• Published 12th Feb 2014
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Icon: Remnants of the North - Vixavior

When a shade of Celestia's protege is summoned to stop a monster terrorizing Equestria, chance ensnares an unlikely replacement. With time running out, can you stop the beast and uncover the secrets of the Icon?

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Act 3- Chapter 11: Swamps of Sadness

Swamps of Sadness
Proofread by TehSporkBandit

Getting off the train had proven to be quick and unconventional. You'd checked your pack to make sure nothing was missing, including both your cell phone and newly purloined axe. Rainbow had kindly been ‘volunteered’ by Fluttershy to help you break some of that fall, to which she had so graciously acquiesced to that request with a genteel 'yeah, whatever I guess'. Moments later, you were leaping from a train’s rear platform with a Pegasus' forelegs looped underneath yours while hurtling through the air at a less-than-puffy looking snow drift.

It was certainly a different method, but thanks to Rainbow's earlier attempt to catch you mid-air while jumping from a third story window, you had managed to liken the two experiences. It had been a decidedly uncomfortable and sobering experience when the powdery snow was dashed in your face and found its way into every little unprotected nook and cranny. Shaking yourself off and trying to get the wretched dampness off your neck and chest means you'd missed both Pinkie then Applejack's descents.

In the end, it was only two or three minutes until everypony was gathered together and the train was only a memory long since vanished in the mist. Thus, in the lee of the tracks, four ponies and a 'troll' took their brief respite from the bitter chill of the deep winter and the vapid stagnation to collect themselves.

The moisture here is different; it springs up from the ground where the snow has either melted or been scraped away, resulting in thick billowing plumes streaming from the earth like vents from a volcano. A more putrid stink of rot lingers near those white clouds and the thin layer of mist that sticks close to the chalky surface of lusterless snow.

The sound of a hoof cracking the hardened shell of snow draws your attention, “And you're sure this is the right place, Dashie?" Pinkie ponders aloud after watching a puffy gout of moisture rise from the hole she’d just punched in the snow. It smells like a bog and looks just as unnaturally transformed as any other place. But the land doesn't exude some overt demonic menace or supernatural discomfort; the little bog is just a victim held hostage by the unnatural cold. Again, it might feel warmer thanks to the steam vents, but the air is just as frigid as downtown Vanhoover. No, more so, the air itself crackles with even the faintest warmth from the pungent fog pillars.

“Hey, who's the weather pony here? Of course it is, when am I ever wrong?" Rainbow Dash snorts, but remains bound in place as Fluttershy tutters with a quiet note of reproach. The various clothes and scarves are being rewound around the cyan Pegasus who unhappily trots on the spot and flicks her tail and mane at every conceivable opportunity.

“The ground’s not the only one letting off steam.” You mumble under your breath, but Pinkie wiggles her ears and bursts out laughing with a few less-than ladylike snorts. You hadn’t meant for her to hear it and your reward is nothing more than a few wane smirks, a single giggling mare, and a death glare that could carve through solid stone from Rainbow Dash herself.

“Ah admit, that looks a mite-bit discouragin’..." Applejack trails off as she stares into the bleak grey void. The farm pony's cue prompts the other ponies who candidly turn their attention to the empty abyss.

The raised train track’s wooden support pylons jutt from the ground like bones as the congealing mists clamber to swallow them up in the world of perpetual twilight. There is no warming sunlight to illuminate the safest path by day, nor starlight to guide your way at night, just a somber purgatorial veil and fleeting phantoms that slip from fog bank to fog bank.

“C'mon, there's trees just off to the left there." Rainbow thrusts her still unwrapped hoof toward the other side of the tracks as Fluttershy mews again for her to stay still. “It’s part of the forest, it’s just that they clear them away from the tracks so they don't grow between the ties.”

“How'd you know that?" You turn to her with nothing more than absent curiosity.

“Because I saw them clipping it back once, okay?" The snarl lingers for a moment as you raise your hands, conceding any fledgeling argument to the snippy mare.

