• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 3,066 Views, 34 Comments

The Hidden Element of Courage - posponer

Ash, The Prince of a kingdom has been transported to a different world.

  • ...

Wings of Understanding

Alright here's chapter 4… And I must tell you writing this is fun and hard at the same time… but anyways..

I do not own MLP and/or Pokemon

Typing the disclaimer is one of the downside of writing fan fictions…. And it's really annoying but… Copy right and all so meh :P…

Hope you have fun reading this my fellow Auran and Bronies :D

A week has passed since the Apple-bucking Season has finished but Ash still accompanies the three children consisting of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle into finding what their Cutie mark is… but he knew that none of their hard work will pay off since he knew that only time itself will tell when they will get their Cutie mark… he was drifting off into his thinking until the girls called out to him

"Hey Ash… a little help here would be kind of nice right now" he saw the three tied up by a single jump rope… how this happened though? He'll never know as he soon answered "Alright I'm coming" as he helped them off the tie and knots of the jump rope

"That's another one off the list then." Ash crossed out the word jump rope from the notes he was carrying. The writing were clearly written by the three fillies as the ideas inside were not things he'd often think about such as 'Limbo' , 'plate balancing' , 'dancing' and many other ideas that would rarely pass the colt's mind but his mind wandered when he felt a stinging pain in his chest as he soon grunt a painful voice which didn't go unnoticed by the girls "Ash! Are you alright?!" they soon went to his side to check but the colt just stood up as if nothing happened and said "No worries. I was just tired. I'll be heading off now. I think a rest is in order. See you girls later" He then waved goodbye as he once again set up his Sonic Boom stance and went flying off so fast that the air that he passed created a whistling sound followed by a boom.

"I Take back what I said about Rainbow leaving him in the dust." Scootaloo said to the other two and they only nodded. They weren't fully convinced about what happened to Ash was being tired especially since he was in a hurry but he had a reason to lie so they knew better than pressure him, Something that the others would do if they found out

*Scene Break*

Back at the camp Ash was staying at. "Gah… haa… haa.." He was disheveled and tired, Lucario was using his aura to pacify the pain even if only by a few…

"Ash. You need to stop being so secretive! You need to get help before this turns worse! The Apple Harvest from before only made your condition worst! Also –" He was about to say more but was stopped by the hoof in front of his face

"You will say no more Lucario. AJ has her stubbornness but so do I. This must not get out. I'll find a cure even if I die trying." He was getting better than before but still this effect was only to subside the poison coursing thru his veins

"You only mean to cause more worry and pain to your friends Ash. I'm not sure how long you'll last like this." He knew of the prince's stubbornness issues so he gave up trying to convince him

"Don't worry. I'll find some medicinal herbs around the Everfree forest tomorrow. Let's just rest for now." And as soon as he closed his eyes he was fast asleep maybe from the fatigue from the pain but either way he was out like a light and morning soon came and as soon as he woke up he got up and went straight flying to the Everfree forest trying to find something that can heal him of his attrition until he heard a voice "Beware, Beware oh pony folk, those leaves of blue are not a Joke!"The voice soon then vanished as he noticed leaves of the color blue meaning whoever that voice was knew of what this plant does, and what it is. He thought maybe the owner of that voice can help him find a cure for his attrition as he went out to find whoever that was and soon found a cabin or a hut of some kind and decided to knock

The door was then opened and what Ash saw in his vision was a pony of color white with black stripes… no this was no pony… this was a zebra. He decided to talk "You warned me about the blue leaves correct?" The zebra then nodded "I don't know what they do but still. Thank you" The sincerity in his voice and add to the fact he was not afraid of her made her speak

"You are not scared of me are you?" The colt said no "Ponies not afraid of me are only a few" She decided to say to him "Come inside let's have some talk, I'm sure you are tired from your walk" She ushered him in and he decided she was trust worthy enough so he went in

"My name is Zecora and this is my humble home, I'm sure you have a reason for being in a place where dangers roam." She finished Ash then thought 'Does she really always speak in rhymes? That's… Kinda cool!' but he didn't let his mind wander too much as he decided to say what's in his mind "I need your help. Are you well versed in the ways of poison?" The question made her wonder

"Your name eludes me as of yet, but poison of all things makes it seem you're a threat." She simply glared at him

