• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 3,068 Views, 34 Comments

The Hidden Element of Courage - posponer

Ash, The Prince of a kingdom has been transported to a different world.

  • ...

new greeting and new meetings part 1

At the Ponyville's school the bells chimed and the teacher entered as the young fillies and colts of the class were talking to one another before being silenced by the teacher known as Ms. Cheerilee as she said "Let's quiet down please. I've got a very important announcement and lesson for you today." And when no pony was talking she decided to follow up "Thank you, you may come in now" And a pony then soon entered followed by a gasp from each of the ponies present except the one who entered and Cheerilee herself "This is pony is going to be my assistant teacher. Introduce yourself to the others Ash." She told him to which he nodded

"Good morning ponies. Starting today I'm going to be an assistant teacher here at the school. My name is Ashton Ketchum. Please call me Ash. If you have any question then I'll answer them one by one" As he finished question after question after question were thrown towards him and he said "I said one by one." He laughed dryly not expecting he was this famous to the kids

The question and answer event that day lasted for at least thirty minutes before it quelled down. The last question asked was "How can I be as strong as you?!" by a very excited pony to which he answered "Every pony here are strong. It's how you use your strength that will make you stronger" this phrase earned an "oooooo" from the ponies and then ensued a sudden silence that Cheerilee decided to break

"Today we are going to be talking about cutie marks" As she said that a pony in the back said "boring. I'd rather ask more questions to the hero of Ponyville" in a hushed sound. But even then Ash heard what she said he was proud that he was being looked up to by younger generations but lessons are lessons

"You can all see my and Ash cutie mark can't you?" they showed their cutie marks and continued "Like all ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark. My plank was blank but then one day when I was about your age I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared" she then showed her teen picture and Ash couldn't help but asked "You really wore your mane like that before?" the other ponies in the room decided to laugh

"Yes I know. But honestly that's how all ponies back then were wearing there mane back then. I had decided to become a teacher" Ash once again asked what was on his mind "I don't really understand."

"What do you not understand Ash?" She asked him wondering what he didn't understand

"My previous teacher told me that he hated school with a passion but he then studied to be one. Why be a teacher if you hate it?" He was honestly asking

"Well you see Ash. Fate always has a helping hand in things or in the matter of life. Seriously Ash," She giggled at the sight of the childish pony "You're a full grown Stallion yet you act like a childish colt" she giggled once more and Ash just shrugged and said

"What can I say? I'm a colt at heart." He then started prancing around in his place until he forgot his broken hoof and accidentally used it to step "Ow." He dryly stated. The teacher giggled once more and said "See Ash? Try to act your age from time to time Okay?" She lectured him jokingly

"Yes Teacher" He answered like a student to a teacher and all the silly antics the pony did that also pulled in the teacher made the ponies watching them laugh until Cheerilee said "As I was saying. My flowers symbolizes my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hope to bring to my little ponies while they were learning." A filly was raising her hand wanting to Ask a question "Yes?"

"What does Ash's Cutie Mark mean?" Ash winced at the word Cutie… as a Male, the word 'cute' was not something that should be associated with him but this is this world's rules after all

"Now that I think about it. I don't know as well… Would you care to tell us Ash?" She asked her co-teacher to which he nodded and said "Certainly"

"As you all can see, my mark is of a sword and shield, this mark symbolizes two things. One the sword the sword symbolizes the trust that others put in me and the shield represents protection to that trust, in other words My mark symbolizes the Power to protect those that needs it." This earned another awed ponies as he answered

"Now then, that is over can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?" Cheerily asked

A pony answered "When they discover the certain something that makes them special!"

The lecture went on but Ash noticed Apple Bloom was in the class and decided to wave at her and she waved back but then they both noticed the filly beside her that was trying to pass her something to her and as soon she got the note Ash called her out "Apple Bloom what does the note say?" needless to say he wanted to tease her a little an adult and a prince that he was, pranks was never too childish for him

"Huh?" She wasn't expecting him to single her out but she told both the teachers anyway "It's blank"

This made the one who passed it laugh and told some mean things about Apple Bloom being a blank flank as she said Ash decided to stand up for her and said "Hey there's nothing wrong in being a blank. Being a blank just means you have endless and many possibilities in whatever your Cutie Mark is, if it makes you feel better, did you know I got my mark when I became friends with your sister and the others?" This elicited surprised gowns from every pony in the room "But how?" Apple Bloom decided to ask

