• Published 27th Mar 2014
  • 540 Views, 8 Comments

The Lunar Ponies - bonedragon17

Nightmare Moon created her own kingdom of ponies during her banishment on the moon. When the time came, she left them for revenge. Years later, her children discover a way to follow her but what will they find when they do?

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Chapter 2 - The Mane Six

“That meteor shower was amazing! Did you see how many streaks of light there were sis? I swear one of them looked like it fell into our orchard,” shouted Applebloom as she jumped around her bigger sister.

“Applebloom, I know you are still excited over last night but right now we got chores to do. Can you at least help with the bucking,” said Applejack as she kicked a tree, knocking the apples to fall from the tree.

Applebloom lowered her head a little and her ears folded back. She looked towards Applejack from the corner of her eyes before saying, “Aw, alright Applejack.” She immediately kicked a nearby tree as hard as she could, knocking a few of the apples from the branches. She watched with a smile as the apples fell from the tree before reeling her feet back to kick the tree again to get the rest of the apples before hearing a moan.

“Ow, what hit me?”

Applebloom’s eyebrows raised in curiosity as she peeked around the tree, wondering who just spoke. She saw a white pony rubbing the top of his head, a few apples laying around him. “Who in the hay are you,” asked Applebloom.

“Who are you talkin’ too,” asked Applejack as she walked up to her sister. Applebloom pointed towards the pony with a hoof before saying, “That white pony right there. So mister, what were you doing in our orchard?”

“I don’t even know. All I remember is darkness, falling and then nothing,” said the white pony as he looked towards the two. Applejack and Applebloom looked at each other with arched eyebrows. “You at least remember your name,” asked Applejack as she looked at him with skepticism.

“Lunar… Lunar Light… Who are you and where am I exactly,” asked Lunar looking at Applejack.

“I’m Applebloom and this is my big sis’ Applejack and you are here at Sweet Apple Acres, where the most delicious, juiciest, bestest apples in all of Equestria are grown,” said Applebloom with an overexcited inflection in her voice. Lunar burrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Applebloom, “Sweet… Apple Acres? Sorry, I don’t know a place like that and what is Equestria?”

“Hold on a sec there,” said Applejack as she stepped forwards. “Are you telling us that you don’t remember anything at all?” The look in Applejack’s eyes pierced through Lunar, making him start to feel a little uncomfortable.

“Er, it’s not like I don’t remember, it’s more than you probably won’t believe me… In fact, I’m sure you won’t believe me at all,” said Lunar as he thought back to the castle upon the moon. The horrible memories of the teleportation spell failing… Wait, it didn't fail, he was no longer on the moon. Lunar suddenly jumped to his feet, his eyes and ears alert as he looked around trying to see if he could find any of his brothers or sisters. That soon ended when a dizzy spell came over him due to getting up so quickly.

“Take it easy there, you don’t really look so good. And trust me, my friends and I have seen some strange things in the past years, I’m sure whatever you say won’t strike me odd,” said Applejack putting a hoof to her chest in a confident motion, a smile crossing her face in a matter-of-fact fashion.

“Before I do, answer me this: Have you found anyone else before you found me,” asked Lunar, his eyes showing a genuine worry filled with little hope.

Applejack and Applebloom looked at each other once again before turning back towards Lunar, both shaking their heads simultaneously. Lunar lowered his head in defeat as he continued to think to himself. Thoughts of him being the only survivor was starting to drift about in his head. It was when Applejack put a hoof on his shoulder did he remember where he was. “Sorry, I guess I owe you a story then,” said Lunar as he motioned for them to sit before telling them everything he knew.


“Well, I was certainly not expecting a story like that,” said Applejack as Lunar finished. She closed Applebloom’s mouth, which was hanging open, before turning back to Lunar with a uncomfortable look. “Are you sure you came from the moon? And what do you mean Nightmare Moon created you and your siblings?”

Lunar sighed before saying, “I knew it, a story like that sounds too unbelievable in the first place.” He stood up and was about to walk away before his stomach started to growl, opening his eyes in surprise.

“Hungry, eh? Listen, I have a friend who knows a lot more about me. Let’s get you something to eat and then take you to her. Maybe she can make heads and tails of yer story,” said Applejack. Lunar was going to oppose to the idea but then his stomach started to growl again. He made an awkward smile before agreeing and the three of them moved to put the already gathered apples away in the barn.

Applebloom decided to leave when she saw her friends upon entering the town, waving goodbye before running off with her friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Their childish laughter and overexcited shouting of their ambitions of being ‘Cutie Mark Crusader Para-gliders,’ couldn't help but to put a smile on Lunar’s face. His thoughts turned back to Moon Drop and wondered how well she would have gotten along with those fillies. The sudden realization that he didn't know what happened to Moon Drop darkened his mood right back up, his head drooping as he could only contemplate what has happened to the others.