“Alright, alright. Yeash, I was just asking." A few moments of relative silence pass with only Pinkie's quiet off-tune humming that breaks the intolerable gulf. “Are we all ready?”

Fluttershy quietly hums in a rising monotone, “There. All se-" she can’t finish before Rainbow Dash pries herself free.

“Finally. Yeah, all good." Rainbow trots up to the train track as everypony else nods and gathers up their supplies. You heave yourself to your feet and trudge up the mild slope to Rainbow Dash's side.

The grey expanse isn't clearing, but amid the shapeless whisks and curling tendrils are hints of more definite shapes. “Well, this is it. I'd bet my first edition Quest for the Sapphire Stone that the forest is there and the Daunted Peak forestry station is just a short trot away." The pugnacious smirk she shoots you is enough. “Seriously, what've you got? Oh, and nothing too big; I can't have you crying like a foal when I win.”

“No, thanks, I believe you.” You reply as she makes a self-satisfied ‘humph’ and nods before hopping down the slope and skidding to the bottom. She was the first of the party to set out for the supposed forest. In moments it’s obvious Rainbow Dash is as good as her word about the forest; a twisted mass of snow-clad thickets loom up from the grey unknown. Sprigs and wizened trunks of white paper birch pass by to your right and left like unphased sentinels lost in time. The winter chill has come so quickly that there are still some blackened husks of leaves sticking to otherwise naked limbs.

“We’d best head that’a way." Applejack points towards the forest on a slight tangent from Rainbow’s path. “It’ll get us through the forest and to that ol’ forest post at the base of the mountain lickety-split. Ain't nothin' doin', if Rainbow's right-”

“Of course I'm right!”

Despite Rainbow's bristling indignation, Applejack calmly continues, “If Rainbow's right, then we’ll have ta’ hoof it up one of them tough mountain passes. It ain’t no picnic, but we got everythin’ we need.”

Pinkie bobs her head emphatically, “Lucky for us, I brought the picnic. Oh, and Dashie’s right when it comes to weathery thingies. She's the Snow Seer, the Wind Waker, the Cloud Champion!" Her jubilant heralding and good-natured aura dispels some of the growing menace as you traipse under the skeletal branches of a lifeless poplar.

You bob your head then nod towards Applejack's hind leg, “Are you still good there, AJ?" All you get in return is a huff of stubborn certainty.

“Good as biscuits and gravy. Like ah' said, don't ya’ fret none. It ain't gonna do ya’ a lick a' good.”

You shrug and slow your pace to sidle up alongside Fluttershy near the rear of the column while the headstrong farmer and stubborn athlete take up the vanguard. Fluttershy just sighs and nods, “Somewhere out there is a mountain, a lair, and a stronghold where they're keeping Rarity and Twilight.”

“And we're there to storm the gate and slay the dragon."

Her quiet whisper still reaches your ears, “There’s no need to be worrying about fighting a dragon who isn't here when we should be worrying about a Hydra that is." There is a quiet crackle from underfoot as you look down. Your foot has broken through the layer of ice and is slowly sinking into the spongy soil.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, welcome to the Swamp of Sadness, population: us... and a Hydra and maybe some ballywogs." Pinkie gulps as the trees thin out and a glassy smoothness seems to anchor the murky carpet. What is left of the trees and their skeletal canopies blots out more light and any hint of the torpid skies. The staleness of the winter frosts are still there, but now there is another stink hanging in the stodgy air: rotten eggs and mold.

Rainbow yawns and pulls a face of disgust before quietly chuckling, “Well, it wasn't me.”

Pinkie sticks her tongue out and covers her nose with a hoof, “Eeeew, I can taste it.”

“A'right, that's enough, everypony, all y'all settle down and focus. We’ve gotta find that ol' forestry station. Hmm." She looks around at the trees and tips her head towards the canopy.

Earth pony's intuition seems enough as she and Pinkie both stick out a hoof at the same time and jointly exclaim, “That way!”