"I understand your worries. I am no threat. I am Ashton Ketchum you may call me however you like. But to get on with the main problem. I am poisoned and I need your help for the antidote" he gravely told her

"I understand completely, now if you'll come with me" She then started to walk near the cauldron and once they got there She said in a calm manner "Drop your blood here and then we'll see, What kind of poison and how strong it must be." Ash nodded at the instruction as he decided to prick himself with a needle and dropped a single blood to the cauldron as it changed color wildly which made the Zebra widen her eyes in surprise "How can this be?! Manticore poison of this degree! Unbelievable how you're here fine and free and not dead as a tree!" I can't find a good rhyme okay?! Using Zecora is fun but hard she eyed him with the look that says 'Tell me'

And so he told him of his story of how it all happened and Zecora nodded in full understanding and said "So that is your reason for such an act, Defending others from such a fatal attack"

"Do not worry o Brave little pony, I'll finish this antidote as fast as it can be" She gave her word to him and he trusted her completely as he said "Thanks." He then held up his paw in front of her which made her question what that was for "It's a sign of friendship." He smiled to her which made her feel more needed and made her smile back but She still had to ask

"A friend? Me of all things? Could you imagine all the Chaos this brings?" She questioned the colt

"Why? Having friends isn't a bad thing you know" She understood his reasoning so she gave him her own reason "I am called a witch back in town, Surely even I had to frown" She showed a little bit of sadness in her voice

"Oh… I'm sorry for how they treat you but… Well that's how they see you, but I see you differently so… Friends?" He gave her his 'Smile' and it made her blush a little and she then laughed and said "Here is what I see, There is no need for an apology" She smiled back

"If you'd want me as a friend, Then I guess my lonely days will end." She was happy as she showed him a smile and Ash then said "You can count on me… well I need to go, I have stuff to do after all…" He then decided not to use his 'boom technique' as he called it so as not to cause any trouble and went on his way back to Lucario

"Prince! Where were you?" He was worried for his condition but then noticed his smile "I found an antidote" Lucario's Eyes went wide as he said "That's great! So Where is it? Have you taken it already? Are there any side effects?!" He was frantic to say the least

"Woah woah woah… Ease up friend. The antidote is still being brewed by a new friend. She said it'll be done soon" The ears of the canine didn't misheard him though

"She? You mean another one to the pile huh?" He soon then sighed and gave out a chuckle

"What do you mean pile?" The canine just shrugged and went away leaving a wondering Ash but he soon decided to go to town

As Ash was going to the town he decided to pay Applejack a little visit. Needless to say they got on each other's better terms even to the point Ash had a nickname for her.

"Well Howdy there Ash. What can Ah do for ya?" Applejack was more nicer to the colt than she ever was. And her siblings noticed that whenever Ash is around she seemed more pumped up in doing her work more than ever

"Hey AJ. I'm just dropping by. But… doesn't those apples look –" He was cut in by Applejack

"Delicious right? Want one? Here I'll get some foooo What the Hay?!" She saw the apples alright. All different in colors and patterns

"I'd rather put them in display now though" He joked around until he heard giggling noises from behind the barrels and when they looked at it the giggling turned into a full blown laughter and they ran noticing they were being chased by a furious Applejack throwing the 'Ornate' Apples but they soon noticed the paint was washable by water and they decided to laugh…

"Well that was interesting. I'll see you later AJ" He waved and so did she. She then sighed and said "Well… time to get to work though Ah wish he stayed for a while longer" she was muttering to herself not noticing her brother Big McIntosh as he then said

"You like him Don't ya?" As blunt as he could be. This startled the poor pony and she said in her defense "Wha.. Of course not… He's just… Ah'm just… well…" She couldn't really like to him seeing as her brother knows all about her as he was continuing the look he gave her which made her crack under pressure "Alright! Ah Like Ash Okay? Hmph" She then walked away with a blushed face and left Big McIntosh at his place as he just stood there smiling and said to himself "Mah little sister is starting to grow up" and then soon walked away

Ash was just walking around Ponyville admiring it's calmness and serenity not a storm cloud in the sky… or at least he tried to. While he was walking he suddenly got wet by a sudden rain shower that only affected him! He moved forward, backward, left, right. He even tried teleporting but the rain gave chase until he noticed a slight giggling and remembered it from somewhere.

"Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash. I should have known." He sighed which made the two culprits laugh their fill "Ha. Ha. Very funny. I'll have my revenge you'll see… this'll be the mark of a great prank war." He then started laughing as he walked off making the two stop their laughing and shuddered

"Uhh…" Pinkie tried to talk to Rainbow Dash about it but she just shook her head. She knew what Pinkie was going to ask and she didn't like it.

'If it's a prank they want. It's a prank they'll get. Haha… hahahahaha' He laughed mischievously in his mind as he continued walking away

"I think we just made an enemy out of the worst pony ever." Pinkie still said what she thought and Rainbow only nodded her head in agreement

*Scene Break*

Pinkie Pie was calling out for Rainbow Dash not noticing Ash from behind her when a griffin suddenly came out of Rainbow's Home

'A griffin. Half lion , Half Eagle. A very prideful creature back in my world. Would it be the same here?' His thoughts were interrupted when Rainbow Dash screamed "Pinkie look out!" As she tackled Ash to the ground "All right wise guy. What trickery are you up to?"

"Rainbow Dash. If you don't mind would you please get off? Our position is kind off… embarrassing" She noticed what he meant and quickly got off of the colt "Also I don't do small pranks… I'd rather surprise you two with one big Prank so you two better get ready for it" He smiled mischievously while not his normal smile this had the same effect on the heartstrings of the pony present until they heard an

"Ahem." Rainbow then remembered her friend "Right. Gilda this is My gal pal Pinkie and that there is a … I don't really know what to call him. Well his name is Ash"

"Hey I resent that presentation of me!" He showed his anger by standing up tall… Rainbow Dash however felt the need to argue with him "Oh yeah?! At least I didn't say anything rude now did I?!" They were butting heads at the moment until Rainbow Dash stopped it and said "Well ignoring him for now. This is my Griffin friend, Gilda" Pinkie wanted to ask what that meant but Ash answered the question before it was even asked

"Griffins. Half Eagle Half lion correct?" He asked but the Griffin only shook her head as she said "You missed something" Ash wondered what it was until the Griffin named Gilda took Rainbow Dash's head and gave her a noogie while saying "You forgot to say 'All Awesome'"

'Yup. Prideful.' He nodded at his understanding while the three thought he understood what Gilda meant

Moments later Rainbow Dash told their stories about how they met and they even did this 'Chant' of the school they went to. And then came the obvious part Pinkie Asked about wanting in on the pranks however there was an appointment prior to this so it had to be postponed leaving Pinkie Dejected

"Well I guess I'll uh… see you girls later?" She sighed and went on her way. Ash saw the sadness she was in but decided not to interfere yet as he said "Well.. I Should get going too… Rainbow Dash. You better get ready for the prank of your life" He then smiled mischievously once more before doing his stance and made the Griffin wonder and ask "What is he –" but was shushed by her friend and was told "I need to study this" it made Gilda curious as well since it was able to take the pony's attention and after two seconds of staring *BOOM* A sonic boom erupted as the colt was soon out of ear shot. Gilda was flabbergasted and open jawed until Rainbow said "Tch. Darn it, How does he do that?!"

"What was that Dash?!" Gilda asked in amazement in which Rainbow Dash Answered "It's a start up trick of his. Given some more time I'm pretty sure he'd be able to do that while flying. And I need to know the secret of that before all else. But for now let's catch up to one another… Race ya"

"You're on!" they then went flying trying to best the other

'Now that that's over. I hope that gave Gilda a message.' Ash thought as he flew back to the village

But Ash knew better. In his previous world he saw how prideful a griffin can be. So he bet his all into looking for wherever this Gilda maybe… he found her rather quickly. He observed quietly and saw all the mischief and mayhem she caused like. Scare Granny Apple. Steal an Apple and worst of all the one thing that made him annoyed at the griffin for a little was Bully Fluttershy. She was the nicest pony and friend Ash has ever met and he wasn't going to let such things stand like this and he had to waste an opportunity of the biggest prank he knew and told Pinkie to set up a party for Gilda saying it might improve her manners

