• Published 6th Apr 2015
  • 5,027 Views, 23 Comments

Squarepants are Magic - yodajax10

Twilight Sparkle must train SpongeBob Squarepants in order to defeat a new villain.

  • ...

Strife's Reign Of Terror

Meanwhile back in Bikini Bottom, Mr. Krabs and Patrick were knocking on Squidward's door. It's been a day since they last spoke with him and they haven't seen him since.

"Mr. Squidward?" Mr. Krabs called. "Are ye in there? We're still going to need your help! We looked everywhere and still can't find SpongeBob!"

There was no answer. Patrick then pulled on the doorknob accidentally ripping the door off. "Oops."

Patrick and Mr. Krabs looked inside and saw Squidward's living room was a mess, it was almost like a hurricane swept through it and destroyed everything in sight.

"Squidward?" Patrick yelled out. "Buddy, are ya in here?"

All of a sudden, a blue blur tackled Patrick and pinned him to the floor.

"WHY! HAVE! YOU! STOPPED! MAKING! NOISE?!!!" Squidward yelled banging Patrick's head on the floor.

Patrick was silent.


"Oh, sorry," Patrick said. "I didn't know what to say."

Squidward screamed and began running around the house like a lunatic. Mr. Krabs finally grabbed Squidward and slapped him across the face.

"Snap out of it, Mr. Squidward!" Mr. Krabs shouted.

Squidward started to take it easy. "Thanks..." Squidward sighed. "I needed that. Ever since SpongeBob vanished, everything was too quiet!"

"Well, we can't stand here, looking around every coral and rock 24/7!" Mr. Krabs spoke up.

"Maybe Sandy would know something!" Patrick suggested. "She's not used to coral!"

Mr. Krabs thought for a second. "That...actually isn't a bad idea. Let's go, Mr. Squidward!"

Squidward followed Patrick and Mr. Krabs to Sandy's as he then said. "Wait, can someone...talk, please...I need to break the silence..."

Back at the Krusty Krab, Patrick, Mr. Krabs and Squidward were showing Sandy where SpongeBob was last.

"He was right here in the kitchen!" Squidward said. "And that's the last time I saw him!"

Sandy was looking around the Krusty Krab until she spotted something glowing. "Uh, fellas?" Sandy asked. "Y'all might wanna see this." Patrick, Mr. Krabs and Squidward looked over and saw Sandy was holding something yellow and sparkling.

"It looks like some kind of sparkle." Mr. Krabs thought. "This thing doesn't look like it could be from our world."

Sandy's eyes widened. "That's it! We gotta get to my lab!"

Sandy took the yellow sparkle into her lab and walked over to a machine while her friends observed.

"What's that doohickey doing there?" Mr. Krabs asked.

"This is a machine I recently made to travel through different dimensions," Sandy explained. "I use it to collect nuts from different worlds." Sandy took the yellow Sparkle and placed on her machine. "I feel that if we could identify where this sparkle is from, we'll locate SpongeBob with this machine!"

"Are you sure this will work?" Patrick asked.

"99% sure, Sandy said.

"Already, I'm regretting this." Squidward groaned.

Sandy placed the sparkle on her machine as it began to shake. Then a portal opened through the machine.

"Well fellas," Sandy started. "This is it!" Sandy hopped through the portal. "Let's go find our sponge!"

Patrick, Mr. Krabs and Squidward all reluctantly stepped towards the portal before eventually jumping in.

The four were now falling through a colorful portal traveling through dimensions.

"How long will we be falling?" Squidward yelled.

"I don't know!" Sandy answered. "All I know is, we have to stick together! We don't want to get mixed up in another dimension!"

As the four kept falling, they didn't notice a red spaceship being driven by a blue koala-like alien with a yellow bald man.

"Who were those guys?" Homer Simpson asked.

"Eh," Stitch replied as he continued driving.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, Princess Celestia was standing outside on her balcony. Everything was peaceful, but Celestia was very worried of where Strife would be.

