• Published 18th Mar 2014
  • 3,536 Views, 57 Comments

Maud's Lover - Holocron

Maud Pie has always been hard, or at least somewhat difficult to understand. But she has finally found someone who understands her.

  • ...

His name is...

"OHMYGOSH!!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted to her sister.

Inside SugarCube Corners, the pink earth mare Pinkie Pie was quite literally bouncing off the wall and ceiling. Sitting at the table in front of Pinkie, calmly and slowly drinking a cup of tea, was her older sister Maud Pie.

"I mean this is amazing!" Pinkie said with more joy, trying to remain at least calm enough to form complete sentences. "I mean it was supper dupper amazing that you were able to become bestest friends with my friends, we were able to exchange rock candy necklaces but now you come for another visit and you tell me you met a special somepony?!"

"Well.." Maud slowly explained, her low monotone voice remained unchanged. "Before leaving, I happened to see him." Maud then letting out a relaxed but monotone sigh. "So I wanted to see him again and when I did, we hit it off quite well. I like him."

"BUT...WHO....IS IT???" Pinkie loudly asked, shaking the table in her excitement. "What's he like??"

"He's very quiet, but I don't mind that." Maud slowly explained. "He's a little rough around the edges and is good company." Maud then pulled her pet pebble out of her blue frock's pocket. "Even Boulder seems to like him."

"He sounds good, I guess." Pinkie responded, starting to sound more nosey. "But what's he look like?"

"Well..." Maud replied; it was only a few seconds but to Pinkie, it was more like hours. "There isn't really much else to say."

"Oh come on!" Pinkie said in a childish fashion. "There has to be more!"

"Well..." Maud replied, calmly finishing her tea. "I am meeting him later today to watch the sunset."

"Can I come to-" Pinkie asked, only for Maud to quickly cover her mouth with her hoof.

"No." Maud replied sternly. "I'm sorry." Maud's then broke into a faint blush. "I'm still shy about this."

"And then she left the shop?" Twilight asked Pinkie.

"I know right?" Pinkie replied. "I mean I've never seen Maud so shy before, so this guy has to be so special, that I MUST MEET HIM!"

"So your answer was to get all of us, and tell us about this?" Applejack asked.

"Well duh." Pinkie responded. "I mean Maud told me not to come with her so I wasn't going to just follow her like some stalker. Instead I wanted to tell all of you. Maybe we can think of something."

"Well I find it rather suspicious that she hasn't told you anything else about him." Rainbow Dash said.

"Why Rainbow Dash." Rarity interjected. "There is nothing wrong with a lady meeting their special somepony. Especially when they're to watch the sunset together."

"That does sound romantic." Fluttershy added to the conversation, trying not to be left out.

'I still find it weird." Rainbow remained adamant. "How can we trust this mystery guy?"

"Now hold on their sugercube." Applejack added in. "I know we only met Maud not too long ago but I'm sure she would fall for a nice guy."

"You mean he might not be a good guy?!" Pinkie reacted in a shocked manner.

"Well yes there is a possibility." Rarity replied. "Like that stallion from the Galloping Gala. I thought he was the pony of my dreams but was more from a nightmare."

"OHMYGOSH!" Pinkie was darting back and forth. "SomaybeMaudismeetingabadpony....mmmmmmoppfhfhfmfhfmfmm"

Twilight was kind enough to cover Pinkie's mouth as she kept rambling.

"Now girls." Twilight tried to keep everything calm. "I'm sure Maud is just shy about it right now. We should give her her privacy. Okay Pinkie? Pinkie?"

Twilight looked and not only was Pinkie gone but there was a trail of skid marks on the wooden floor.

"Where did she go!?" Twilight looked at the others, who were just as confused as she was. "We have to stop her."

"I agree." Rarity nodded. "No mare wants their date ruined."

"Well come on then." Applejack said, running out the door with Rainbow Dash.

"Maud? Maud? Where are you Maud?" Pinkie asked about, looking under everything from rocks, to carts, to pony houses. But Maud was nowhere to be found. "Where could she be?" But then the thought struck her hard. "Maud said she was watching the Sunset with him. So...they must be on a hill!" In a flash, the pink pony blurred towards a well known hill near the outskirts of Ponyville.

Eventually Pinkie came to the hill and saw a silhouette of Maud and what looked like a large figure.

"I'm coming Maud!" Pinkie gave her war cry.

Only mere meters away, Pinkie was skulking about in the bushes until she saw her friends chasing after her.

"Pinkie, wait!" Twilight shouted.

"Don't try to stop me Twilight!" Pinkie said with her determined game face on. "Hold on Maud, Pinkie's coming."

