• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 1,336 Views, 44 Comments

The Magic Coin. - imgonenow

A story about lonely 18 year old,some how made a magic coin, that teleported him to Equestria.

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Chapter 6: Got a Job.

(SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT, I have finished this chapter a week ago, but my editor has been a bit busy lately, and he still didn´t get the chance to edit it, so sorry for typos. I would like to thank My friend and editor: Kuroganekaze02, RainbowCupcakeBath for making the epic cover and last but not least....*Drum roll*....YOU, yes you the reader who I have no idea about, THANK YOU, for taking the time to read this. Don`t forget if you enjoy it, thumb, fav and share. And once more, sorry if there is any typos.)
Once again, I had another soft, quiet sleep. I was awoken happily by the warm sun shining on me and a fresh warm smell of a pan-fried pastry. “Pancakes” I whispered to myself as I hop of my bed and trot behind the sent with my eye half shut and my mind half awake. The sent let me to a simple kitchen. I slowly walk in, without seeing hardly surroundings except for a round table with a vase of flowers, plates, a stick of butter, a bottle of maple syrup and seated by a pony and a little dragoon. But I didn´t them, my eyes were caught on the large stacks of pancakes. I seated myself onto one of the empty chairs with a sleepy smile. I widely open my mouth giving a loud yawn, loud enough to wake my senses.
“Good morning High Note, I see you’re finally awake.” Twilight said giving a chuckle at me as I yawn. I responded with rosy cheeks and a bad smile. “Oh, ah, good morning Twilight” I said scratching my mane. “I was caught by the smell of pancakes.” I looked to the baby dragon and the mare, but quickly back to the stack of pancakes. “Well, what are you waiting for? It´s best to eat them fresh you know.” Said Spike knowing I was waiting for the invitation to dig in. Twilight horn gave a quick purple glow and with her magic she placed a well number of pancakes onto my plate. I responded with a thank you and quickly had a taste of the breakfast treat. They were warm, sweat, soft, ad perfectly cooked. I love pancakes, but the batch I had to be the best I ate all my life. “These are amazing” I said with my cheeks full. “Oh its nothing really” Spike said flattered by the comment.
“So High Note, why don’t you tell us a bit of yourself?” Twilight asked trying to start a morning conversation. I took a few moments to respond to finish swallowing the food in my mouth. “Well, I don’t have much of a story really,” I said rubbing my chin with my hoof. I had to tell the same story I told Apple Jack. “I was raised in a orphanage in Manehatten, life was ruff a bit, but I got through it with some bruises. I left Manehatten and ran away to Canterlot, to embrace my almost forgotten talent.” I turned to look at my cutie mark then back to them. “Music. But instead I met Princess Celelstia. She invited me to stay at her castle for the night and latter talked in the morning.
“You´re lucky, not my ponies get an opportunity to stay at the Princess´s castle, especially for the first time meeting.” Twilight informed me.
“Yah…” I said with a bad smile. “She recommended me to come to Ponyvile and deliver you the letter personally. But when I got here, I gotten a bit side tracked with helping some of your friends.”
“Pinkie told e about your busy day yesterday. Which reminds me, she told me she’s going to through a party for you at Sugar Cube Conner, six sharp. “Twilight said smiling to me. I gulped. A party thrown by Pinkie, I was not sure to be excited or frighten; I don’t take part at any social gatherings before as a human.
“Pinkie always throws the greatest parties, you´re goanna love it High Note.” Spike said excitedly.
The three of us had finish our breakfast, and were in there center of the library. Twilight was getting ready for her daily stuffiest as for Spike does his chores. I was thinking of my plans for the day and thought that I should look for a job and know a bit better of the streets of Ponyvile. I told Spike and Twi about my plan and they agreed. Spike even informed me about a fancy restaurant looking for new musicians. I head out to the streets, to find my path in my new life.
The day was beautiful and bright; with a clear blue sky allowing the sun´s light hit the streets of Ponyvile. The cobblestone roads were filled with ponies and carts selling fresh fruits, vegetables, spices and other malicious items. Ponies were all over the place, with happy smiles, chatting with friends and buy their needs. Little fillies and colts would run in rush to school with laughter and joy. The town seemed heaven like.
As I reached to the other side of the village, it showed less citizens, but instead well-dressed ponies. The streets were more clean and clear decorated with potted flowers and bushes. There was no street vendors but instead tall three story tall buildings, each with large windows showing all sorts of luxury goods.
There was a sign saying: “Elegance.” This was the place Spike told me about. I noticed the door open and invited myself in. Tables and chairs were moved to the side leaving a large space in the center. 2 unicorns, well dressed, were cleaning the floor with a mop with the help of their magic. Earth ponies were walking back and forth from what seemed like the kitchen, bringing crates of fresh fruits and vegetables. On the left side of the dining room was a long marble counter behind was bottle of fine wine and whisky. And over to the right was a large black grand piano just waiting to be played.
