• Published 13th Jul 2014
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The Unicorn Wars: Griffania - Constellation

Now that I have been transferred from Equestria I have been reassigned to another war front, Griffania. the Unicorn wars are just heating up.

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Chapter 4:Toward Aleisia

My eyes snapped open as a bell started to ring, it sounded like the alarm to warn of an attack, I jumped to my hooves and grabbed my uniform, musket and my new Griffon style sword which I had decided to keep after the battle two days ago, and rushed to the door where the rest of my squad was already forming up just outside.

I jumped through the door, landing at the bottom of the steps and then ran up to my squad and got in behind Maximus, right next to Fire Ball.

The Sarge was the last one there, which was surprising, and was fully dressed, well we where still trying to get our uniforms on.

"Well, your all in a hurry,"He started."that, is a calling bell, it means that every pony has to report to the training field, not that there's an attack, now get those uniforms on properly, its probably an inspection.

At this, every pony breathed a sigh of relief, we had our fill of battles this week, then we went to work getting our uniforms on, which was hard to do with all the little buttons that needed to be snapped into place, but we were soon on our way.

As we marched into the training field, I saw every squad in the fort, all just standing there waiting for the general, or a few of them, like us, had just arrived. However, we were all soon in formation all waiting for the general, it was not a long wait, soon, after the last of the squads had formed up, the General and his three Captains came out of the command building and walked up onto the wall, stopping just above the gate.

"Aleisia has been attacked."The General stated, at this, every ponies spirits fell."Both the second and forth legions have been completely destroyed, and the city has fallen into enemy claws."'Impossible' I thought,' the second and forth where two of the best' "I have been ordered to send a column of troops to help take back the city, Captain's Steel Skull and Bloodied Hammer have volunteered their men and themselves,"The general continued.'Good, at least we don't have to go. 'I thought."but I need Bloodied Hammer here, so instead, I will be sending Captain Scout Eyes."The general finished.'Thought to soon, damn it.' I, again, thought to myself. "The Captains have their orders and will distribute them as they see fit, that is all, dismissed."

At that every pony walked out of the training area and back to their bunkers, as did we. It was maybe an hour or two before a private came running by with all the orders and gave them to the Sargent.

"Well,"Fire Ball started,"what do they say, Sir?"

"That we have to report to the main column at one PM, at the gate."The Sarge answered.

"How could Aleisia fall, its the province capital."I stated.

"Just like all the other cities these barbarians attack."Ice Heart hissed, almost like it was personal."My father died in the last war, but he sent letters about how they act, their evil."

"I heard some of the others talking about them,"Fire Ball started."they say that they made a deal with the devil, and the ones in the far north can use magic."

"That's ridicules, only Unicorns can use magic."Maximus said.

"But Loose Tongue said that he saw it."Fire Ball said.

"Loose Tongue lies about everything."Maximus replied.

"Well, um, maybe this time he was telling the truth?"Fire Ball finished.

"Alright, that's enough."The Sarge Started."Get some food in you, we're going to have a long walk ahead of us."

With the Sarge finished, we all set off for the mess hall to get some breakfast, which wasn't bad today. Then we made our way back to the bunker to pack what we had, and then we did nothing for nearly five hours, until the lunch bell rang, then we filled up at the mess hall again before setting out with every pony else to the main gate.

By the time we got there, half the column was already formed up, and the other half was right behind us. We were given orders to be on the left side of the column, and when the others all formed up we marched out, heading north to Aleisia.

"How far do you think Aleisia is from here?"Maximus asked me.

"I have no idea."I answered.

The days went by at a slow speed, we would march from two hours before the sun rose, and until the sun was set. Slowly, other squads joined up with our column until we were two columns strong. On day seven in our little walk, we were joined by an army, or rather we joined an army led by General Burning Sky himself, I figured he was probably sent here at about the same time my squad and I were, this made the army four and a half columns large. I had never been in an army quite this large, there were two whole legions here, and from what every pony was saying there were more on the way, which left me with the question, 'how many of them are there at the city?'

Day ten was the day we made it to the city. The wall was still standing, the gate had been repaired, and there were bodies littering the field surrounding the wall. The soldiers of the second and forth had put up one hell of a fight, but in the end, sheer numbers and the griffon ability to fly, won them the city. The General gave the order to pitch camp, we would attack in the morning.