Rainbow Dash quickly nods in affirmation as Applejack continues, “Ah thought ah saw a steep hoof path up there. It ain't gonna be easy, land knows, but we gotta' get Twi and Rarity back, no two ways abou-" There is a sharp crack and slosh that stops everypony cold. Rainbow's hoof has sunk through the snow and into freezing mud..

You stoop down and tease the fractured edge of the ice with your finger. Beneath it is peat moss and brackish water that is already reforming into a fern-like lattice of ice crystals. Applejack does the same as you mull it over, “It's-”

“Warm. There's gotta be a lot a' ground heatin' from the mountain." Applejack cuts you off as her muzzle twitches and her eyes narrow in concentration.

You clean the muddy water off on your coat as Rainbow looks up, “Cold air descends, warm air rises, it’s just an updraft. There’s a big difference in temperature so you get the steam, but the cold air is descending quick and pushing it down. So it could be a hot spot, but it is still cold... colder than by the tracks. Oh, and if you fall through the ice, forget about just breaking out." The ice hisses and crackles as it refreezes in a few short moments.

“Be careful, everypony." Fluttershy's uncertain voice echoes in your ears. While few of the others seem to pay her any heed, you know full well that it’s worth listening to.

As you venture further forward the murk gets even thicker in spots as it mingles with the hot plumes, pressing them into a thick roiling blanket just above the ground. Small dips and sudden hollows are obscured in the mist and quickly slow your progress. It is better to be careful than rush and end up twisting your ankle out here. Sinister coils pass over small open patches of glassy ice as the stagnant dampness drips off your face and coats your lips.

“Hold up and watch yer step." Applejack raises a hoof in the air, stopping the column among the unnatural silence of the bog. The unnerving silence is only broken by a hissing crackle as your steps are swallowed up behind you. The farm-pony loosens her pack and quickly roots through it, “Ah reckon a place like this'd suck a pony down like quicksand. Then we wouldn't be gettin' so much as a postcard from ya’. Here." Applejack unpacks her coiled lasso.

As you stay still, the moisture on your coat begins to freeze, letting layers of now rigid cloth claw at you. In moments, you had to suck in mouthfuls of your scarf, which muffles your voice amid its humidity and sticks to your lips. Every breath worsens the cloying discomfort of the the wet crackling fabric until it was a torment not dissimilar to waterboarding. Coughing once, you unwrap the band of colourful cloth from your mouth and let it hang from your shoulders.

“Gah, that's it, this is coming off." Rainbow bites and squirms against the tight confines of the clothing as well. She reels and wobbles until a splash has her glancing back and forgetting about the restrictive garments.

“Rainbow, you're just going to have to put it on again when we get to the mountain." Fluttershy's well reasoned words invariably land on deaf ears.

“My feathers need to breathe and I have to stretch my wings. You can't keep a Pegasus cooped up like this!" While that 'immoral' act is the only thing keeping the stubborn creature from freezing, you can sympathise as she’d torn off her scarves first.

“You use your mouth for breathing, not your feathers, silly. Ooo, unless you can eat chocolate pudding with your wings. That would be pretty neat. Oh, and so long as we have rope, I bet Applejack could coop you up as long as she wanted!" Pinkie smiles and swiftly loops the end of the lariat around Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow only protests with an indignant “Hey!

Applejack shakes her laugh but can’t stem the sly and self-congratulatory chuckle from passing her lips, “'Better safe than sorry." A length of rope is thrust into your hand.

A smug look of content satisfaction from the cowpony in the lead says it all. Likewise, it also contrasts well with Rainbow's squint and deep frown of momentary resentment. You make a secondary loop and slip the rope over Fluttershy's neck as she lifts one foreleg at a time to step through it.

If we really need someone to pull us out by flight, it might be less awkward than if they were both at one end.

