• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 1,488 Views, 25 Comments

Icon: Remnants of the North - Vixavior

When a shade of Celestia's protege is summoned to stop a monster terrorizing Equestria, chance ensnares an unlikely replacement. With time running out, can you stop the beast and uncover the secrets of the Icon?

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Act 2- Chapter 10: In Hindsight

In Hindsight

Proofread by TehSporkBandit

The hectic chores of the day finally gave way to night’s quiet embrace. You had spent time collecting more firewood from ruined rooms with Applejack, been regaled by the tales of heroic resistance to the Gremlins by Rainbow Dash, discussed said Gremlins with Fluttershy, and tried to keep up with Pinkie Pie on her rounds that ensured everypony had what they needed. However, when you returned to the library it was as if nothing had changed.

Twilight still feverishly scribbles down everything from the Clover manuscripts onto scrolls so there was a backup record. Her penmanship might seem to be a little scrawling but it’s legible despite the blazing pace set by the reinvigorated Alicorn. Rarity sits across the little table, using a calligraphy brush and a small pot of liquid gold to catch the raised edges left on each aged page by an uninked nib. Those old documents that most people and ponies would probably toss out, were being transformed into a masterpiece that the Sun King of France would have been envious of. Four hefty manuscripts had been restored and reverently lay on Twilight’s pack.

“Twilight,” you lean over her shoulder, “you've been at that for hours. Don't you think you should take a short break?”

“You're the fourth pony to suggest that in the past ten minutes. It's only been about an hour, I'm still alright.” She further dismisses you with a wave of her hoof.

“Twilight, It's been all day. We missed supper.”

“It's okay, I'm not even hungry.” The Alicorn’s persistence keeps that wayward smile plastered on her muzzle and a frown on your lips.

“That's not the p-” you sigh and shake your head.

Why do I bother?

Twilight seems intent on finishing the whole collection in one sitting. Glancing over at the Unicorn fashionista, she had that inattentive gaze on her muzzle as she adds another flourish to the page. The two ponies most likely to enter work induced fugue sat at the same table, enveloped by their tasks.

You can’t help but break that awkward silence, “So… uh, have you learned a lot?”

“I haven’t heard of any articles written by Clover the Clever himself. It’s not just the way he writes, it’s in these notations and quips in the margin. See here?” Twilight lifts the yellowed page up to you, keeping what disturbingly looked like the same crumbs as before. “They’re like Star Swirl’s. There’s more about him in a page than in some speculative biography written by somepony else.”

You still wince and cringe as the shower of stale crumbs, “Twilight, couldn’t you have just made a rubbing? It would save you a lot of ti-”

Twilight’s gasp cuts you off, “A rubbing? On ancient papyrus sheets?”

Rarity pips up as if slipping from her artistic trance just long enough to aid you, “Lustre dust acts as a mild adhesive, it dries quickly, and stays flexible for longer to provide a shimmering coat that seals, protects, and looks simply fabulous.” That sounds like a commercial pitch if ever there was one.

You could see the glimmer in Twilight’s eyes and hear the tremble in her voice: it was the spark of excitement. That joyful flame defies her weary shell and drives her forward by sheer force of will. “We have to protect these folios. This might be the archeological discovery of the decade. It belongs in a museum!”

“So do you.” You smirk but she just smiles as if to say ‘true’. A pile of manuscripts and a stack of books rests at her side. “Is the Hindsight elixir even needed? I mean, it's still a risk, even if it's not as dangerous by the look of it. It seems that the icon, the horn itself that is, teleported Ulf here. Could the rest be just in here somewhere?” A quick tap to the leather clapped folio gets Twilight to actually take notice.

The Alicorn doesn't stop, but her ears do flick up so she has to be listening. “Teleported here? Hmm, a Unicorn horn did that? Well, it doesn't matter, we still need to find out why. Which means we’re going to have to go back and look for ourselves.”

“I'm not so sure, I haven't seen anything except how Ulf knew how to get here. That was through Clover. Are you sure?” There’s no help forthcoming help from Rarity, she was lost in her own work of embellishing the ratty page edges with gold trim before setting it aside.

Twilight holds up a hoof, “We have five major questions, the same ones as before: who?”

You answer at her pause, “Ulf, a raider from a thousand years ago.” Something still seems wrong, or at least odd, but for the meantime it was only a niggling issue. Twilight’s intent gaze doesn’t abate as she quirks a brow as if you’re forgotten something. “And Clover the Clever, a Unicorn from around the same time?” It sounds like a question as you hope you’re right in including the Unicorn seer.

She bobs her head, “What?”

“One magic horn, four dead unicorns and a further two that are missing-”

“More or less.” Rarity's voice wafts past causing both Twilight and yourself to pause.

“What was that?” Twilight's aghast expression held with it a small slumping note of disbelief.

“Hmm?” Rarity's blink and doe-eyed expression speak volumes. “W-well, uh, dear, some ponies go missing every now and then. It's not impossible that one of them may have found their way back by now.”