"My mark's meaning is to protect something you cherish. I protect lots of things but going from one place to another led me to having as little friends as possible, not all the places in the world are forgiving to outsiders you know, the six of them were one of my very first friends and I wanted to protect them with my all. Here's my advice to you Apple Bloom, just try to live your life to the fullest and without even knowing it, Your mark will appear." And then the bell rang and Ash spoke up "All right there's the bell, ponies time to go home" They soon went on their way and Ash told Ms. Cheerilee a goodbye as he limped to the way to Zecora's hut

*Scene Break*

"Hey Zecora Here's some of that lime you needed" Ash gave her the lime via his magic but she noticed the cast in his leg

"Is this another injury I see? Gotten from another stupidity?" She asked

"Stupidity is a harsh word Zecora. I'm just doing the thing I'm best at"

"Suit yourself but don't say I did not warn you, do not forget the poison seeping through" She then pointed at his body and traced something as if imitating the flow of blood

"Yes, yes… I understand. I'll moderate myself until the antidote is finished. Happy now?" He smiled at her

"yes of course I'm happy, after all I don't want my friend to be ten feet in the ground below me" she chuckled

"That's not something to joke about, also that's not something to laugh about either." But she continued to laugh

"You seem to have quite the story, would you be so kind to tell me?"

At that question Ash decided to tell her all about what happened yesterday including the Ursa Minor incident and also how he was now a teacher… well an assistant teacher anyways

"A day when you will teach, is a day I thought you'd never reach" She sighed

"what do you mean by that? Are you calling me stupid?" Zecora only shook her head and said

"the young ponies' future in your hands, I fear many a body will be on the land"

"I told you before and I'll tell you again. Zecora that is not something to Joke about! Also Why is it so bad for me to teach kids? You and Twilight said the same things about me." He pouted and Zecora thought that he looked cute doing that. It made it seem more his age

"Your bravery to protect is an Inspiration, but too much will only lead to destruction."

"As an example, this leg of yours." She stepped on it which earned a loud yelp of pain from Ash "In which I just trampled" She laughed

"Pain isn't something to laugh about either you know?!" he held his sore leg gently massaging it trying to soothe the pain

"Well as much fun as this is for me, I need to concentrate for the antidote so leave me be." She ushered him out

"So you really were making fun of me aren't you?" He asked with a dead pan face

"Whatever do you mean? My conscience comes clean." She stated as she laughed. Ash wanted to stay angry a little longer but it was the first time she ever fully laugh. She'd mostly just giggle or chuckle…. Most of the times chuckle..

"You look dazzling when you laugh." Ash thought this was his chance to counter her

"Why thank you very much for that compliment, but you need to leave me to my experiment." She smiled. Ash thought 'She knows' as Zecora closed the doors.

*Scene Break*

Ash was casually walking in the village when he heard trumpets from somewhere. And wondered 'Is there supposed to be an event today?' he went to the sound's direction and found two royal guards that were guarding the bakery one of the guards was the very same royal guard that once stopped him in the castle. While Wondering why those two were stationed there Rainbow Dash and Gilda decided to make the guards talk, Move, Anything! But nothing they did worked and they quickly got bored of it, that's when Ash decided to do a little prank of his own

"Boo!" He said from their backs earning a yelp from the two, and a little snicker from the guards but they won't tell any pony. The startled duo wanted to ask him why he did as such but he cut them off saying "part one is complete. Watch your backs as a warning." He once again donned the Cheshire like grin and this made the two of them shudder and hurry back inside. Ash wondered what's going on inside and decided to come inside when "Halt!" Only one of them stopped him

"Really? Is he a new guy?" He asked the other guard that wasn't stopping him. The guard nodded and stood in his place while saying "He is of royalty and acquaintance of the princesses. He is allowed newbie." The guard said to his fellow guard which only nodded and hesitatingly removed his wing from the door. "Thanks" Ash told them and went on his way but before he could get to wherever party this was he heard the same voices

"Halt! Who goes there?" They both asked looking at a terrified pony. Ash decided to help her out "Worry not guys, she's on the list." They nodded and removed there wings and let her in and they both went inside

"Thanks Ash."