“Here we are,” said Applejack with a cheerful voice. “Sugarcube Corner, best place to get something sweet to eat in all of Ponyville. Well, don’t just stand there, come on in!” Lunar was pushed into the gingerbread looking building. His nose was immediately filled with the scent of sweets and sugar, almost enough to make him gag and start coughing. He was immediately pushed into a seat by, who he could only guess was, Applejack. Suddenly, a yellow pony appeared at his side with a smile upon her face that was motherly to a fault. “What can I get you two today,” she asked.

“Howdy Mrs. Cake! We’ll have a few of yer best muffins for this poor feller here. Found ‘im in my orchard with his stomach growling like a Timberwolf who hasn't eaten for days,” said Applejack as she took her hat off and placed it next to her. Mrs. Cake gave them a nod and a smile before promptly disappearing into the back.

It was not long before Mrs. Cake returned with the muffins, placing them between Lunar and Applejack. Lunar thanked her for the muffins and watched as she left before turning back to Applejack only to find her already eating. She looked like she was enjoying them so maybe he would like them too. Just as he was about to grab one, something burst from the muffins and latched onto Lunar’s face. A slight pause and then a scream from Lunar filled the building as he jumped out of his chair trying to pull whatever was on his face off.

After a struggle, he managed to pull the creature from his face before getting a good look at it. A miniature alligator with huge purple eyes stared back at him, blinking one eye at a time. Lunar gave a shout again, startled to realize it was an alligator, a creature he understood was a predator. He tossed the alligator into the air only to have it land onto the table on all fours staring at him. “What in the world is an alligator doing here,” shouted Lunar, obviously distraught from being suddenly attacked.

“Hey Applejack! Have you seen Gummy?”

Lunar gave a sudden shout at the voice that just spoke up behind him and bolted out the door, leaving a trail of dust behind him. A pink pony coughed a little from the dust as she waved a hoof in front of her to clear the air.

“Pinkie Pie, what did I tell you about shouting behind everypony? Ya’ll are gonna give somepony a heart attack,” said Applejack as she put her muffin down on the table.

“Come on AJ, I was just looking for Gummy. OH! There he is,” shouted Pinkie as she walked up to the table, picking the alligator up and putting him on her head. “So who was your friend?”

Applejack gave a sigh as she got up from the table. “He’s somepony who just ended up in my orchard. His name is Lunar Light but I don’t think he remembers where he came from.”

“Why? Did he say that he came from a kingdom on the moon that was created by Nightmare Moon during her banishment and only came down here to find out what happened to Nightmare Moon using a magical spell performed by his companions and now he is alone for some reason and wants to go look for them,” asked Pinkie with a wide smile.

Applejack’s mouth dropped as she heard Pinkie guess at the story she heard. After a brief moment, she shook her head and closed her mouth before saying, “Er, yeah. How in Equestria did you know that Pinkie.”

“Just a hunch,” said Pinkie as she hopped out off the building to follow Lunar, Applejack soon following after.

The two found Lunar grasping a tree branch in a tight hug, shaking to the point where the leaves were falling. “Aw shoot, look at what you did Pinkie, you gone scared him up a tree,” said Applejack as she stared up at Lunar, a look of deep thought as to how to get Lunar down.

“What you doing up here silly,” said Pinkie Pie, sitting on the branch that Lunar was gripping. Lunar gave a surprised gasp as he let go, falling to the ground and landing with a thud. Recoiling in pain, he put his hooves to the back of his head as he rolled back and forth. Pinkie giggled as she hopped down from the tree, landing next to Lunar. She leaned forwards and with a smile she said, “Hey there Lunar Light! My name is Pinkie Pie and this is my pet alligator Gummy! I bet we will be the bestest of friends in all of Ponyville!”

Lunar looked up to Pinkie through a crack in his eyes, analyzing the pony as she gazed down upon him. He then looked up to her pet Gummy who was still riding on top of her head but with a lock of hair firmly grasped with his mouth. Lunar could feel the pain subsiding as he tried to get to his feet. “Isn't it dangerous to keep an alligator as a pet,” he asked, wincing.

“Not at all! Gummy has no teeth,” said Pinkie with a giggle. As if to prove her point, Gummy suddenly started going on a biting spree on Pinkie, ending up biting her back, body suspended in midair. Lunar took a step back with a look of concern before looking towards Applejack for help.

“That’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Ya’ll get used to it soon,” said Applejack as she walked up to him. She nudged him back into Sugarcube Corner, insisting that he eat some muffins before they head out to meet with this friend of hers.


An hour later, the three of them left Sugarcube Corner to the Golden Oak Library. Pinkie was cheerfully explaining who it was they were going to meet before a yell could be heard from a distance, steadily getting louder.

