• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 615 Views, 1 Comments

Cutie Graduation - JostPost

The time has come for the CMC to pass their final test... literally but there is one thing that is bothering them apart from the test.

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Pink 'n' White Consternation

"You are the worst!" said a furious filly voice.

"How can you call yarself a teacher?" yelled another filly voice full of rage but also dissapointment.

"I thought you were supposed to help us but in reality you actually didn't care about us" finished the last voice sounding as heartbroken as it could ever sound.

"No wait, that is not true, please listen to me I tried to do everything I could!" Suddenly a vortex formed and started sucking everything I could feel how it was dragging me away while I couldn't do anything only stare at the shapes of three fillies crying and probably looking at me with angry eyes. "NO please, WAAAAAAIIIT!".

I woke up with a loud scream and sweating a lot just like when Mac has worked the whole day without any breaks, I looked outside and noticed that it was still very early in the morning, Princess Celestia hadn't even risen the sun jet. I then sighed after remembering the nightmare I just had, "It was just a nightmare" I thought as let myself breath relieved.
I got from bed and went to the bathroom, I noticed myself in the mirror and giggled a little, "I look hideous", I brushed my hair brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat something that dream had left me starving. I sat down in the table with my oat cereal and the daily newspaper that was always delivered in front of my house.
I took a bite at my cereal and just as I was about to start reading the paper (there was a headline that had caught my eye, something about a weird plant or something), I heard a knock at the door.
I opened the door and saw Filthy Rich standing with a suitcase by him and looking at his clock like he was running late to something, before I could say anything he saw me and smiled a little "Hi Miss Cheerilee, I am so sorry to be bothering you this beautiful Sunday morning but I need to ask you for a favor".
"Oh hi Mr. Rich!" I replied with also a smile "Of course what do you need?".
"Well you see I'm aware that Diamond Tiara's graduation is going to be next Friday, and that her presentation is supposed to last 10 minutes and she's the second in line for the presentation but I was wondering if you could do a little change in the schedule, you see we have an important dinner to attend that night with all our family so I was wondering if you could put Diamond Tiara's presentation first so we can leave earlier" He stated looking frequently at his clock, "Eeyup, he is in a hurry" I thought, "Anyway.." he continued snapping me out of my trance "I really need to get going I have an important meeting in 5 minutes, so if you could give an answer I really would appreciate it" he finished smiling nervously as he looked at his clock.
"Well sure Mr. Filthy Rich, I'll just check with Twist's parents to see if they are ok with the re-schedule, but I'm sure tere will be no problems at all" I told him and I could see a expression of relieve forming in his face "As soon as they reply me I'll give you the news".
"Thanks a lot Miss Cheerilee its always a pleasure talking to you" he said calmly, just as I was about to reply he noticed his clock "Oh mulehair!" he exclaimed "the meeting is in four minutes, see you later Miss Cheerile, see you lateeeer..." he yelled as he ran away in direction of the town hall.
I couldn't help myself but to chuckle a little as I saw him running away, "that's one busy pony for sure", I returned inside and finished my breakfast and sat at the couch with the newspaper I was going to read it but then I remembered that I had to run some errands of the school and for the graduation, so I took my saddlebags, put the newspaper in there, I then grabbed a quill and a piece of paper and started making a list of things I had to do for the day.
"Well first I need to pick up the exams from the Quill and Scroll Express, after that I need to go to Sweet Apple Acres to see if my order for the graduation is going alright, then I need to go and speak to Mayor Mare to see if she has already signed the school certificates, oh I suppose I also need to go and talk to Twist's parents about this new stuff and last of all I need to go to Twilight's to ask her if she and Spike are still going to help me with the graduation". I finished writing my list, checked it to see if had forgotten anything, then I double checked it just as Twilight has taught me to do, I dropped the list in my saddlebag and went to my first destination, the Quill and Scroll Express.

