• Published 4th May 2014
  • 863 Views, 12 Comments

Silent Ponyville Dreamscape - TheMichiganDogman

Rainbow Dash has been suffering from strange nightmares for the past week, that have been keeping her up all night. She decides to wake herself up with a quick morning flight...

  • ...



Glimpses of shadows, strange wriggling things that almost seemed like worms, and red... Way too much red to be comfortable...

"Agh, I'm never going to get to sleep if this keeps up" said a very tired, and annoyed, Rainbow Dash. She had been trying her damnedest to remember the nightmare that had just prevented her yet again from getting a good night's sleep.

Yet she still couldn't recall any real details. The dreams would come, and fade away the moment she woke.

Something was off. Nopony should be having this many nightmares, this frequently. Not since they saved princess Luna.

Judging from the sky, it was pretty early in the morning. The sun was just barely rising. But even in summer here in ponyville, the sun only rose at seven. Six thirty on a good day. This was to do with the mountains near the city or something like that, but she didn't really care. What it meant was she'd only gotten a single hour of sleep that entire night.

Rainbow Dash sighed, and got up. 'Might as well get up now, and wake myself up a bit." she thought to herself, as she went to splash some water on here face.

Going into the bathroom, she stared into the mirror. The bags under her eyes were clearly visible, which is normal for someone who hasn't slept properly in almost a week. But the reminder made her angry. She wanted nothing more than to go back to her room, lay down on her soft pillowy bed of cloud, and fall asleep. But she knew she'd just be woken up by... well... something... She closed her eyes for a second to rest them, and realized she was falling asleep. She snapped them open quickly in a small burst of what very well could've been her last energy reserves.

There was something in the mirror. Something red...

She blinked, and it was gone. Assuming it was probably just a flash of the dream from her still foggy mind, she shrugged it off. She turned on the tap, and stuck her head end. Enjoying a small bit of peace for the first time in a little while, as she let the water run over her mane.

But eventually, she had to take her head out from under, turn the water off, and face this crappy day.

She considered making coffee, but realized she'd run out yesterday. It'd been all that kept her sane this past week, and she really needed some right now. But she was in no state to go shopping. She was a complete mess, and would rather not risk her friends seeing her like this. She didn't want to worry them over a few stupid nightmares, she could handle this on her own.

She'd pay the doctor a visit and try to get a prescription for some sleeping pills later. That would solve all of her problems, and she could get over this without ever having to worry her friends.

Still, something whispered to her in the back of her mind... Something is off...

She'd worry about that later though, what she needed right now was to stretch her wings. She'd fly through the country side for a bit and let the cool wind rushing past her wake her up... Yeah, that sounded nice...
She opened up the door, stretched, and took off.

The sky looks so nice today.

I could just lie on my back and stare at it forever.

It seems like it's getting even wider.

I feel like I could just close my eyes.

I feel like I could float away on this gentle breeze.

I feel like I can finally get some rest.




Author's Note:

I'm sensing a pattern here... I go away from this site for a while, learn to write better, remember this exists, and come back to rewrite it in a way that it might hopefully be not as bad. This is the third time, I think.

Comments ( 12 )

hmmm got me interested now lets see where this goes

5365064 Prologue's been rewritten slightly if you want to check it out.

She hadn't told any of her friends about it for fear worrying them

of worrying them?

She didn't want to see a doctor either, as there were very few in Ponyville, and each one could easily tell one of her friends...

So they've never head of doctor-patient confidentiality?

For Celestias sake, they weren't even real!

Her friends weren't real? Also "Celestia's"

"Thank celestia yer still alive.


Other than that, not bad. The language quality is actually higher than the original SP. (I remember SP wasn't exactly a smooth read - it was the mood that carried the story. Now let's see how well you'll do with that.)

5422090 I actually wrote this a long time ago, when I was more shit at writing.

I'm planning on coming back and remastering it.

Wow, so alright... Been forever since I've been on this site. Decided to rewrite an old story of mine because I feel like I can almost do it justice this time.

To the two of you who were basically my only fans, I've rewritten this story after over a year. I'm a little proud of how much better this is compared to the old story.

7273090 So, it's just a prologue now and new chapter will follow?

7273322 Yes. It's a second rewrite of the prologue. I'm working on the first chapter right now.

The first draft was "I don't know how I got here" if I remember correctly? This one takes a different approach

7281486 Sort of, but you're thinking of the first chapter rather than the original prologue I believe.

Comment posted by TheMichiganDogman deleted Mar 29th, 2017

I honestly want to come back to this story, at some point. But I'm not a huge brony anymore. I don't think I ever was, to be honest. Just a huge horror and Silent Hill nerd who wanted to make a tribute to an old crossover.

I'm not big on the brony fanbase at this point, but I can't stand leaving projects unfinished... I want to finish this, I just have no clue what to write. Just a rough idea of what Rainbow Dash's personality is supposed to be from memory, and what I can glean from reading the source material, the original fics.

This might be left behind and forgotten once more, but I at least want to give it one last solid attempt before I just up and quit.

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