• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 3,068 Views, 34 Comments

The Hidden Element of Courage - posponer

Ash, The Prince of a kingdom has been transported to a different world.

  • ...

The Start of a New Beginning

Author's Note:

Well there it is... hope you have fun reading this as much as I had fun writing it :)

Hey. Guys.. this is my first story.. hope you like it.. Bronies forever :D… By the way the story will start as Canon but with a changed dialogue here and there.. .. I do not Own Pokemon or MLP: FIC… If I did.. I'd make this Fiction into reality :P


In the land where peace has once ruled Exists a clan who with their power control the Elements of Life.. the power they call "Aura" yet even as they control only a select few has the power to wield it's true potential . One such wielder is the royalty but with this terrifying power comes enemies who sought out to get this power or destroy it. As such the land is plagued by Wars and battles, and as each battle grew on. The weaker and more exhausted the clan become and now instead of waiting they decided to fight back. A counter-Attack was in order and so It is done.

"Don't give up Men! Our Prince is in that Castle Giving his all for us. Let us Give all we have as well!" The bearded man Gave his speech fighting enemies that surrounded him not giving up

The fighting was very one sided yet the Pep-talk was all they needed to boost their confidence but still as the enemies number slowly dwindle so did theirs..

"Give up Prince. Wasting your life for this 'Belief' of yours is going to cost you not just your life, but your clans life as well. We only wish to harness this power. Think of this as a trade you give us your powers we spare your pathetic puny lives" The hooded man finished his speech whilst pointing his sword at the kneeling and exhausted prince

"And for What? To rule thy world? Surely you jest. This power was given to Help thy people live better lives not conquer them. And as long as you plan to do just that then I supposed that what you want.. is IMPOSSIBLE!" he lunged at the enemy with his arm all covered in blue and plunged his hand at the Man's chest

"Thy time is over. Begone Sinner because at mine hand you have fallen and thus we will know peace once more"


"Surely Ashton Auran Ketchum.. kahaaa… you didn't think I'd.. go down without a fi…" the man soon stopped breathing and was unable to fight back the slow death creeping

"Of course not.. I expected as much.. guh.. tis wound will be the mark of the end of war. With our deaths will my land… know… peace….." as He talked.. Ash slowly and painfully walked to his Late Father's throne and as soon as he sat down. His heart stopped beating and his body stopped functioning…

"You have given your all.. even your life young prince.. not once did you find anything you liked nor fancied. You never found a loved one a partner. And not once did you do what you truly wanted. Are you satisfied with your life?"

"Ahh.. it is you... Do not worry my friend Giving my life to my people.. this is what a prince ought to do.. and this is what I did.. though it is a waste, I'm still young I could've found a girl and lived old together but fate had other plans" Ash floated in nothing ness… he was nowhere yet at the same time he existed he knew that as soon as his brain stopped functioning then he will be truly be dead

"Then I Ask you o' brave prince.. do you wish to live once more"

"Tis be a joke? The dead can't live again Lucario. That is the will of the world." He felt he had hope yet he felt blasphemed as well.. the rules of the world was breaking down at the same time his body is

"Tis not a joke my prince. Though as we will be against the world's rules then once we Live once more. We will never be the same again, we will change. And with that change is a new life, you have a minute before you truly die. Think my friend but think fast."

"I ACCEPT." And with that the young man and the Mammal like friend were covered by the radiating blue light and was whisk away into the unknown


"It appears you have Awoken.. Prince.. heh.." The Mammal Known as Lucario spoke with a contented laugh that seem out of place

"Where thy be this place Lucario? And why laugh?" as He tried to work his muscles to awaken he wondered where they both could be.

"I don't know where this place is. I told you we are in a different world. But I'm sure everyone we know would either laugh or be amazed or be scared or all of those things together if they saw what happened to you."

"What dost thou mean?"

"Look for yourself o' wonderful prince" He made a crystallite mirror from his aura and put it in front of the prince only for him to..

"WHAT MANNER OF SORCERY IS THIS! I'm… I was transformed into this?! But, but.. LUCARIO EXPLAIN THYSELF!" He was transformed into A pony with Brown colored fur and Pure black Mane and Tail. He had wings despite all of this transformation of his. His eyes were still the same Oceon Blue eyes. All sorts of emotion has showed in his face and of course his voice

"The world makes up the rules.. and you are now under this rule. As simple as that prince. Now you are a horse.. or a colt? Maybe a pony? Can you try flying with those wings of yours" he shrugged as he finished his answer as he seemed amused and Curious as to what happened with his prince

"Then why dost thou look as if nothing changed?" he was suspicious of his friend as he looked closer to him

"Unfortunately I do not know myself" He shrugged again

"There's someone coming.. hide!"

"Wheeee Let's go!" a Pink Pony with Curly Pink Mane and Pink tail and as it was there looked to be balloons near her tail as well was ecstatically ready for whatever they were planning to do.

"Not so fast" The Purple Pony with Dark blue Mane and tail with purple and pink streaks with a Star mark near her tail stopped the Pink Pony as soon as she started to walk

"Look I Appreciate the offer. But I really rather do this on My own."

"No can do Sugarcube. We sure can't let a friend of ours go into that creepy place alone." The Cream colored Pony With Yellow Mane and Tail wearing a cowboy hat with 3 apple marks near her tail said in confidence "we're sticking to you like caramel on a candy apple" she finished and they soon went straight into the forest without noticing the two pair of eyes watching them

"It seems we've found inhabitants of this world. They seem friendly enough. Though the purple one was kind of awkward around the others, remind you of someone Prince?" he smirked at his friend and companion

"I would shut that mouth if I were you. Or I'll do it for you. But it seems you're right. Let's follow them I might get My Answers from them about this world and this" he walked to follow the 6 beings that came into the forest.