"Anything for a friend." He 'Smiled' at her and made her blush. Whatever he does when he smiles always tend to get his charm across those of a different sex but he didn't know it.

"Oh hey you two! Glad you could make it. It wouldn't be the same without you two" Twilight greeted the two making Ash wonder and asked "What's the event anyways?" which made Twilight dead pan and ask him "You forgot didn't you?"

"Forgot what?"

"I told you before that we were going to get Princess Celestia as a guest of honor here in Ponyville!"

"Oh, now that you mention it. I seem to vaguely remember that, sorry if I forgot" he chuckled earning a glare and sigh from Twilight

On the kitchen he saw Spike making or cooking the snacks with his flames "Keep up the good work Spike!" Spike gave him the thumbs up… No pony knows how they became close friends but they did anyways

The spectacles he saw were way too funny for him. He saw ponies here that wouldn't act normally like they would Twilight for example. she was starting to freak out evident by her eye twitches

"Really now Twilight. You should know your teacher a lot better than you should. She'd always love to meet your friends." Ash said to her which seemed to somehow calm her down

"Well, I guess you're right." She nodded as she calmed down but decided to speak up once more "Also speaking like that, as if you know a thing about me" she stuck her tongue out at him acting childishly. Ash was never one to miss a chance and said "Want to try me 'Master'?" He said in a sultry voice earning a blush from Twilight and unknowingly Fluttershy as well. The silence that stood there seemed to have become awkward so Twilight decided to break it by saying "Anyways moving on" which made Ash snicker

Another one was Rarity. She was cautious of her dress and her surroundings that could ruin her dress... well, she was always like that in the first place, but she was even more so today. Another one was Applejack. Ash always knew she was quite the gluttonous pony because of her farm work, but this took the cake. Applejack was not eating anything in front of her. In fact she kept muttering something about 'Salads' , 'Appetizers' and the like. He saw her opening her mouth and going from food to food without actually eating anything and she decided to give up saying

"Oh never mind. I'm not hungry" Ash stood at her side and laughed at her earning a glare from the pony "What's so funny Ash?"

"Well, truthfully you are." He kept laughing irritating Applejack more and he continued "The Applejack I know is a glutton."

"She's never said no to a meal. No matter what the occasion..."

"Who are you? And what have you done to Applejack" He grinned at her and made her even more annoyed since every word Ash said was right on the mark and while that made her happy it also made her annoyed. She opened her mouth and was about to speak when Ash decided to put a sandwich in her mouth and said

"For starters, eat like you normally would. I'm sure the princess would love to see the real you. Also I like you more when you act normally" He smiled at her and patted her head which made her blush and nod. He decided to leave her alone for now and went to look what else or who else is acting out of place

Pinkie Pie… well she always acted the way she did. Jumping around, eating and eating, now that Ash remembers it Pinkie was the second glutton of the group… she was so jumpy that she even ate the cupcake that the princess was going to eat.

'Pinkie… you're too oblivious' Ash told himself as he chuckled under his breath

The scenes that unfolded there was quite funny to say the least. The princess kept emptying her cup of tea and it was always being refilled so she decided to play a little prank on both Mr. and Mrs. Cake as she fake sipped her tea and said "Gotcha!" at the end and then she noticed the trio and Ash decided to speak up

"Why is it that whenever and wherever you are, Casual gatherings become something like a royal party Celes?" He told the princess

"Oh really now Ash, I'm quite sure this happened to you before as well." She giggled as she joked back at the pony in front of her "Meh. I guess you're right now that I think about it Celes." He shrugged which earned another giggle from the princess

"Oh my, What happened to your leg? Luna would be worried if she saw that." She pointed at his cast in which he just shrugged and said

"Eh. Some 'Minor' Accident, By the way Celes, Where's Lulu?" the ponies with him decided to ask who those names were and he casually answered "Oh that? Well Celes is what I call Princess Celestia here." He gestured at her

"Ok then, who's Lulu and when did you get so chummy with Princess Celestia? I'm pretty sure the royal guards wouldn't allow some pony in even if he or she is a… You know."