Fluttershy gives you a thankful smile as you pat her withers and check the tightness on the rope. You fix another loop between you and Fluttershy for Pinkie, who merely rears back and stands on her hind legs while cinching it snugly around her midriff as if it were a new belt. You just tie yourself off behind Applejack at the very center of the group.

“Ready?" Rainbow looks back over her shoulder at the centipede-like train behind her. After a few fugitive nods, everypony stumbles forward in the coffle.

Slow progress is still eminently better than just getting stuck in the two or three inches of mud that squelches and sucks your feet under before oozing over your shoes. Pinkie even gives up her bouncing; every time she tried the mare sank nearly four inches down and it took a moment to wrest her from the mud.

Unsightly grey, green, and brown droplets spatter up along her barrel and shoulders as she scrunches her muzzle and gives the ground a stern glare. “Juuuust keep walking, Pinkie. Just keep walking." She mumbles to herself, closes her eyes, then shivers before looking around in confusion.

You glance back over your shoulder again after the latest stop and grin, “C'mon, it ain't that bad. Mud is mud, water is water." You blink and listen to a chortle ahead of you.

“Ah guess not all of Rarity's prissiness rubbed off on ya' after all. 'Knew I could learn ya' a thing or two." Applejack bobs her head like a satisfied school teacher.

Great, now I'm starting to sound like AJ. I'm not sure who is to blame for that one.

“No, that isn't it!" Pinkie trembles as another bolt lances down her back.

The last time she said that she was on the train to Canterlot…

A lump forms in your throat as you hold up a hand and gingerly pull the rope taut in front of you to halt Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

The former humphs, “C'mon. We can't stop too long or we'll just get good and stu-”

You wordlessly hold a finger to gesture for quiet. The mare gets the point in a hurry as silence returns to the swamp. A few twigs snap somewhere off to your left in the haze. There you are, one among five figures in the mist-draped world like charcoal drawings in a sketchbook. And there you are, ankle-deep in brackish water and mud, slowly sinking and following a meandering path set out by your intrepid leader.

Slowly, steadily, you reach for your pack to unbuckle the canvas flap and grope for the leather-bound grip of the war-axe before winding its thong around your wrist. Something might be out there, it might be out there. “Might be right, AJ, best keep moving." The water ripples behind you with a quiet slosh. You spin and bring the axe to bear but the glimmering steel shows only the roiling tendrils of mist over the glassy surface. No, not quite, there is a larger white plume that rises like a puff of smoke then closes up then disappears.

You can hear the undulating sound again and cock your head towards Applejack to whisper, “How far to the forestry station?"

She leans in close, enough that her voice is nearly silent and you could feel her breath on your ear, “It ain't too far now.”

There is no reason to put Fluttershy and Rainbow in any more danger than absolutely necessary. With a simple wave you harken the rest of the group forward so you can untie them from the coffle, “If we have to split up then keep quiet and Rainbow will fin-”

A burst of a spray and plume of stagnant water geyser up on the horizon as a monstrous dorsal crest breaks the glassy surface with a shatter of sliding ice. It turns sharply, side-winding its way towards you as sheets of ice dip into the roiling waters in its wake.

Go!" You shout and swing the axe, neatly chopping through the rope separating Applejack and yourself. A second stroke cuts through Pinkie’s tether.

The glassy lake boils and froths as a monolithic head erupts from the surface with a startling roar only fifteen paces away. The massive iron-shod face of the Hydra rises up as it rushes towards you. Its eyes are hidden by the great iron slats, but half is still dented inward and bent flat while the other is covered in a curtain of limp reeds. It's cavernous mouth opens wide, breathing out a putrid cloud that fixes you to the spot.

The ghastly creature raises its foreleg, talons trailing watercress and limp fens, raised up over you like the sword of Damocles. You don't even remember to scream, not that it will do much good as its horrendous roar physically batters you. Droplets of water drip from it to your forehead moments before it brings its talons down, plunging you into a blackened expanse of silence.

I did my best to prepare you,
goodness go with you,
and grace be in your stride.
My hopes and deepest trust goes with you,
even when my dreams have died.


