• Published 13th Jul 2014
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The Unicorn Wars: Griffania - Constellation

Now that I have been transferred from Equestria I have been reassigned to another war front, Griffania. the Unicorn wars are just heating up.

  • ...

Chapter 1: A New Land

The ship lunged under my hooves as a wave slammed into the hall again, it had

been one long storm after another as soon as we entered the Griffin Sea, and the crew had

said that this weather was some of the best they had ever seen on the Griffin Sea.

Another wave struck the hall, this one sent me off my hooves and into the guard

rail, quickly getting back to my hooves I decided to get off the deck and go below.

I quickly made my way to the hatch that led to the inside of the ship and opened it

with haste, I then made my way down the overly steep stairs that bridged the top to the

bottom, but as I neared the bottom the ship shook signaling that yet another wave had hit

it, it also sent me to the bottom the fast way.

Standing up I puled the rope that I landed in off me and set a barrel that had

been knocked over back up, then I was trampled by a young sailor who very hastily attempted

to make his way up the stairs.

"Sorry."He shouted as he ran up the steps, then met the same fate I had

seconds before.

As soon as he was back on his hooves he was up the steps and gone faster then

I could follow.

Returning my thoughts to the warm bunk that awaited me I turned back down the

corridor and started walking to the door at the far end, it wasn't that easy though, the

ship kept swaying and I was knocked into the wall more the a few times, but finally I made

it to the bunk room.

"How do sailors stand it?"I questioned as I opened the door.

"I don't know."The Sargent said miserably as he walked past me and toward the

stairs, looking rather green.

I shook my head and moved into the room, Maximus, Corporal Iron Hide and Ice

Heart had a game of poker going, judging from his face I would say that the corporal was not

winning, Fire Ball lay on his bunk and at the moment I looked at him he grabbed a bucket and

threw up into it, Swift Steel was the only one who looked like he was not going to do the


"Hey Nova,"Maximus called."care to join, with the corporal playing you cant loose."

Swift Steel and Ice Heart started laughing, much to the corporals dismay, and Fire

Ball just threw up again.

"Ha ha,"The corporal mockingly laughed."look who just volunteered to do Latrine duty,

that's a good attitude I'll talk to the Sarge about it."

At this every pony laugh again, except Maximus, who looked even sicker.

"No thanks,"I said."I'm going to get some sleep."

And with that I crawled into the bed farthest from Fire Ball and went to sleep as

fast as I could, when I was awake on this ship I felt sick all the time, but when I was asleep

I slept like a baby.


"Wake up,"The voice of Maximus cut through the darkness of my sleep."we're

coming into the harbor now."

Slowly my eyes drifted open and I saw my friend standing over me, I didn't feel

immediately sick so I assumed that the storm had let up. Rubbing my eyes I sat up and gave a

big yawn, then looked back at Maximus.

"So we finally made it."I said, more of a statement then a question.

"Yup,"Maximus said shaking his head up and down."the ship will be docking in a

couple of minutes."

"Good,"I started as I made my way toward the door to the hallway."I cant wait to

get off this ship."

"Same here."Maximus agreed as we left the bunk room behind.

We continued down the hallway until we came to the stairs leading up to the

deck, we jogged up the steps as fast as we could, a habit we had gotten into when the ship

was still being tossed around the sea. Making it to the deck we turned toward the bow of the

ship and saw our squad getting ready to get off the ship as soon as it docked.

On the near by land I could see a small city, this one was much bigger then

Manehatten, but still paled in comparison to a normal city in Unicornia. Unlike Manehatten

this city had a stone wall that looked like it could take a beating, and from the cannons on

its wall I would say it could give one heck of a beating as well. The city was cut off from the

docks by a massive gate with a huge pot above it, my guess was that it was filled with boiling

oil to be dumped onto attackers trying to get through the gate.

After my short amount of observation the hall of the ship bumped into the side

of the dock, two sailors jumped from the side of the ship with large ropes then proceeded to

fashion the ship to the dock, after that task was complete the gang plank was dropped and

we were let off the ship.

Every pony look relieved to be off of it, except Swift Steel who looked a little sad.

"Finally,"Ice Heart said."dry land."

"I'm so glad I didn't listen to my dad,"Fire Ball started."'join the navy son, it will be

the best choice of your life' he said, whats wrong with him?"

"Well lets not stand around,"The Sarge said."we have some where to be."

With that we all started toward the city gate to report to a Commander called
Arcane Magic.

I had not really heard much about this territory from the news paper, but, I knew
its inhabitants were violent, very violent.