"Have none of you have been here before?" the Purple one asked scared

"Heavens no! Just look at it. It's dreadful!" A white colored pony with Purple Curled Mane and tail with 3 diamond marks answered equally scared

"And it Ain't Natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nooopony knoooows You know why?" The Sky-blue Pony with Rainbow-colored Tail and Mane with a cloud and rainbow thunder mark stalked as she tried to scare the others

"Rainbow Quit it!" The cowboy tried to stop her friend which was known as rainbow

"Because Everypony that's ever come in… has never.. come.. OUT!" and after Rainbow's Scare the ground under them Shook and crumble everyone without wings has fell

"Fluttershy quick!" Rainbow Commanded

"Oh my goodness oh my goodness.." The pony known as Fluttershy had Yellow Fur with Pink colored tail and Mane and Butterfly mark hurried behind her friend

"Ash they're falling. Let's help them!" the Mammal commanded his friend

"How? Thou Can't fly!"

"But you Can! This world is what you need. Maybe you can have friends in this world"

"I Had friends in the previous world!"

"Subordinates are lower than oneself Ash! A friend is Equal to oneself!" as they were having this conversation the two winged ponies has rescued 2 of their friends

The Purple one was near the cliff and going to fall if not for the cowboy pony

"Applejack What do I do?" She wasn't asking. She was pleading for an answer

"Don't worry. I won't let go" Applejack smiled to her friend to reassure her

"But… but we'll both fall at this rate!"

"This is the Honest Truth.. I won't let you go." And soon they both fell

"Fluttershy let's go!" Rainbow Hurried to save her friends and she caught them but

"You're both too heavy" and was forced to let go as they both soon fell down once more until

"Come on! Come on! Make iiiiit! UUmpph.. ouch.." Ash was under the spot where the two ponies should've fell and were saved

"Applejack! Twilight! Are you both Okay?!" Rainbow called to reassure their friends safety

"We're both Fine and Dandy Rainbow! We were Rescued by this here Colt!" they soon went down to see who it was that rescued their friends and as soon as all 6 were at the place Ash decided to speak up

"Umm If you two ladies are safe would thou mind if thou remove oneself from mine.. I can't get up with being under the both of thee" he grumbled at the pain a little

"Oh.. Sorry.. excuse me.. Thanks for saving us." Twilight seemed thankful and apologetic yet curious at the same time as to why there was somepony here

"Oh tis be no problem. One would help those that One sees nee –" he was cut-off as he was once again back to the ground because of being tackled by one of the ponies

"Okay who are you?! I know you saved my friends' lives but you may also be the one who endangered it now Talk!"

"Rainbow Dash! Stop! He helped us remember? Let him up" Rainbow Did as was told but still looked into the colt with suspicion

"Please do not be angered with your friend. Her Assumptions are correctly placed, even I would wonder how and why one comes at such a dangerous times then and there. But I Promise you I only did what seemed fit. As this Pony's word.. 'This is the Honest Truth'.." He spoke wholeheartedly hoping they wouldn't question him farther

"Ohh.. nice Move.." Lucario spoke directly into his mind

'Oh be quiet. To get answers I need to be closer to them. They may have enemies but I need not be scared. I have the strength to carry on'

"Haha Ah'll Believe ya. Ya would've done somethin' else if ya were one of them baddies after all" Applejack reassured and laughed at the Colt that used her own words

"Me too." Twilight second the motion as they soon accepted the fact he was not the reason for the fall

"Ooh.. I don't know who you are! Where'd you come from? Why don't you have a Cutie Mark? Mine Means Parties! Do you like parties? I love parties. Parties have balloons, friends candies and even more friends. Speaking of candies do you like Candy Or Sweet? I LOVE SWEETS.. oh oh I also love Muffins and Cupcakes and and.." The Pink one was pestering him with unending vigor and questions

"She's a lively one. She could be your very first friend" Lucario commented

"Okay Simmer down Girl. Let him speak." Applejack held down the hyperactive girl in place

"well.. To start things off.. My name is.. Ashton.. Ashton Ketchum.. Call me Ash if it pleases thee and truth Be told I'm a little" he looks around "okay not just a little.. I am Lost.. would thou mind if I come with thee?" he spoke regally that does his lineage proud.. if it wasn't for the fact that right now no-one or no-pony knows that he's a prince except lucario and he himself

"Sure.. that would be swell by the way I'm Apple jack, She's Twilight , this here is Pinkie Pie , That there is Rarity, the one who knocked you down is Rainbow Dash and that one hiding behind is Fluttershy " Applejack spoke without consenting the others on their thoughts about this incident "the More the Merrier I say" and as soon as that was decided they continued to walk to their destination

"I'm Keeping my eyes on you." Rainbow Threatened him as she went to the others

"Did she just threaten me?"

"That she did. That's the power of friendship"

"I still don't understand lucario" Ash said to his friend

"You will soon.. soon enough" Lucario just shrugged and smirked at his friend

"I still say We should be careful around this pony. He might do something if we don't"

"Yes rainbow. You've said that a lot of times but if you look at him he seems more curious about the place than planning to hurt us" Twilight gestured at Ash who just looked left and right back and forth wholly interested at the place.. it shows he has his mouth partially opened. This antic made Twilight and Applejack Giggle


A roar was heard and they soon stop in place "A Manticore!" And it soon roared again

'A manticore?! Here of all places?! Damn.. this could get gruesome really fast.. and none of us have weapons.. Get ready but don't come out until I give the signal and Safety of the others are top priority understand?' He signals to his friend wondering how on earth This world has one of the deadliest Monsters in his previous world

"yes." Simple and Brief.