Every ounce of breath is driven from your body, crushed beneath the immeasurable bulk of the creature which would have squished you flat against the solid ground. The sinking sensation envelops you, embedding you at least a foot deep in sucking mud. Panic streams through you as your senses return. You flail, thrash and shove the curved talon pinning you to the murky reed bed. A loose weight bumps your shoulder as the loop around your wrist tightens. The axe.

You swiftly grasp the leather hilt and madly hack at the enormous foot. The silvered steel breaks the surface and sheers into something else as you lash out again and again in desperation. The pulverizing weight lifts from your chest as the surface boils. A deafening roar barely registers as grit and muck fills your ears.

In seconds you are hauled upright through the sucking vacuum and break the ice clad surface. Your stomach churns from the pressure as you vomit up a slurry of mud and water, “Cough it up an' let’s go!" You sweep a hand across your grime-streaked glasses and flick the mud from your fingertips. Through the fuzzy haze you can just make out features of the brazen Earth pony mare in front of you.

The shock of the moment, the frothing pink foam around you, it all strikes you after a second or two as you look at the bloody axe clutched in your white-knuckle grip. Applejack bites your sleeve and hauls you forward as the lurching mass of thrashing scales churns the glassy waters into frothing foam.

She hops and plunges through the shallow waters, finally letting you go only when you find the ability to lope after her. The thunderous bellow of the Hydra smacks you in the back and physically shakes you to the core. You call out the single question on your mind, “Where're the others?!

“They're good fer now! So, fer Land's sakes, hush up!

Even while darting forward you chance a glance over your shoulder. The massive iron-clad head rears up like a snake as Pinkie Pie bounds across its forelegs and disappears under the surface. She breaks the water moments later, laying flat on her back and looking up at the Hydra. The beast screeches and gnashes its snaggled teeth, only to be struck in the visor by a gob of mud. It reels, blinded from the assault. “Mud slinging isn't just for Canterlot snobs!" Pinkie's voice is swiftly drowned out by a resounding howl. Pinkie rolls to her side just as the massive beast brings its whole bulk crashing down on the spot she occupied scant fractions of a second before.

You turn your gaze back to Applejack just long enough to see a great shadow of a tree looming up out of the haze. The solitary oak juts up above the mangrove swamp with its gnarled roots twisting out of the water. Applejack nips your sleeve and pulls you toward the roots for shelter while whistling loudly to break the monster's attention on Pinkie. The blinded beast lifts its head up as you and Applejack slip in among the root tangles.

With your back to the heart of the tree, you swiftly free yourself from the frayed slipknot halter. The pain and last remnants of water in your lungs still causes you several involuntary coughs, but Applejack merely holds her foreleg to your mouth to stymie the sound. She chest expands and nostrils flair, but despite her deep breaths, the mare tries to keep silent.

There is a ragged ruffle of feathers just above you followed by a scramble and surprised yelp as Rainbow tumbles in among the twisting maze of roots. “Where's Pinkie and Fluttershy?" Applejack hisses.

“Calm down, I'm just seeing where everypony is. That's my job, right?" It isn't really a question as she shoots you a look. The hierarchy put in place back in Canterlot still seems to be in effect. 'Commander' Rainbow Dash is still coordinating everything and she affects an imperious aura as she straightens herself out. “They're just a little bit to the north after doubling back. The Hydra broke up most of the surface ice and now it's just steam, I can't see a thing. It went underwater so either it's trying to get the mud out of its eyes-”

“Or that critter's stalkin' us. So, we need-" Applejack's swift interruption is halted as Rainbow shoves her hoof to Applejack's lips and scowls.

“Who’s running things, Applejack? Look, the old station is just up that way." She tilts her head to the side and gestures for you to follow her to the other side of the tree. When there, she points her hoof out into the featureless mist, “It's about seventy paces that way.”