As I started strolling in Ponyville streets with all the usual noise, people talking, birds chirping and Pinkie Pie singing something near Sugar Cube Corner, "Another normal day in Ponyville, well I guess not that normal since I have a lot of things to do, guess I know how Filthy Rich feels everyday being the busy pony he is" I thought. Although, I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had, "Why did they said those things?" I started mumbling trying to meditate about this "who exactly were them? I remember three different voices that sounded like fillies voices but I can't put my hoof on who they we--" just as I was talking to myself I crashed against other pony or... for the fact she crashed against me making me to fall to the floor as I fell her weight on me.
"Aaauchh" I expressed as I felt my head hurting like hay.
"Hehe.. ups" I heard a mare's voice over me "Sorry about that! Guess my trick didn't go as I thought, here let me give you a hoof". As she helped me to get up I noticed here rainbow mane and cutie mark. "Don't worry" I managed to say as my head palpitated with a little pain "So what exactly where you doing Rainbow Dash?"
"Well... there's this new trick that consists of doing like a barrel roll backwards but it appears it was more difficult that I thought! I'm really sorry Miss Cheerilee" she replied while still having a grin in her face like if she wanted to laugh.
"It's okay at least we're both ok right?" I said smiling too. "Yeah, hey I wanted to know when exactly Scoots graduation is. Because I want to know how much time I have to find her an awesome gift" she asked.
"Oh! The graduation is next Friday at 6 pm in the town hall" I answered her question just as I was going to continue talking she screamed startling me a bit "FRIDAY?? Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, sorry Cheerilee I need to fly I've gotta find that gift soon, thanks bye!" and like that she flew away pretty fast. "What's up with everybody being that busy on a Sunday?" I raised my eyebrow at the thought and then giggled, "Oh well I have also some things to do so I've better get going".

I arrived at the Quill and Scroll Express and surprisingly I was able to do everything I had to do in 15 minutes, it’s surprising because it always take like 1 or 2 hours by only making the line, heh lucky Sunday as it seems.
After making a few more errands which involved trying to find Mayor Mare in all Ponyville when she actually was in the Quill and Scroll Express which was kind of ironical but well not so good luck Sunday after all, then I went to Twist's parents to talk to them about the re-scheduling of the presentation, they didn't have a problem with it actually they told me that it was a relief because Twist was very nervous about her presentation. "Nervous about making sweets?".

After that I decided to go to Sweet Apple Acres to check on the food, when I arrived I saw Applejack bucking the apple trees so I approached and greeted her. "Hi Applejack happy Sunday" "What's up with this Sunday business?".
She turned around and saw me, she then waved back "Hi Miss Cheerilee, what brings here today? Want some apples?".
"Oh no no, I was just wondering if you could tell me how the preparations for the graduation are coming?" I asked politely, "Oh right, I'm glad you came then, I was just bucking the last apples for the supply, and probably on Tuesday Granny Smith and me are going to start the baking" she answered with a smile "Oh and I actually got Ms. Cake to help us with the baking so we'll have everything ready by Thursday afternoon tops".
"That's great to hear" I responded "And how's Applebloom doing for her exam?" just when I said that something clicked in my mind but I dissimulated it with a smile.
"Actually just right now she's with the crusaders studying in their treehouse" Applejack stated and then something else clicked in my mind, it was them I could remember clearly now it was them! Applebloom, Scootalo and Sweetie Belle they were the fillies in my dream, I was pretty shocked at the thought that I didn't realize that I us stood there like for I don't know how long with my mouth open looking at Applejack until she spoke "Amm.. Miss,, Cheerilee are you alright?"
"Yeeh" I cleared my throat "Yeah just remembered something.. he.. he", Applejack saw me with intrigued eyes "If you say so" she said "Well it’s been a pleasure Miss Cheerilee, but I have to go to town with Granny Smith to sell some apples, if you have any other concerns you can go and talk to Big Mac". She then waved and headed to town.
As she trotted away I waved at her "Okay, thanks a lot, bye". I was pretty uncomfortable with the thought of my dream, I needed to talk to somebody and I remembered what Applejack told me, so I decided to go to talk to Mac, we had become like best friends since that incident with the girls and I have to admit that he was very cute.
I went to the fields and found Big Macintosh planting some seeds, he looked very good doing that, "Hi Big Mac" I approached him "How have you been good?".
As his usual self he replied "Eeyup".
"I am so glad to hear that" I told him "I was just wondering if you wanted to have some lunch with me, you see there's something bothering me and I could use a good friend to talk to right now, so what do you say, want to come?" I asked. He thought for a moment and then stood up, cleansed himself a little bit and chuckled "Eeyup".
We went to a restaurant in town, when we ordered our food I started speaking "Nice Sunday right?" "Really Sunday... again?" I thought". Mac replied "Eeyup! So what was that that was bothering you that you wanted to talk with me?".
His statement actually surprised me, "How did you know something was bothering me?" I asked really wanting to know the answer, "I know you very well", his response actually made me blush a little "I think I can tell when something is bothering you Cheer!" he finished with a grin.
"Well aren't you awesome?" I teased a bit "You always know how to make me smile". "Eeyup! So tell me" he said while taking a sip at his drink.
I nodded "You see, yesterday I had a dream that well I can't really explain, everything was black and the only thing that I could hear were these three voices telling me this horrible things like if they were disappointed at me or something; but this voices, they belonged to three fillies but I couldn't put my finger on who they were, well that was until today when I was talking with your sister".
"You mean AJ?" he asked, "Yeah AJ" I agreed.
"This fillies were none other than Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and I don't really know if this nightmare means anything" I concluded.
"Hmmm..." Mac said as if he was thinking about the whole situation "Well I don't know for sure but... maybe there is something that they are nervous about or something will happen or is happening at school that may disturb them, or probably it’s just another dream".
I thought at what he said but everything just was so weird so I decided to let this go... or at least for a while. "Yeah.. possibly it’s just a bad dream" I said as the waiter brought our food to us "Mmm this looks delicious, I'm so glad you came with me Mac it means a lot".
"What are friends about?" Mac said "I don't know about you but working at the farm all day has made me very hungry".
"Eeyup" I said "Let's eat".