All of a sudden, dark clouds loomed over Equestria. Princess Celestia grew more worried. "Just like the dream," She whispered. She then heard the voice of her sister, Princess Luna.

“Celestia!” called Luna, frantically running up to her. “Celestia!”

“Dear sister, what is it?” asked Celestia, concerned.

“We have trouble.” Luna looked down.

Later, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were with the guards.

“We’ve searched everywhere, Your Highness.” reported one of the guards. “He’s nowhere to be found.”

“Keep searching!” Celestia ordered. “Let no guard sleep until he’s brought back here.”

“Yes, your highness.” Said the guard as he and the other guards continued their search.

Celestia began pacing back and forth.

“Is something troubling thou?” said Luna.

“I just have no idea what to do now.” Said Celestia. “I can’t believe this is happening so instant.”

"Celestia," Luna put her hoof around her sister's neck. "I'm your sister and I know everything will be alright in the end."

Celestia smiled at her sister. "Thank you, Luna."

"My pleasure," Luna grinned. "Now, I must go check with my guards if they saw anything."

Luna then walked away as Celestia looked out her window. She felt something was going to happen right-

"WHY CELESTIA!" boomed a voice. "WHY, LONG TIME NO SEE!"

Celestia turned around and saw Strife, grinning evilly with electrified hands.

“You!” said Celestia in anger. “How did you get this sort of magic?”

“It is of no concern of yours,” said the figure. “All that matters is that I now have powers, more than you can possibly imagine.”

“Cease this at once!” Celestia commanded. “There must be something we can do about this!”

“Sorry, but for too long, everypony has shunned me,” The figure said as his hand began to glow. “But no more,” The figure cackled as he then fired at Celestia.

Celestia was on her hooves with this as she leaped in the air avoiding Strife's attack. Strife saw that once the smoke settled, Celestia was nowhere in sight. He turned and saw the gates to the throne room open, as if Celestia escaped through them.

The hallways of the castle where darkened thanks to the clouds outside, but the gates burst open revealing Strife. His eyes were narrowed as thought where Celestia might be hiding. His claws ignited in electricity from the bunny slippers as he slowly floated forward, ready for an attack in the silent halls.



Strife looked up at the mighty sound of a wing flap and shielded himself from the sound of shattered glass. He saw one of the royal windows was smashed and noticed Celestia flying towards the clouds in the distance.

Strife chuckled as he flew after Celestia in pursuit as Luna noticed what was happening through her own window. "Celestia!" Luna called out. But neither, Celestia or Luna noticed Plankton watching the battle from the top of a building.

"Finally, I get to see some violence around here!" Plankton grinned. "OKAY, STRIFEY, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!"

Celestia tried to get away from Strife, who had his idea of throwing storm clouds at Celestia. She tried her best to dodge all of them, but she was getting weaker from Strife's power. But then Celestia used her own magic to stop the storm cloud and hurl it at Strife. Strife quickly flew out of the cloud's way as he noticed Celestia flying towards him and igniting her horn. Strife then got his hands ready as he fired at Celestia, while the princess fired her own magic. As the electricity and magic met, there was a large explosion as Luna and Plankton watched in awe.

"...Wooooow..." Plankton spoke.

As the smoke cleared, Luna couldn't take it anymore and flew out of the window. "CELESTIA!!!" Luna called out. "CELESTIA, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Luna gasped as she saw her sister laying on the ground, weak as her horn was sparkling. Luna instantly flew over and pulled Celestia's neck up.

"Luna," Celestia coughed. "You need to get out and find help. He's too powerful."

Meanwhile, Strife was recovering from his own injuries as he was flying around as fast as he could, looking for Celestia.

"I will never!" Luna protested. "You could be killed!"

"CELESTIA!!!!" Strife yelled from the distance.

"Listen." Celestia spoke. "Strife doesn't know about you, I kept your identity a secret because I didn't want him to know about and hurt you! You must go!"

"GET UP WHERE YOU ARE AND FACE ME!!!!" The sisters heard Strife yell.