"We got to get past him!" Twilight commanded the others while Fluttershy was scared for the others well-being.. or was she?

The Manticore then Jumped and Swooped down to Rarity as it swiped it's paw and Rarity dodge the claw barely hitting it's mark as she Kicked it's face and said "Take that You Ruffian!" It roared back to her so strong that her hair frizzed up and she screamed "MY HAIR!" the Manticore looks at her and growled Rarity saw it and ran back as soon as she could. Whether she's afraid of the Manticore itself or her hair getting destroyed.. no-pony knows for sure

'Wow. She's more scared of her hair losing their beauty rather than the monster in front of her' Ash was amazed and astonished

The Manticore Gave chase to Rarity until it felt a weight on its back and it was Applejack

"Yeehaw! Get along Little doggy" She Rode the Manticore as to what a Cowboy will do to a tauros in Ash's world. It soon proved to be too much for her as the Manticore Overpowered her and threw her into the Air and as she passed Rainbow Dash she Said "All yours Partner"

"I'm On it" Saluting to her friend and went straight to the Manticore

"Is it me.. or are the manticores in this world seem more tame than ours?"

"Yup" Lucario was focused at the danger so he was keeping his answers brief

Rainbow Dash kept Circling at the Manticore trying to confuse it with her speed Until the Manticore saw her Pattern and Brought its tail down to swat her out of the Air and straight to the ground under it.

"Guah!" She was hurt but the worst was yet to come. The Manticore was slowly setting itself up to put poison in its tail and as it Brought it down

"Rainbow!" They couldn't bear to look at what's going to happen but one little pony Went straight under the beast and held his two Forehooves in a cross as He became a living shield to protect Rainbow Dash. And it swooped down and Hit Ash's forehooves and the ground cracked at the sheer strength of the attack

"Lucario NOW! Get Her out of the Way!" as soon as he gave the signal the Mammal jumped in between and carried Rainbow Dash back at her friends "Cario!(She's safe now!)"

"Alright! Get out of the way Ugly!" He used all his strength and pushed the Manticore away and came back to Rainbow Dash

"Dash are thou okay?" Ash asked with sincerity and care in his voice at this moment Rainbow Dash started to notice something she did wrong

"Yeah. Sorry I doubted you. But don't call me Dash." She Blushed and looked away until the Manticore Roared again..

"The Beasty still hasn't given up. How about a tag-team attack Lucario?" Ash stared at the Monster getting ready to charge with his friend until

"STOP!" Fluttershy. The once Silent and soft-spoken girl shouted with all her heart.

"wha?" The force that was ready to run building up inside Ash was quickly doused and stopped same as with the other ponies… wondering why Fluttershy Stopped everypony they watched her as she went walking straight to the manticore and as she was close enough the manticore raised its claw as if to strike down the pony

"Miss Fluttershy what art thou doing?! Move away Quickly!" Ash wasn't ready to see a gruesome accident and was ready to Pounce at the beast any moment it shows Aggresiveness

"It's okay.." Fluttershy said as she gently caressed the manticore's paw… The manticore saw something in the pony and decided to show its paw to the pony… and as it did everypony notice the thing hinged at its paw…

"A thorn.. of course!" Ash shouted Astonished at the sight.. 'I guess this beast is more like an overgrown cat hehe..' he thought as he looked at the scene in front of him and he gestured at his friend to go somewhere secluded without any of the ponies noticing them

"Are you sure you'll leave them with that beast? Something might happen to them!" Lucario asked not believing what his friend has decided upon

"Do not worry.. it is you yourself that said.. in a different world comes with different rules.. Miss Fluttershy showed me that not everything you see.. is evil.. My.. Our world would've been better if everyone learnt to show what Fluttershy has shown me.." Ash smiled with a happy and condescending smile

"show what?"

"A little bit of…Kindness" He said while they vanished into the darkness.. then A roar was heard

"Ash! The Beast roared.."

"Do not worry.. kindness will mostly be repaid with kindness.. ugh.." Unknown until now to his friend that Ash was in pain. Normally A strike of that strength would be nothing to a wielder of aura but the poison in the strike itself was the problem

"Ash the Poison! We must heal you quickly!" frantic and worried. This was all he could say.. All Ash did was wave his head saying no with a contended smile.

Back at the Mane 6

"How did you know about the thorn?"

"I didn't.. Sometimes we all just need to be shown.. a little Kindness" With this phrase the cold front that Twilight has made slowly crumbled as she gave a heartfelt smile to her 'friends'

"Hey have you guys seen Ash?" Rainbow Dash Noticed their missing companion

"Oh? Missing him already? Heehee" Rarity Teased at the sudden Interruption of the Colt's missing name

"I.. I am not! I was just wondering where he vanished to.. This a big forest after all" Rainbow Protested and looked away with a red face

"Girls I'm worried about him too but we have a bigger problem right now. We need to find those Elements" Twilight was worried as well but she stayed on course to her mission and the others agreed albeit worried as well for their new friend

As they continued to walk Rarity grumbled and said "Ughh My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck.." as if her wish was heard the leaves of overgrown trees blocked the Moon's luminosity and laid upon them Total Darkness "well I didn't mean it that literally"

"That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it" and other Grumbles were heard from the six when *Splosh*

"Oh wait.. Ah think Ah stepped in somethin" Applejack said as it issued a scream from Fluttershy

"there they are Lucario.. Let's go.."

"Ash! You need to rest! You're hurt and you can barely even walk like that. As a Prince you need to care for your body more."