Pinkie jumped out of the bush to see her older sister cuddling up to a large rock, one easiily bigger than herself.

"huh? Wha??" Pinkie sat there confused, while Twilight sat just as confused behind the bushes.

"This is Tom." Maud said, her emotions looked unchanged but she was very startled. "He's my special somerock."

Author's Note:

I only hope I thought of this idea first. A quick, funny MaudXTom

Comments ( 57 )

Ew... just...ew

Boulder must be dying right now. :rainbowlaugh:

An interesting idea.
I could see this happening.

I liked it.

Bravo! :rainbowlaugh:

They're meant for each other.


Ah, don't feel too bad Boulder. Maybe you could try to win over Rarity, after all Tom is no longer around to steal her heart. :rainbowlaugh:

I fucking loved this story!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile::raritywink::raritystarry::heart::rainbowlaugh:

It was also hilarious!

This is clearly a match made in heaven! Or maybe a match even the Earth demands? I got nothing... :fluttershysad:

Still this was a great story. I had a feeling, but it was still a blast to read. I think they are meant to be!!! I ship it!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Well, I have a new OTP.

I wonder what Rarity will think when she hears that somepony's been dating Tom. :pinkiegasp:


New headcanon.

Honestly this was not the grammar train wreak I usually see from your work Don-kun. Lol, color me impressed. :rainbowlaugh: Maybe you should rush all your stories this way.

Literally the only surprising thing about this pairing is that it took this long to surface.


I believe so

Tom's never been very sedimental. In fact, he's usually downright stony!

He may be a bit igneous of pony courtship, but I'm sure he'll learn on the way.

At least we know he's dependable. He'll pull through for Maud, come shale or high-water.

...That's all I've got.

Damn it, now I need to read this, because of the whole concept... that and the shit ton of rock puns in the comments

I hope you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

:fluttercry: That's so romantic... :rainbowlaugh:

Absolutely beautiful. The perfect relationship. :twilightsmile:
Truly this is Shakespearean-level of literature in drama itself. :eeyup::eeyup:
*Claps rigorously*


Saw that coming a mile away. :rainbowlaugh:

"He's my special somerock."

Funny short little story. Have a :moustache: and a

4100414 Sorry...I just got the most disgusting image of a pony having sex with a rock.

4101404 Well, you can say that it will rock, hard!

I truly, sincerely hoped that there was some story beyond the (poorly hidden) twist, but deep down I knew that was not the case.

So I'm assuming you didn't like it

4100414 Thanks for ruining it :raritydespair:


What did you honestly expect? The word count an complete on this story already let you know it was a short and sweet fanfic.

Honestly, people in fimfic are too spoiled with long stories and chapters.

No no I can agree with meme-asaurus. The story was short and didn't have the kick I usually deliver in my stories :fluttercry:
but regardless I am happy with this story. It is not meant to make you think. It is a short, humble story. And I am thankful so many have enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:

Sequel: Maud vs Rarity

As much as I'd love to, it would end like this:




Lets just hope she doesn't use Tom for the nuke strike

4102711 Then why are reading the comment first?

4 Eclipses
2 Eclipses

Did you write this in under four hours as well?

Overall... what? There's absolutely nothing in these paragraphs. Story feels like a parody... a badly paced parody that just rushes through everything. The joke's been revealed since the start of the story, so it's not that.

This idea also feels like missed potential. You were just racing to put your stamp on the idea, won't you? I mean, just reading this, I could already imagine a silly love triangle between Boulder, Tom and Maud that'd make a much more interesting story.

...At least the coverart's okay though.

Eh. My head canon still says that Tom ended up on the Pie rock farm, where he serves as a role model for the little rocks.

Also I don't think Rainbow Dash would say "I find it rather suspicious"

:facehoof: oh wow but still a nice fic 8/10 mustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

I approve of this.

Heck, Boulder could be my step stone now.

Truly, undoubtably, undeniably, absolutely brilliant......

This is my new OTP.

Yes, someone finally wrote a fic shipping these two! Woo hoo! :D
Thank you good sir!

Okay, I got to give you points. It's really hard to capture Tom's sense of humor but you managed to pull it off nicely. On a less insane note, it was a very nice little story, I kind of guessed that it would be Tom, but it was still a fun ride.

"OHMYGOSH!" Pinkie was darting back and forth. "SomaybeMaudismeetingabadpony....mmmmmmoppfhfhfmfhfmfmm"

Just go back here, it looks like this.



This was hilarious! XD :rainbowlaugh:

4098416 I don't know. He could use a father figure in his life.

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