“But you said more or less.” You point out as Rarity shies back and nibbles her lip.

“I did…” the Unicorn sighs, “Well, there's always other accidents and… incidents. Perhaps we shouldn't discount them either. Should we?” Her voice creeps higher, hoping that you’d allay her fears and doubts.

Twilight's mouth opens with a gasp of breath, then she halts as if changing her mind. You pick up the slack from the Alicorn, “Are you, maybe, aware of something we’re not?”

“It's almost certainly nothing,” she uncomfortably brushes her forelocks from her face with a gentle breath, “but a friend of a friend in Canterlot is overdue to return from a long vacation on the west coast. Somepony got worried when she didn’t show up for a bed and breakfast appointment. You know how some ponies are, flustered at the silliest little abnormality. It's nothing but a silly little macabre thought… forget I said anything and go back to your, uh, thing.” Her cavalier facade came across transparent as cellophane.

“When.” Twilight's continuation ends any prospect of further interrogation.

“More than three months now.” You look over at Rarity who doesn't issue any correction.


You think back and nod, “Most of the west coast, north-west, I guess.” It takes another few moments to realize that she wants you to answer for Clover as well. Rarity didn’t know humanity’s details and putting two and two together wouldn’t be difficult.

You know I can't answer that, Twilight.

Twilight's winces sheepishly at your silence. Unwinding one of her scrolls, she adds an addendum, “Clover’s journal mentions that he was near Saddle Lake’s north shore in the Unicorn delegate’s pavilion. Right here.” She holds out the scroll and you look across the flourishing descriptions of green valleys and glassy water transcribed in Twilight’s chicken-scratch, “It's different from Star Swirl’s writings, but there's no mistaking it. It makes reference to the new 'Canterlot' project which, I can only assume, means the construction of Canterlot about fourteen-hundred years ago. Which I guess I should have mentioned concerning 'when'.”

“That is something of a gap.” You felt the urge to ask an uncomfortable question, “Can Unicorns live that long?”

Twilight’s gentle tap on her chin and inclination of her head makes the question appear to be pondered in some deeply philosophical manner. “Well…” she pauses for another moment of deliberation, “If they take care of themselves I suppose it could be possible.”

Twilight continues her string of questions after shaking that question of mortality from her mind, “Why?”

You open your mouth but say nothing, teleportation was ‘how’, not a 'why'. You still don't know how or why Clover was there in the first place. It gets a silent nod from Twilight who likely anticipated the lack of an answer. “Which is why we still need to go through with this. If we can find the reason for one pony’s teachings, we may be able to find the reason for the other’s actions.”

Twilight continues the now one-sided conversation as if for the sake of completeness, “How: with an axe. We still don’t know how Clover got ‘there’ either.”

“You don’t think Ulf is using the same magic in the horn to teleport around, do you?” It is a sudden and discomforting thought.

Trying to pin someone down that has teleportation is like trying to pin down smoke.

Twilight pensively hums. “I doubt it. Teleportation is difficult and requires a lot of magic. I suppose it is possible, but it’s highly improbable. It must be some abnormality, hmm. No, I’m fairly certain that it is something different. Anyway, we at least know he got here though magic, so there’s no reason to think the Hindsight elixir should behave differently.” After a few moment’s silence, and no forthcoming contestation, Twilight continues, “Excellent. We’ll just finish up here and get everything ready for shipping to Pranceston University. Then we should be prepared.” Despite being exhausted, a happy foalish glimmer of amazement sparkles in her eyes.

Something else catches your eye as you look over the table where several fairly hefty tomes are by the mare's side. “What're those for?” You ask with a bit of a twang that sounds odd to your ears. Evidently, it sounds odd to hers, too, as she just smiles a bit.

“You said you wanted to make sure that this was as safe as possible, these could help. But I doubt you want to hear it.” Twilight’s grin and canny smile make it seem like a challenge.

You pull up a chair with a noisy scrape, “Try me.”

The Alicorn’s smirk twists into a cheery grin. “I guess it is time for a short break. Okay. Most of this doesn't seem related I just… well, I had to be the first to get this copied down. Anyway, Rightly, I think we found it.” Her trembling voice borders on jubilant. “Clover the Clever spoke a lot about his mentor, Star Swirl the bearded, and I think I can figure out how to bypass some problems.” She looks around for a few moments, eyes settling on Rarity at the far end of the table as she was carefully sifting the golden dust.

“Hmm?” You lean in a little closer so a whisper would suffice.

“For the elixir to work one must have a detailed knowledge of either the location of the event or the personage included in it. Otherwise, it can be potentially dangerous. But I have learned quite a lot about how Clover thought, felt, and acted. More than that, we know where he started writing this journal. So, the only issue is Ulf and finding out how Clover got from here to there.”

“So, how does that help us?” It was probably going to get complicated, but there were few better teachers in the cosmos, let alone Equestria.

“Do you remember when you first came here and I mentioned Star Swirl's Compass theory?” She halts, as if afraid to get ahead of herself.

