• Published 6th Apr 2015
  • 5,009 Views, 23 Comments

Squarepants are Magic - yodajax10

Twilight Sparkle must train SpongeBob Squarepants in order to defeat a new villain.

  • ...

Tragedy of Strife

The sun began to rise in Bikini Bottom the next morning. Patrick crawled out from under his rock, grinning happily. “Guess who’s ready to say hi everyday?” Patrick then stood in the yard of his house and started to wait for SpongeBob to walk by so he can say ‘hi’ to him, like he does everyday.

A while has passed, so long that Patrick grew a really long grey beard. “Wh-where is he?” wondered Patrick, as his voice started getting elderly. “Di-did he forget? I didn’t see him since I was a wee wippa snappa! Maybe he was eaten! Where are ya, sonny?! WHERE?!”

Squidward looked totally bored by Patrick as he walked by. “Maybe he’s sick,” said Squidward as he walked by on his own way to work.

“Sick!” said Patrick. “Why didn’t I think about that!” Patrick ripped his beard off and ran towards SpongeBob’s house.

“Buddy, are you in there?!” Patrick called in desperation as he knocked on the door. “Don’t be ashamed if you're sick! I'll help fight your sickness to the DEATH!” Patrick said as he the then ran through the door. “SpongeBob, where are ya?” Patrick called as he ran around the house looking for him. Patrick pulled SpongeBob’s bedroom door open as he wore wet gloves. “Don’t worry, SpongeBob, I’m prepared!” Patrick then grew more worried when he saw that SpongeBob wasn’t in the bedroom.

“SpongeBob, if you’re playing hide and seek with me, it isn’t funny anymore!” Patrick said. “Wait!” He said to himself. “If we were playing hide and seek, he’d tell me! Okay, Patrick. Time to use your brain.”

Inside Patrick’s brain, a whole bunch of little Patricks were inside his brain working on some kind of scientific experiment.

“Amazing,” said one of the Patricks. “We’re accomplishing so much here!”

“Exactly!” said another Patrick. “The giant doesn’t know this kind of society is inside his head! Look! Already my potion this morning was orange, now it's green!”

All the Patricks applauded. "Gentlemen," said one Patrick. "We are making a breakthrough in history."

“Men! Men!” said another Patrick. “He discovered it! He discovered the brain!”

All the Patricks gasped. “THE COVER IS BLOWN! IT’S TIME TO END IT ALL!” screamed one Patrick.

All the Patricks screamed in horror as they all began jumping out of the brain.

“Quick!” said one Patrick to another. “We have to jump!”

“I can’t!” said the other Patrick. “I have a family!”

“They will be proud!” said the first Patrick. They both screamed as they jumped out of the real Patrick’s brain.

Speaking of which, the real Patrick’s eyes widened as a bright light-bulb flashed above him and fell on his head.

“SpongeBob’s in trouble!” said Patrick in realization. “HELP! SOMEBODY!” Patrick yelled as he jumped out of the window.

Patrick began running through Bikini Bottom, screaming constantly. “HELP! MY BUDDY’S IN TROUBLE!” He didn’t notice his pants getting stuck on a tree as they ripped off, leaving him naked. “HELP! I NEED HELP!”

“Uh-huh,” said a police officer as he placed a ticket on Patrick’s body and walked away.

“HELP! WILL SOMEBODY ANSWER ME?!” Patrick yelled. He was interrupted by the shaking of the ground. He looked over and saw a huge crowd of people running towards his direction.

“Yes!” said Patrick. “Okay, people. I need one of your help to-AAAAAAAUGH!” screamed Patrick as he was ran over by the people.

Little did Patrick know that the people were running away from a fire from the Krusty Krab. Squidward was just putting the fire out with an extinguisher as SpongeBob and Squidward’s boss, Mr. Krabs looked over the damage.

“What’s happened in here, Mr. Squidward?!” Mr. Krabs demanded.