"Lucario.. I'm not a prince here in this world remember? Anyways You may be right on something.."

"About the Rest? Please say it's about that"

"No Lucario.. You were right about those six.. they may be what I'm missing from our previous world.. Friends I can protect." As he finished he they activated their aura to be able to look in the dark and watch over Ash's New friends

"Are you sure you're just going to watch them? They might get in trouble."

"Rest first.. as you said. I am hurt after all" they watched on while Ash worried about his new found friends he still trusted them they could do whatever fate gives upon them.. even as all 5 were screaming one stood out Making faces at the Ghastly trees and laughing at it. To Ash, it was a funny and incredible sight.

"Pinkie what're you doing?! Run!"

"Oh girls.. Don't you see?" as soon as she said that a happy music started to make the forest hear its melody

"What on earth?"

"You hear it too Ash?"

"Yeah.. that girl… she's different.. hahaha"

"When I was a little filly and the sun was going down," Pinkie started to sing with the music

'You think singing is her power?'

"Yup" the two agreed and kept watching on. Ash strangely thought it was entertaining and soothing

"Tell me she's not…." Twilight however couldn't believe what her friend was going to do.. as the sound keeps continuing Pinkie just jumps around, over, under and she's going everywhere while singing and swaying

"The Darkness and the shadows would always make me frown,"

"She is.." Rarity and the others can't believe it as well

"I'd hide under my pillow; From what I thought I saw, But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all!"

"Then what is?" Rainbow Dash never expected that Pinkie was waiting for this question to be asked as she answered

"She said 'Pinkie you gotta stand up tall learn to face your fears, You'll see that they can't hurt you just laugh and make them Disappear!"

"Ha. ha. Ha." as she said these three words the Ghastly face the tree was making vanished and out came the normal Exterior of the three.. Everypony… as in everypony was astounded and surprised

"Who knew right…?"

"Yup.. She never fails to surprise.. I feel funny.. I'm actually starting to get better maybe laughing at the worst times isn't so bad.. hahaha.. another new learnt lesson right Lucario?"

"Yup.. right you are"

"Soooo… Giggle at the ghostly, Guffaw at the grossly, Crack up at the creepy, whoop it with the weepy, Chortle at the kooky, Snortle at the spooky… And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna hahahahaha…. Heh…"

"Here comes the.. hehe finisher Lucario.. this is really amusing" Ash was smiling and snickering while watching the scene

"Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauugh!" and then every-pony dropped to the ground laughing and having a fun time. They didn't know but the two that was watching them was laughing as well

"hmmm.. this was really entertaining.. somehow the pain subsided.. Each and every pony down there has their own special traits… Hanging out with them might not seem so bad.. in fact.. I want to do everything in my power to help them"

"Spoken like a true Prince. And Friend. Nice job Ash"

"Not a prince.. Just a normal Friend" they went on their way to where they thing would be the next area the 6 would go to

"Ash be careful. Rapids ahead."

"Oh Please.. even without the wings I can jump over this no problem at all"

"You're hurt Ash. Don't over think of yourself. Also Your friends can't get over this you know"

"That's where your wrong. If there's a will then they have a way. Let's look shall we?"

Even as they walk the laughter didn't die down until Pinkie who was leading the way stopped and every pony bumped each other "How are we gonna cross this?"

"Oooh boo hoo hoo hoo hoo~" A wailing.. crying sound was heard from afar

"Is that.. a sea serpent.. with a mane and Mustache well.. half a mustache?"

"It's called hair Ash.. not mane and yes unbelievable as it is.."

"That word came out of me naturally... this world and form is affecting me."

" But all in all. This world never ceases to amaze me."

"Boohoo hoo hoo hoo.. what a world.. What a world!" He cries as he keeps splashing water like a kid with a tantrum

"Excuse me Sir.. Why are you crying?"

"Well I don't know.. I was just sitting here minding my own business when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisk past me and tore half of my Beloved Mustache CLEAN OFF! And now.. I look simply Horrid! Oh boohoo hoo" He splashed in the water once more getting all six ponies wet and annoyed

"Oh Gimme a break" Rainbow Dash was annoyed

"That's what all the Fuss' about?" Applejack continued

"Why of course it is! How can you be so insensitive.. Oh Just look at him!"

"Is she..?"

"Yup.. She's a fashionista. You'd expect that from people or in this case Pony's like that Ash."

"What are fashionistas? Enlighten me Lucario"

"Fashionistas.. in a sense are people or ponies that would do everything they can to look fabulous and beautiful... remember that one haughty noble from before?"

" Ah I see... Well.. Now that you mentioned it.. She does have the best groomed Mane and tail.. not as good as mine per se" Ash was proud of himself

"Oh? I thought you don't like being a pony?"

"Well.. six little ponies changed my mind. Also I was taught to always be proud of what you have"

"Such lovely Luminescent scales…" She praises

"I know!" He acknowledges

"Your expertly quaffed Mane!"

"Oh I know! I Know!"

"Your Fabulous Manicure!"

"It's so True~!" He was delighted with all the praises he was receiving

"All ruined without your beautiful Mustache."

"It's true! I'm HIDEOUS! Boohoo"

"I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go Uncorrected!" She finished as she took a sharp scale from the giant serpent and *Swoosh*

"Her beautiful Tail… Why? I thought you said they'd do anything?"

"this is also one of the things you need in your life.. kindness.. a different sort of kindness, Ash. it's called Generosity" Ash smiled and nodded

As soon as she cut her tail short. She Levitated it straight to the broken half of the sea-serpent's mustache and attached it

"Oh woohoo hoo hoo.. My Mustache~ How wonderful" The sea-serpent was happy as he can be.

