloured purple, this one stood out a lot more. Its mane and tail were a much darker purple, almost navy blue, with two streaks running down it’s mane as well as its tail. Its eyes, dark lavender, held a much softer look, less cold and calculating, and more curious. The feature that caught my attention was the horn sticking out of its head

I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself. Okay Areos, calm down. Things can’t possibly get any worse than they already have.

“Um,” The purple horse spoke, my jaw dropping, “oh good you can respond to noise at least. Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle; I’m the student of Princess Celestia. Would you please tell me what you’re doing here?”

Brain, why did you have to push our luck? I licked my lips, a little nervous, “Um, hello Miss Sprakle. My name is Areos.” The horse’s mouth dropped, almost reaching the floor, “Um Miss? Are you okay?”

“You…You can talk?” she spat, still reeling from me talking. I glanced over at the other horse to see him, he must be the male if Twilight was the other voice outside, having a very different response. He had his back arched, legs stretched evenly apart, a snarl stretched on his face. He looked ready to strike at a moment’s notice. I turned back to Twilight, still open mouthed.

“Um, can you please tell me where I am, Twilight was it?” She closed her mouth, still looking at me with a shocked expression. I sighed, going to move my hand to my head, before realizing it was still strapped to the bed.

“Oh, you’re in Equestria,” I stared at her blankly, waiting for her to continue, “To be more precise you’re in Ponyville, my home town, ever heard of it?”

“Equestria, Ponyville, those all sound like pretty ridiculous names, all based off horses,” I glanced between Twilight and the guard, “which is what I’m guessing you are?”

“We’re ponies to be exact,” Twilight said, “I’m a unicorn, born with a horn and the ability to use magic,” she gestured at the other pony, “and Shadow Strike over there is an earthpony, no wings or horn, but incredible physical strength compared to unicorn and pegasi.”

“Pegasi,” I glanced towards the window, “you mean horses with wings? Those exist?”

“Sure do!” Twilight moved a little closer to the end of the bed, “I have a couple pegasi friends if you would like to meet them. You should be able to leave the hospital in a few days; your injuries weren’t too severe.”

“Injuries…” the memories of yesterday came flooding back to me, “oh crap, I forgot about the Manticore. Did I make it to a doctor? Wait I’m in a hospital so that was kind of an obvious answer, but still, who was that horse, pony, whatever, same dog different legs.” Twilight turned her head, a puzzled look on her face, “one of my dad’s sayings, but anyway, what happened when I passed out.”

“Well, Areos,” started Twilight, “I don’t know the full details yet of what happened, but supposedly somepony found you passed out near the centre of town. That pony was kind enough to take you to the hospital, where our doctors treated you. You’re pretty lucky you got here when you did, a moment later and you would've died from blood loss.”

“So,” I glanced down at my wrists, “how long do I have to stay chained up here?”

“Well, now that we know that you aren’t really dangerous, then there shouldn’t be any problems with letting you out of the hospital in a few days’ time.” Twilight’s gaze turned out towards the window, “You’ll probably be lonely in here for a few days by yourself, so I’ll visit you if I get some time in my schedule, maybe ask if a few of my friends can visit as well. Would that be ok?”

I nodded, a silence filling the air as the three of us stood there in silence before a low growling rumbled through the air. Twilight looked at me curiously, I blushed looking away.

“Um, do you have anything that I could eat around here,” Twilight grinned back at me, starting to move towards the door, “and unless you want to force feed me, could you please untie at least one of my hands?”

Twilight grinned sheepishly; her horn became enveloped in a purple aura, the restraints around my right arm loosening. I tugged my right hand free, glancing over at Shadow Strike to see him still watching me. I waited until Twilight had left before speaking.

“Well, now that you know I’m not that much of a threat, will you still watch me all day,” I snapped, “or don’t you have anything better to do?”

He snarled back at me, “You may not appear to be a threat for now, but I have my eye on you… whatever you.”

“I’m a human,” I replied, “and probably the only one that you’ll ever see!”

Shadow Strike glared at me one more time before making his way out the door. I sighed out of relief, wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand him, I glanced back towards the door, waiting patiently for Twilight to return, before realizing that I was still partially restrained. With one hand free I made quick work on the strap on my right hand, before removing both the restraints on my legs. Oh fingers, how useful you are.

I pulled myself out of the bed, stretching myself out, getting rid of all the kinks that had gathered up while I was unconscious. I finished working a really annoying one out of my neck when Twilight came in levitating a tray.