"But Celestia!" Luna tried to say.

"Luna," Celestia spoke softly, putting her hoof around Luna's neck. "I'm your sister and I know everything will be alright in the end."

Luna's eyes widened, remembering those exact words she told Celestia. Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged Celestia and quickly flew off elsewhere. Celestia felt the ground shake as she looked up and saw Strife, looking down on her.

"Now," Strife spoke. "What to do here..."

Meanwhile, Twilight was saying goodbye to SpongeBob and the Crusaders as they were off onto another day of Crusading.

"Hey, Twilight!" Spike said, looking out the window. "See those clouds over there?"

Twilight walked over and saw very dark clouds off in the distance.

"I will admit, those clouds don't look promising," Twilight started. "But I wouldn't worry too much, they're very far away. It doesn't look bad from where we're at."

"ATTENTION! ATTENTION CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE! MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?" A loud voice was heard all throughout Ponyville, alarming every pony.

"What the-?" Twilight said in surprise.

Everypony walked outside to where the voice was.

"Good that you're all listening. Now, look up!" The voice ordered. All the ponies looked all the way up.

"Not all the way...fools..." The voice muttered. The ponies started to slowly look down. "And stop!"

The ponies all saw Plankton standing on top of a building, grinning evilly.

"Good! Now that you all see me, I have an announcement to make!" Plankton spoke as he then cleared his throat. "You, ALL of you...are now SLAVES!"

Everything was quiet, the every pony started laughing while Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy looked confused.

"Ooh!" Rainbow Dash laughed as she spoke sarcastically. "We're in BIG trouble now!"

Plankton raised his eyebrow. "Does something amuse you?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie chirped, jumping high in the air. "You're so tiny! And funny! Do a little dance! That would be so cute!"

Plankton smirked. "Oh, I'll do a dance alright...by dancing on your CORPSES!!!"

Everypony gasped at Plankton's remark while Fluttershy fainted in shock.

"Oh, Fluttershy!" Rarity gasped as she and Applejack tried to help Fluttershy wake up.

Rainbow Dash growled at this and shoved her face up against Plankton. But no pony noticed that the dark clouds Spike pointed out were getting closer.

"Wait a second there, pipsqueak!" Rainbow Dash spoke, annoyed. "Who the hay do you think you are?"

"I'm Plankton, sweetheart!" Plankton yelled back. "And you better watch your tail!"

"Sweetheart?" Rainbow Dash asked, getting very annoyed. "Are you...are you really threatening me?"

"Uh, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight tried to say, noticing the dark clouds.

"Yeah, watch your tail or else, SWEETHEART!!!" Plankton smirked, crossing his arms.

"Ha!" Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow. "You and what army?"

Plankton's eye widened. as he grinned. "Very poor choice of words." Plankton then whistled as a large gust of wind blew into Ponyville.

All of a sudden, the ponies all felt the town rumble as a dark figure landed on a nearby building. It was Strife as his hands were sparkling with electricity.

"Greetings, Ponyville!" Strife spoke loudly as the ponies grew horrified. "I believe I have sad tidings...this is Equestria's darkest hour!!!" Strife cackled evilly as he raised his arms in the air as Lightning touched his body and began shooting all over the place.

Then, the ponies saw something in the distance. They looked like...dinosaurs! Pterodactyls began flying from every direction, followed by Brontosauruses, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rexes, just to name a few.

"With an army of prehistoric beasts on my side, CHAOS SHALL REIGN AGAIN FOREVER!!!!" Strife continued laughing evilly as the citizens of Ponyville quickly began running for their lives, also trying to hide in their houses.

Plankton could only look on with a gleeful grin, as he watched evil rule on Equestria and it's subjects. "Dinosaur army, yes."

Dinosaurs kept entering by the numbers as the darkness above only seemed to increase, Twilight was with her friends, hiding in Sugarcube Corner, while Twilight herself had her hoof around Spike, protecting him while he in return held onto Twilight.