“Sorry sir, but we are closed at this hour.” Said an elegant voice behind me. I turned to see a silver male unicorn with a white mane and suit. His cutie mark was a glass of wine. “Dearly sorry sir, but unless you have to make an reservation or seeking for work, I´m afraid you must leave.” He asked kindly in a soft tone.
“Actually, I´m here for a job. Are you looking for a pianist?” I asked walking up to the gentle colt forcing a smile.
“In fact, I am. Please Mr. …?”
“Note, High Note.”
“Yes, well Mr. Note we are in need of a pianist, but as you can see, we are top notch restaurant. If you do wish for the job, you must prove yourself.” He said motioning his hoof to the piano.
“All right, if that what it takes.” I said with a grin heading to the piano. I sat myself onto the soft cushion in front of the grand instrument and got to the position to play. As I brought my hooves slowly over the keys, I took a look at the gentlecolt´s face. I slowly started playing a semi-difficult melody: The piano version of Carry Me Down by Demo Hunter was the first thing that came to mind to play. It was going well for the second time of playing the piano in so many years, but the gentlecolt wasn´t so amused. I knew he would be looking for the “jaw dropper”, so I gave it to him. I slowly open my wings and bring them to my side over the piano keys. I started adding more complex notes, adding, more rhythm and life to the song, thanks to the tips of my wings. I looked to the Gentlcolt one last time. He was amazed.
As I finished the melody, I turned to the stallion to see his front hooves elegantly clapping. “Well this is a rare use of wings.” He said smiling at me. “I´m Fine Wine, your new manager.” He said introducing himself. It took a moment to finally realize what Fine Wine said. “y new manager!?! That means I got the job?” He nodded in response. “You start tomorrow, then come back in Thursday and Saturday, between sever and ten of the afternoon, with a pay of 800 bits. Deal? He said bringing a hoof up.
I stupidly agreed and shook his hoof without knowing properly if 800 bits a week was any good. “So, I start tomorrow eh? All right I think I can live with that” I said with an excited smile. “Oh yes and one more thing: Wear a suit, this is a five star restaurant, you must dress for it.” He added informing me. I gave a nod, said goodbye and headed for the door. Just I reached outside; I took flight, flying for the first time that day.
I flew over to the Carousel Boutique; Rarity probably might fix me up with a simple suit, since she such a fashionista. She was quite happy to see me, but much happier when I asked for her a suit. It took a while, but she found a suit perfect to work with. We both chatted as Rarity marks the line to cut and trim to have the suit fit perfectly. It went quite well. She even offered me a discount, but I was broke at the time and she said that she would put it on my “tab”«.”
It was around three of the afternoon by the time I left the Boutique. I flew over town, drawing a mental map in my mind. As I did, I saw Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie and waved them a hoof as I head back to Twilight’s library. “There´s a party waiting for me, and I best get ready for it,” I thought to myself.
It was around four when I arrived at the hollow tree. I slowly opened the door to pop my head out with a smile. But just as I did my smile was replaced with a gasp. The library was a mess. Books was scattered ever where. The little baby dragon; Spike was doing his best to clean the place, struggling with stacks of books he was holding as Twilight Sparkle was laid down near a pile of books, reading as if a wasn’t a mess at all. “I don’t remember hearing about a storm hitting here this morning.” I joked trying to catch the mare and drakes attention. “What happened here?” I asked.
Twilight quickly got up and lit her horn with magic to mentally carry the book she was reading. “Oh nothing much, just a failed attempt with a spell, that’s all.” She said while a smile to me. “Why don’t you try the spell one more time Twi? Even if it goes wrong again it´s still going to take me all night to clean this mess,” Spike said dropping the stacks of old books.
“Alright, just one last time,” She said getting herself to a casting positioning. “You better take a few steps back High Note. “ Twilight warned me. Just as I started to trot near spike, Twilight horn lit up with the purple aura of magic. The purple light quickly covered the room and nearly blinded my eyes as she attempted to cast the spell. As she did, the pile of books were slowly covered by aura of her horn and start to slowly orbit around twilight. Once there was a sphere of books around Twilight, they all started shooting to the shelves and putting their selves back in. Quickly the messy magical room was clearing only leaving the magical mare in the center.
I clapped my hooves together amazed by Twilights power. “Incredible,” I cheered causing Twi to blush. “Oh it was nothing really, just a simple organization spell I picked up today.” She said smiling to me. I was just about to disagree, but our eyes met and we went into a gaze, Her big beautiful violet eyes was a sight, magical sparkling as they slowly took every thought in my mind, leaving me only to think: Was I in love? Could she?