"Oh that? I've been paying visit whenever I have the time Lulu always liked it when I play with her also Lulu is Luna. She actually liked that name when I called her that." He reminisced at the time

*Flash Back*

"Hey Ash I'm hungry. Make something for me" she asked him and gave him the 'Puppy Dog Eyes' technique which made him laugh

"You only needed to ask. Let's go to the kitchen then shall we?" They went to the kitchen and caused all kinds of trouble. Well for the staff anyways, Anything that relates to cooking including baking was their job and was especially not for royalties like them. Through every visit he did at the castle something will always run amok. The two of them were often called 'Royal Troublemakers' or 'Mischief Duo' for their breaking of the status quo, this act included

"That was delicious Ash! Are you sure you're not a confectionery pony?" She asked as they left the kitchen, much to the pleasure of the staff. They were happy that their long lost Princess was not ostracized by other ponies but their antics would give the other staff including them heart attacks.

"Hmmm" Ash seemed to be thinking about something as he didn't answer her question she decided to get closer to him and heard him mutter 'Lulu… yeah that sounds perfect.' She saw him nod and turned to her and spoke "I'm giving you a nickname. I call your sister Celes, so I figured I should give you one too. I'll call you Lulu" he then ruffled her main playfully and she nodded and said "I like it"

*End of Flash Back*

"Still, she suddenly Okayed without any further questions. I wonder why?" He asked himself and the Princess laugh and say "You are either oblivious to your surroundings or you're ignoring it."

"Are you calling me thick-headed Celes?" He glared at her to which she only smiled at him and said "In a way I guess I was." and chuckled and Ash was still glaring but then suddenly laughed with her

"Where is Lulu by the way?"

"Well she didn't like social gatherings much before, not now especially after the 'Nightmare Moon' incident as you can see." Ash nodded in understanding but she continued saying "though if she knew you'd be here she'd have gone here faster than me." They both chuckled at the thought knowing full well that what she said was true

"And what, about you dear? Fluttershy, is it?" Being suddenly put in the spotlight was never one of her strongpoints and she quickly blushed and stuttered saying things that could only be heard as mumbles

"as you can see she's quite true to her name being shy and all" Ash told Celestia as she laughed and made Fluttershy even more… well… Shy. "Oh yeah, she's good at taking care of animals you know" He reminded the princess in which she nodded and Fluttershy saw this as a chance given to her by Ash and thanked him from the bottom of her heart

"Um, Yes, I love taking care of animals."

They decided to talk between themselves when coughing, hacking and wheezing were heard from the cage the princess has brought with her and the bird soon showed itself to the others

"Ah Philomena, my pet You're awake. Do say hello to our gracious hosts." The bird continued it coughs, hacks and wheezes

Of course the sight of the bird would make know that it is under the category of 'Sick'

The guard then spoke up to her ear saying something of urgency and the Princess decided she must go to the mayor about royal matters. And left, Fluttershy as animal loving as she is decided she had to nurse the bird back to health. The matters were all finished and every pony left the vicinity. Some in a different way than the others like Rarity for instance as she was walking backwards trying to protect her dress. Gilda and Rainbow Dash Racing back to their home. Applejack with many 'give away' treats and Pinkie being… Pinkie!

Ash noticed the sick looking bird was gone from its cage and Fluttershy suddenly vanishing and put two and two together and sighed 'It's in her nature I suppose?' he thought as he decided to visit her home

Ash knocked on the door and Fluttershy opened it only by a little and said "yes?" in her normal quiet voice. Ash knew something was up. She always did this with the door but never for too long when it comes to her friends. He sighed and spoke up

"I know what you did and I won't tell a soul about it. You can trust me" he smiled at her and she looked straight at him and blushed a little and nodded as she opened her door to receive her guest and decided to show her the bird in the make shift bed for animals. She then proceeded to put a thermometer at its mouth and as fast as she did it got to the maximum heat and popped. Ash wondered how sick the bird was for it to just pop a thermometer with body heat

The girl was scared at the bird's wellbeing at this point but Ash stood there studying the bird. Fluttershy's action became more drastic and drastic that Ash had to stop her from using scalpels and surgical tape. Who knows what she'll use that for but Ash didn't want to find out and Twilight stopped by to thank Fluttershy when she noticed the bird in her home and turned a questioning gaze to both ponies. Ash shook his head and shrugged the look she was giving him, but Fluttershy answered her truthfully. They had gotten on a little argument and decided the best course of action was to get it back when the guards appeared and told them of the situation regarding the bird

"You guys go ahead. I'll distract them" both ponies took the bird and went on their way and when both of them were gone Ash decided to ask questions

"If I may ask, that bird was quite peculiar. One that you rarely see in a lifetime, what sort of bird is it?"