“Look out below!”

Before Lunar could even look up, a blur of colors slammed into him causing him and his assailant tumbling a few feet. Lunar could feel the world spinning around him as he sat up, grabbing his head with his front hooves trying to steady himself.

“That… Was… AWESOME! Did you see that Fluttershy? I almost got that new trick down! All I have to do is tighten the turn on that third loop and then-“

“Rainbow Dash! You have to watch where you are going. Look at who you ran into,” said Applejack as she pointed to Lunar. Rainbow Dash looked back towards whom she crashed into and couldn't help but start laughing.

“Hahaha! You should look at your eyes spinning around in your head! You almost look like Derpy Hooves,” said Rainbow Dash as she fell on her back, hugging her sides.

A yellow Pegasus floated down, her wings hardly making a sound. She landed next to Applejack and with a soft, almost inaudible voice said, “Rainbow Dash, are you alright?” She then noticed Lunar who was still dizzy and she slipped behind Applejack with an, “Eep!”

Lunar shook his head before looking down towards the Pegasus that was laughing at him. “I don’t know who this Derpy Hooves is, but I feel sorry for her if you are using her as an insult,” said Lunar with a sigh. He held a hoof down towards Rainbow who stopped laughing in surprise and accepted the help back up on her hooves. “Rainbow Dash was it? I’m Lunar Light. Would say it was a pleasure but then again, you did just crash into me and laugh.”

“Oh yeah, heh, sorry. It’s just that I've been practicing this new trick I want to show off to the Wonderbolts!”

“The Wonder-what-now?”

“You don’t know who the Wonderbolts are? They are like the most awesomely amazing team of pegasi to ever fly the skies with their acrobatics! What kind of town did you come from?”

Lunar was about to answer that but then stopped himself. If Applejack didn't believe him, what hope did he have in Rainbow Dash believing him without proof.

“He is from the moon,” shouted Pinkie Pie, hopping up and down around them, her cheerful voice filling the heart of Lunar with depression and stress.

“Really? The moon? Yeah right, why don’t you tell us where you really came from,” said Rainbow as she eyed Lunar.

Lunar didn't say anything. His head lowered as he tried to think of a reason for why he can’t admit to where he came from. To his surprised, a soft voice spoke out in his defense. “But, what if he is telling the truth? What if he really did come from the moon like Pinkie says.”

Lunar looked up towards the shy little pony as she stuck her head out from behind Applejack but as their eyes meet, she quickly slipped behind Applejack showing him how timid she was. Lunar raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he turned his head towards Rainbow Dash, “So, er… Who is that?”

“Oh that’s just Fluttershy. Don’t worry about her, she’s always scared of new people,” said Rainbow Dash as she floated above everypony in such a manner that she looked like she was relaxing. Lunar looked back towards Fluttershy before looking towards Applejack who started walking. “Well, since we are all here, why don’t we all go see Twilight together and get this all cleared up,” she said with a smile.


The group arrived at the Library, the other ponies asking Lunar questions about himself trying to make heads or tails of his story. After a few minuets, Applejack decided to knock on the door, which opened soon after by a small dragon with purple scales and green spikes. “Howdy Spike! Is Twilight home,” asked Applejack.

“Yeah, so is Rarity but you will never guess what we found last night,” said Spike with an over excited grin.

“Lunar?” It was a tiny voice but it was familiar. Lunar looked through the door to see a familiar sight that brought joy into his heart. A small filly flew out of the doorway, tackling Lunar in a hug around his neck. “Moon Drop! I thought I lost you like the others,” said Lunar, tears starting to drip down his face.

“I couldn't find you, Cresta, or the others when I woke up. I was so scared that I would never, ever see you again.”

“It’s alright, if we were able to find each other, we can find the others.”

“So wait, you were telling the truth,” ask Rainbow Dash, ruining the moment for the two. Lunar looked up towards Rainbow with a tearful smile and nodded. He let down Moon Drop as he looked towards the doorway to find a white unicorn with a luxurious looking mane and a purple alicorn.

“Spike and I found her just outside of the library when we were returning from watching that meteor shower last night. She didn't really tell us much, in fact, that was the first time she said anything at all,” said the alicorn.

Lunar immediately took a knee, understanding that alicorns were normally royalty by the teachings of his mother. He chanced a glance upwards towards her to find her looking a bit uncomfortable. “Um, you don’t have to do that. I’m new to the princess thing and it just feels weird. I’m Twilight Sparkle, what were your names again?”

“Oh, I’m… I’m Lunar Light and this is Moon Drop, my youngest sister. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Twilight.”

“Please tell me what you both have done with your manes! The way they shimmer in the light is just fabulous! Oh, my name is Rarity by the way. I own the Carousel Boutique and work there as a seamstress.” Rarity was already hovering over Lunar and Moon Drop with excitement, her eyes wide as she gazed upon their manes.