"You look simply Smashing!" Rarity Finished with another Praise

"Oh Rarity. Your Beautiful tail!"

"Oh, It's fine my dear! Short-Tails are in this season." She told the others so they wouldn't worry "Besides It'll grow back" She reassured them.. and herself

"So Will the mustache" Rainbow Silently told the others and made them snicker

"We can cross now! Let's go!" but as they were now crossing the river the sea-serpent appeared and said "Allow me~" and let the others use him as stepping stones to the other side

"There it is! The Ruins that holds the elements of harmony. We made it!" She kept running without noticing the cliff

'Oh no.. Not again.. Lucario get ready to throw me!' as they were getting ready to save the pony once more from doom Rainbow Dash Pulled her back with her tail asking "What is with you and falling off cliffs today?" as they soon noticed the Cliff

"Now What?" Pinkie had to asked

"It seems she forgot the others have wings huh? Let's go to them Lucario."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" He reassured

"Duh~" Rainbow Showed her wings to pinkie and soon flew off to get the bridge to the other side of the cliff and Pinkie just stood there smiling and said "Oh yeah."

"Why Hello Girls. It's nice seeing you again." Ash called to the others while Lucario just walked behind Ash

"Ash Where have you been?! And who's that with you? Is he your friend? Is he your new friend or an old friend? Where'd you two meet? You got attacked by the Manticore! Does it hurt? Are you okay? No pain or –" Pinkie Pie was just a bagful of questions luckily Applejack stopped her "Whoa there sally. Simmer down. One at a time"

"hahaha.. Please forgive me. Once I saw my travelling partner, He's Lucario by the way" Lucario gave a nod as a hello

"Well I just wanted to see more of this forestry. And yes thou did get attacked by the Manticore" Ash showed his wounds to the girls.. Gruesome as it were.. all they look like was normal. Some scratches mixed with blood from the wounds but it wasn't bad according to Ash

"My. That Looks Painful Ash. Are you sure you're really okay?" Rarity was worried. That was more painful than the Cutting tail thing. At least to rarity what she did was painful

"Worry not. The Pain has subsided. I heard a certain Little pony Said 'You gotta stand-up tall. Learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you just laugh and make them Disappear'.. this phrase helped me a lot than it should have I'm thankful to thee." He Bowed in front of Pinkie who seemed flabbergasted for the first time without anything to say except "Oh.. uh Your welcome" with a blush on her face while scratching her head with her hoof

"Wait.. You were watching us that time" Twilight was Curious as to how he knew of that

"Forgive me for Spying on thee. But I decided to go with thy group so I had to hide from the shadows and protect you from there. Please forgive me." He meant every word. Except he left out the part where he was actually mortally wounded

"Well.. uh I guess we forgive you.. right girls?" She can't look at him straight in the face because of all his sincerity

"Darn tootin'/Of Course!/Yes." The others reassured

"Well.. now that this situation is secured. Let's look at Rainbow Dash" Ash gestured his head to the other side of the Misty Cliff

"Rainbow.. Rainbow.." Someone called to her and she asked "Who's there?!"

"I Aint Scared of you! Show yourself!" as if to answer her call the voice answered and revealed itself "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria" the voice tried to seduce Her with her dreams. The others heard part of it Ash however with his Aura enhanced senses Heard all of it

"You wouldn't mind telling the Wonder Bolts that would ya? I mean I've been trying to get in that group for like.. EVER"

"No Rainbow Dash. We want you to Join Us. The Shadow Bolts" Then three ponies with Black Latex Costume With Bolt like hinges that splits the Black part from the purple part appeared in front of her.

"We are the Greatest Aerial team in Everfree forest. And soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria. But first We need a captain" Rainbow's eyes twinkled. Ash saw this and wished from the bottom of his heart 'Don't let desires Ruin your Future. I believe in you Rainbow' Whilst glaring at the 3 costumed ponies

"Most magnificent. Swiftest. Bravest Flyer on all the land. We need… You"

"Woo Hoo! Sign me Up! Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal." When she tried to grab for the Rope she was stopped by the Pony "No! It's Either them.. or us!" Rainbow Dash was heartbroken, She was made to choose from a painful choice. Her friends? Or her Dreams? She looked back to her friends and saw them along with Ash.

"Rainbow What's taking so long?!" Twilight asked until she saw three other ponies. "Oh no."

"Rainbow!" that was the last thing she said before the costumed pony used a mysterious power to block the others from sight and senses by using the mists

"Lucario. They used a weird power. Let's show them our Power" Lucario Just snickered at this as he soon stood in front the mist and concentrated his aura to show a little of what's happening.. the opening however was too small as the power was too strong

"Well?" The Pony asked. Rainbow was making the decision of a lifetime.. at least for her.. her lifetime until she heard a voice

"I Believe in you Rainbow Dash!" And soon the voice vanished and the mist once again hid the others away from her 'That was Ash's voice.' Rainbow remembered.

"You." She answered to the three. The three looked ecstatic until "Thank you for the offer I mean. But I'm afraid I have to say no" and she soon tied the bridge and went back to her friends. As she came back She was bombarded with praises

"See? I never leave my friends hangin." She said as she soon flew towards the back… where Ash was.

"Well?" She asked him

"Well what?" He Obliviously Answered. This somehow annoyed her as she said "hmph.. Whatever" and decided to fly back to the front until Ash stopped her and said "Good Job" with a very sincere smile. "Thanks" Rainbow said back and was met with a smile of her own

They soon walked inside the ruins and saw 5 stones carefully placed in a pedestal "Come on Twilight isn't this what you've been waiting for?"