At the party however none of the guests (except for Ash) expected all the pranks that would be pulled one after the other for the poor griffin and she had enough. She showed her true irritation at the pony and going as far as saying she'd better not know who set it all up until Ash Spoke up

"I'm terribly sorry for the pranks. Truthfully those were reserved for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash for our prank war but it kind of started getting out of hand and I had no way to stop it. Please Forgive me" He bowed and talked in a polite manner but truthfully speaking he knew of what was going to happen and planned everything from the very beginning. Gilda was going to attack the colt until she was stopped by Rainbow Dash and told her to go. Gilda released some insults at her before going away

"I'm sorry Everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was. And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry that she ruined that awesome party you had for her. Also... I guess I'm sorry as well Ash for what she did." Rainbow Dash apologized Ash only chuckled lightly and said

"Actually I set those up entirely and specifically for her. But you're wrong about something Rainbow Dash."

"Wrong about what? How rude she was? How I'd rather hang out with my true friends unlike a fake like her?" She answered with a lace of venom in her voice

"Dash. You're hurt by this incident aren't you? Gilda and you were close and were school friends since little. You're wrong about her not being a true friend" He shook his head which only served to anger her and made her yell at him "What do you know?!" her voice made the others flinch back but not Ash he never wavered

"Remember this Dash. A true friend isn't someone who'll stick by you every time, any time, all the time… A true friend is someone you fight with and argue with but in the end will still stay as friends. Remember her words? 'Call me when you're not lame anymore' if I remember it. In her voice she held hopes that you'd reconcile with her."

"Like Hay I can reconcile with her. She did all those mean things to the others! She almost attacked you! Don't tell me you don't care?!" She rebutted which made the others look at the colt in which he shook his head once more saying

"Of course I care. But I don't want you." He pointed at her using his hoof "to make a mistake as grave as this. I made this mistake once back in my day. Me and my best and only friend argued with each other about something. After that I never saw him anymore. At first I really didn't care, I had other friends but as time grew on the hole he left grew bigger and bigger as well… his mother called me a year later she told me he committed suicide. He wrote a letter of all means and nasties about me but you know I never really felt the anger he once held to me on that paper… and on the last note of that paper he told me…

'I never wanted things to end like this. I kept calling you an idiot in this letter since that's what fits you and I the most… we often argued who the bigger idiot was… I found the answer… If you're reading this letter that means the answer was me… I'm sorry. You are the Best friend a guy could ever have'" He was crying at this point remembering a painful memory of his past world… and so was the other ponies present

"I'm sorry everyone… I seem to have dampened the mood. I'll go and search for Gilda now." But before he left he followed up something he remembered "I remembered in a book I used to read. Griffins were Half Lion, Half Eagle, and All pride. They're vicious. Possessive and most of all… Very loyal… She didn't act like that because she wanted to Dash… She acted like that because it was in her instincts. she acted like that because she felt you two were drifting away..." Then he finally left

"Um. I'm sorry everypony if you please can we stop this party for now. The mood just vanished and all." Everypony went and left the site. Except for a brooding Rainbow Dash and her five friends.

"You should find her Dash." Pinkie Pie Ushered and the others nodded as well… "But…!" She tried to argue but was quickly swatted down by Pinkie "Ash was right. I guess in Gilda's eyes. We were the ones taking you away from her. She only wanted to be the best friend she could be for you. Now try to be the best friend you could be for her." Rainbow Dash didn't argue and only nodded as she flew off as fast as she could

*Scene Break*

"Dash!" Ash called out. "Dash!" he was getting frustrated so he just went up to her home and said lightly "Excuse me. I'm sorry for my rudeness" As he walked inside her home but he can't find her anywhere and the last place to look was inside her room itself he knocked on the door and he heard a mumble

"Dash?" he heard it again only this time louder. "Hey Dash. It's me." This time there were no mumbles. Only a big Yell of "GO AWAY!" Eliciting from Rainbow Dash herself

"I'm not going anywhere" He stood tall and irritated the pony in front of him as she stood up and opened the door and started to yell "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME? I SAID GO. AWAY!" She now stood eye to eye against Ash. But somehow the colt looked so big at the moment. Ash saw the sadness in her eyes and couldn't take it anymore as he decided to take things to action in his own way and grabbed the pony's head in surprise and held it to his chest which made her yell a loud "eek!" from the sudden yanking. Noticing their position Rainbow Dash couldn't help but Blush and try to push the colt away but to no avail the colt didn't budge and she lost interest in trying to push him away

"I haven't found her."

