• Published 3rd May 2014
  • 614 Views, 1 Comments

Cutie Graduation - JostPost

The time has come for the CMC to pass their final test... literally but there is one thing that is bothering them apart from the test.

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The First Concerns

THIS AIN'T GOOD! YA HEAR ME THIS AIN'T GOOD!!!" Applebloom shouted startling her friends who were in the clubhouse with her.

Her friends just stood there watching Applebloom going nuts, "this ain't good... this test is making me lose mah mind, why does it have to be about everything we have ever learned in school? I just can't recall anything of that much importance while being in school even if it is in mah book" she stated sighing and finally face planting herself to the desk.
"I know how you feel Applebloom, seeing this gianormus amount of stuff that we need to study just seems well... unfair, but we have to learn this all if we want to graduate from school" said Sweetie Belle taking a look at Scootalo who look lost in space. "Scootaloo?" there was no response, "SCOOTALOO!!!" she yelled at her friend making her snap out of whatever world she was in and fall from her chair.
"Scootaloo are you alright?" asked both fillies in worry; "Yeah yeah, just a little dizzy that's all" replied Scootaloo to her worried friends; "Sorry for yelling at you" said Sweetie Belle in an apologetic way, "Don't worry, I guess I'm just also a little anxious for the test that's all" expressed Scootalo as she got up to her chair.
Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow, "Yeah right Scootaloo, we all know that's not what's bothering you, after all you're the best of our class" said Sweetie Belle giggling. "Sweetie Belle's right, you can memorize a book in ten seconds flat! Tell us, what's bothering ya?" asked Applebloom in concern.
Scootaloo took a second to respond as she looked out the window to see the beautiful day that Ponyville was having, the sunlight entering through the window made her sigh. "its a wonderful day we're having today, Rainbow Dash and her squad must had worked extra hard today "she thought "rainbow dash...". She turned back to face her friends’ stares in wonder, "You're right Applebloom" saying this in a gloomy way "I'm not worried for the test, I have already learned everything single thing for it, it's just... I'm worried about what will happen after that" concluded Scootaloo.
"After what?" asked Applebloom don't understanding what her friend just meant. "Oh I know I know! You must mean the Sisterhooves Social that's taking place next Saturday" exclaimed Applebloom with enthusiasm as if she has solved the most difficult puzzle in the world.
"No Applebloom that's not it" contradicted Sweetie Belle, "She meant the graduation day that is gonna also happen next week".
"Of course not Sweetie Belle, you're wrong it's clearly about the sisterhooves social because she's going to enter it with Rainbow Dash" exclaimed Aplebloom.
"Don't be silly! It's clearly about the graduation it has to be about it because of the pres-- was saying Sweetie Belle in a mocking way as Applebloom interrupted her, "Don't call me silly! You're the silly it's clearly about the Sist-- , "But you're being silly! Silly!" emphasized Sweetie Belle", "No hold just a minute, if someone is silly here is--.
"STOP" screamed Scootaloo startling her friends "I thought we had already tried an arguing cutie mark! You shouldn't be treating each other like that! We ARE friends, more than friends we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" stated Scootaloo scolding her friends.
Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked down at the floor feeling embarrassed, *sigh* "after all you're both right" expressed Scootaloo.
Her friends looked at her with wonder, "what do you mean?" asked the two fillies at the same time.
Scootalo looked again out the window, it was almost noon. "You're right! The graduation and the Sisterhooves social both scare me"
Before any of her friends could say anything she continued talking "you know how at this year’s sisterhooves social there's gonna be a new race for pegasi" her friends nodded "well I didn't" she looked down and sighted as she started telling her story "just the other day I was with Rainbow Dash in Sugar Cube Corner having a milkshake when Pinkie Pie entered the place hoping around as usual, she came to our table, I happened to notice that she had something in her mouth it looked like a piece of paper she then put it on the table and started jumping up and down in excitement as Rainbow Dash examined the sheet of paper".