"Alright," Twilight spoke. "Is every pony alright in here?"

Twilight's friends nodded.

"Ah just hope that Apple Bloom is okay at Sweet Apple Acres right now." Applejack said, looking out the window.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Uh, Applejack, when was the last time you saw Apple Bloom...?"

"This morning." Applejack grew concerned. "Wait, wasn't Apple Bloom hanging out with SpongeBob later today?"

"Yes..." Twilight and Applejack grew horrified. "So...that means...!"

"MY SWEETIE BELLE'S OUT THERE!!!" Rarity exclaimed as she leaped for the door to be pulled back by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!!"

"Rarity, Strife's too powerful! He'll fry you to a crisp!" Rainbow Dash yelled, trying to pull Rarity down.

"I! DON'T! CARE!!!" Rarity shrieked breaking free of Rainbow Dash's grip, the only way being held back was her tail.

"Wait!" Twilight stood in front of Rarity. "We WILL save her. But we need to relax, and think of a way without rushing in, waiting to get hurt. Pinkie Pie! Can you help me hold her down more?"

"Uh...Pinkie Pie can't do that..." Fluttershy spoke nervously.

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"She's gone." Fluttershy pointed to the upstairs window which was all the way open.

"What?" Twilight ran to the window and saw Pinkie Pie outside.

"Don't worry girls! I'll find 'em!" Pinkie Pie called.

"Ah!" Pinkie Pie then spotted a Pterodactyl and hopped on it's back, as if she was ready to ride it.

"Pinkie Pie! What are you doing?!" Twilight yelled.

"Ride, Cupcake!" Pinkie Pie was holding onto the Pterodactyl as it struggled to get the crazy pony off it's back before it eventually gave in and flew away in the sky.

"No! Wait!" Twilight yelled as she ran outside. "Pinkie Pie!!!" But it was too late, Pinkie Pie was out of sight. Twilight looked over at the other ponies and Spike. "Let's move."

Inside the the CMC clubhouse, Sweetie Belle was looking outside the clubhouse in fear. "Uh, girls?" Sweetie Belle asked. "You might want to see this."

"What is it?" Apple Bloom asked as she, Scootaloo and SpongeBob all walked over to the window. All their eyes widened as they saw what was outside.

"H-how did all these dinosaurs get here?" Apple Bloom asked in shock.

"It IS pretty cool though," Scootaloo said, shrugging.

"You don't think it's that Strife guy, do you?" Sweetie Belle asked, nervously. "He might hurt our sisters or Twilight!"

"M-maybe it isn how it looks!" Apple Bloom said, trying not to panic. "Maybe Strife made peace, m-maybe he's arranging some sort of theme park with all these different dinosaurs!

"M-maybe you're wrong!!!" Plankton mocked as Strife fully appeared behind them like a chameleon. The crusaders and SpongeBob all fell back in fear of Strife's appearance.

"Look at them, they're so cute it's almost sickening." Plankton smirked, appearing on Strife's shoulder.

"Plankton?!" SpongeBob asked as he stood back.

"That's right, Spongey!" Plankton grinned. "Good to see ya!"

"Wait, you two know each other?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It's a long history." SpongeBob told Apple Bloom.

"Now, we couldn't help but hear you having some sort of history with one Twilight Sparkle..." Strife started to say.

"Hmph! You can't tell us what to do!" Sweetie Belle snorted.

"W-w-well technically he can, it does look like he's calling the shots!" Scootaloo stammered.

"But Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said. "You kept saying Strife is just a big wimp!"

Scootaloo grinned nervously at Strife, who was now glaring at her. "Ha! I never said that! It...it was my twin sister!"

Apple Bloom slapped her forehead.

"Oh, would you look at that!" Scootaloo yelped as she and the others tried to run from Strife. "The sun's going down! It's time to go!"

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Strife asked as he snapped his fingers, causing the sun to rise in the air. "It's only day time! Why don't we play a little game?"

"Game?" Sweetie Belle asked as she stood back.