“Apparently SpongeBob finally did me a favor and completely vanished.” said Squidward as he started chuckling. “He-he, vanished, he-he-he.”

Mr. Krabs growled. “SPONGEBOB! GET OUT HERE!” He yelled. He instantly ran into the kitchen but couldn’t find him. “Where is that little troublemaker?!”

“What part of vanished do you not understand?” asked Squidward.

Mr. Krabs’ eyes widened at that. He instantly pulled out a sign that said ‘Closed until further notice’. “I thought I’d never have to put up this sign!” Mr. Krabs said to himself. “When I get my claws on him, I’ll…” Mr. Krabs then sighed. “No, I don’t know why, but I just don’t have it in me ticker to kick him out, without him, the Krusty Krab sometimes feels too quiet and boring. No offense, Mr. Squidward.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” said Squidward as he continued cleaning the windows. The doors then burst open, revealing a frantic Patrick. “Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs! Mr. Krabs!” Patrick yelled.

“What? What? What?” Mr. Krabs asked, startled.

“SpongeBob! SpongeBob! SpongeBob!” Patrick yelled, waving his arms frantically.

“Yes? Yes? Yes?” Mr. Krabs asked as his eyes widened.

“I can’t! I can’t! I can’t!” Patrick whimpered holding his pants tightly.

“Out with it, already!” Mr. Krabs said, getting impatient.

“SpongeBob’s gone missing!” Patrick said, worried. “I thought he was sick with the flu and I was gonna help fight his sickness to the DEATH!”

“*Cough*moron,” Squidward coughed under his breath.

“I looked in his house to find him and he’s gone!” said Patrick.

“So, the boy’s gone missing, did he?” said Mr. Krabs. “Well, not while Old Man Krabs is on the job! Make sure your pants are on, Patrick! We’re going to get him back!”

Mr. Krabs went to the door as Patrick’s pants instantly fell down. “Right!” Patrick said as he pulled his pants back up and followed Mr. Krabs out the door to see if they could find SpongeBob.

Meanwhile, back in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle was now heading towards the Everfree Forest, along with Spike and SpongeBob.

“So, why are we going in here, Twilight?” said Spike.

“I read in the books that Princess Celestia gave me that in order for SpongeBob’s wand to work, we need to dip it into a liquid mixed with a special enchanted leaf that can be able to work the magic.” said Twilight.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to go in there?” asked Spike. “It’s dangerous in there.”

“Don’t worry, Spike. The leaves are located in a safe path through the forest.” said Twilight. “Now, I’m going to go find the leaves, while you two...try your best to entertain yourselves.”

“Gotcha!” said Spike and SpongeBob giving a thumbs-up.

As Spike and SpongeBob watched Twilight go through the forest, they then started to think of what to do.

“So,” SpongeBob asked Spike. “What do you wanna do?”

“Hmm, I’m not really sure.” said Spike. He then heard his stomach growl. “I will admit though, I am a little hungry.”

“You know, I actually am a little bit myself.” said SpongeBob. He looked up, but then he saw some bananas up in a tree.

“Ooh!” said SpongeBob. “Those bananas up there look fresh!” SpongeBob hopped onto the tree to see if he can try and get them down, but no luck. “Hey, Spike!” said SpongeBob, do you think you could hop up and try to get those bananas?”

“Sure, buddy.” said Spike as he hopped on SpongeBob’s head and tried to get the bananas. “Whoa!” Spike yelped as he started to lose balance. “Steady!”

Spike who was getting frantic of falling over, tried to grab the bananas, but was just slicing them up in pieces. Spike and SpongeBob both looked at the sliced bananas on the ground.

“This could work,” Spike said.

Spike and SpongeBob then both heard a growling sound. They both looked up and saw some kind of creature with yellow eyes looking at them.

“Wha-what’s that?” SpongeBob asked in fear.

“That’s a tiger monkey.” Spike said as his eyes were getting wider by the second. The tiger monkey jumped down at them as Spike and SpongeBob were cornered up against a tree.