"Isn't this just The MOST AMAZING NEWS EVAAAARR?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Rainbow Dash finished reading the paper and put it back in the table and that's when I finally understand what all was about. The piece of paper turned out to be a poster for the Sisterhooves Social announcing the event that was to be hold in Sweet Apple Acres.
"Yeah Pinks this surely sounds... great!" said Rainbow Dash putting the paper away like trying hide it, "but why are you so hype?, isn't the sisterhooves social only for... well sisters?" asked Rainbow Dash confused.
I saw Pinkie Pie start giggling and then burst into laughter while me and Rainbow Dash remained there looking at each other bewildered "Oh you silly of course I know that!". Rainbow Dash frowned disconcerted at Pinkie Pie as she continued chuckling. Just before Rainbow Dash could say anything Pinkie Pie talked again "I'm going to enter the Sister Hooves Social along with Maud! She's coming to Ponyville next week so I thought how else to spend some time with my Best Sister Friend!, oh I'm so nervicited!" but before Rainbow Dash say something Pinkie Pie bursted... again "OH and I just have the perfect idea for a sister party for Maud! Sorry Rainbow Dash gotta go!" she shouted as she left Sugar Cube Corner in a flash.
Rainbow Dash sighed and looked at me maybe recognized my what the heck just happened face, "just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie" she said, I had heard that phrase more that anypony could think. "Yeah haha I guess you're right" I told Rainbow Dash as I got another sip of my shake.
"Sooooo..." started Rainbow Dash turning back to me "Do you have any plans for next Sunday?"
I was startled with the question not exactly getting what she meant, "Mmm not actually, I have the final exam on Friday and the graduation is on the Saturday, so I guess the Sunday i'll be resting or hanging out with Sweetie Belle and AB".
Rainbow Dash looked at me like trying for me to get what she was getting at with the question, I still didn't understand and raised my eyebrow in confusion, "For Pete's sake" she exclaimed "Scootaloo do you want to assist the Sisterhooves Social with me?"
I was impacted I didn't know what to say I just stood there gazing at her, I imagined running with her on the race, eating pies and-- "So what is it squirt?" asked Rainbow Dash snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Of course Rainbow Dash, OF COURSE!" I shouted and started skipping all around the shop. Rainbow Dash embraced me making me stop from bouncing all around the walls, "Geez Scoots calm down if you keep doing that I won’t take you" told me Rainbow Dash to which I replied "Oh right, sorry hehe" as we returned to our table to finish our shakes.
"So which competition are we going to enter?" I asked "Pie eating, grape squeezing, hay throwing?"
"Well I was thinking more of a race" said Rainbow Dash "You know the main event of the Sisterhooves Social the big team race between sisters".
"Oh right, I remember Sweetie Belle and Applebloom taking about it last year but I didn't pay too much attention to it" I frowned while trying to remember but then suddenly catched my gaze.
As I grabbed the poster Rainbow Dash continued talking not paying attention to me "Yes that one Applejack and Rarity both have competed with their sisters and I'm sure they will compete this year again, but of course they won't have any chance of beating us 'cuz we are the most amazing team ever" stated Rainbow Dash who finally glanced again at me. From the corner of my eye I could tell that her smile had left her face when she saw me reading the poster.
"Scoots don't look at that!" she reacted snatching the piece of paper from my hooves but she obviously noticed that it was too late.
"There's going to be a race just for pegasi this year?" I asked Rainbow Dash as I could feel a tear forming on my eye, she noticed this and pulled me into a strong hug "Scoots" she started "You don't have to worry about this", "Oh but I have to, you love to fly! You love to be in the sky and not grounded, that's why Tank has that propeller thingy!' I told her as I started crying, I could feel her eyes looking at me with compassion while she told me "That's true, I LOVE to fly and I love the sky" she sighed "but I love you way more sis and I really don't care running the earth race, its actually good for my legs after all you've seen me in the running of the leaves".