"Yes?" Strife grinned. "My personal favorite is one called 'The ground is made of LAVA'!!!" Strife zapped the ground, causing to crack and crumble leaving only a piece of rock for the Crusaders and SpongeBob to stand on. The girls and SpongeBob screamed in fear in sight of the lava.

Strife was about to pull another trick behind his back, until he felt something poke his back. Strife turned around and noticed Pinkie Pie smiling and waving at him.

"What?" Strife asked, annoyed.

"Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie! And I was wondering if we could be friends and put this whole world domination thing aside! Huh? What do you say? What do you say? What do you say?"

Strife thought about it for a second as he grinned at Pinkie Pie. "Why sure! In fact! Why don't a prepare a little treat for you! Like candy! Falling from the sky!"

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened as she started hopping in the air. "RE-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-A-A-A-A-A-L-L-L-LY?!!!!" She asked excitedly.

"Well, you asked for it." Strife pointed up in the sky and candy started falling from the sky. Pinkie Pie stretched her mouth open as wide as she could as the candy started landing in her mouth, never stopping.

Strife then turned around. "Now as for yo-" Strife noticed the Crusaders and SpongeBob were gone. He looked and saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and SpongeBob in a red wagon being pulled Scootaloo and her scooter. Plankton jumped in front of them trying to get them to stop. "Oh, no you don-!" Plankton didn't finish as he was then run over by Scootaloo and stuck to a wheel on the wagon.

"A game of tag, eh? Alright then." Strife then started flying after them.

As Strife flew after the Crusaders and SpongeBob, Pinkie Pie was still having her mouth filled with candy. But then she noticed Strife chasing the Crusaders' red wagon. Pinkie Pie tried to say something, but her mouth kept getting full.

"Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie Pie heard Twilight's voice as she felt getting pulled from the candy falling. Pinkie Pie swallowed the remains of candy as she looked up and saw her friends.

"Pinkie Pie, are you alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"Guys! Guys! I met Strife and he's crazy! He was doing more of bringing dinosaurs back, and making candy fall out of the sky! Okay, that part was fun!" As Pinkie Pie kept talking, Twilight's eyes widened as she noticed Strife chasing after the children.

"Oh, no!" Twilight yelled. "It's Strife!"

"The girls are down there!" Rarity exclaimed.

"So is SpongeBob!" Fluttershy added as the ponies went after Strife.

Meanwhile, Strife was in pursuit of chasing the little ponies as he snapped his fingers. All of a sudden, the Crusaders turned into sponges, while SpongeBob turned into a pony. "Agh!" SpongeBob yelped. "Where did my fingers go?!"

"Agh!" Scootaloo yelped, looking at her fingers. "What are these things?!"

Strife snapped his fingers again and they were now surfing, then they had different colors, then they turned into road runners, then they turned realistic.

"Eww," Strife said as he snapped his fingers turning them back to normal.

Scootaloo finally couldn't take the stress anymore as she made a huge turn right as they sped off toward a rocky path. Plankton saw where they were going. "Oh, dear!!!!" Plankton screamed as they went down the path. Plankton contented screaming in pain as they went down the rocks. The Crusaders and SpongeBob then fell out of the rocky path and back onto the ground. The Crusaders and SpongeBob all looked up and saw Strife grinning evilly at them.

"Looks like the BUCK stops here!" Strife spoke as his hand started glowing.

"Enough!" Spoke a female voice.

The Crusaders and SpongeBob all saw The Mane Six and Spike behind Strife.

"Twilight!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, happily. Sweetie Belle sighed in relief.

"Oh," Strife grinned. "So, you're Twilight Sparkle. A little birdie told me quite a bit about you."

"Tweet-tweet-tweet!" Plankton said, weakly as he removed himself from Scootaloo's scooter.

"Stop all of this chaos at once, Strife!" Twilight said. "And leave those kids alone!"

"Or what?" Strife asked, playfully.

