• Published 8th Mar 2014
  • 1,047 Views, 14 Comments

Night Of The Werepony - wubster2015

After a timber wolf attack the cmc find themselves saved by an unexpected pony, or more say werepony...

  • ...

Chapter 1

For over 600 years werepony kind have been extinct washed out by the non-werepony kind, hunted down and killed mercilessly.

Why? Because it was told by a wicked old stallion with a black mane and a black coat that the werponies were planning on stealing their souls so that they could use it for their own evil uses.

Foolishly these ponies followed what he said even when princess Celestia forbade them from doing so, and one by one the werepony kind were wiped from the face of equestria.

Or so thought...

Screams of terror could be heard in the night as fillies and colts huddled closely around the fire, their nervous eyes scanning the black terrain as if though something was going to jump out at them, I stay quiet as I watch them from afar ''Why do ponies do this, bring their young out near the forest knowing they will be terrified, their screams are always waking me from my rest.'' I think to myself quite annoyed with this strange behavior.
"Now class there's no need to be afraid." an older mare said reassuringly, "How about we tell a story.", that brightened her foals spirits as they sat around the campfire patiently waiting to hear a story, as she begins I notice three fillies sneaking off into the forest.
''Mmmm." I mumble under my breath as I stop listening to her story and lay my sights directly on the foolish fillies, crawling out of the bushes I watch them closely as they trot noisily through the forest.
"Geez are they trying to wake the whole forest?!" a voice rang in my head, rolling my eyes I jump into a tall tree my body covered by the leaves of the tree, "Scootaloo I - I think we should go back I mean Miss Cheerilee-" a shaky voice said but was cut off as another voice chimed in abruptly "Don't worry Sweets we're just looking for that flashlight I dropped an then we'll be on our way back to camp in no time."

"Heh..." I merely mumble as I keep in step with them jumping from tree top to tree top, just then the branch that was supporting my weight creaked loudly as it suddenly snapped off luckily though I jump to the next tree rustling the leaves and birds fly out their nests at my presence, "what was that?!" one of them says wearily, just as the others were going to respond a growl filled the air along with a foul odor.

Lifting my head up I sniff the air and growl lowly as I mumble "Timber Wolf." carefully sliding down from the tree I was in I silently jump into a pile of shrubs my damson optics scan the vast terrain as luna's moon coruscated off the leaves of the trees speckling the forest ground with the dim yellow light, narrowing my eyes I glance back at the trio who were currently basking in the still of night.
I perk my auditories though as paw steps were heard hitting the soft muddy earth, emerging from the shadows a timber wolf trotted out, it was slightly smaller than many timber wolves I've seen but though it lacked size it seemed even more menacing than the bigger ones, the rough scratches and teeth marks against it wooden physique told that it had been through many battles and won.

It growled aggressively it's repulsive breath emerging from its mouth as it snarled, it eyed the three morsels looking for one to take out first, the yellow one looked plump and so did the white one then it's puke green eyes averted towards the last filly, it licked it's lips as it chose her to take out first because animals with wings usually carry more meat.

It lunged forward and snapped it's powerful jaws down onto his prey, the salty copper taste of blood trickled down onto his tongue and he practically purred at the familiar sensation, but he wasn't satisfied there was no scream of pure agony and the meat was firmer then he thought, opening his optics the timber wolf locked eyes with me.
I snarl, my fangs bared as I punch the wolf straight on the nose making it yelp and I quickly wretched my arm out its putrid mouth, regaining it's posture before I could it snarled snapping it's jaws as it charged straight at me, I tried evading his attack as he tried to bite me again but it ended with me being chest butted by his powerful head.

I grunt gasping for air as I land hard in shrubbery, standing up weakly I hiss at the twinge of pain that shot through my left leg and down my spine as thick crimson fluid dripped down it, shaking my head I snarl again the timber wolf does the same as it tries to charge at me again.
This time I successfully evade the attack and glide behind it letting the unsuspecting wolf hit a tree face first, gritting my teeth I watch as it recovers to early for me to attack as it turned back towards me I could see pure rage in its eyes as it snarled baring its teeth, completely forgetting about his three little meals he rushed me.

Just as he swung his head to bite me a large stone hit him square in the eye making it wretch backwards pawing at its eye, looking behind me I merely smirk as I see the three fillies with rocks, stones, and even pebbles in their hooves.

"Chaaaaaarrrrrrge!" they all say in unison as they begin to throw sticks and stones at the timber wolf, it didn't do much damage but it kept the wolf occupied for a while, looking back down at my wounded leg I could see their was still blood dripping out of the torn flesh and it didn't look like it was going to stop any time soon.
Grunting through gritted teeth I noticed that the trio's ammo was running low and the wolf was regaining strength, I perked my ears as I hear it growl again and before I knew it he was charging at them.
Sighing inwardly I run towards them shoving them out of the way just as the wolf ran by, unfortunately for me his massive paw swung at me hitting me in the jaw as I land in on the hard ground I grunt wearily every where hurt, but I clenched my teeth in resistance as I force myself to stand up.
Looking up I smirk at the timber wolf before spitting out a glob of blood onto the forest ground "Is that the best you've got!" I shout towards the wooden beast taunting him to come closer, the timber wolf snarled accepting the challenge and within a heart beat he came running at me again, looking at the ground I find a medium sized rock and hold it steadily in my hoof waiting for the right moment to throw it.