I spent the rest of the lunch with Big Mac talking about usual stuff, I have to admit I really enjoy spending time with him, he's just such a good friend! After we finished we bid our farewells and he returned to the farm, I went to Twilight’s because I needed to know if she was still willing to help me at the graduation ceremony.
I arrived at the library and knocked at the door, after a few seconds she opened it "Oh! Hi Cheerilee" she smiled at me.
"Hi Twilight how's everything going?" I returned.
"Fine fine, so what can I help you with?" she asked with her usual smile, "I was wondering if Spike and you are still going to lend me a hoof in the graduation next Friday?" I replied.
"Well, of course Cheerilee I wouldn't miss it for anything" she responded.
"That's very good to hear" I said "So then I'll see you on Wednesday?".
"Sure" she replied "Oh don't you want to come in and chat a bit, Spike can make something".
"Hmmm I just had lunch, but chatting sounds good" I said as I entered the library.
"So how you've been Cheerilee?" asked Twilight, "I've been kind of busy especially for a Sunday" "Ok I swear no more Sunday talk" "but I managed to do everything I had to do for today" I told her.
"That's good" said Twilight "And how are the children preparing for their final exams, you know I can give tips for studying" she winked at me.
"Hah, I don't doubt it" I giggled "Actually, I'm pretty sure that everyone of them will pass, but now that you mention there's something that's been bothering me".
"Oh.. and what could that be?" she looked at me with concerned eyes.
"Should I really be telling her this? .... She is a princess after all so.. maybe she can help me" "You see I had this kind of dream last night and..." I told her all the story.
"Wow that is a very interesting dream, hmm you know yesterday I was reading a book named Dreams & Psychology and it said something that may can help us" she said while trying to think "Let me see if I can find it".

After like 30 minutes of reading Twilight closed the book "I think I know what's up" she said with confidence "You said the three voices were form the Cutie Mark Crusaders right?"
I nodded.
"Well you see, for what I understand, on Friday they have to do a little presentation in the graduation" she explained "And this presentation has to be about their special talent". Just as she said that I knew where she was going at. "Those girls doesn't have Cutie Marks and they don't know what their talent is, so they won't be able to do the presentation like the others".
When I heard that I was paralyzed, I loved being a teacher, I loved my students and something like this happening really made me feel... bad. I WAS a bad teacher how couldn't I saw this?.
Twilight must have noticed this because her grin disappeared, "Cheerilee are you alright?" she asked.
No I'm not a bad teacher, my cutie mark is my witness, I will do everything I can to help those girls. "Twilight can you make Spike do me a favor?".
"Of course!" she replied "Spike can you come a second".
"Thanks!" I finished.

"So that's what happened yesterday it surely was a uncommon Sun... day.." "I give up". "That's why I asked Spike if he could deliver all those letters to you.. or at least your sister's houses".
"Thanks Miss Cheerilee we really appreciate you telling us" Said Rainbow Dash in an extremely polite way.. or at least for her.
"Yeah, I didn't even knew, Thanks" said Applejack.
"We're really so grateful for this information darling, thanks a lot" finished Rarity.
"Of course!" I spoke closing my eyes and smiling "I told you I would do everything I could to help them, so if you need my help for anything don't hesitate to come because Celestia is my witness I will always do my best to help my students, I will be the best teacher Equestria has ever seen, that is my life goal and I'm going to reach it" I finished my inspiring speech and opened my eyes to notice that they were already gone.
"Hmmm" *sigh* "Oh well I'll continue reading this newspaper, I really want to check out his plant business.

Author's Note:

Here it is Chapter two, next chapter there will be some progress from Sunday hehe! Hope you liked it! And again I didn't checked it that much so I apologize for any mistakes! Good vibes! (31/5 Revised)