“SpongeBob, there’s something I think you should know.” Spike said.

“What’s that?” SpongeBob asked.

“In about three seconds, I am going to scream like a little girl.” Spike said, shaking at the sight of the tiger monkey. The tiger monkey made a powerful sound which sounded like both a screech and a roar, causing Spike and SpongeBob to run and yes, scream like little girls.

“The bananas! Throw the bananas!” Spike yelped.
“Right!” SpongeBob saluted as he started flinging their bananas towards the tiger monkey, it started to slow down. After a few minutes, it looked like the tiger monkey was gone.

“Spike!” said SpongeBob, happily. “I think we lost him!”

But then, SpongeBob and Spike saw the Tiger Monkey walking towards them, chewing his bananas.

“Uh, g-g-got any more bananas?” Spike stammered.

The tiger monkey let out a roar causing Spike to run off, but SpongeBob was still looking at the creature.

“Don’t worry!” said SpongeBob. “I got more bananas!” SpongeBob pulled out three more bananas. But SpongeBob now noticed, the peels fell, but no bananas were revealed. SpongeBob looked up nervously at the tiger monkey, who was snarling.

“So...do you go to the mall?” SpongeBob asked. The tiger monkey roared and tried to smash SpongeBob with his fists but missed.

Meanwhile, Twilight was walking, now with the leaves in her saddlebag.

“Boys!” Twilight called. “I got the leaves! Boys?”

“TWILIGHT!!” Spike and SpongeBob yelled as they both jumped onto her. They all started tumbling down a hill as it ended with Twilight gettin her head stuck through a tree.

“Spike! SpongeBob! What’s going on here?” Twilight asked, trying to pull herself out.

They all heard the tiger monkey’s roar as SpongeBob gulped. “That!” SpongeBob squeaked.

Spike and SpongeBob both tried to pull Twilight out of the tree, but no avail. They all screamed as the tiger monkey jumped towards them.

“Stop!” commanded a female voice.

The tiger monkey stopped and looked in the left direction. He saw a female yellow pegasus with long pink hair. With her were three fillies. One was an earth pony with red hair with a pink bow, a white unicorn with purple and pink hair, and an orange pegasus with short purple hair.

Twilight recognized the yellow pegasus. “Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy flew up to the tiger monkey. “Aaron,” said Fluttershy. “I should say I am very disappointed in you, you told me you were going to keep your temper under control.”

The tiger monkey lowered his head in front of Fluttershy like a sad puppy.

“Now, now,” said Fluttershy. “I know you didn’t mean it, now apologize.”

The tiger monkey apologized in his language.

“That’s more like it.” said Fluttershy. “Now, run along.” The tiger monkey then hopped along as Spike and SpongeBob finally pulled Twilight out of the tree.

“Twilight!” said the fillies as they all jumped on Twilight sharing a hug with her.

“Hi girls,” Twilight said, smiling as she returned the hug. “How was the butterfly migration?”

“It was awesome!” said the unicorn. “I even saw one that had stripes on it!”

“Do you think there’s a cutie mark in butterfly spotting?” asked the pegasus.

Twilight giggled at this as she playfully ruffled the pegasus’ purple mane, making her giggle.

“Who’s that?” asked the earth pony, looking at SpongeBob.

“This is SpongeBob, Apple Bloom.” Twilight answered.

“Howdy, SpongeBob!” Apple Bloom said as she shook SpongeBob’s hand. “Ah’m Apple Bloom, but Ah guess you already knew that.”

“Name’s Scootaloo!” introduced the pegasus.

“I’m Sweetie Belle!” introduced the unicorn.

“I’m Fluttershy.” Introduced Fluttershy, shaking SpongeBob’s hand. “It is very nice to meet you.”

“Thank you very much, ma’am.” SpongeBob said, smiling.