"We'll use these!" Spike said as he pulled out the box that held the Elements of Harmony inside them. But when Spike opened it, they were gone.

The ponies and Spike gasped. "The Elements!" Twilight whispered in fear.

"Finders, keepers!" Strife chuckled as he took out the Elements from behind his back and swallowed them whole.

"...I think we're in trouble..." Rainbow Dash gulped.

Twilight's horn started glowing. "Not yet." Twilight shot a beam towards Strife.

Strife however held his arm up, but then he jumped back when the beam hit and hurt his arm. Strife looked up surprised as Twilight snorted angrily.

"Impressive," Strife growled. He then shot a beam from his own arm towards Twilight as she shot another from her horn. Twilight used more magic as she walked towards Strife making him back down, but Strife finally stood up and used more electricity to shock Twilight back.

"Twilight!" Spike yelped as he and the others went to help Twilight up.

"Now, Twilight Sparkle, you're going with me!" Strife spoke loudly as he raised his hand for another attack. The ponies and Spike stood close to Twilight as Twilight's horn glowed, as she was always ready for another attack.

"Wait!" SpongeBob yelled as he hopped on Strife's snout.

"Huh?" Strife pulled SpongeBob off his snout as SpongeBob stood on his hand. "I know this seems like a bad time to talk, but I think this is going way too far."

"I say it's not far enough," Strife growled at SpongeBob.

"Okay, okay." SpongeBob said, trying to think of something. "I know things have not been...the best...but we can change that!"

Strife raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I know that you didn't have the best childhood growing up," SpongeBob spoke. "But it doesn't mean we need to hold on to them forever! We can change your destiny for the better! I know we can!"

Strife looked down and began to think.

"I mean so what if your brother was raised to be evil, got more attention, but ending up getting friends while you didn't? Right?" SpongeBob looked up and saw that Strife was snarling with rage now.

"Nice try, squirt, but my destiny's where it's at now and where it's at forever!" Strife then hung SpongeBob's pants on a tree.

"But Strife, please! You don't have to do this!" SpongeBob tried to explain.

"Not now, Square-for-brains, I have somepony to capture!" Strife then grabbed Twilight's tail and hung her in the air.

"NO!" Spike yelled. "You can't take Twilight! If you take her, then you gotta take me!"

Strife raised his eyebrow again. "Alright," Strife shrugged. "I can take on a little more weight."

Strife then grabbed Spike with Twilight and threw them inside a cage.

"Twilight!" Applejack shouted.

Twilight tried to break free from the cage with her magic, but no luck.

"My own magic-proof cage. The things you can do with reality." Strife grinned as he picked up the cage and flew off into the clouds.

Fluttershy watched as Strife disappeared in her eyes. "Is Twilight gonna be okay?" Apple Bloom asked, walking up to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy wrapped her wing around Apple Bloom. "Of course...I hope."

Applejack and Rarity looked up at SpongeBob, who was still stuck in the tree.

"SpongeBob, dear," Rarity asked. "Are you alright?"

"This is all my fault," SpongeBob said, looking down. "If only I took this more seriously, we probably would've had a chance to stop Strife. But...now, it's too late."

The ponies felt bad for SpongeBob upon that, and Applejack lifted SpongeBob's chin up. "Hey, now, sugarcube. We all feel ya. But right now is not the time to sit around and sulk. Twilight's counting on us...She's especially counting on you."

SpongeBob looked up. "Well...okay."

Applejack smiled and patted SpongeBob on the head. She then turned to the rest of her friends "Alright, y'all. We better be headin' out!"

"Yeah! Let's save Equestria!" Apple Bloom chimed in.

"Whoa-whoa, back up." Applejack stepped in her younger sister's way. "What crawled in that itty bitty head of yours to think that?"

"But we all wanna help!" Apple Bloom spoke up as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo joined.

"Ain't nothing doing, lil' sis." Applejack rose her head. "Y'all need to stay here where...it's..." Applejack paused upon seeing Ponyville in the distance. She saw the dinosaurs flying around, stomping around and roaring around causing destruction and mayhem in Ponyville. Applejack froze in fear upon this.