"The elements of harmony.. We found them!" The three Pegasus Ponies (including Ash) slow took the Stones and placed them near Twilight

"There's only five?" Pinkie wondered followed by the question of "where's the sixth?" from Rainbow Dash

"The book said. 'When the five are present a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed'"

"What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" Everypony present were also wondering the same thing

"I'm not sure. But I have an Idea. Stand back I don't know what will happen" Twilight then closed her eyes and started concentrating magic on her horn

"Come on now Y'all she needs to concentrate" Applejack Ushered the others Outside but noticed Ash and his friend not moving "That includes ya Ash" she adviced

"Oh.. Please do forgive me. But I'll stay here Just in case something happens. Is that alright with thee?" As to answer his question Lucario and Applejack went outside and closed the doors

'So this is Pony magic.. only those with horns can use it though?' Ash thought to himself wondering about the difference of his world and this 'pony' world but he then soon noticed the vivid purple smoke and remembered it from the back of his mind..

'That smoke.. if I remember correctly.. it was there when the footing of the girls broke.. the thorn from the manticore turned into smoke as well.. even the serpent said purple smoke did he not? Then that means—' his thoughts were interrupted when the smoke suddenly surrounded the stones and became a little purple tornado which elicited a scream of surprise from twilight

"Twilight!" Everypony heard it and Lucario was the first to react and open the door to see..

"Miss Twilight Lookout!" Ash saw Twilight going to jump inside it and he himself jumped as well and as he got into the twister it suddenly… vanished.

"Ash where are you?" Lucario wondered the sudden disappearance of his friend

"Follow my aura. Show the others were we are. We.. Twilight might need them.. I'll protect her until you guys get here.. hurry" at this point Lucario decided to speak up to the others. He Called out and pointed to the ruinous tower glowing with light. They soon hurried of to the destination

At the tower. There stood a tall dark menacing Pony with wings and a horn. Something Ash thought wasn't part of the norm. laughing evilly while hovering all 5 elements above itself. Twilight got ready to attack no second sooner and Ash stood by her side and accompanied her on her assault

"You're kidding? You're kidding right?" Twilight then soon ran straight to her enemy charging up magic in her horn. As if to humor her the dark Mare started to dart straight to Twilight until.. *Poof* Twilight vanished and appeared in the area where the Elements rest "NO!" the Mare Yelled out she Fired bolts of magic after magic. Twilight was afraid until

"Worry Not. I Shall Shield thee until thee has finished thy task!" Ash was acting either bravely.. or stupidly.. he even thought this was stupid himself.. but he will protect them himself. His lineage and His being wouldn't have it any other way.


"I am Fine! Do thy duty!" Truth is.. he wasn't fine. The Manticore poison even though weakened is still poison. Add the fact that Lightning after lightning is hitting him. His aura can handle lots of damage. But magic is another thing… especially Other-Worldly Magic

"Just one spark… Come on come on…" Realizing that She may be successful Nightmare stopped her assault and teleported in front of Twilight until a zap threw Twilight straight into the Weakened Ash

The five Elements had Static electricity flowing through each other until… it vanished.. Nightmare continued to laugh at the Failure of the elements and crushed all five elements "You little fool… Thinking you could defeat me?! Now you will never see your princess or your sun… The Night Will Last.. FOREVER!" She then took control of her magic and expanded the purple smoke above her while laughing manically

Twilight started to lose hope.. She hung her head in defeat but someone spoke to her. Albeit in a weak voice "Do not worry.. thyself Miss Twilight.. Believe in thy.. Friends.." Ash lost all his strength and fainted

"Ash..? Ash! Ash! Wake up.. I'm sorry" Tears in her Eyes.. she Listened to the colt's heartbeat. She was glad it still had signs of life even though she could faintly hear it.

"Don't worry Twilight! We're a coming!" And similar remarks were heard from the staircase. Twilight Gained a new conviction as she gently placed Ash's Head to the ground and stood proud and tall

"You think You can destroy the element of Harmony Just like that?" this phrase seemed to make the mare afraid "well you're wrong! Because the spirits of the elements of harmony are right here!" Everypony noticed Ash and his state albeit worried they decided they needed to rid their lands of its dangers one such danger is the one standing before them.. Nightmare Moon

Lucario took to Ash's side and used his aura to help strengthen his natural regeneration

"Applejack who reassured me when I was in doubt Represents the Spirit of Honesty!"

"Fluttery Shy who tamed the manticore with her Compassion represents the Spirit of Kindness!"

"Pinkie-Pie who vanished fear by giggling in the face of danger represents the Spirit of Laughter!"

"Rarity who came to the sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the Spirit of Generosity!"

"And Rainbow Dash Who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the Spirit of Loyalty!"

"The Spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us"

"You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!"

"But it Did.." Everypony was surpised at the sudden Intervention

"Ash!" They were worried for his well-being from all the Damage he got but he reassured them with a smile and continued his speech

"It's a different Kind of spark. Isn't that Right.. Twilight?" Ash threw the question at the pony who gave him a smile of her own

"Yes. I felt it the very moment I realized How happy I was to hear you. To see you. How much I cared about you."

"The Spark Ignited inside her, Nightmare. And with this. The Sixth element will be reborn" Ash finished as he laid down on the ground once again losing strength but unlike before he stayed conscious to see the spectacle in front of him unfold

"That's When I realized that you all.. Are my Friends!" Twilight finished and all of a sudden A shining bright light appeared above the six ponies. It was the Sixth element "You see Nightmare Moon. When those elements are ignited By the.. uh.. The Spark that resides in our hearts It creates the Sixth Element. The element… Of magic!" The shining bright light grew and grew more blinding by the second and all elements turned into Necklaces for the five ponies. Unbeknownst to them the Sixth element Split in half and the other half went straight to Ash turning into a King's Crown. While the other Half went to its rightful owner Twilight and became A Princess' Tiara.