Later, Twilight, Spike and SpongeBob were all walking with Fluttershy and the fillies to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“So, what brings you here to Ponyville?” asked Apple Bloom to SpongeBob.

“Well, I was teleported here to fight against a guy named Strife.” answered SpongeBob.

“Strife?” asked Fluttershy. “You mean Discord’s brother?”

“You know him, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, yes.” said Fluttershy. “Discord told me about him a while ago.”

“How come you never told any of us before?” asked Twilight.

“Well,” said Fluttershy. “It’s something that Discord doesn’t like to talk about him much.”

“Why?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Did something happen between them?”

“Well, yes.” said Fluttershy. “It’s not a pretty story, though?”

“What did happen between them?” asked Spike as they all walked inside the cottage.

“I could tell,” Fluttershy said. “But I don’t think I should.”

“Aww, come on!” said the fillies.

“Please?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Fluttershy thought for a second. “Well, alright. I’ll tell you.” Fluttershy said.

The ponies, Spike and SpongeBob all sat down on the floor as Fluttershy began to tell her story.

“It all started back when-” Fluttershy started, but noticed Sweetie Belle turning the lights off and bringing in a lantern.

“What’s the lantern for?” asked Scootaloo.

“Dramatic effect.” Sweetie Belle said, smiling.

Fluttershy then continued her story. “It all started back a long, long time ago when draconequus and ponies were against each other, it was almost like war without end. Discord was raised and trained by his parents to practice more of his magic, hoping that he would overthrow all pony kind. But Strife just wanted to make peace and make friends with ponies everywhere. Their parents saw it as a disgrace and shunned him in favor of Discord. Soon after their parents, along with the last of the draconequus were destroyed, Discord’s powers finally blossomed as he brought eternal chaos to Equestria. He of course, asked Strife to join, but Strife refused to even talk to Discord...and left him. Many years after Discord's defeat, Strife was found by Celestia sitting on a rock, saying nothing, but giving Celestia a frightening glare. Celestia didn’t know if Strife had any powers or not, but seeing how he shared the same blood as Discord and could be a threat, something had to be done, rather not turned to stone, but placed in an underground dungeon of Canterlot, for many years. Shortly after Discord was reformed, we came into Canterlot and explained to Celestia and Luna what Discord and Strife used to be. We were brought in to see Strife, seeing if he would come out and join us. But Strife refused, not even giving Discord a chance to speak, seeing how Strife wanted to have friends but Discord had them, seeing how Strife wouldn't listen to us, we had no choice, but to leave him there. So, that’s how Strife came to be.”

“Wow,” said SpongeBob.

“That was a really sad story,” said Apple Bloom.

“Do you think there’s still hope for him that he might change his ways?” asked Scootaloo.

“I hope so,” said Fluttershy. “But I wouldn’t want to be a pony who would bug him endlessly. Knowing what he’s been through and how his attitude is, I don’t know who would think of disturbing him.”

Meanwhile, down below Canterlot, Plankton was looking around to see where exactly he was undergound. Right now, he walking on a bunch of sewer pipes, he was busy reading a guide of the Canterlot Castle to see where the dungeons would be.

“Hmm,” Plankton said to himself. “For an evil psychopath, they sure do know where to hide his cell from anyone to break him out, then again, who could blame them?” Plankton then accidentally bumped into something. It was a big yellow banana peel.

“Hmm, a big banana peel, eh?” said Plankton. “Mainly this would be used for comic relief, but since it bigger then me, I don’t see how it coul-YAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!!” Plankton yelled as he slipped on the banana peel and fell straight through the sewer. As Plankton finally climbed and got himself out of the sewer, he found himself in front of a large, dark looking prison cell.

Plankton’s eye widened. “Could this be the cell of the all-powerful Strife?” Plankton asked himself, followed by fan-girlish-like squeal. Plankton walked through the bars and couldn’t see anything in the pitch black surrounding.

“Hello?” Plankton called. “Excuse me! I’m trying to find someone with a similar taste of world domination!”

