• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 620 Views, 2 Comments

Boomer's Crisis - WEKM

Twenty years after the tragedy that destroyed his unit, one pony strugles to come to grips with his choices when an old enemy returns, and he must re-evaluate everything he believes.

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Chapter 10 The Wailing Room

Chapter 10 The Wailing Room.

Boomer stayed just out of sight of every pony in the throne room, but close enough in the shadows that he could hear Pinkie tell her version of what happened. He was glad she left out his railing against her at the campfire before their capture, as well as making no mention of his sister's ghost. Then he heard Princess Celestia praise Pinkie and the patrol ponies, and honor them for a job well done. And with that, he turned and walked further down the dark corridor, away from the throne room and the celebration that was starting back there.

The darkness was bringing up the fear that was an after effect of facing the Nightmare Realm forces. But he had made his peace with this fear a long time ago. That this latest encounter had freshened it did nothing to change that. No, the dark held no new fears for him. In fact, it was something of a comfort to face something so familiar.

No, he walked further into the darkness because now that it was over, he could feel the loss and rage welling up inside him, and he knew he was not going to be able to keep it in. He had to get away from everyone so none of them saw when he finally shattered. The walking helped, but he knew that the fuse on this explosion was almost at its end.

Finally, deep in the depths of the palace, in a chamber he had found once when he was a young soldier on guard duty, one that he knew was far enough from any activity in the main palace, that sound from here wouldn’t reach any pony’s ears, Boomer fell to his knees. With a wail, he let out all the pain and heartache he had held back since that day twenty years before. It didn’t start out as sobs, but bellows of such pain, anyone who heard them would have thought that he had just found his family dead. In a way, he had. There were parts of Boomer’s pain that he had never touched, not even looked at, since the death of Giggles. Now, here when he knew it was truly over, and having been confronted with his sister’s ghost, and Pinkie’s revelation that there really had been nothing more he could have done before he had seen Giggles killed, he at last accepted his guilt, and sorrow and rage, and let it wash through him. It burned away all the excuses he’d made that kept him from looking at it all, and it burned away the guilt. The rage spent itself, and then, at last he was left with only the sorrow and loss. Then the sobs came.

He wept for all the members of his unit. He wept for his sister. He wept for those who died before they had even managed to make that first expedition so long ago. And then, he wept for himself. He let the tears come, and he opened himself up and he felt everything he had packed away. And he accepted.

Boomer wasn’t sure how long he had been down there. He was so spent from his episode; it was all he could do to get shakily back to his hooves. He shook himself, and sucked in several great breaths, drawing back a small measure of his strength, readying himself for the long trek back up. He turned to leave the chamber, and froze in horror when he realized that somepony was just outside its entrance.

She lit her horn lightly, and Princess Luna entered the chamber. “After my sister welcomed me back from my exile, there were many a night when I too came down to these depths and did also poor out my grief and sorrow over past deeds and events. I came to call this the wailing room. I am glad it was able to serve thee as well as it had me.” And then she smiled a soft understanding smile. One of shared pain, but still possessed of a sliver of hope.

He quickly bowed to her, “Your highness, I’m sorry if I kept you from this place. If you have need of it, please excuse me and I will leave you to it.”

She let out a soft tinkling laugh, “Not at all brave one. I came down here on the behest of thy sister, to watch over thee in thy hour of need.”

“My sister is, dead.” He replied before he could stop himself, flinching when he realized how accusing that had come out.

Luna merely nodded her head in acknowledgment. “Indeed she is brave one. But I am the Princess of the Moon and the Night. Ghosts are not unknown to me. However, I must say, thy sister is an odd sort. When she led Pinkie Pie up next to thee, I was shocked to realize that she were not a living pony, she were so vibrant. And when she came to me to ask me to come after thee, I was surprised even more when I came aware that none other could perceive her. In fact, she told me as she walked with me part way down here, that in truth, only thee and thy companion Pinkie Pie were the only ponies to see her. I believe she was surprised as well when she did realize that I was aware of her. That was when she didst ask me to come to thee.”

Boomer remembered what Giggles had said about Princess Luna being single, and blushed furiously. From far up the corridor he herd is sisters merrily call to him in long drawn out sing-song, “Heard that!” And Boomer flushed even more.

Princess Luna looked behind her up the darkness, then back at Boomer questioningly. He stammered, trying to explain, “Apparently, she is linked to me somehow, and can hear my every thought. Right now she is teasing me because she heard me, remembering her telling me, that you would be perfect dating material, and most likely heard my embarrassed flush as well.” And then he stopped in horror, as he realized what he’d just said. Out loud!

Princess Luna held up a hoof to hide her face as she giggled. “In truth, thy ghostly sister did try to bend mine ear to that same thing on our way down here. When I told her that such could not be, she told me that was nearly thy answer exactly. Although she did say that thy words did have more outrage and indignation at the thought of me sullying myself by stooping to such a lowly pony as yourself. Though, such disparity of position is not apparent to me.” She paused as she thought on something, then continued, “In fact, one thought that came to me during the trek down here doth now ring in my mind as a most excellent remedy as to how best to honor what you have done for us and our lands. My sister has already announced that thou are to be promoted to full colonel, but I have the chance to bestow my reward to thee now. Kneel.”

Although a tad stupefied, Boomer immediately dropped to one knee before his Princess, bowing his head.

