• Published 15th Feb 2014
  • 1,970 Views, 24 Comments

Rebirth - twilightpiesparkle

Everypony knows that King Sombra was destroyed by the Crystal Heart. But what no-pony knows, is that one part of him survived. Now, darkness is gathering and war threatens to break out. This time, the ponies may not be able to save Equestria, as one

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Chapter 9

To preform the Scrying Spell, one must have some type of reflective surface- a mirror, water, a window, ect. On the ground directly beneath the object intended for the spell, one must carve out an array (Illustration on pg. 203). Once this has been done, repeat the inaction exactly as written here three times in quick succession. If the incantation is not repeated the allotted number within a minute, the spell will rebound: Ut ergo nos perdidimus, ubi sunt invenientibus ea et ostende nobis, quaerite in aqua et ignis glaciem, NIHIL RELIQUI FACIO, fac, ut.* However, if the incantation is not repeated the allotted number within a minute, the spell will rebound

After speaking the incantation, the image of the lost one/ones should appear in the caster’s reflective surface (unless they have been cloaked in magic more powerful than the caster’s, for more on this subject see pg. 647). The caster should be able to determine the general location of the lost one/ones through the image.

Note: the authors of this guide to spell casting are not responsible for any injury the caster may sustain.

“Well, that’s encouraging.” Luna muttered. “Lucky for me, I’ve done this sort of thing before.” She glanced around the ball room.

“This as good a place as any, I suppose. I never did like all those parties Tia seemed to love.” Luna snorted. “And now I’m talking to myself. Wonderful.” She glanced through the window and saw that it was nearly dawn. “If I’m to finish this spell before it’s time for me to raise the moon, I have to start now. Better start drawing the array…”

Five hours and two pieces of chalk later, the array was complete. Luna had painstakingly copied it exactly as it was shown in the book. After all, one mistake and the spell could fail. A failed spell could mean anything from Luna’s death to the entire kingdom being razed to the ground. That was probably why Dark Magic was a forbidden art. That, and the fact that psychotic ponies tended to use it to try and take over Equestria.

“All right, now for the reflective surface.” Luna’s eyes settled on the window. “Well, that’s convenient.” Using her magic, Luna broke the window into fragments and levitated one of the larger shards into the array.

“If I mess up on the pronunciation... Oh well, here goes nothing. I am Princess of the Night. There is a reason why those cursed horror stories are still circulating about me, why mothers warn fillies not to be bad or the dreaded Nightmare Moon will eat them.” She gave a short, bitter laugh and trotted to the edge of the array.

The spell was ready. This was the moment that she would find the Council. Luna refused to even consider the alternative. She would not die.

Except…Even if she executed the spell perfectly, the enchantment would take its toll on her. Luna wouldn’t be able to use her magic for an entire moon. She really, really hoped that her suspicions were wrong and the Council had simply decided to take an impromptu vacation. She hoped with all her heart that a new threat had not risen against Equestria. With her about to surrender her magic and the Elements of Harmony dismantled, Equestria would be virtually defenseless should the worst come to pass.

Luna wasn’t an optimist. In fact, she was a self-proclaimed pessimist. There was little doubt in her mind that something sinister was stirring, even if she hoped otherwise. Even so, although Luna herself was important, the Council was vital. Luna saw now other option than to perform the Scrying Spell. Even if meant giving up her magic for a moon.

Luna took a deep breath. It was time. Further procrastination was pointless. It was now or never.

“At least there’s still Tia and her student. I suppose it’ll be up to them now.”

Far away, in Ponyville, Celestia felt a twinge of pure wrongness tear through her. She breathed in sharply and then let out a low hiss. It almost feels like…No. It couldn’t be. Luna would never do something like that again. She promised. She promised.

“Ut ergo nos perdidimus, ubi sunt invenientibus ea et ostende nobis, quaerite in aqua et ignis glaciem, NIHIL RELIQUI FACIO, fac, ut.” Luna chanted out the melodic words. “Ut ergo nos perdidimus, ubi sunt invenientibus ea et ostende nobis, quaerite in aqua et ignis glaciem, NIHIL RELIQUI FACIO, fac, ut. Ut ergo nos perdidimus, ubi sunt invenientibus ea et ostende nobis, quaerite in aqua et ignis glaciem, NIHIL RELIQUI FACIO, fac, ut!”