Not a sound was heard.

“Why is everything so quiet...and deathly quiet-” Plankton was saying. Suddenly, he bumped into something from behind. He turned around and saw he was face to face with an snarling, ugly rat.

"Ah, get lost, ugly!" Plankton slapped the rat right on it's snout. After a couple seconds, the rat began quivering as it scrunched up and walked away whimpering.

"Oh come on," Plankton growled to himself. "This is supposed to be Strife's cell? I don't see any bringer of doom in here!"


Before Plankton could do anything else, a leopard paw came down and caught him in his grasp. The leopard paw suddenly lifted itself off the ground.

“Hey! What’s going on here?!” Plankton squirmed. He was soon face to face with two glowing yellow eyes

“If I squish you…” The voice started to say. “...will you promise me that you’ll not only shut up but it will hurt?”

“Now, now!” said Plankton nervously. “I mean no harm! I just need some answers!”

“What questions would you want that I would know?” the creature then dropped Plankton on the ground.

“I-I-I was looking for some guy named Strife!” said Plankton as he lit a match to see in the dark. Plankton’s jaw dropped as he saw the yellow-eyed creature in front of him.

It was a creature with a long brown furry body, with a right elephant's foot, a left chicken's leg, right leopard paw for an arm, left blue T-Rex's claw for an arm, a snake's tail, two wings considering of a green parrot's and a dragonfly's and a red alligator’s head with yellow eyes and white bushy eyebrows.

“You’re looking at him.” said the creature.

“Y-y-you’re Strife?” asked Plankton in shock.

“Who wants to know?” asked Strife as he turned around and sat down.

“Well me!” said Plankton. “Hearing how you might rule this world one day? That’s pretty big! So let’s get started!”

“Well, how?” said Strife. “I can’t even get out of this cell.”

“Well, don’t give up just like that!” said Plankton. “We gotta keep thinking.” Plankton started to think a little. “Ah, I got it!”

Before Plankton could continue talking, Strife grabbed Plankton again. “I actually have an idea, right now.” Strife said as he took Plankton where the lock was and stuffed him inside. He started twisting and turning Plankton like a key until eventually the gate opened.

“G-g-good idea,” said Plankton, dazed as he rubbed his head.

“Now exactly, where do we go to get out of here?” asked Strife, raising an eyebrow.

“Well,” said Plankton as he pulled out a ray gun out. “I was gonna suggest using this ray gun to get out, but…”

Meanwhile, two guards were on their way to the dungeon.

“So, how was Strife doing, yesterday?” asked the first guard.

“Quiet as usual, his cell is like a pigsty.” answered the second guard.

The first guard shuddered as he spoke. “You’d think he’d take better care of his cell.”

All of a sudden, a large rumbling sound filled the kingdom. Then, something blasted through the walls, sending the guards off their feet.

“Aww, yeah!” Plankton yelled triumphantly while holding his ray gun. “That’s what I’m talking about!”

As Plankton ran off, one of the guards looked up and saw Strife emerging from the smoke the ray gun caused.

“Stop! Or I will have to use this!” The guard yelled as he held up his spear.

Strife simply raised an eyebrow at the guard and swiped his spear away. With one firm squeeze, the spear snapped in two.

As Strife flew out the exit of the dungeon with Plankton on his head, the guard stood in all as the second guard got up.

“He’s more powerful than we thought,” spoke the second guard, who mistook Plankton’s blast from his ray gun for Strife’s powers.

“True, but he won’t get away!” said the first guard. “Everypony! Strife got out! Stop him!”

Strife flew out of one of the castle’s windows and up into the sky.

“There he is!” Yelled another guard.

A few other guards launched a net towards Strife to trap him inside, but Strife simply grabbed the net and let go as it fell to the ground.

The guards could now only watch in fear as Strife escaped Canterlot and continued flying away, for now they thought...Equestria was doomed.