“By the power invested in me, as a true princess of Equestria, I do hereby name thee, my Knight Champion. And from this day forward, shalt thou be my sword arm, and my shield. Arise, Sir Boomer, Knight Protector and Champion of the Princess of the Night.” She proclaimed and touched a hoof to each of his shoulders in turn, and then the crown of his head.

Boomer fought for words, “Princess, I, I am deeply honored. However, I don’t know what being a Knight Champion entails. What will be required of me, and what are my duties to be?”

Princess Luna smiled again. “My brave one, for I may now truly call ye mine. As Knight Champion ye will be called on, should the need arise, to stand in my stead, should someone challenge me. As well, I may call on ye to perform special tasks, that I need accomplished, that require a delicate hoof. If I had already claimed ye as my Knight Champion, this mission would have been exactly such. But most of all, as Knight Champion, ye shall be responsible for defending mine honor, and when there is need, to act as an advisor. Ye shalt be granted access to me at any time, at any place, even in my bedchamber, should that be where I reside when ye doth need me.”

Boomer looked at her and cocked his head, “Uh, Princess Luna, are you teasing me?”

She giggled lightly, “Only about my bedchamber. For ye are the defender of mine honor, and I know I could trust ye above all, to not besmirch it. Besides, ye are most comely when the blush of roses doth take thy face, and I wanted to know if I could cause ye to color so again. However, one more duty of thine must now be made clear. Now that thou are MY Knight, thou shalt no longer address me by my title when we speak in private conversation. I ask ye, please, call me Luna. For along with having you as my Knight Champion, I would also have ye as my friend.”

“Princess I, sorry, Luna, that would honor me more than everything else. I will do my best to not let you down.” Boomer stammered. But then he paused as some thought tickled the edges of his mind. “Prin… Luna, you changed how you are addressing me. You went from “thee” and “thou” to “ye”. Is that at all significant? Forgive me, for your formal mode of speech was not covered in my training, and I know that my understanding in its subtleties is, lacking. However, as it is my duty now to defend your honor, I shall study most earnestly, that I may remedy my failings, and be ready in the future.” He finished that last in a rush.

Princess Luna smiled warmly, “Indeed it is so. I hath claimed ye as, mine. That calls for a less formal address betwixt us. And even were ye not my chosen champion, as a friend, I would address ye as such as well. But fear not, I know that my speech hath fallen out of favor in the time of my exile. One thing I may call on ye to help with, is bringing my speech and mannerisms in line with those of current mode. So, by ye studying and bringing thy manner of speech into my accustomed frame, ye may also learn how best that I may bring mine in line with thine. Moreover, one other thing I would ask of ye, however, this is not tied to thy duties, so ye may freely decline if ye care not for the idea.”

Boomer nodded for her to carry on.

“If ye wilt allow it, may I call on thy sister’s ghost as well, if such is possible?” she asked, almost as if she were embarrassed to voice the request.

Boomer stood up straight in surprise. He glanced up the corridor. He knew his sister was far enough up it that she would not have heard the question asked, but that was almost irrelevant as she would have heard it echo in Boomer’s mind when it landed. Mostly, he was surprised not by the request, but by the deference the princess expressed in the asking of it. He could feel, that should he tell her, ‘no’, she would hold to that, but bear him no ill will for his choice. He struggled to figure out how to phrase his question to Giggles, when he heard her voice in his head, “I would be honored.”

At that, Boomer jumped. Princess Luna was a bit startled, but he quickly explained. “Sorry pri, Luna, as you know, my sister’s ghost can hear my thoughts. I was just startled to learn that she can make hers known to me. She said that she would be honored. And I myself have no objections. If she can serve you in any way that we all feel is appropriate, then I would be remiss, as your champion, to withhold her aid from you.” And he gave his princess a small bow.

That last thought stilled him for a moment. For indeed, Luna was now, “his” princess, his to watch over and defend, his to honor, and his to serve. In a way, it was rather intimate, yet at the same time, completely proper. The weight of that responsibility was heavy indeed. He just prayed he was up to it.

Buoyed by joy at having a new, worthy, calling, he bowed to Luna once more, but much more grandly. “My Princess, my Luna, would you care to accompany me back up to the throne room? If we are lucky, we may yet catch the last parts of whatever celebration was arranged. And if I am exceedingly lucky, we may arrive before Pinkie Pie embarrasses me by revealing what a blubbering mess I was.” And with that, they began the trek back up to the main hall of the palace.

After a short while, they were joined by Giggles. Boomer laughed, “After twenty years of self imposed isolation, it seems to be my fate to be surrounded by beautiful fillies. Luna, if you can find use for my pest of a sister’s ghost, and keep her out of my hair from time to time, I would be most appreciative. She has some grand design on mucking about in my life, and I am half afraid that if I cannot keep her distracted, she may well accomplish whatever nefarious plans she has for me.”

They all laughed at that. Then, Giggles said, “My brother is making a lot of progress on his own. But I do have plans for him. I mean to see him married. As you can see your highness, he can be rather cute and charming at times. Are you sure I can’t interest you?”

Boomer choked and stumbled over his sister’s forwardness. But it was Princess Luna who answered with a laugh. “Nay my good spirit, I have the claim on him that I need and want. Further would complicate things over much. But I wish thee success with thy mission.”

Giggles smiled and winked at the princess. “That’s okay. I have somepony else in mind anyway.”