"Uh, sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack shook her head and turned to walk. "Just stay beside us and no funny stuff!" She snorted in defeat.

The Crusaders turned to each other in excitement. "Yes!" They whispered.

As the Crusaders raced to follow Applejack, SpongeBob still looked into the distance full of sadness worry.

"SpongeBob?" Rarity walked over and put her hoof on his shoulder in empathy. "Darling, we have to go."

SpongeBob nodded and slowly followed.

Meanwhile, in another part of Ponyville, a portal opened up as Sandy, Patrick, Mr. Krabs and Squidward all landed on the ground.

"Where in the name of Davey Jones are we?" Mr. Krabs asked.

Patrick felt something move under him. "SpongeBob!" Patrick exclaimed. "Is that you?" A unicorn pulled herself from out of Patrick's bottom and ran away screaming.

"Oh no!" Patrick yelled. "I landed on a pedestrian!"

Sandy looked around in confusion. "From the looks of this place, I reckon we all landed in a dark dreary place filled with multi-colored ponies..."

"Oh, great." Squidward groaned. "Could things get even more confusing and dangerous?"

Then, in front of Squidward, stood a large Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"You know," Squidward spoke. "I feel I should stop talking altogether."

The T-Rex roared as the gang began running away from the enormous beast.

SpongeBob and the ponies were still traveling until they heard a voice.


"Hey, I think some pony is down there!" Rainbow Dash said, looking down a hill.

"...Patrick?" SpongeBob spoke in surprise, recognizing the yell. SpongeBob ran over to where Rainbow Dash was and looked down. "Patrick! Sandy! Squidward! Mr. Krabs! They're my friends from Bikini Bottom!"

"They're YOUR friends?" Fluttershy asked. "How did they get here?"

"No time for explaining that!" Applejack said, running down the hill. "They need help!"

Patrick, Sandy, Squidward and Mr. Krabs were all cornered by the T-Rex.

"Hey you!" Applejack yelled as she and the other ponies charged. "Leave those critters alone!"

The T-Rex roared at the ponies causing them all to fall over. Fluttershy then flew in front of the large, growling lizard.

"Listen, you! SIT!" Fluttershy ordered. The T-Rex immediately stopped growling and obeyed.

SpongeBob caught up to what was going on until he heard a familiar voice.

"SpongeBob!" Patrick exclaimed, happily. "It's really YOU!" Patrick ran over and pulled SpongeBob in for a big hug. "Thank Neptune you're alright, buddy!!!"

"I've missed you too, buddy!" SpongeBob said, being squashed by Patrick's hug.

"It's good to see you again boy!" Mr. Krabs said, patting SpongeBob on the back. "So what's been going on here?"

"Well, I was helping my new friends trying to stop an evil monster that Plankton apparently joined forces with!" SpongeBob answered.

"Plankton?" Mr. Krabs asked.

"That's right!" SpongeBob said.

As SpongeBob was explaining what was going on, Squidward was trying to get up until he noticed Pinkie Pie standing on his stomach. "Look!" Pinkie Pie said, excitedly poking Squidward's nose. "Squid Nose! Squid Nose! Squid Nose! Squid Nose!" Squidward could only watch in annoyance.

"And that's all that's happening!" SpongeBob finished his story.

"Wow, that's a lot of stuff buddy!" Patrick said. "That Strifey guy sounds like big business!"

"Well, SpongeBob," Mr. Krabs said. "If you really care about this place, we're with ye to the end."

SpongeBob was full of doubt before this but now, started to feel confident.

"We're all with ya, bud!" Rainbow Dash winked.

SpongeBob grinned. "Well, okay! Let's save Equestria!"

The groups cheered (Except Squidward) for this as Pinkie Pie grew more excited. "Hooray! This world-saving adventure is getting more road-trip like by the second!"

Squidward rolled his eyes. "Dear Neptune, let this insanity stop somehow!"