"Highly Confidential." Both guards answered

"Okay then, is it only to here or is it migratory?"

"Highly Confidential." They answered once more

"You two are being repetitive now. Last question, is the bird somehow connected to Celes' powers?" the guards rose their brows in the name Celes but remembered the friendly terms of the two and decided to speak up but was cut-off by Ash

"Actually Never mind, 'Highly Confidential' right?" He grinned at the two

"Actually we were going to say yes." The guard who answered grinned back which made Ash laugh

"You're that pony I almost tussled with before right?" the guard nodded "What's your name?"

"My name is Flash Sentry, your highness." He bowed down at him and the other one followed suit

"Please rise. I hate these stiff royal things and tend to avoid it if possible. This marks the start of a beautiful friendship" He offered his hoof for a han… er… hoofshake and the guards accepted but decided to still ask "Have you seen Miss Twilight by any chance your highness? We were told that she was likely to be found here."

'Tch. They remembered.' He thought in annoyance "Well I'm only here to take care of the animals and if it's about Twilight then there's a high chance she'd be in the library" the guards nodded and went off, Ash decided to follow Fluttershy and Twilight

'So the bird has something to do with Celes. Hmmm..' he thought silently to himself while searching for the two ponies and found them easily as he landed next to them

"Hey gir… okay what's up?" he was going to greet them but notice their frantic search and he put two and two together and face hoofed.

"You can't be serious." They only nodded so he said "Let's go. We need to hurry!"

They searched High and low just to find that bird. They keep spotting it but it just gets away every darn time.

'That annoying bird!, How smart can a bird like that get?!' Ash thought to himself

Of course the chase went on until Gilda and Rainbow Dash decided to butt in.

"What are you three doing?" Rainbow Asked

"I think they're having a race Dash, though I must say I find the sky a much better track than the ground below" Gilda expressed her thought

They decided to ignore the two who were talking to each other and bumped into the others at the fountain

Pinkie was eating snacks when she was carried by Fluttershy on her back, whilst Rarity was carried off the ground by Twilight, Ash seeing as the only other pony not to be carried off the ground was Applejack, decided to let his playful, mischievous side carry Applejack in a princess style manner

"Wh-What in tarnation?!" A pink hue emerged from her face "Fancy meeting you here AJ." He smiled knowing of what he did was getting the reaction he most wanted to see. The scene in front of them made the other ponies in the vicinity to gain their own pink hue in their faces

"Put her down Ash, we've got more important business than your teasing every pony you meet." He obeyed the command and set her down gently

"The Princess' pet bird!" Flash and the other guard noticed the bird on top of the statue but before any of them could do anything the last feather on the bird's body has molted and the bird has died falling down from the statue and bursting into flames earning a dismayed look from the other ponies present Ash included and becoming…

"It's Ash."

"I'd just love to point it out that is not me, but I understand what you meant." He was flabbergasted at the sight he saw he went near to Fluttershy who was starting to cry and told her words of comfort saying

"It's okay, you did everything you could. Everything will be alright" He reassured her with a smile and somehow it calmed her down. She didn't know if he's sure it's okay but him just being there reassuring her that everything's going to be alright was what she needed the most. She suddenly and unexpectedly hugged Ash to his surprise but he hugged her back

"What is going on here? Ash? Twilight?" The princess came and asked the two she trusted the most

Ash decided to let the others speak up for themselves while he was putting the pieces of the puzzle together… somehow it all fit… 'A bird of utmost intelligence, A bird that dies and turns into Ashes, A bird that can easily destroy a thermostat with its body heat… No doubt about it now… that bird's a…!' He thought and decided to speak up before the princess could talk

"Why Celes. I'm hurt." He faked a pained voice earning gazes of wondering what he meant "Whatever do you mean Ash?" He saw the hesitation in her voice. He was a hundred percent right this time

"You have quite an interesting pet and you never cared to tell me?" He went to the ashes of the bird and spoke up "Hey bird, you're scaring every pony here and you're going to make Fluttershy cry… stop fooling around." He talked to the ashes. To the eyes of those that saw him thinks he's either crazy or have lost it… but the princess giggled as the ashes suddenly moved on their own as if a sentient being and shined brightly and became a beautiful red feathered bird