All seven lights (including Ash's) mixed into one and went straight to Nightmare Moon as she Yelled "Noooooooo" And Once Twilight opened her eyes Light shone from them and Everything went blank. Everypony was outcold for quite a while until they all started to wake up

"Everypony Okay?" Applejack asked out

"Oh Thank goodness!"

"Why Rarity. It's so lovely." Fluttershy admired Her

"I know! I'll never part with it again!" She then hugged her Tail as to show her love to it

"No.. I mean your necklace." She pointed with her hoof "It looks just like your Cutie Mark"

"So does yours!"

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie-pie Being herself kept jumping around and around showing her necklace

"Oh Yeah!" so to say Rainbow Was feeling awesome after looking at her necklace

"Gee Twilight I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey.. But I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship." As Applejack finished a voice suddenly spoke with grace spoke to them

"Indeed you do." The sun then once again Shined as it came up from the horizon. And a Light came in front of them and revealed "Princess Celestia!" While the others bowed Twilight ran up to her and gave her teacher a hug

"Twilight Sparkle. My faithful student I knew you could do it." She reciprocated the hug

"But you told me it was only an old pony tale?"

"I told you to make some friends. Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, And I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart."

"Now if only another will as well… Princess Luna." Princess Celestia Calmly called out "it has been a thousand years since I've seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together little sister." The others were surprised at the sudden revelation

"Will you accept my friendship?" The six watching were all anticipating the answer of the one now known as Luna. Pinkie-Pie anticipated it too much that she fell to the ground with a thud

"I'm So sorry! I missed you so much Big Sister." Showing tears in her eyes she hugged her sister

"I've missed you too" As she hugged back

"Hey! You know what this calls for? A PARTY!" Pinkie Exclaimed to everypony

" That would seem quite well.. But it seems you six are forgetting someone?" The princess then asked them

"Ash!" All six of them then remembered and started to look for him. As if the call of his name was a trigger he suddenly woke up from his slumber

"Uuugh.. My Aching Everything.. That's right.. The Girls!" He suddenly remembered what he was supposed to do as he stood up and panicked a little until he saw all six of them with the Princess

"There you are.. Are you Girls okay?" He asked the girls with sincerity but none of them answered and only stared wide-eyed "Uhh Girls..? Thou art starting to Scare me.." Ash was a little bit disheveled at the sudden Looks he was being given

"Ash? Is that… You?" Fluttershy broke the awkward silence which Ash thanked in the very deepest of his heart

"Why yes. It is none other than Ashton Ketchum. Did thee forget about me already?" His voice was tinted with a playful sadness the girls only shooked their heads so he wondered why they didn't recognize him

"Of course not! But you Suddenly Changed!" Rainbow Dash Answered

"Changed? I don't feel changed.. Lucario Aura Mirror Please" Ash noticed the snicker that his friend keeps doing but paid it no heed until he saw what was standing in front of the mirror. It was still the Same Pony but This time It held a crown on its head. It now sports wings and a Horn Like Nightmare Moon and the other pony here. Also the Symbol on his Crown showed the Same Symbol on his thigh the symbol looked like a sword being covered with a shield

"wha… How?" was all he could mumble as he asked the others. Of course The other knew nothing as well so they sought out the answers from the princess

"I know what you're going to ask my Student and I shall tell you. The necklaces represents the elements of Harmony and your tiara represents the element of Magic which is only possible with the help of Harmony… But in this colt's head rests an entirely different element. Do you know what it is?" She asked everyone in the room. Lucario only smiled he knew the Answer but kept quiet

"The element.. of Friendship. Princess?" She wasn't sure of her answer thus she asked instead of answering

"My student. The element of Magic IS the element of Friendship. With Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty and Honesty mixed together… Friendship is made.. and that is how the Element of magic came to be.."

"Then what is his Element?" Still curious about the answer she asked

"That is the hidden element of friendship… the element of Courage… Courage to laugh in the face of danger. Courage to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others, Courage to show Compassion to others , Courage to do what needs to be done and Courage to tell even the most painful truth. Courage is the root of all the six elements… Tell me colt.. what is your name?" She addressed Ash as regally as ever

"Ashton Ketchum. At your service and this here is Lucario" He bowed under her along with Lucario

"Please Rise. You tell us of the truth.. but you spare us with some of it. Please tell us the whole truth. I ask Again. What is your name?" Princess Celestia knew there was something about this colt that seemed mystical and out of this world..

"It seems I cannot deceive thy eyes.. Very well.. Allow me to reintroduce myself to thee once more. I am Ashton Auran Ketchum the third. With this I spare no more deceit and will only answer with truth." He knew his words would hurt the others since they trusted him and was ready for any hateful question they ask him. He Promised to himself if any bonds were broken this day he will repair someday.

"Very well then. I have the Knowledge of all the Ponies in all of Equestria. Yet your name Exceeds me. Tell me.. Where are you from? And how did you get here?"

"Ah I see.. Straight to business then? I understand. Lucario and I…. Are from a different world." This earned a gasp from all other ponies except the princesses… He then Activated his Aura to show the girls what it is.

"Our Clan. "The Aura" Regulates the peace and order of the land. But having powers Beyond one's own imagination can drive someone greedy for power. Especially those who were evil from the start. Our clan since ancient Times have been in war. War after War after War." The girls even the two princesses were surprised at how composed the colt was in sharing a very gruesome history of his clan

"Our clan Grew weaker and weaker after every war. We sought out to whom was manipulating the strings. A decade later and the Man was found, at the cost of the only Male royalty's life."