“But the trail goes that’a way. We'll be up to our neck in muck. The map says we’re best going that way!" Applejack insists and points off to the right on a tangent.

“Yeah and tack on another fifty paces of being Hydra bait!” Rainbow growls and hisses, “Look, who are you going to believe, a pony who saw it, or an old map? For pony's sake, don't answer that. Just put a lid on it and trust me."

You stem any further debate by simply squeezing Applejack's shoulder, “Alright, what's the plan?" It doesn't placate Applejack, who merely looks at your hand as if to say 'what?'

“Gimme, like, twenty seconds, then hoof it." The Pegasus scarpers back up amongst the tangles, prismatic tail snapping and ruffled wings squeezing through the narrow opening.

Twenty seconds, it’s enough time to catch your breath, but not much else. You get a prod from Applejack, “Ah hope she knows what she's talkin' about and not just runnin' her mouth.”

“She'll get us through, I put her in charge for a reason. She hates failing more than almost anypony I know." You clear your throat and tap Applejack's hat with a smirk, “Almost anypony I know.”

The awkward silence that follows really doesn’t leave a single sound but the crackle of refreezing ice to alleviate the tension. “Hey, scale snail, still sticking your snout in the mud and hoping it'll hide your ugly mug?" Rainbow's voice filters across the bog. No burst of water in a seething rage, no bubble of irritation, no nothing; it remains quiet.

'Do we still go?' you mouth to Applejack who looks back and forth from the unseen shore to yourself.

“Land's sake, you better be right, Rainbow." Applejack tenses, the mud and water course off her golden coat and betray her uncertainty. Her chest doesn't even move as she waits with baited breath. You are still counting and at twenty you can feel that electric surge run through you. It’s an instinct to trust Rainbow and go. With a last uncertain shiver, you both break from cover and plunge into the open water.

Having left the safety of the tangle-roots behind, you and your companion race across the shallows in a mad dash into the unknown. . A shrouded bank appears through the mist with two ponies darting along its edge. A jagged outline of a sundered stone tower and a small log cabin looms up out of the mist, just a few short steps from the shoreline. Eyeless sockets of empty windows overlook the desecrated swamp and its rotting door bellies inwards. Rainbow is right about that and she's right about the underwater path, but she still hasn't drawn the monster away. Her husky voice echoes behind you, “Hey, ‘slithers’, you still out there or did you get beat and sent home packing? Hah, what do you expect from an overgrown worm!”

The tremendous burst of water explodes ten paces to your left between you and the other pair, sending waves coursing through the water and spray raining down on you like the surface has been hit by a cannon ball. You and Applejack stop cold, all it has to do is crane its neck out to snap you up in its snaggled fangs as it lay right alongside the crooked path. The far bank is close, a meager fifteen paces away.

Think, think, think!

Something crosses into your mind as your hands shake and chest is racked in pulsing spasms. The beast is trying to stalk you, to herd you just like the Timberwolf had. You are cold, soaked, and frightened. You have dealt with this before. Even the monster's stinking breath is just like it had been back in your peculiar fight on the lonely stream bank in the Everfree.

The Hydra's stinking breath rolls across the surface of the water as it twitches and squirms. A fine trickle of mist from its loud snort settles on your shoulders. You slowly reach out and touch Applejack's side and loop your hand around the leather saddlebag strap. Your other palm slips into your pocket and glances across a smooth plastic casing. You lick your lips and clutch the cell phone.

Please still work, pleaaaase still work.

You plead and beg for the phone to be unaffected by the water all the while hoping it still has power. As you press the power button, it chimes once and bleeps; its battery is almost dead, but ‘almost’ is good enough. The beasts muzzle points in your direction as Applejack shivers. Slowly, the Hydra slithers towards you, sniffing, homing in as Rainbow waves her forelegs and tries to distract the beast with her ragged shouts, “Hey, slime-ball, you might live in water, but I guess you never heard of soap, have you?!" The best slowly edges towards you and ignores the flying Pegasus. You feel Applejack try to flinch and pull away, wanting to dart away from the creature, but your hold on the strap keeps her still.

