• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 564 Views, 2 Comments

Portal to Canterlot - RikaChan

A human gets sent to Equestria and has no idea what is going on.

  • ...

Can't wait

I woke up, so exited. Today was beach day! I couldn't wait. I sprang out of bed, and quickly ran down stairs.

“Good morning!” I said while running over to Luna and Celestia.

“Morning Birdy!” Both Luna and Celestia said at the same time.

“So we all woke up early, excited about beach day huh?” Asked Celestia, happy that we were all looking forward to vacation.

“Oh!” I said, “What time is it?”

“It's 7:23,” said Celestia.

“Oh!” I said once again, which caused all of us to laugh.

“So, how are we getting to the beach, what time, and where is the beach?” I asked.

“You'll see!” Said Celestia. “But I'll tell you this, we have to be out of the castle by 9:00.”

“I can't wait!” I said.

“Me neither!” said Luna.

“I wonder if Carrot Top is up?” said Celestia. At that, I reacted. My whole body stiffened. Even Luna noticed.

“Maybe...not like I really care…” I mumbled. Luna looked at Celestia as if to say 'don't talk about Carrot Top around her, you know how touchy she is on that subject!' But I understood what she was trying to say more than Celestia so I just said, “It's fine, really. Don't worry about it.” Celestia looked at me with a worried face. “Let's get packing!” I said, trying to cheer the mood up again.

“Yup!” Agreed Luna, understanding my objective. Celestia tried to play along as well.

“Yup!” She said. I smiled as we all pranced upstairs.

“Done!” I said happily as I closed the bag. I pranced downstairs with it, only to encounter Discord again. “Ugh,” I said. “What do you want? I’m a bit busy in case you haven’t noticed.” Discord looked at me with an amused face.

“Where are you going?” he asked. I glared at him.

“On vacation.” I answered.

"Where?" he questioned.

"That's none of you business." I said as I cantered downstairs, holding my head high.

“Breakfast is ready!” called the chef from the kitchen. He came out with a bunch of trays.

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “You can levitate that many stuff in one go?” I asked Celestia.

“Absolutely!” she said.

“Cool! You guys totally gotta teach me how to use my magic some day!”

“That would be awesome!” said Luna. The breakfast was put onto the table. sausages, waffles, butter, syrup, cheese...I couldn’t wait.

“Let’s start eating!” I said, licking my lips. Luna grinned.

“Thought you would like breakfast,” she said as we dug in.

“I wonder what sort of bathing suits Princess Celestia got us…” Carrot Top frowned. Something was wrong with that sentence…”Oh!” Carrot Top was surprised when she realised her mistake. “us...I mean me.” Carrot Top corrected herself. She sighed. It didn’t feel the same when you corrected yourself and when you corrected somepony else...Oh well, she thought. Soon we will all be together on a lovely beach having a lovely vacation with a lovely golden sun...Carrot Top couldn’t wait. She ran outside to catch the train to the palace. This was going to be fun.

We all happily pranced out of the palace, -if that was even possible considering the amount of luggage I was carrying- just as we bumped into Carrot Top.

“Oh, so-” I was about to say sorry, but when I saw Carrot Top I just stopped talking. My body immediately stiffened, and I think Carrot Top could tell. Don’t let her bother you, I saw Luna mouthing to me. Your right. I answered back to her with my body language. Sorry. We both smiled at each other.

“Let’s get going!” said Celestia, noticing that our short conversation was over. “Now to reveal how we are getting there...by train!” said Celestia. “Of course it’s an island so we have to take a boat too but to get to the boat we take a train.”

“Cool!” I said. “Let’s get going!” I repeated after Celestia. We all laughed. All of us, except for Carrot Top. She uneasily smiled at me. I glared at her. We walked towards the train station.

Author's Note:

My selfish pony-sona holds a grudge against carrot top. :/