• Published 15th Feb 2014
  • 1,970 Views, 24 Comments

Rebirth - twilightpiesparkle

Everypony knows that King Sombra was destroyed by the Crystal Heart. But what no-pony knows, is that one part of him survived. Now, darkness is gathering and war threatens to break out. This time, the ponies may not be able to save Equestria, as one

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Chapter 5

“I’m quite happy to announce that Twilight Sparkle is now ready to be released from the hospital.” Red Cross droned in a monotone voice. “Just remember not to eat any solids for a few weeks, get plenty of rest, and drink copious liquids. If you feel any abnormal pain, come visit me immediately. Also, if—“

“Er, what exactly constitutes ‘abnormal pain’? How is it different from regular pain? And what about—” Twilight rambled. In the corner of the room, Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Ahem!” Red Cross interrupted. “As I was saying—”

“I think Twilight will be just fine,” Celestia gently broke in. Red Cross glared at the Princess until she realized just who she was scowling at. Quickly, she dropped her eyes to the floor.

“I will take care of her for the next few days, until I am confident Twilight has made a full recovery. My sister, Luna, will take charge of my duties for the next few days. It just… it just wouldn’t feel right leaving Twilight in this condition.” Celestia turned away, “I beg your pardon, I seem to have something in my eye, excuse me.” Hastily, Celestia departed, leaving behind a room full of speechless ponies.

“Well…. That was….. Unexpected.” Rainbow Dash stuttered, breaking the awkward silence. Everypony looked away from the place that the Princess had been occupying just moments ago.

“Wow, I never knew that Celestia was such a worrywart!” Pinkie Pie said brightly.

“Yah, ah never knew she cared so much about ya sugercube.” Stated Applejack

“Yeah, me neither!” Applejack looked at Pinkie in irritation.

“I was talking to Twilight,” Applejack gave Twilight a serious look. “I never knew that Celestia…well…cared for ya so deeply.”

“Neither did I,” Twilight murmured, “Neither did I.”


The Merponies a race of legend. They were a beautiful race with shimmering coats of colors ranging from purple to white.

As said, the Merponies were a beautiful race, but the same could not be said for their Kingdom.
Sapphire Moon cleared her throat. She was the leader of the growing faction against the Land Ponies that were destroying their waters. Her white coat glimmered in the water, while her azure mane swirled about her.

Around her, multiple Merponies were giving her their undivided attention.

“The Land Ponies have demolished our ocean, our home! They have poured their factory waste into our rivers, killing our friends and family. We must push back! If we flood their land, then perhaps they will see what it is like to lose a home.”

Fire Dancer stepped in front of Sapphire Moon, interrupting her angry tirade.

“We don’t know that the Land Ponies are aware that the filth they dump into our rivers and oceans has been poisoning us. It is possible that they are oblivious. After all, we have been careful to keep ourselves hidden.” Fire Dancer said, trying to placate Sapphire.

“Of course they know! They are deliberately sabotaging us!” Sapphire Moon screamed.

“Are you sure that this isn’t about your sister, Diamond Star?” Fire Dancer enquired.

Sapphire Moon stopped short. Her eyes filled with tears and her bottom lip trembled. Stop it. She thought. Don’t cry. If you cry here, they will think you weak.

“Don’t you ever mention my sister again. You’re unworthy to even speak her name. If you ever speak of her again, I will kill you. And to answer your question, I am leading this fight because somepony has to. Now, get out.” Around her, Sapphire Moon’s followers hissed and booed.

Fire Dancer looked startled and a bit uncomfortable at the anger directed at him. He turned to look at Sapphire Moon, and his expression quickly turned to one of sadness.

“I…I apologize. I spoke out of turn.” He shifted awkwardly. “However, there was a reason I came to see you. You seem believe that the Land Ponies are deliberately murdering us. I disagree. I suggest we send a message to inform them of our situation.”

Sapphire gave Fire Dancer and angry glare. Then she paused. If the Land Ponies were to ignore Fire Dancer’s missive, he would look like a fool. And of course they would ignore the message. Her beautiful face twisted into a smile that could only be described as evil.

“Very well,” She replied. “We shall send the Land Ponies a message.” ‘


Meanwhile, back in Ponyville at the Golden Oaks Library, Princess Celestia was walking through the front door with a very sore Twilight Sparkle on her back.

As Princess Celestia started up the stairs to Twilight’s room, Twilight questioned her actions “Can’t I stay downstairs… with you?”

“Now, Twilight,” the Princess started in a concerned tone, “you heard the doctor, you need your rest. You do not want to exert yourself or rip your stiches.”

Twilight then remembered how earlier at the hospital the Princess had acted so oddly and how she seemed so worried about Twilight. It obviously had something to do with her. Twilight bit her lip. She did not want to risk upsetting the Princess again and nor did she want to test her own limits. She just wanted to be near her mentor.

“I know Princess, I promise that I will stay on the couch and not move unless there is a dire emergency. It’s just, t- the last t- time I was here w- well…. You know w- what happened.” As Twilight spoke, Celestia looked down at her. What she saw broke her heart.

Big fat tears were running down Twilight’s soft cheeks and sobs racked her body.

Celestia swiftly reached down to nuzzle her dear student and calm her fears. “Alright, but only if you promise not to move a muscle unless I am there to help you.” With that said, Celestia used her magic to arrange the pillows on the couch in a more suitable way. She gently picked Twilight up with her magic as well and rested her on the couch.

“Thank you Princess, I just….. I can’t get the images out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, I can see the dagger and,” she winced “feel the pain. What if they come back, what if they get all of the Elements and kill me or Spike in the process?!”
While Celestia listened to Twilight, she could not help to admit that these thoughts had crossed her mind as well, but the thought of her dear Twilight lying cold and dead….. No, I will NOT allow this!

“Twilight,” the Princess said as she reached down to nuzzle Twilight once again, “as long as I’m here, no harm will ever come to you again.”

Author's Note:

YAY!!!!!! Longest chapter yet! we hope you liked it but just in case you can't tell, Diamond Star is dead.