Come on, come on. Hurry up! Volume up.... access voicemail... play!

The distinct crackle from the phone is thankfully quiet but the rest will be loud enough as you fling the phone towards the distant shore like a frisbee, “Hey, bonjour, mate! Listen, I'm sorry about the other day-”

The familiar voice of the 'friendly foreigner' Frank echoes through the still air as the Hydra howls and lunges at the voice. It pulls its whole bulk across your path and splashes through the serf as Rainbow cries out in mock terror.

You let go of Applejack's strap and like a starting pistol, she sprints forward with you in tow. The serpentine tail sways across her path for a moment before she leaps over the scaly appendage. Pinkie and Fluttershy race down the bank at a full gallop, heading straight towards that dilapidated tower and its rickety door.

Your heart pumps hard in your chest as you charge through the waters and onto the bank towards the aged, black moss covered door of the log cabin. Pinkie and Fluttershy rush in before Applejack and yourself while Rainbow streaks in moments later.

It is dark, stuffy, and molding. A circle of stones, rocks, and cinders of a makeshift fire pit rest on the wooden floor near a set of stools and a broken table in front of you. The crumbling stone archway to the tower rests off to your left and an empty hearth rises up opposite that. Several thin shafts of pallid light make their way in through the wide gaps in the bellying ceiling with several more through the notches in the cabin's wooden walls. All of it will be smashed to kindling if the Hydra decides to barrel through.

“Quick, y’all, make for the tower!" Applejack calls out as Rainbow slams the door shut behind her and puts her shoulder to it.

“The Hydra will just shake this place to pieces. We're trapped!" Fluttershy squeaks and closes her eyes.

Rainbow! Stop being foolish and leave that consarn’d door alone!" Applejack snaps.

A sense of deja vu wriggles through your mind. Why is there a fire pit on the ground when a hearth is so close by? You close your eyes, twitching as lines of concentration trace across your brow.


Kolbjorn raked the charcoal and soot aside, soiling his emerald cloak. Straining hard, he ripped an iron gate aside and pulled up on a loop. A few creaks and groans followed before it, too, was forced open with a gasp like the tortured souls of the dead. The iron lattice was lifted allowing the small retinue to creep forward towards the yawning mouth.


You dart to the hearth and latch your fingers into the iron latticework. “C'mere!" You pull hard on the grating and listen to it open with a rusty groan. Sure enough, below the latticework is a dark pit with a single wooden ladder leading into the gloom.

“This place ain't gonna last longer than sugar at suppertime, so move yer caboose!" Applejack's howl can't hope to match the Hydra's as it lets loose an infuriated bellow outside.

“Trust me, this is why I'm here! Hurry!" You hold the grate up and listen to the sound of slavering footsteps and a thrashing slither outside. Pinkie nods and hops straight down into the darkness. Rainbow finally darts away from the door and ploughs into Fluttershy, sending them both tumbling down the chute. Applejack can only blink as you sharply point to the empty abyss, “Get in!”

Applejack glances back at the door and darts forward, diving headlong into the deep as you scramble down a moment later. The grate slams shut almost the same instant that the world above you explodes in a storm of splintered wood and falling timber. The ladder disintegrates in a shower of rocks, dirt, and dust as you plummet some ten feet and land on somepony.

As the dust settles and the creak of weakened shoring groans overhead. “Oh, damn it, move, move, move!" The winded pony beneath you coughs and struggles up as you shove them further down the blackened corridor. The Hydra's raking talons rip the metal grating off, sending the weighty scrap of twisted metal crashing down, followed by countless tons of loosened rock and rubble as the hidden entrance caves in.

Author's Note:

Righto everypony. Another week and the last Chapter of Act 3! Well, not much to say... I guess I'll say for now I'll take a break next week but I'll make a slightly bigger announcement about that soon. For now, hope y'all enjoyed and take care, akays?

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