"Shhh… It's okay Dash."

"She might still hate me." She was starting to get watery eyes

"It's okay. I'm here. You can cry Dash. I won't tell a soul. Even the best of the best has feelings after all." at this she started to cry as loud as she could "You're right Ash. I do miss her. I don't care even if she hates me. I just want her as a friend again" She cried out

A few moments later "You feeling better now Dash?" He asked still holding the now calm Rainbow Dash that was still on the verge of tears

"yeah. I'm fine now. Thanks Ash."

"Don't worry. It's just been a month since then. You go get her party ready. I'll find her I promise" He swore to her "but for now. You need to rest" He then laid her down on her bed and tucked her in and flew off into a certain mountainous area

while flying to the mountainous area he thought 'Standing on two hooves is hard. It's like doing a hand stand. I should practice sometime.'

*Scene Break*

As soon as he got there though. He saw her lying down on the ground crying to herself

'Great. Two girls crying in one night. This is really heart wrenching' he decided to sneak up on her rather than show her he was there he wondered 'Where are the other Griffins from before?'

*A week before in the past*

Ash has traveled to this area by pure wandering around and found Gilda by pure luck but as soon as he got there he was swarmed by other Griffins some male some female all of them he really didn't care about except one. Before he could speak up however Gilda beat him to the punch

"Well if it isn't the trickster who made me look like a fool. What'd you want in my territory? It better be good since Gill and Gruff destroyed their last punching bag and would like to have a new one." She threatened him but he wasn't scared though as he continued to eye the Griffin

"I want you to reconcile with Dash." He spoke up and this phrase made her laugh "So she saw the err of her ways? Decided to act cool once more? I guess she really is a flip-flop" she insulted Rainbow Dash but Ash noticed the pain in her eyes as she did. He knew she cared for Dash and he was going to make them friends again he vowed to himself

"Well if she really wants me back then tell her to come here. I'll think of it once she does" He was no idiot. Even if Gilda means no harm to Dash. Dash going here was pure suicide, Those nasty birds of prey were ready to hunt for dinner and one walking straight to them was a welcomed one

"No." He stated coldly "You will go to the village and you both will reconcile with one another. I've delivered my piece. I'm out" but before he could go he was stopped by three griffins two were the griffins named Gill and Gruff the one in the middle however was named Grey since he had unlike the other griffins present had gray colored feathers and fur. Also he had gray colored eyes.

"You ain't going anywhere little pony." They stopped him but he was not in the mood and told them "MOVE" he didn't want to waste his time on these birds since he used his aura to sense any good from any of them and the only good he saw was Gilda herself none of the others here had goodness in their hearts.

"Make us." They threatened once more. "You asked for it." He set up for another one of his famous Sonic Boom and Gilda remembered that stance. At the power from the starting point it could easily be used to tackle something into submission including Griffins like her. "Move out of his way!" the others except Ash were astonished at the order Gilda gave but complied to anyways

"Thanks" He bowed and then left normally.

"Why'd you stop us huh Gilds? We could have had some fun with him. Don't tell me you're a pony sympathizer now?"

"Hay no! But you guys were in danger. That colt isn't what he appears to be." The others didn't believe her and decided to talk to one another "She's such a party pooper. I think she outlived her usefulness so how about we go and. let her go?" The others nodded at Grey's question and that's what brings us back into the present

*Present time*

"Hick… I miss you Dash. You're the only real friend I have. These bastards only used me as a stepping stone for fame like how I wanted to use you. I'm really sorry Dash. I want to be friends again…" She then continued to cry and Ash made himself seen as he spoke up and said "Then why don't you go tell her that then?" he wore a dead panned face thinking a smile on his face might only further annoy the Griffin

"So now you go spying on me? That's rich. Laugh all you want, Say I deserve it. In a way I did deserved this after all." She hung her head low

"Why would I laugh at someone who's down?" He asked back and this made Gilda wonder as she said "Huh?!"