The chalk-drawn array glowed blue. Instead of the sickly hue usually associated with Dark Magic, Luna’s horn shone a pure, azure color as well. It was always like this for her, even when she used Dark Magic. She was the Night. She was the Dark, the other side of the coin. Some would call her evil, but Luna disagreed. She was not good, nor evil. She existed to balance out her sister, just as her sister existed to balance out her.

And yes, she made mistakes. The whole Nightmare Moon fiasco had been one of her more prominent ones. Luna hoped that this wasn’t another mistake.

No turning back now. My only option is to keep moving forward. And so I will.

Luna’s eyes glowed white and her hair was blown upward because the sheer magical force. The remaining windows around her shattered and chunks of the ceiling came crashing down.

Now, I just have to look into the window shard. Luna peered intently into the glass. She could see the Council. They were milling about in some sort of cavern, looking absolutely terrified. Luna could make out grayish purple crystals all around them. Where are they? It looks vaguely familiar…The caves! The caves below the castle! I remember those caves. I was the one that had to clean up after Tia’s student and Princess Cadence got stuck down there. Hmm. It seems that another enemy has discovered those blasted caves and used them for nefarious purposes. I knew I should have destroyed them when I had the chance, structural problems with the rest of the castle be damned. Still, it does seems a bit contrived. Almost as if the enemy wanted the Council to be found.

“PRINCESS!” The Night Guards came crashing in. “We heard the explosion! Are you harmed? What is going on?!”

Luna turned to look at them, completely drained from the Scrying Spell. She tried to answer but all that came out was a weak cough.


Luna managed to croak, “…The Council. They’re in the caves.” before she collapsed to the floor, completely exhausted.


Unbeknownst to what was going on back at Canterlot Castle, back at the Golden oaks Library, Twilight Sparkle was reading one of her many books while Princess Celestia and Spike played a friendly but competitive game of chess.

It had only been three days since Twilight was released from the hospital and confined to either the couch or her bed, but to her, it seemed like an eternity. What made matters worse was that she had not seen her friends since the day she was released, as they had taken time out of their lives to visit her when she was in the hospital and they had jobs they needed to get back to.

Although she was very lonely, there were some factors that made up for that. For one thing, Twilight loved spending time with Celestia. She had rarely gotten to see her since the move to Ponyville and she felt like their relationship had been strained. But since the heartfelt discussion they had the other night, their relationship had never been stronger.

Another upside to this whole situation was she and Spike were spending more quality time together. Now that she was bed ridden and needed to be extremely cautious, (even more so then the doctor told her to be thanks to the over protectiveness of Celestia) it wasn’t as if the only personal time she spent with spike was on special occasions thanks to not having to study all of the time. Lately, she and her number one assistant have been inseparable.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons that Twilight was not completely distraught about her condition, was even though her BBBFF Shining Armor and Sister-in-law Cadence were too tied up in the Crystal Empire to come and visit Twilight, every day they sent her extremely heartfelt letters. Cadence had told her that when they got the news, Shining Armor nearly collapsed and started sobbing, as they were not immediately alerted that no major organs were punctured. They tried everything that they could to be able to visit her, but because of how hectic it was back at the Crystal Empire, seeing as it had just returned, they were unable to. Daily letters were the best they could do for now.

As said, Twilight was peacefully reading her book as Celestia and Spike were playing Chess when a knock was heard at the door.

Spike sighed, “You would think that they would realize that this is a Library, a Public Library, and we are open. They should know that they don’t need to knock.” Spike said in frustration as he had to leave his game to get the door.

All that could be heard was, “SURPRISE!!!!” and they loud explosion of a party canon.

Twilight and Celestia both shared a look and cringed as they both knew what the sounds downstairs in the Library meant.
A few moments later Spike came back upstairs covered in party streamers and confetti.

“It’s for you.” He said looking at Twilight with a deadpanned expression.

Suddenly a pink rocket shot towards Twilight at lightning speed and landed in front of the couch.


When Pinkie finished her sentence (if you could even call it that) Twilight just sat there for a minute with a blank expression on her face until she finally replied with a genius response!


Author's Note:

Find the ones we have lost
Find them and show us where they are
Search through water, fire and ice
Leave no stone unturned
Make it so

And if anyone is confused about how Discord is listed as a main character, he WILL come in later.

Comments ( 4 )

I like it...keep going!

5094287 Thanks! I got it from instagram.

4798456 I know I am responding really late but we are going to try to get it back up and running in about a month.

5432316 Is there a chance you will resume this story?

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