"Neptune?" Rarity asked. "Who in Celestia's name is Neptune?"

"Who in Neptune's name is Celestia?" Squidward asked.

Pinkie Pie hugged both Rarity and Squidward. "Oooh! I love different universe talk!"

Meanwhile, Strife was flying through the clouds, still holding the cage that held Twilight and Spike.

"Just what are you planning to do to us?" Twilight asked Strife in anger.

"Oh, you'll see Twilight." Strife spoke, evilly. "You'll see." Strife flew down from the clouds and down towards Canterlot.

Strife entered through a dark window in Canterlot's building. "Oh, Celestia!" Strife called out.

The lights turned on and they revealed Celestia in a cage.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight called out.

"Twilight!" Celestia spoke in shock.

"Oh, how deeply moving." Plankton spoke in fake sympathy as Strife dropped Twilight and Spike's cage in front of Celestia's.

"Don't you dare think of harming them!" Celestia yelled.

"Harm them?" Strife asked. "Why I never thought of doing that, no. I have a much better idea in store for these two. I am going to give them what you gave me without a second thought, years ago! Dungeon for life!!!"

Twilight gasped at that as Spike hid behind her. "Let's just hope Luna is planning something right now!"

Strife paused as Celestia's eyes widened. "Luna?" Strife asked.

"Yeah, Princess Celestia's sister!" Spike answered.

"SISTER?!" Strife yelled angrily.

Spike realized this was bad and immediately put his claws over his mouth. Plankton leaned into Spike. "I'd be scared too, kid. When he gets angry, yeesh."

"There's a sister of yours?" Strife roared. "Guards! Take these two away! I have more things to do!"

"Strife, you can't do this! This isn't fair!" Celestia spoke.

"FAIR?!" Strife flew up on top of Celestia's cage and began crawling around it like a snake. "You think you know what unfair feels like? Unfair is spending eternity alone while the evil brother who got more attention is the one who gets to have friends! Well, my chance to rise to the top has finally come and no sister or student of yours can stop me!!!" With a cackle, he flew into the air and pointed to Plankton. "You! Double the guards, tell them to not rest until this other princess is found!"

"But what about the other princess?" Plankton asked.

"I'll keep my eye on her, so she doesn't escape." Strife spoke as he hissed at Celestia.

Plankton hopped up on the balcony and looked down at all the dinosaurs. "Alright, troops! New orders from the almighty Strife!" The dinosuars all looked up to Plankton. "Search high and low for the Princess Luna and bring her here! And more importantly, no carnivore acts on each other. Yes, Frank. I'm talking to you."

All the herbivores all glared at Frank the T-Rex as he shrugged nervously.

Twilight and Spike were placed in a dungeon deep below in Canterlot, similar to the one Strife was placed in, and just like before, this one was magic-proof. Spike was pulling as hard as he can on the bars trying to break them.

"Spike, it's no use," Twilight said, looking down. "I already tried numerous spells an hour now."

"No!" Spike said. "It's alright! I'm sure everything's alright! Everything is not so bad! Right? Right?!"

Twilight looked concerned. "Spike, are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"Of course I am, I mean, we've been up against bad guys before and we beat 'em! The whole underground dungeon where no pony can hear us is new though!" Spike said, trying to force a grin.

Twilight pulled Spike close. "If it helps, Spike. I'm pretty scared too." Spike, then finally rested his head against Twilight's chest. "While this may seem dark and scary, I know somehow, we're going to be okay."

"You really think so?" Spike asked.

"I know so." Twilight answered. "Pretty soon, this will all seem nothing more then a bad dream." Spike then yawned a little as Twilight nuzzled him. She then began to sing. But while feeling a bit scared herself, Twilight thought she could hear Celestia from her cage singing to her.

(Replace 'Gonna make you proud someday' with 'Don't be looking down that way')

Once Twilight was done singing, Spike had drifted off to sleep. Twilight then kissed Spike on the forehead and rested with him, hoping herself that things would be alright.