• Published 13th Jul 2014
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The Unicorn Wars: Griffania - Constellation

Now that I have been transferred from Equestria I have been reassigned to another war front, Griffania. the Unicorn wars are just heating up.

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Chapter 3:The Battle of Fort Masser

I stood on the wall of the fort, looking east toward where I had just come from, not when I had arrived at the fort, because that was three days ago, but from where I had just returned from patrol, not a good experience.

Just ten minutes ago me and Swift Steel had been out on the far perimeter, making our rounds like any other day, but are luck never holds.

About half a hour into our brisk walk we were attacked by two forward scouts for a griffon army, then we were chased all the way back to the fort by about seven others, we barely escaped using the trees for cover but we made it back.

Now me and every pony else stood there, waiting for them to cross over the hill and descend upon us.

I looked down the line to my right, I saw stallions and mares all in armor with a musket in their magic, some looked scared, but most where battle hardened by this land and had only expressions of anticipation.

Then I looked toward my left, Maximus stood directly by my side, like he always did, he was the most loyal friend I ever had, his expression was one of concern, but I had a feeling it was not for himself, but for those around him. Just past him was the rest of my squad, they all seemed fine, the Sarge was the only on who was not staring at the horizon, but instead was locked in prayer, to which god I did not know. Past him was more soldiers, I saw pretty much the same amount of faces as on my other side and about the same expressions, but there was more fear, on my left side there where more recruits then on my right so they had less combat experiences.

I turned my eyes back to the hill just three hundred hooves away where the enemy would first appear, my front right hoof kept taping against my will, my magic tightened on the musket it held, and I checked the primer for the third time.

"Whats taking them so long?"A orange mare asked.

The same thoughts where running through my head, they should have made it by now, they were shockingly close to the fort, how they got so close was beyond me.

I did not have to wait long to find my answer, as five cannons where rolled over the hill top, pushed by fifteen very large griffons.

instantly our cannons opened fire on the griffon cannoneer's and their batteries, the griffons tried to set up their guns as they where pounded by our three fifty pounders, and four twenty pounders, but only one fired a shot that missed and hit twenty or thirty hooves short of the wall, before the last cannoneer was killed.

A cheer went up among those on the wall, there artillery was down and it did no damage, the cheer was short lived though, as it was drowned out by a louder cheer from over the hill, this was not a cheer of celebration but a cheer for blood, a battle cry.

As the shout died down the first wave of griffons came over the hill, when they reached the top of the hill they spread their wings and jumped into the air, quickly followed by the next wave, then they raised there muskets and took aim.

"Get down!"The general shouted, and every pony fell down flat.

Then the first round of lead struck the wall we were all behind.

"Take aim!"The general continued, and we all aim at the flying wall of griffons in front of us."Fire!"


With no cover the first wave was hit and took heavy loses, but they kept coming, and the next wave fired well we were all still up.


Again there muskets roared this time catching some of the new recruits and even some of the more experience fell from the attack.

"Reload!"The General yelled, but every pony on the wall was already doing so anyway."Aim."He continued, and we aimed for the front line again."Fire!"

We fired and another wave of griffons fell from the sky, but the distance between us had been crossed and the griffons all dropped there muskets and puled out long shining steel swords, then with a heavy flap of the wings they descended on us.

Instinctively I raised my musket so my bayonet was pointing up at them, waiting as they came down felt like forever, but it came to a end as the first one slammed into my bayonet and his blood exploded across my face.

I puled the bayonet from the body and turned to my left to see a griffon on Maximus, trying to get the point of his sword through Maximus's magic and to his neck, he never made it there as I stabbed him in the back with my bayonet also.

Maximus got to his hooves and swung his bayonet at a griffon that was going for the Sarge just before he made it though he was cut down by my friend, who then turned back to me.

"Thanks."He shouted then moved on to fight another tall griffon.

I turned to my right just in time, as a blade just cut my jaw, I swung my musket around and smacked the griffon in the face with the butt of the weapon, he staggered back and I swung the bayonet at him this time, but he hit it away with his saber just in time.

My musket was thrown from my magical grasp and off the wall by his attack, then he took another swing at me, I blocked with the sword I had just drew from my side in the nick of time, but my short sword stood no chance against the heavy blade the griffon used and was thrown from my grasp, and again he swung at me, I ducked just in time as his sword past over my head, I reached out with my magic in frantic search for something to fight him with, finally I fount something with a mettle blade and brought it up just in time to block his next attack, our blades screeched against each other and I saw the blade that had saved my life, a long standered issue griffon sword, a powerful blade to be sure.

Swinging my powerful new weapon I knocked his blade down and slashed at his head, he recovered to quick though and blocked me, again I swung at him this time he blocked to slow and I left a large slash down his left shoulder. He shrieked and swung at me again and I jumped back, which he did not expect as he lost his balance and stumbled forward, I slashed again at his head this time he was unable to block and his head came off in one swift motion.

I moved away from his body in search of another target, one I quickly found, attacking Ice Heart and Fire Ball was three griffons, I snuck up behind them and killed one before they knew I was there, teaming up with Fire Ball we easily killed the one he was fighting then took out the other one.

As the last one fell I heard a horn blow from the hill, and then the griffons started to fly back toward it, they where in retreat.

"Grab a musket."The general yelled."Shot them down!."

With that, me and every pony else grabbed the closest musket and fired it at the retreating griffons, but as they flew over the hill I just dropped the musket and sat down exhausted from the fight.