“Oh, Shadow Strike, undid all the restraints?” she glanced around the room, looking to see where the grey stallion had gone, “He must have left, probably had more work to do. So, do you want some lunch?”

I nodded as she set down the tray on the bed. I walked over, carefully sitting down, before turning to see what was there to fill my stomach. To my dismay, there wasn't much, an apple, a banana, what looked like a salad sandwich, and a few berries. I sighed; guess I gotta work with what I've got. I devoured the sandwich in an instant, the flavor barely starting to leave my mouth before I had started on the banana. The food was delicious, much better than the chemical stuff we have at home. I finished the banana, finally moving on to the apple. I took a giant bite out of before the flavors exploded in my mouth, it was sweet but not too sugary, sour but not overpowering, it was what I would call a perfect apple. I devoured it, core and all, licking my lips for more, only to find an empty tray.

Twilight’s giggles caught my attention. I turned to see her trying to hold back laughter, a smile covering her face.

“Is something funny?” She shook her head, still smirking, “Well, I guess that should fill me for now, I’m guessing you have to leave, by the sounds of it you have a busy schedule, so I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Twilight nodded, turned at walked through the door. I stretched out my arms, testing to see if I still had my normal mobility. Guess if I’m stuck here for a few days may as well do something.

Damn its boring here, I really wish Twilight would come back, at least when she was here I had someone to talk to, being alone is just boring.” I glanced at the door, a thought popping into my head. I walked over, my fingers wrapping around the handle. I twisted hoping to find it open, only to find it was dead bolted shut.

I turned to the window, weighing my options, I could stay here and wait for another couple of days, or I could try and get out the window, with the possibility of breaking a few body parts. I think I’ll take my chances with the second option. I flung the window open, glancing down to be met by a 10 foot drop. I swallowed, guess it’s a little too far to jump, I looked left and right, searching for anything that could help me, my eyes lighting up at a tree only a few meters away.

I inhaled, gathering my strength for the jump. I leapt from the windowsill, my arms outstretched towards the branches. My body stayed suspended in mid-air for a few seconds, defying gravity, before physics decided to kick in. My right hand grazed the branch, my fingers struggling for a grip. I flung my other arm around, steadying myself.

I stayed there for a few seconds, waiting to see if the branch would break. I scrambled down the tree, getting a few splinters stuck in my hands on the way down. My feet thumped into the ground, barely able to handle my weight, I leant on the tree for a minute, catching my breath. I glanced around, checking if anyone had seen me, only houses met my eyes.

I sighed, walking around the side of the building until the sound of heavy breathing reached my ears. I looked back to see three ponies, sprinting at me. I turned back and tried to bolt off, only to trip over my own feet, landing face first on the ground.

My body refused to move, forcing me to wait for whatever was going to happen to me at the hooves of the cruel horses, until my whole body suddenly felt weightless. I glanced down to see an aura covering my body, similar to the one Twilight had used, except this one was pink. I looked around, my eyes darting all over the place.

I floated past the corner of the hospital, my senses assaulted by an array of colors and sounds. Everywhere I looked, multi-colored horses were everywhere, most of them looking at me. Some of them looked scared, a few were curious; others had expressions of pure shock.

My body turned to the left, a door in front of me. The door handle covered in the same aura I was. I floated through the doorway, waiting for whatever punishment was awaiting me. After a few minutes of floating down hallways, we reached what I assumed to be my room. The door flung open before I was thrown onto the bed, the aura finally disappearing. I glanced back, expecting to see someone, only to see the door slammed shut, before the sound of the door locking made me realize my situation.

I looked around the room again, noticing that the window was covered in bars, probably to prevent me from escaping again. I sighed; guess I’m stuck here until tomorrow at least. I adjusted my legs, getting myself comfortable for a short nap, my mind drifting back to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well this one was longer then I thought, I may gone a bit too in detail, but oh well.

Next chapter will be more explaining, and more getting to know the ponies around.

And if you found errors, no matter how small, could you please tell me. I would like to work out the kinks in this story, and as you can tell, I'm not the best editor. Hope you enjoy it! Sincerely Wade.

The next chapter will probably be in a week or two, maybe more depending on how long it takes to make it the standard I want.

P.S The next chapter may explain a bit more about Areos

Comments ( 1 )

Yeah, maybe I should have slowed it down a little bit, now that I look back it did get out of hand a little quickly. Thank you for the feedback, I'll try and slow down the pacing a little, but not too much.

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