My thoughts were quickly flown away by the sight of spike jumping between my view of Twilight. “We better get ready for Pinkie´s party.” He said disturbing my final thoughts. “Yah, uh, you know, I might need to take a shower. Ah, you don’t mind if I can use yours Twi?” I asked nervously scratching my mane with my left hoof. “Sure, uh, Spike could you show him the bathroom?” Twilight asked just as awkward as I am. Spike nodded, and motioned me to fallow him up the stairs to the second story.
As me and spike walked down the hall, I couldn´t help but whisper one thing: “Thanks for ruining the moment.” Spike raised an eyebrow. “Sorry what?” He said with a chuckle clearly knowing what I said. I simple looked at him and shook my head.
I turned the tap of the shower, closed the water curtness and waited outside the tub for the water to war,. As I waited, I couldn´t help but look at my own reflection in the mirror over the sink. I took a deep breath and thought: “I never head feeling for a mare, nor ever for a human girl. I´m I really in love or just perverted?” I thought about Twilight, I tough about being with her emotionally and what it would it be life, and if I would be happy. Of course the my brain started giving me more “mature” thoughts. I slowly open my eyes looking at the mirror and seeing my reflection. Behind me was y wings, wide and open. The wing boner. I sighed and rose my right hoof and quickly smashed it into my face with enough pain to distract my mind and body.
After the hot shower, I headed downstairs to the front door. Spike and Twilight were ready to go. I gave a nod and we left the Library and head to Sugar Cube Corner. Spike walked between me and Twilight, but it didn´t stop me nor her from peeping on each other. Even though we didn´t speak our faces blushed.
We arrived at Sugar Cube Corner just in time. Pinkie Pie was literally jumping with joy to see me, Twilight and Spike. “Ooh, I´m so excited that you’re here High Note, I can´t wait for you to meet everypony in the party,” Pinkie said with rapid fire. “But you have to try some of my new rainbow cupcakes (A.N: Yes, rainbow cupcakes, enjoy your gory memories *trollface.*) or maybe Mr. Cake´s peach cake. Oh, no, no, no you must try my super sweet sugar shot, it’s a bit heavy bu- ” I lost her there. “Super sweet sugar shot eh? An alcoholic drink? Oh there more behind this show then I thought.” I thought to myself.
“Start me up with the super sweet sugar shot then.” I said interrupting Pinkie. Twilight couldn´t help but giggle at me. I turned to ask her what was wrong. “Oh you´ll see.” Was all she responded, almost excited. Pinkie took of with a pink blur, but quickly came back with a tray holding a single shot glass filled with a pure white drink. I looked around to see how everypony was holding there drinks: They wrapped there hoof around it. So I did the same, and grab the strange white drink. I took a sniff of the alcohol which quickly warmed my nostrils with alcohol. Pinkie was motioning to me to take the shot all in one sip. Twilight and Spike just stranded there giggling, waiting for me to take to the shot.
I opened my mouth and thrown the drink in , leaving an empty shot glass. My taste buds were shocked with and sourness causing my cheeks to collapse into my mouth leaving me with squished lips together as if I had a hole bag of sour and a throat burning with alcohol as if it was hot lava.
The three of the burst with laughter from the look my face on my face and my watery eyes. I started to felt a bit tipsy from a shot, but then again I never drank such stuff.
After that moment of laughter, we met up with the rest of the mane 6 and chatted, laughed and told traded stories (some of mine were fake). Fluttershy, like normally, was kind of hard to get to. Nut after a few sweets and a drink or two I gained her friend-ship along with the rest. Music started playing and ponies started dancing. I didn´t have much skill on the dance floor but I was too much fun to care. I gave some twirls and ponyfied dub steps along with a moon walk. We all had a laugh.
It was one in the morning. Everypony was leaving due to the fact that we had our daily lives in later that morning. Pinkie with her flat hair, was said that everypony had to leave, but I was able to cheer her up with the fact that I told her that’s this was the first real party I ever went and that I would never forget it. Her hair pooffed into its happy cotton candy as I brought her the smile and joy.
Me and Twilight walked back to the library, with Spike snoring asleep on my back. I had the chance to talk to her, but it was a bad idea I thought to myself. I was drunk with drinks and cupcakes. Twi herself didn´t look so well.
We arrived at the library and walked in. I dumped Spike onto the couch, hardly waking the heavy sleeper. Me and Twilight said our good nights (or good mornings?) and headed our separate ways to bed.
“What a day.” Was the last words that slipped through my mouth as I pulled the cover over to my head.
(Guess what....chapter 7.....crazy, confusing apples are going to happen...something to do with an asylum, I don´t know [I do in fact] so stay tuned.)