Inhaling deeply I look at the wolf who was merely a foot away from me and throw the rock thankfully the wolf opened its mouth to snarl as I did so and unluckily for him swallowed it and began to choke on it immensely, after a few minuets trying to spit it out and some dry heaving the timber wolf collapsed into a pile of rotting branches and sticks.
I sighed as I fell down my jaw hitting the soft mud like ground, the last thing I saw were three distorted figures approach me before I blacked out.

"Look ah think she's wakin' up!" someone says as I begin arise from my syncope, cracking open an eye I nearly jump as an orange filly with a bright mulberry mane and dull violet colored eyes popped up blocking my view, "Awesome you're awake!" she said as I began to sit up.

"Yes very." I mumble rubbing my temples the three fillies looked at me in awe and I raised a questioning brow "What?" I ask, "Wow I didn't know you could talk!" the orange Pegasus piped in jumping up and fluttering her wings, "Of course I can do I look like some kind of animal?" I say my temper rising, "Well ya kinda do." the yellow earth filly said, that was the last straw standing up I growl "I do not need your insults young ponies." I spit out at them clearly annoyed.
I rub my temple again feeling a headache coming on, mumbling to myself I begin to excuse myself from the trio's presence but immediately stop as the red maned filly runs in front of me blocking my path, I kiss my teeth as I say "Move please."
she doesn't budge though and gives me the stern look of a mother lecturing her foal sighing I give in "These fillies are so annoying I swear." I think to myself, "Look we're...um... ah mean ah'm sorry fer callin' you a animal or somthin' like that back there, ah didn't mean to hurt yer feelings." she said giving me puppy dog eyes.
I fight back the urge to simply roll my eyes and groan letting my expression soften I say "Thank you for the apology young one." she brightens up at my words I simply knit a brow as I continue "But I know there is something you want from me." I say flatly.
"Not really." a voice says from behind craning my neck I see a white unicorn filly with a dull pink and lavender spiraled mane and emerald green eyes smiling at me.

"Hello." she says still smiling at me "Hi." I say blandly before turning back to the yellow earth pony with that incredibly large bow in her mane, "How does she even keep balance with that damn thing on?" "We just wanted to bandage you up before we left, to pay back our debt." the orange filly says as she runs up to the farm filly's side with a cocky smile on her face, my eyes widen as I remember the laceration on my foreleg without hesitation I look at it and wince at the sight.
The wound was still open but the blood had stopped coming out a while ago, skewered skin hung lifelessly off my leg I knew if it didn't get treated soon it would get an infection so looking back up at the fillies I sigh accepting their offer and almost immediately they get to work.
The unicorn filly slumps onto her haunches as she takes off the saddle pack she was wearing on her back and digs through it and soon pulls out a pack of bandages, a small roll of gauze, and some rubbing alcohol, "Geez Sweetie Belle why'd you bring all this stuff?" the orange filly asks as she takes the items from the other filly's hooves.
Blushing slightly the small unicorn answered 'Well you never know what's gonna happen something unexpected could come dashing your way." she stated, which got her a look from her friend, sighing she fessed up "Fine... my sister went all crazy about the whole camping field trip and made me pack every thing I'll need. Oh darling I just simply can not let you leave this boutique with out proper equipment." she said mimicking a fancy accent which got her a few chuckles from her friends.
Walking towards me the orange filly accompanied by the unicorn filly instructed me to sit before preparing to work on my leg, grabbing the alcohol the unicorn filly dug into her bag again and produced a few cotton balls, putting some alcohol onto them she said softly "Brace yourself this is gonna burn...a lot." but before I could ask why she place the alcohol covered cotton ball onto my wound, I merely hiss at the pain though I felt like throwing out every swear word I knew, she kept doing this for a few more minutes before stopping.

Grabbing four bandages she placed them on the lesion covering up the whole thing before getting the gauze and wrapping it tightly around it before placing some bandaids on the gauze to keep it together, ''There all better." she said I look down at the covered sore and mumble "Not really." before standing up, looking up at the sky I find that barely any time had passed looking back down at the three fillies I groan and say "You three should probably get back to your camp, or where ever, all I know is that you can not stay here its far too dangerous for three little fillies like you."

"Hey! we are not just three little fillies!" the Pegasus filly said fluttering her wings and making that weird annoying buzzing noise, "We're!-" she paused for dramatic effect "The cutie mark crusaders!" they all said jumping up and giving a triple high hoof but I didn't see because I had already turned away from them rolling my eyes, "Well whoever you are I don't really care all I really need- No all I want you to do is get out of the forest and go back to where you came from, I believe you've caused much more trouble than help to me." I say cutting my teeth as the wind blew through my silver mane.

"Alright then, but at least let us tell you our names just in case if we happen to bump into each other again.'' a voice says from behind which obviously belonged to the Pegasus filly "Well that was a no brainer I could sense her cockiness from miles away."
turning to them I shrug my shoulders "Fine but then after this you leave the forest...Understood?" they all nod before the Pegasus filly talked again "I'm Scootaloo best scooter rider in Ponyville." ''Ponyville? where have I heard that from?'' I ask myself but my thoughts were interrupted as the yellow filly spoke up "Mah name's Applebloom." and lastly the unicorn filly "And I'm Sweetie belle!" she said her voice cracking.
"Alrighty then now that that's over you'll be on your way out." I say nudging them away, "Uh- wait but you didn't tell us your name!" Scootaloo pipes in and I sigh annoyedly 'So um... what is it?" she says her elbow prodding at my side.
Looking down at the filly she shivered as my eyes filled with hatred powered by the weight of a thousand suns burned deep into her very soul, licking my fangs I kiss my teeth as I break contact and say-

"My name is Nightjar..."