"What's the use in making fun of those who feel down? I hate those kind of scum the most. Rainbow Dash Misses you as much as you miss her. Go have a heart to heart talk with her. Try to reconcile. Start as friends and then make your way up to being best friends once more. I'm sure you'd both need and love that" She continued to hung her head low as she continued to sniffle her tears

"No more crying Gilda. Make new friends. If you want I'll be your very first new friend" He smiled at her. You know. 'That' smile that works on almost everything no matter what they are and this very smile warmed Gilda's crying heart and made her cheeks flush and being unable to remove this uneasy feeling she stared back down again

"You shouldn't cry anymore. A Girl's face is her biggest asset. And tears on a girl's face mostly ruin their beauty. Smile!" He lifted her face only to see a little Gash of red flowing and it made Ash turn his mood around and said "What happened?" His voice was dark asking for an answer

"It's none of your business!" She removed her face from his hooves still feeling a little flushed in the face

"Now that I think about it those other Griffins last week aren't here. Who did it to you?"

"What the hay do you want? I said it's none of your business!" She screamed in frustration

"I decided to be your friend. It's my business now." He was serious and this only made her flush once more as she said in a not so convincing manner "I never Accepted to be your friend!" but before she could speak somewhere around ten to fifteen Griffin made their way there and Grey spoke up

"What's this? Now you're teaming up with a lame-o pony? My how the high hath fallen" he mocked her and it made her wince as she turned her head on the ground with shame and anger

"Do you know how the Gash on her face happened?" He asked the gray griffin to which the griffin only answered with a laugh and said "Did you know that griffins such as us loves attention? We love it so much that we'll do anything to get it. Well speaking of anything we used that loser there to up our popularity you should have seen the look on her face."

"While I'm seeing the reason why to buck your face in… I still don't hear why there's a gash in her face." He said Darkly trying to be as intimidating as he can. The other griffins saw this and backed away a little. Grey however did not and continued talking in his high horse while Gilda saw the colt's courage even though very outnumbered

"All right. Might as well tell you. You see we told her that we were just using her to gain fame in our clique and discarded her then and there… you know what she did next?" He asked talking really annoyed "She lashed out at me and ruffled some of my feathers. She even Cut off some of my Beautiful Fur!" Ash's face was contorted of anger at this point

"That's it? You hurt a girl's face for the silly reason as your fur and feathers?" He shouted now finally intimidating the griffin. The griffin would have backed down but his most prized possession was insulted right at his face and he couldn't stand up for that and so he went berserk

"Silly? You call my fur and Feather Silly?! How dare you. As to be expected of an uncouth, uncivilized pony like you" He was furious

"My mother often told me that a girl's face is one of her greatest treasure. You ruined her treasure for something that can grow back?!" and so was he

"That's it I have no reason to hold back. I'll kill you and her and this whole thing will never have happened." But before any attack were to start Ash spoke up to Gilda "Gilda. You follow those you find cool because of the fame you'll receive. I don't really care about that instinct of yours. You've found a true friend in Dash and I want you to keep that."

"And if you need a reason to go back to her then use me." He told her. But before she could even ask Gray already spat out "Use YOU? What use could she possibly need for a pony like you?"

"If I was a normal pony then nothing. But unluckily for you. I feel nothing but hatred for you. Grey the griffin and you who follows him. I will let you taste fear. My name is Ashton Auran Ketchum the third. Prince of the Aura. Wielder of Courage. One of the few Alicorn's that exists and your biggest Nightmare." As soon as he finished he unsheathed his wings and gathered magic on his horn and to add intimidatng effect he used an aura barrier to surround him. a few minutes later and loud screams were heard. No one was dead nor Severely injured but Ash made sure they were traumatized even Gilda herself was a little scared of the colt now and when he stood in front of her she shivered out of fear but he reassured her when he hugged her and said

"Everything will be fine now. You need to rest up. Dash will be waiting for you." As soon as she heard these words she had a tear in her eye and fell asleep. He then carried her all the way to his camp and said. "I'll protect you. I promise."