"Amazing. This is the first time I've seen a phoenix's rebirth. Really now Celes, Quite a secret you've kept from me." The others gasp at the mention of 'Phoenix' and looked in marvel at the bird

"The Phoenix. A majestic and magical bird said to be able to harness the powers of flame and the sun. Every so often it must shed its feathers and bursting into flames. I should have known you'd have a pet such as this." He was in disbelief at himself for not noticing the signs

The phoenix took this silence as a sign to clamp on Ash's back using its talons "The claws please… Not so hard." The princess giggled "It seems she took a liking to you, being 'Ash' and all" She giggled at her joke and jabbed him lightly "But still Philomena you should say sorry for scaring every pony here." The princess told it and it complied saying or cooing what seemed to be something like an apology

"So I expect Lulu to have a cryo-phoenix then?" Ash asked the question festering his mind and made her laugh giving him a yes "I knew it. Sorry Lulu but your sister ruined the surprise" He stuck his tongue out at the sky as if doing it in front of Luna

"But Man, all this wild goose chase for nothing" As he said that Philomena gave him one of her feather as a sign of peace "Thanks Philomena but I don't really deserve this. Here you deserve this more." Ash gave Fluttershy the feather but she rejected it saying that she doesn't really deserve it either "Oh but you do deserve it, right?" He asked the phoenix and it gave a nod

"Okay Fluttershy, hold still… There." Ash put the feather on her mane and said "If you ask me it suits you quite nicely." The phoenix nodded in agreement

"Well it's been a long and tiresome day but at least we learned something today, never overestimate about things you don't know, ask first before doing anything, well I need to go, I have somewhere to go to, also, Say hi to Lulu for me okay?" He gave his farewells and went on his way

"He's quite the busy pony isn't he?" the princess asked and they all nodded and laughed

*Scene Break*

"No! Ugh! you don't understand, scratching CDs is not considered music, yes they make sounds but that's it! Nothing more nothing less! When music comes to mind it should and always would be about the orchestra." A gray pony with a black mane and tail, Told the other pony with white fur and blue mane and tail with lighter streaks of blue

"Look Octavia, music is as flowing as a river, you just gotta let it go with the flow! Music comes in many shapes and sizes and I love all types of music, orchestra or not. I just prefer my own style of music I am a renowned DJ in all of Equestria after all" the other one shrugged her hands when she said this the pony known as Octavia started to speak up

"Look Vinyl Scratch I—" but was suddenly stopped by the pony know as Vinyl "Let's keep this professional Call me DJ.. DJ Pon-3" She said as she lowered her glasses giving her that mysterious yet fun-loving look, Octavia was ready to argue some more but they heard a soothing and wonderful melody

"See DJ? That was called music, soothing to hear and beautiful for the ears." She said but was indefinitely ignored as Vinyl only went closer to the sound. Noticing what she was doing Octavia decided to do so as well and what they found was Ash playing a tune in a leaf as if it was a normal flute

Ash noticed the stares he was receiving and spoke up "Oh, forgive me if I seem to bother thee… I only wanted to relax. I will go now." As he got up to go away one of the ponies spoke up

"Wait!" Ash turned back "What's your name? I'm Vinyl… Vinyl Scratch." She introduced herself "And she's—"

"Octavia Melody" She acted a little rude but he paid it no mind

"I'm Ashton Ketchum. Call me Ash. I need to go now but I hope we meet again" He said his farewells and moved on his way

That pony got on Octavia's nerves however… Her long-time friend and Rival Vinyl Scratch rarely cared about anything but She suddenly showed interest at some random pony was unbelievable but it was happening right in front of her.

However in Vinyl's mind was different. She felt as if all sorts of noise and destruction was mixed together and it formed a wonderful melody that a pony would never expect. She felt something special from that pony and every time she thinks about it her heart would start pounding like a drum and she starts feeling woozy

"I'll see you later Octavia. I don't feel quite right today." She gave her good bye and went on her way

"She's had it bad. I should help her out since this maybe her first time finding some pony that she likes." She sighed. She didn't like that pony for some reason but decided to ignore it to help her friend find her new found feelings turn into success… for now she needs to investigate about that new pony.

Author's Note:

New chapter up! :D... uhhh yeah...