• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 620 Views, 2 Comments

Boomer's Crisis - WEKM

Twenty years after the tragedy that destroyed his unit, one pony strugles to come to grips with his choices when an old enemy returns, and he must re-evaluate everything he believes.

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Chapter 9 A Short Walk To The Palace

Chapter 9 A Short Walk To The Palace

They left the tents and had breakfast. Boomer was rather subdued, but he helped get the patrol ready to go. Extra attention was paid to everything. Gear was stowed exactly to regs, harnesses and hooves were polished, uniforms were cleaned up as much as possible, or changed over for the best on hand, and at the end of it all, every pony was inspected by everypony else before they were allowed to fall into the marching formation. Boomer was more than a little embarrassed that he'd destroyed his service cap because of his temper, yet again. However, he was surprised by the patrol sergeant. As he joined the formation, the patrol sergeant pulled out another service cap from his pack, one with a silver oak leaf on it. "Sir, I know you've masqueraded as a first sergeant, mostly to keep a low profile, and help us avoid extra scrutiny. But I think it's time for you to step up and honor us with your leadership, even if it is only for this last march into Canterlot." Boomer took the cap and settled it on as the young sergeant continued, "And I speak for all of us when I say, it has been a true honor and a privilege to have you with us." And with that he, and all the other patrol ponies saluted.

Boomer returned the salute, but was still stunned. Even more so when the young sergeant continued again, "Sir, after I received our orders from the princess, but before we left, I had a battle standard quickly made. When I saw you only wearing your sergeant's stripes, I kept it packed away, but, as we are now returning victorious, may I have your permission to fly it?"

They brought out a banner, it was deep crimson with a grey mushroom cloud in the center, with "Boomer's Raiders" arcing above and below in gold lettering.

He just stared at it, unsure what to say, so he just nodded. The banner was quickly affixed to a pole, and then to the harness of the other pony at the front of the formation, so that they would be led by the standard of Equestria, and their temporary patrol banner. Boomer took his station just behind them, followed by the rest of the patrol in two columns. He looked back over his shoulder, and felt a swelling of pride, to briefly be associated with these brave young ponies. As he faced forward again, he stood a little straighter, and for the first in a long time held his head high, "Forward, March!"

Despite that, Boomer's thoughts raced over this whole outing, but especially over the conversations of the last few days. At least until they started entering the outskirts of Canterlot. The cheers of the growing crowds drew his mind back to the fact that he was about to report directly to the princess, possibly, both of them.

As he led them up the last few turns of the road to the palace he struggled with what he should say. He tried to compose a speech, but threw out failed start after failed start. Before he knew it, the patrol sergeant behind him called out, "Patrol, Halt!" And he realized his time was up, as they stood before the thrones. The patrol reformed behind him into two ranks, instead of columns. Now, he stood before the standard bearers, with the patrol formed up behind them. He fought the urge to look over his shoulder and verify that everything was as it should be. "Trust the training." he told himself. Then, on his command, they all bowed before the princesses.

When he arose, all remnants of the scraps of the speech he'd been trying to prepare, fled his mind. But with blinding clarity, he suddenly knew exactly what to say. He thought instructions to Giggles, trusting her to be listening in on him, especially right then.

He bowed once more, then began. "Your Royal Highnesses; a week ago, you called me before you, and laid down what I felt was an impossible task. Or should I say, the cost of completing it was beyond, what I thought, should be paid.

"Many know that I was one of a hundred who went forth to face the Nightmare Realm the first time they invaded our lands. Few know I was one of only three to survive. Though in truth, because the other two ended their own lives within months, unable to deal with the mental trauma they'd suffered, I was really the sole survivor. Even so, I too was deeply damaged. You can possibly understand that I feared this would be a suicide mission. I ask you to forgive me for doubting your wisdom. You sent me forth with just these ponies behind me, them and your faith, that we would prevail. I gladly return them to you, whole and victorious, along with a restored measure of my own faith. I thank you."

Boomer called over his shoulder, "Pinkie Pie, front and center!" He trusted that Giggles would talk Pinkie through what to do. When she stopped right next to him, on his right, he couldn't help a bit of a smile.

"All of these ponies were vital to our success, but I wanted to honor this one most of all, for without her, we would have surely failed. Her kind and generous nature kept up the morale of all the ponies of the unit, but most of all, her determination and abilities are what made this mission success possible. I doubted your wisdom when you sent her with us, and for that, I am sorry. She alone is the reason we all stand here before you. She has faced horrors that have destroyed some of the strongest ponies I knew, yet she had enough heart to help heal even some of my old wounds. She is the bravest pony it has ever been my privilege to know. And I thank you for giving me the chance to see it for myself.

"Princesses, ponies of Equestria, I give you a true hero, Pinkie Pie of Ponyvile. May you come to know and love her as I have, that you too may be blessed." And with that, he turned and marched out of the throne room.