• Published 29th Mar 2012
  • 1,336 Views, 44 Comments

The Magic Coin. - imgonenow

A story about lonely 18 year old,some how made a magic coin, that teleported him to Equestria.

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Chapter 4: A taste of Air.

I and Celestia both had a smile on our faces. We walked towards to a steep cliff looking over Equestria. It was quite a sight. Up in the air, I saw dozens of hundreds of clouds hovering over Equestria in the sky, but none were like the great city formed by clouds, it must have been Cloudsdale, I thought to myself. Under the clouds, I could see the green fields and trees, and noticed the rivers and train tracks that cut through them. One of the train tracks leaded to a small town. It was Ponyvile. The great grey mountains surrounded Equestria, protecting it from the outer world. And above all was the Sun, it was right over our heads, must have been midday.
I took a deep breath, staring at the view. Countless thoughts went through my mind, but only one caught my attention. “How did I get here?” I asked with my eyes still enjoying the vast landscape. Celestia turned her head to me, and then back to the view. “Remember that sketch you drew, remember how it went in flames, leaving only ash and a coin you call “dollar?” I turned my head to her. She must have been reading my mind again. “That brought me here?” I asked with a clueless look. “Yes, when you drew that symbol, along with the magic from your tears, the combination made the very same coin I have.” Her horn gave of a white glow; with her magic she brought a coin between us. The gold coin was looked old and used, but it had the very same markings of the one that I made. “These coins have the power to teleport from one to the other. Not many are out there today, but the way they are made kept is very well hidden.” Celestia explained to me. I was still very confused, I still don’t understand, there had to be more. “Bu-but I never had any magical powers, and what about the sketch, how could I know that? There is still so-” She putted her hoof over my mouth, shutting me up. “All shall be told in time High Note, besides, I know deep inside, you want to open your wings and fly to Ponyvile.”
She was right.
I looked at her, forcing a smile- “Yah…Fly.” I never flew in my whole life, I didn’t know how, I was afraid to fall from the sky all the way to the ground with a *splat.*" I said. “You can do it High Note, I know you can. You did it many times before in your dreams.” Celestia said encouraging me. I took a step closer to the edge of the cliff. I opened my wings and look down the edge. I started shaking nervously and gulped. I was frozen except for the shaking. I was just about to take a step back, but all of the sudden: I was pushed over the edge.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit.” I yelled quickly in fear. “I can’t believe that Celestia pushed me of the edge, I´m going to die.” I thought to myself. I closed my eyes, hoping this was all a dream, a dream about to end. The breeze from the fall stopped. I slowly opened my eyes. I was hovering, My wings where flapping, I was flying. I launched myself into the light blue sky. “I knew you could do it High Note, all you needed was a little push!” Celestia said, cheering me on. I looked at her quickly, giving her a quick glare, and then back to the sky. I smiled and dropped tears of joy from my eyes, but they quickly fell off with the wind hitting my face. I never had a more exciting or near death experience in my whole life.
As I headed back to the ground, I noticed a the same butler that was at my door this morning, was beside Celestia, with his horn lit and a blue saddlebag hovering beside him. I slowly landed befor them. “I guess you will be on your way then.” Celestia said with a grim. “Here, have this saddlebag, you could use it.” The butler's horn lit up, and with his magic he strapped the bag onto my back. “Thank you Princess.” I simply responded. “There is also a letter in there for Twilight, could you give it to her personally?” I gave a nod and turned to the edge of the cliff. I was just about to fly, but before I took off, I ask Celestia: “Could you keep it a secret, you know, about me being a *Cough Cough*” Celestia nodded. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” I Gave a final smile, flapped my wings, and flew into the bright blue sky, heading to Ponyvile.
As a human I always wondered what it was like to soar through and over the clouds. As a young boy, I always wanted to lay on one, and form them into all sorts of shapes. But that all died, thanks to scholar education. But now, the dream had been reborn, and became reality. Soaring through the air, with the wind on my face, the sight of the land under my hooves, and the fact I'm able to grasp my dreams felt so real. And it was.
I wasn't the fastest of flyers, but It was okay. I'm half way to Ponyvile and there's still plenty of day light. The trip there went alright, till I stated to feel a little light headed. It slowly turned into a painful headache. I started to have flash back of Earth, bad ones, from times I would get beaten up, to the news stories of wars and murderers. I couldn’t bare the pain in my head. I crashed landed into a cloud. I slowly rubbed my head with my hooves, I took deep breaths and layed on the cloud. The pain quickly went away, and the memories replaced with the thoughts of the soft cloud. “It must have been the thin air.” I whispered to myself. I was pretty high up for my first time of flying. It was the best the best logical reason I guessed. I jumped off the cloud and slowly headed down to closer to the ground, just over the tips of the tree. I was on the my way once again to ponyvile.