I looked back at her and she wiped some tears from my cheeks as she continued "I think this race is gonna be very special and you know why?", her question really intrigued me "why?" I asked, "Because I’m going to participate with the best squirt in whole Ponyville".
I looked at her smile for a moment and then eturned her hug with great hapinnes, we hugged for about a minute and then she pulled back an told me in a firm voice "Now finish that milkshake quick, we have some practicing to do!". I smiled back at her, "Yes ma'am!" and after that we sent the whole afternoon training.
"Aww that's very cute Scootaloo" exclaimed Sweetie Belle, "Yeah that surely was a heartwarming story, but I can't figure why that is bothering you that much" said Applebloom.
"Well isn't it obvious" stated Scootaloo looking back to her friends "it's that I really want to compete with Rainbow Dash on that pegasi race but... I can't", Sweetie Belle and Applebloom exchanged looks and approached their friend embracing her between them. "Don't be like that Scootaloo I'm sure you're going to fly someday, I just know and you know I don't lie, mah sister is the element of honesty you know" said Applebloom cheering her friend a little.
After they finished their hug they returned to their places and tried to retake their studies but Applebloom asked "Oh ah' almost forgot" their friends glanced back at her intrigued "why was the graduation bothering you too?" she asked Scootaloo.
"Well it was because--" started Scootaloo but then Sweetie Belle cut her in her speech "I know what it is, it's about the talent presentation we have to do in the graduation ceremony isn't it?".
"The presentation!"Applebloom gasped "I totally forgot 'bout that!, I can't believe I forgot but then we haven't really discovered our talents so what's the problem with that?" exclaimed Applebloom looking with concerned eyes at her friends.
"THAT'S exactly the problem" muttered Scootaloo giving a uneasy stare at her. "Yes that's exactly the problem" continued Sweetie Belle "My sister told me that in that presentation each pony is supposed to do something related to their special talent, in other words their... cutie mark" as she said this all three fillies looked at their flanks and sighed, "she told me that when she was in school she made a whole fashion show in the graduation to display her talents and I believe Applejack also did something with apples but I can't remember what Rarity told me it was about.
"Oh now I can see what you were talking about" said Applebloom as she returned her disappointed look from her flank, "Yeah" Scootaloo sighed, "U-hum" finished Sweetie Belle.
"But we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" yelled Applebloom gaining the attention of her friends "and we've got hearts strong as horses! It doesn't matter if the graduation comes we'll never rest until our cutie marks are here right? So let's just give our best in this exam, let's make an amazing presentation and let's let see all other ponies in Ponyville what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are made of! So what do you say crusaders?".
"Yeah let's do that!!" joined Scootaloo, "Oh yeah right, Woohoo!" stated Sweetie Belle a little late.
"Cutie Mark Crusaders Hard Workers" exclaimed all three fillies as they performed a three way hi-hoof. And so they continued their Monday afternoon studying and trying their best.
When the night came by they all bid their farewells and returned their homes all thinking about the very important week they had ahead of them. On the way they all started thinking about the same thing. Their cutie marks.
Suddenly something neither of them could explain happened, they all saw what seemed like a night rainbow in the sky but it was different than any other rainbow they had saw it was dark blue and a lot of sparks it was simply delightful and the fillies felt as it filled something inside their hearts making them feel a huge happiness and a lot of determination they were going to find their talents even if it was the most difficult thing they had ever done.
That night when they were all in their respective homes and tucked into bed they shared the same thought although not knowing it, "I know Applejack or Big Mac can help me find mah talent" thought Applebloom;"Rainbow Dash is the greatest pony ever, I know she will help me find my cutie mark" believed Scootaloo; "Rarity surely is making a lot of noise tonight, but I bet she can lend a hoof while trying to discover what I am good at" Sweetie Belle meditated as Rarity was in her room making some dresses for a client. "Oh well the perks of staying at your sister's only to spend time with her" Sweetie Belle thought as she finally fell asleep.