*Scene Break*

Morning soon came and the chirping of the birds acted as an alarm to bring Gilda back to her senses and when she truly awoke she noticed she was not where she was last time she was awake and then he saw Ash sleeping besides with his wing expanded to cover her from the cold of the night. Of course this made her Shriek and slap the colt in the face with her tail which made him arouse from his slumber. It took him a few moments to realize what happened and the reason he got slapped and he said

"I'm really sorry about that. Please if you will excuse me. I'll just go ahead and… um… yeah…" That was awkward to both to say the least but things underwent how it should and Gilda told him "Hey! It's not like I'm indebted to you or anything but… well… I uh… um… Thanks…" She then looked away with her face flushed as they went for the hall and Ash only chuckled at her 'appreciation'

"Are you kidding me?" She asked him with a dead panned face to which Ash just shrugged and said "I never planned this. Pinkie did." She groaned

"Her? I thought she hated me?" Ash only shook his head and said "Nah. She'd never hate anyone. She's a really friendly girl if you're able to stand up to her energy."

"Do I have to?" But before Ash could say anything they heard a "Would you relax already Rainbow?! Ash said he'd get her here. Now Calm down!" Twilight's annoyed voice was heard

"See? She's worried about you. Now go!" once inside they walked inside and went straight in for Dash… even though they were both frantic about this meeting their previous worry vanished now that they're face to face they could only silently glare at one another until Gilda broke of the silence and said "Are you still Uncool Flip-flops?"

"That depends on what you mean bird-brain." They were letting go of insults at one another everyone present there wanted Ash to stop them since this was pretty much his idea but he just smiled to himself looking at the scene since he knew where this was going… after two minutes of insults going back and forth Dash decided to stop the insult comebacks by saying "I really missed you G." She hugged her and Gilda hugged back and said "I missed you too Dash" she hugged back as they both cried in each other's arms or talons or whatever…

After a lengthy three minute of crying in the arms of best friends Ash spoke up and said "As you can see folks not everyone is evil or mean… some are just insensitive or overly protective in their place in life. So try to understand one another as best as you can." As he said this Pinkie Pie offered peace offerings. Vanilla Lemon Drops and that's when Gilda decided to speak up "Oh no, I'm not falling for this old trick again. Why –" But he was cut off when Ash said

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Gilda. Play nice." He asked through the microphone and made it coherent that she had to do what he said so she just grumbled and took one and then followed by a… "Yummy" from Gilda

"See? Forget the past. Live your present and look forward to the future. Now with these flames on the cake's candles, We shall learn to live and let go." But before he blew on the candle

Rainbow dash was with Gilda when she poked her side and said "watch this" as she pointed towards Ash

As soon as Ash tried to blow away the candle's flames away. *Whoosh* the cake instead went to his face with a splat and everypony and Gilda was laughing at the spectacle… Ash however was a little furious as he stared at Rainbow Dash

" Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Ash. Play nice." Gilda copied Ash's previous antic as she snickered while doing so. To which only made him grumble

"Remember Ash. 'Forget the past. Live your present and look forward to the future'?" She snickered alongside her best friend. This made Ash laugh however. And his laugh was laced with a hint of mischievousness as he said. "You're right. You got me there. I just hope you two will be able to 'LOOK FORWARD TO THE FUTURE'" He continued to laugh and made the two shudder as the colt went outside

They then both looked at each other and said "We just made a terrible mistake." And laughed together…

A few moments later Ash came back as if nothing happened and they continued on the party. The best friends never leaving each other's side

"Hey G. What made you think that ponies aren't dweebs anymore?" She asked the griffin

"Well I guess a certain colt made me realize that having your friend is better than having popularity." They both then looked at the colt with flushed faces before they suddenly remembered what they did to him previously. Ash then saw both of them looking and decided to rile them up by Grinning like the Cheshire Cat does and made them both feel uncomfortable

"If anypony is to be blamed. I blame you for this." Rainbow Dash told Gilda

"Like hay it is. It was your prank." They both then laughed at each other's antics and Thanked the colt deeply in their heart before saying to one another

"We need to watch out for the future" Before laughing once more..

And here's chapter 4… Seriously… I was damn motivated to make this chapter and I don't know why… XD

I decided to post this as an advance since I will not be posting anything for the whole week...

I really enjoyed writing this so Thanks to a friends of mine for this wonderful Idea of making Gilda part of the friendship ;)…. I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoyed reading it as well.. Read and review people.. thanks… also don't expect chapter 5 to come out as fast as this… I have school projects that needs finishing so yeah XD