• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 620 Views, 2 Comments

Boomer's Crisis - WEKM

Twenty years after the tragedy that destroyed his unit, one pony strugles to come to grips with his choices when an old enemy returns, and he must re-evaluate everything he believes.

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Chapter 16 Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Chapter 16 Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

They walked on, just enjoying each others closeness, till at last they reached Ponyville. She directed him down a few streets. He began looking around, drowning in memories. "I grew up near here." He commented at one intersection. She just smiled at that.

After turning another corner, he pointed, "That house down there at the end of the street, that used to be my parents'. Giggles and I both grew up there. Dad built it that big, planning on a large family." Then the sadness bled through in his voice, "Sadly, they never got that chance. After me, they tried and tried, before they at last had Giggles..."

He just stopped; both speaking and walking. He didn't want to go on. Even the light of his horn went out, as all joy left him. His shoulders slumped, and he started to turn away.

He was stopped by a strong hoof at his chin, that turned him back, and raised his eyes up to hers. He was surprised at the look in those eyes. She wasn't angry, but obviously very determined. "You have to stop. You are Not to blame for all the bad things that happen." Her look softened, "You've done great things, some of which, you probably don't even know of. You have to let go of this horrible past you think you're responsible for. If you want it, you can have a future; a wonderful, amazing future with ponies who love and respect you."

He tried to smile, tried to feel the things she was talking about, but it just wouldn't come. Especially here, with so many memories swirling around him.

She cocked her head, "Things change. What was, becomes something different. And sometimes, it's a good thing. Come on. Walk me the rest of the way home. I'll answer the questions I know you're going to have once we get there, and if you still feel you have to walk away, I won't say another word."

She had that odd secretive smile again. Damn her. This was just mysterious enough that he couldn't walk away. He knew that even if he left now, the hint of questions he didn't know to ask yet would drag him back eventually. Might as well get it over with now.

He resumed walking down the road. He couldn't help but notice her self satisfied smirk. He almost laughed, "Have you been taking lessons on manipulation from my sister?"

Her smile grew to full grin, "Nope. I'm female, we're born with it."

He actually laughed at that, "I doubt that. But you've proven that you know me rather well. I find myself at a significant disadvantage."

Her grin widened, "Perfect. If I can keep you curious, hopefully you won't have time to get all depressed again. Trust me, that is not you at your best."

Boomer bowed his head, "Point Pepper. The game has only just begun, and already I'm behind. Not a promising start for me."

Her eyes glittered, "Oh, when I win, do I get to name my own prize?"

He grinned again, "That confident, are you?"

She nodded her head happily, "But of course. You don't stand a chance."

He snorted, amused, "You don't even know what the contest is. How can you be so sure?"

Her grin took a playfully malicious edge, "I know what the prize is. No matter what the game, I'm going to win." She got in front of him, "Tell you what, double or nothing, that I can render you speechless with two words."

He cocked his eyebrow at her, "Okay, you're on."

She pointed to her left and said, "We're here."

Boomer turned, ready to rebut her, and froze, mouth half open.

Pepper just closed his mouth, and shouldered him around to face the steps up to his old home.

He shook his head and looked at her out of the corner of his eye, as she casually inspected one fore hoof. That slight, knowing grin back on her face. Continuing to study her hoof, she asked, "So, you just want to concede now, or do you want to drag this out before your humiliating defeat?"

He couldn't help himself. He actually laughed, "Point Pepper."

She grinned again, "Excellent. And with the double or nothing, that puts me at four."

Boomer shook his head, "Left myself wide open to that one, didn't I."

The front door opened, and an older silvery blue unicorn, wearing dark glasses despite it being night, poked her head out. She didn't look straight at them as she spoke, "You going to stand out there all night, or are you going to bring the gentleman in and introduce us?"

Pepper looked over at Boomer, "Last chance to run away. If you come inside and let Koi get her hooks into you, you won't have any secrets left."

He smiled back at her, "Sadly, I don't think I have any secrets left when it comes to you. And if I do, you are welcome to them."

She nodded, "Well said. Point Boomer. At least you won't go down in this game as a complete shut out."

They walked up the steps, and Boomer held the door for her, before entering himself.

Once inside, he noted how little his old house had been changed. As he walked into the living room, he noted how Koi didn't track him with her eyes, but rather with her ears. She looked to be around his parents age, but he couldn't recall having ever seen her before. Before he could ask her anything, she smiled a little wider and said, "Welcome to Boomer House. As Pepper said, I'm Koi. I take it by the way Pepper was carrying on over you, and at her blush at me catching her at it, you must be the young pony she's been smitten with, that this care center is named after."

Boomer had noticed a slight blush on Pepper's face as they'd climbed the steps. He was about to comment on it when what Koi said to start sank in, and his brain locked up once more.

Pepper again closed his mouth. "I imagine you have questions." She said, grinning.

He shook his head, rebooting his brain, yet again. "You know what, I'm obviously way to tired to think anymore tonight. I had best bid you ladies good night, and head home myself. After all, I still have a ways to go. I'll come by tomorrow, after I've had a chance to get some rest."

Pepper looked over at Koi, pleadingly, and lightly tapped a hoof on the floor once. Which he thought was odd as, if Koi was blind as he suspected, she wouldn't be able to read Pepper's expression. But just after the tap, Koi's horn flashed quickly, and then she looked over at Pepper with a raised eyebrow, that was visible even behind the glasses.

Then she grinned, turning to look back at Boomer. Well, fairly close to looking at him. But he saw that when he breathed out, her ear pivoted exactly to him, and Koi's face finished lining up as she spoke up, "Nonsense my boy. We don't have any patients in residence right now, so we have plenty of spare rooms. Unfortunately, I can't put you in your old room, because Pepper claimed it long ago." Pepper actually looked a bit embarrassed being caught at that. Koi continued, "However, the master bedroom is available. You go make use of that, and we can all chat in the morning."

Boomer looked over his shoulder as he started for the hall. "And let me guess, you're in Giggles' old room, which would put you between where Pepper and I would be sleeping?"

Koi nodded, "That's right. Don't worry, I'll protect you from her tonight."

Boomer laughed as he went on down to the bedroom. Clearly, he was going to have a ton of questions come morning. But for now, he just wanted to shut his eyes. Yes, plenty of time to worry about everything in the morning.