• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2022

Dash Attack

Aspiring film editor. When I write I shoot for awesome and nothing less. Anti-censorship and pro free-speech.

Comments ( 34 )

I give it nine thumbs up

A new STD terns ponies into sex crazed humans with blue hair. Shining is one of the few survivors left. This is his story.

I would recommend having your editor staked to an anthill. Some of these typos are more than hilarious. And completely unnecessary.

Stories receiving g a'lot more hate then most of my other once. Can I please have some criticism so I may improve my craft.

one reason it might be is flash? no one really likes him....
plus the added rape might be it.
im not really good with this review stuff.

4099183 Perhaps. I was a little unconformable with writing about the rape so I didn't really go into that much detail when it happens in the story. However, I though the flash hatters were the minority with most people being "meh" and other half actually liking him. Got to say, after his appearance in the show, I'm kinda of miner fan. don't judge me

Plus, I love the meme version of him.

I was enjoying this story very much until Cadence said "Shining-san". I'm sorry, but that part ruined it for me.

4099464 Was trying to stay true the whole "Waifu Theif" meme. The weeboo speak was supposed to be an indicate of a metal shift within Cadance Sorry if that joke killed it for you.

4101924 It's okay, the story was very good and enjoyable besides that part, and you made me laugh at some parts. I give it a 4.5/5

The story is pretty funny, although your editor really needs to do a better job :v

4110574 Thank you. I got very last minuet help with the editing. I probably should have gotten a professional but since this clearly wasn't an "everyone" story, I need to fins someone who was comfortable with. This was allot of fun to write despite the poor ratings. Maybe my next dark story will tern out better.

About halfway through the story, my pandora radio station started playing "Another one bites the dust"

About halfway through the story, my pandora radio station started playing "Another one bites the dust"

4125475 That's funny. Anyways, what did you think. I'm still trying to figure out why this story bombed.

It probably failed because of the horrible grammar.

4125978 If it was the grammar, I'm never hiring FlintSparkle again. Wish there was a way I could do a do over.

"However, as she flings backwards, I look at hoof in terror to see a pink blobby residu on my hooves that was slowly changing color."i.imgur.com/TG6GD.png

4172206 Ha.Wow. Maybe I should called this story Gak Attack.

This was awful in the best possible way! Honestly, the copious spelling and grammar errors actually add to the story. Sadly, there was a dearth of truly quotable lines; nothing with quite the same ‘punch’ as John Chimaera’s DOOM: Repercussions of Evil and its infamous “No, John. You are the demons”, though that bit with Cadance and Shining comes close.

4376041 I love Peter Chimera stories.

But sadly, the spelling mistakes were not put there on purpose :fluttershyouch:

That radio first message from Dead Space where the technician says 'ya gotta cut off the limbs' comes to mind.
Why did I read this, though? Someone explain this to me. I have read worse, but this was just weird.

5231417 That's what I was going for. My mind was in a weird place when I came up with it, but I went with it. I like to experiment with different types of stories, so I thought I try and wright something messed up and make it as bizarre as possible. Enjoy your insanity :scootangel:!

Edit: Also yes that was a dead space reference.

5294897 Then i've no choice, im calling exterminatus upon this blight. The emperor protects.

6700182 This was a crack fic so its alright.

That was fucking hilarious! Awsome.

This is glorious.

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