Rarity woke up early the next day and went to Sweetie Belle's school to have a meeting with Miss Cheerilee because her parents were busy at work, "Why do I have to go to a meeting with Sweetie Belle's teacher? And this early in the morning, it's a crime against beauty sleep!! Just control yourself Rarity this is for your little sister she would do the same for you if you needed it" Rarity murmured to herself as she galloped without noticing what was in front of her, suddenly she bumped with someone, "Oh I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attention were I was going" she apologized as she started cleaning herself from the dust. "Don't worry about it darling" replied a familiar voice.
Rarity looked up and saw Applejack grinning at her. "Pretty funny Applejack" she said as Applejack helped her get up. "So Applejack I know you usually wake up early but what are you doing around this parts, isn't Sweet Apple Acres all the way around?" asked Rarity as they walked together. "Well yeah but it turns out I have a reunion with Applebloom's teacher, Miss Cheerilee" replied Applejack surprising Rarity a bit "Granny Smith was going to attend but she just couldn't get up from bed and Big Mac blushed every time I brought Miss Cheerilee's name up, so at the end I was the only one left to attend" finished Applejack.
"That's weird because I too was supposed--" Rarity was cut out by something that fell from the sky just in front of them. "What was that?" Applejack exclaimed coughing, "I don't know let's see", Rarity used her magic to blow all the dust away and they discovered a rainbow maned mare sleeping peacefully on the ground in front of them.
"Rainbow?" Applejack said with concern in her voice, "Huh-am-wha?" yelled Rainbow Dash startled "Oh its just you too, what are you doing here this.. eeeaarly?" asked Rainbow Dash as she yawned.
"We were just going to ask you the same thing darling? Why did you fell from the sky and why are you here? You usually don't wake up until later" Rarity said, "I fell?" Rainbow Dash reacted surprised "oh well I'm tired that's all, I had to wake up early 'cuz I have this meeting with Cheerilee about Scoots or something, her mother was going to attend but she had to do something else so she asked me" explained Rainbow Dash.
"Really? You too Rainbow?" asked Rarity in surprise, "Shucks, don't tell me that's why you're here today too Rarity?" asked Applejack, "Why, yes that's exactly why I am here, I was about to tell you when Rainbow crashed down" replied Rarity. "So you two are here for Applebloom and Sweetie Belle? hmm what is this reunion all about?" Rainbow Dash babbled a little bit because of her sleepy state, "I don't know but now I am really concerned about our sisters so let's hurry up and get to the school right now" Applejack proposed and her friends whom nodded in agreement.
They entered the school and saw Miss Cheerilee checking the newspaper which had a peculiar headline "Strange Plant found in Canterlot Gardens". Cheerille saw the mares and greeted them "Hi girls how are you?", "Fine thanks Miss Cheerilee" smiled Applejack, "Simply Divine" replied Rarity, "tired... and hungry" said Rainbow Dash a little bit irritated.
"Well I'm glad you could all make it, please take a sit" Cheerilee pointed at the chairs for the girls to sit down.
"So what is this all about?" asked Rainbow Dash yawning.. again.
"Well you see, I'm concerned about Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, it's something really important that's been bothering me..." Miss Cheerilee started while the mares carefully listened to her, even Rainbow Dash was now wide awake because of the topic.
Cheerilee finished talking, the girls thanked her for telling them her concerns and just like in a wink they stormed out of the school, each of them with a plan already formulating in their minds.

Author's Note:

First of all sorry for any grammar mistakes that I could have commited I only checked the story once. Next, this story takes place at the end of season 4 if we're talking about a chronological timeline. If you have any questions leave them in the comments and I'll try to answer them. Depending on this part I'll decide if I continue writting this story or move on with another one. Hope you liked it! Bless!