"The only one left as a royalty was a female. Her name was Delia. Delia Bud. As a queen She had to rule equally and kindly. The Queen was sought out by men day by day but she never found a man she liked until 20 years later… she finally found him.. the man of her dreams. Even through war their love grew bigger and bigger" at this part the six went 'awww'

" until their love was received and bore a fruit. They called him the third legacy of the clan… 'Ashton Auran Ketchum the third'.." The six didn't expect this. They thought he was explaining his kingdom's history but in actuality he was explaining his Family's history

"Then that means.." Rainbow Dash Talked "you're a.." Fluttershy continued "PRINCE?!" Rarity almost Yelled out but maintained her voice

"Yes.. well.. I used to be.. I'll continue.. Having found a new king to continue the kingdom he proposed to find and defeat the man behind the scenes for eternal peace. What my father did not expect was an ambush. They anticipated this very move and it cost my father and his troops' life" Ash gnashed his teeth at the memory

"Please.. you need not to continue.. painful memories should be forgotten.." Having felt the anger and sadness in the colt's voice Princess Celestia tried to stop the colt

"No.. please let me continue.. I feel this needs to be done." The princess nodded

"My mother Devastated at the loss of my father's life cared no more for hers. If I didn't scare her of killing oneself then surely she would've killed herself.. My mother grew better and better but was still not fit to rule the kingdom. I stood as the kingdom's stepping stone to success. Even without the coronation I was already called the king of the kingdom.. 2 years later I rallied the troops and went to a full out war against the enemy.. Finally we succeeded.. we have vanquished our mortal enemy.. and I hope.. NO I'm sure! I'm sure that the kingdom knows peace once more." He finished his story with Lucario patting the back of his friend as if to calm him

"Then how come you're here then? Don't ya have a kingdom to run Ash?" Applejack unsure of what he'll say. Asked the question plaguing the other ponies life.

"In our world. We believe that to give something means you'll receive something.. so.. when one takes a life… one's life is also taken… I died for my kingdom.. And I was ready to die there.. but my friend here had other plans for me.. He wanted me to live the life I never had.. At first I was in disbelief.."

"I was never crowned as a rightful king nor prince. I was born into the legacy, I never earned being called a true prince."

"Worry not Ash. In this world. Being an Alicorn. Ponies that have both Horn and wings represents one's royalty. By this very world's view you are one of the royalties."

"I was in disbelief at how all this happened.. but now… I'm thankful for him… without him doing this.. I would've never met you.. all of you.." he looked at each one and bowed his head again "Please forgive me for all the secrets I've kept.. I know that each of thee may be angry at me but I ask you to please for—" he was cut off when he felt a painful sting in his face

"Ya Idiot.. Ah thought ya were diggin up daisies when ya weren't moving." Applejack had a tear on her eye and a smile on her face and then he felt another Sting

"That's for Acting Like A hero. It just doesn't suit you. I mean I'm more heroic aren't I?" same as Applejack, Rainbow Dash had a Tear and a smile on her face. Needless to say he received yet another painful sting

"How dare you keep secrets as big as this from a lady! A prince for goodness sakes.. That's the secret of a lifetime! But seriously speaking.. please no more secrets okay?" Ash nodded at the heartfelt smile Rarity gave him. Ash was expecting another painful slap but then felt a light bop in the head from Fluttershy

"Please take better care of yourself." A lecture. She was giving him a lecture! Ash laughed a little at the sudden lecture he received. And then he felt a heavy weight on his back and fell

"Yayyy You're alright!" Pinkie-Pie was nuzzling and cuddling the colt much to his embarrassment and the others irk [who the 'others' are you decide :P] and finally

"Ash.." She stared directly at his eyes

"Twilight.." So did he.. but then he noticed the magic building up inside her horn

"You scare me again like that and I'll zap you with my magic." She was crying now.

"I promise.. never Again.. I'm sorry.."

"Now that this is all over.. You know what this calls for?" and suddenly the atmosphere changed and they were instantly transported back to the Ponyville as Pinkie then yelled "A PARTY!"

"How did she.." he was going to asked but decided to drop it and just have fun but then he noticed Twilight's sad face as did the princess

"Why so glum my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete? And you can return to your studies in Canterlot?" She knew the reason but decided to hear her student's mind

"That's just it.. now that I learned how wonderful it is to have Friends.. I have to leave them."

"Then Stay. No one's asking you to leave is it not?" Ash interrupted the talk with his own voice in the matter "Of course the final say is with thy princess'" Celestia Smiled at him knowing full well what he meant

"Spike. Take a note please. "I Princess Celestia, Hereby Decree That the Unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study Magic of Friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home.. In Ponyville!" The others cheered for their friend while she thanked the Princess

"Alright.. Lucario Let's do the Flameworks!" the others were wondering what Ash meant until the two of them Fired of Shots of Aura into the sky and they collided as Flaming fireworks

"That was to announce one thing as well.. Starting today I will Live here with thee. My name is Ashton Ketchum.. Please take care of me! Alright Lucario Once more to get thy party Started!" They once again shoot off their aura into the sky

"Is it just me or did Ash suddenly become more wild?" Twilight asked the other

"There's nothin wrong with that sugarcube. He's now livin the life he wanted after all" the others nodded in agreement

"What're thy girls doing there? Let's Party!" He then used his newly found powers of magic and levitated the six using his horn

"Well now… As a prince you sure are quite rowdy aren't you?" Rarity Teased

"I'm not a prince." Despite being an alicorn he shooked his head and smiled. "I'm just a normal pony living the dream." Then he teared.