Moon Drop slipped underneath Lunar as if trying to hide from her and whispered, “She was doing that when she came by earlier. She’s scaring me.” Lunar couldn't help but to give a chuckle at her before turning towards Rarity. “It will be a long story but I guess that’s why Applejack and her friends brought me here.” He then turned towards Twilight and said, “Princess, if you can listen to my story, maybe I can show everypony here I was telling them the truth.”

“Please, just call me Twilight. And sure, I've been trying to figure out where Moon Drop came from before you came by.”

Hours later, Lunar finished his story to a group of shocked ponies, save Pinkie and Applejack. He heard Moon Drop giggle at their expressions before Applejack said, “Now do you see why I have trouble believing in that? Is there anyway to tell if he’s telling the truth about himself and his sister?”

“But he was telling the truth,” shouted Moon Drop, jumping to her feet with an angry look on her face. Lunar put a hoof around her and shook his head, calming her as gently as he knew how.

“Well, I could always try a memory or a truth spell. But I am going to need his full cooperation,” said Twilight as she pulled a book from a shelf. She opened it up and flipped a few pages with her magic before setting it down upon a table. “I hope you don’t mind Lunar, but I need you to stand in the middle of the room.”

“Anything to clear this up with everypony,” said Lunar, following Twilight’s instructions. He waited patiently as she read through the pages a few times to get the spell down before walking towards him. Her horn started to glow as she focused on the spell, placing her horn upon his forehead, letting the magic seep into him. Lunar closed his eyes as he started to feel a change inside him, growing in pain. His eyes suddenly opened up, a bluish glow flowing from then before a bright light engulfed them in an explosion. The two flew back from each other, Twilight flying back into a bookshelf and Lunar bounced across the ground before slamming into the wall.

“Twilight, Lunar, are ya’ll all right,” shouted Applejack as she and the rest of her friends ran to Twilight’s side. Moon Drop ran to Lunar’s side instead, her eyes filled with worry.

“Magical feedback? That shouldn't be possible… Unless,” started Twilight, groaning as she pushed herself back up to her feet. Rainbow Dash landed next to Twilight, her face scrunched as she tried to figure out something before asking, “Um, what is a magical feedback?”

Twilight walked over to Lunar Light, helping him get back onto his feet as she tried to explain. “A magical feedback is when two or magics interact with each other and are not compatible. If they cannot interact, the two forces push away from each other and can even harm the two sources.”

Rainbow Dash didn't understand it at all and looked towards Spike for help. He sighed and said, “She means that when two magic spells don’t work together, they can explode.” They all looked to Lunar who was assuring Moon Drop that he was okay before Rarity spoke up. “But that doesn't explain why a feedback even happened in the first place! Lunar isn't an Unicorn.”

Twilight looked back to the others and smiled, “He already answered that one with his story. He said that he was originally a statue and Nightmare Moon brought him to life with a magical spell. What happened just now confirms that there is a magical spell still in effect so I guess this means his story is true.”

Lunar merely nodded as the rest of the ponies looked embarrassed for not accepting the explanation at the start. Lunar stepped up next to Twilight and smiled, “Don’t worry about it. I know the story was a little far fetched sounding so I wasn't really expecting anypony to accept it readily.”

“So, I’m guessing you are going to look for the rest of your family then, darling,” asked Rarity. “I guess that means you two are going to need a place to stay won’t you.”

“Well, they can stay in the guest room at the farm house for a while if they don’t mind helping out with the chores,” said Applejack with a smile.

“Ooh, ooh! They can stay at my place and we can party all night long and eat candy and cake and-“ Pinkie Pie was cut off when Twilight called out her name.

“I think the best course of action is to go meet with Mayor Mare. Maybe she can find them a place to stay for the long term if they decide to stay,” said Twilight.

“That’s a great idea Twilight,” said Spike as he put back the book that Twilight brought out earlier. “And after that, we can help Rarity find some gems like we promised.”

“That’s right, I almost forgot about that! Sorry Rarity, I guess I got caught up in all this that I completely forgot.”

“It’s okay, darling. I almost forgot about it myself,” said Rarity moving some hair out of her face.

Applejack took a step towards the door with a sympathetic look before saying, “Sorry girls, I have to get back to the farm and finish my chores. Kind of got distracted by all of this and I’m already behind as it is.” With that, she waved goodbye to her friends and left.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy and flew towards the door saying that she wanted to finish perfecting her stunt for the Wonderbolts and she really needed Fluttershy to help. Finally, Pinkie hopped out the door yelling that she had to go back to Sugarcube Corner to help with the baking and watching the babies. The five of them looked to each other with a smile before heading out to see the Mayor in Town Hall.