“Not really, but go on.”

“Alright. Eight words. Transpatial displacement and localized non-euclidean homological algebraic topology.” Seeing your blank stare she holds up a hoof then reaches for a spare quill and two sheets of parchment. “It's not a complex theory, the math is and some of the constants are, but it just sounds confusing. Watch.” Folding the two pieces of paper, she smiles and starts with clearing her throat.

Wait, another lecture? Isn’t that two in one day?

“Star Swirl theorized that the best method of accurately understanding the nature of various phenomenon, from the mundane to the fantastic, lay in recognizing similarities and differences. Like apples and oranges, or two pieces of paper.”

She swiftly scribbles down a few symbols and lines before folding the edges of one paper, “See? Both are different. Most would look at them and say 'this one is apples and this one says oranges', which are their identities. This is convenient, but it's also factually incomplete. The better way is to start with the differences between them. Look at the gaps, then see how the space forms around them. By understanding these shapes, we begin to understand what is pushed aside. These unchanging logical and spatial gaps can act as anchor points for determining exact points to the others, and then we can make logical assumptions.” She indicates what she meant by not measuring the impression left by the ink, but all the spaces around them starting at the corners.

“In our example, not only are apples different in relative space than oranges but also different in the relative shape of the paper.” she holds up the pieces of paper in a haze of fuchsia sparks, illustrating the shadows and lines as they overlap, “They are proportionally larger compared to the paper. If we were to say they are the same in size and the difference is down to the words ‘apple’ or ‘orange’, we miss the specific details in what actually creates their identity. Which brings us to our second point.”

There’s more?

She smiles and sets the paper down, much to your chagrin. “This is made all the more difficult by the exponential nature of space. Think of it like walking while looking at a compass. It doesn’t point the direction you want to go, but it will give you a reference point. From that you can find another location.”

“Let me get this straight. You want to use the knowledge of Clover’s location to get close, watch, and hope to glean something about Clover’s personality. Then you hope to follow Clover to Ulf and use that to find out about Ulf and where he learned that ritual thing from?”

Twilight emphatically nods and lets out a chirping ‘hah’ of delight. “Yes! Exactly! Ulf had to learn whatever horrible thing he’s doing from somepony, and if you’re right, that somepony is Clover. Why don’t you gather up everypony else? I should be finished by then.” The Alicorn takes a few breaths to calm herself down, letting that beaming grin stay on her lips. After a moment she reaches across to pat you on the shoulder, “And no matter what happens, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

A crystal thrum of magic alerts you to something before your coat is levitated back around your shoulders, arms quickly slipping inside as elegantly and gracefully as if a butler had aided you. “And thanks for that too.”

Now where is it… Ooooh, don’t tell me I left it at Zecora’s. I was tired but not that… Ahah! I knew I brought it.” Twilight had been muttering to herself for close to three minutes and looking in every bag to find the Hindsight elixir. You know she packed it, everypony did, and you had checked to be sure that the Gremlin hadn’t stolen that either.

“Twilight, darling,” Rarity had been getting a small nest-like spot ready and gently pats it with a hoof, “are you sure you are okay with trying this here? We can always go back to Zecor-”

“No. Right here is fine.” She looks around at your expectant faces, finding the masks of hesitant approval glossed over with fallacious smiles. Well, everypony but Applejack, who lofts a brow and watches Twilight like an inquisitor.

“Yer sure now? Zecora’s is safer and we have ta’ go back that way anyhow.”

“Nope, I’ve made up my mind.” Twilight puts her hoof down with a clack, though her voice is still pleasant, soft, and almost consoling. “I don’t want to forget a single detail about Clover the Clever. It’s all fresh in my mind, so we’ll do it now. I can do this, but thank you for your concern. Thank you, everypony.”

You sit between Pinkie Pie and Applejack at the far end of the small little table, watching Rarity primp the cushions she’d lain out for Twilight. “I reaaally-reaaally hope it’s not like last time.” Pinkie whispers out of the corner of her mouth. “That wasn’t really a great show, even if Twilight was totally convincing. But we’ll be here in the audience, watching, aaaall watching, right there with you, Twilight!” She brings her hoof down under the table where she’d laid her saddle bag, pulling out a small little handcrafted flag saying ‘Best Princess’ with a cloth cut out of Twilight herself. It’s a cute little pennant, Pinkie is fairly good at her arts and crafts projects, but that isn’t the gift.

The gift is that quiet chortle from around the table that dispels the masks of fear and feigned confidence. A single waving triangle of purple cloth cut from an old tapestry manages to lighten the mood and dispel some of that anxiety.

Pinkie, never change.

“We’re here for you, Twilight.” Fluttershy’s soft intonations is only the first of a general crescendo of support that indistinctly blends together.

As inaudible as it sounds, you add your voice to the throng, “Hey, if anypony or anyone can do it, you can.”

Twilight smiles, looking at each of you. Despite the red-rimmed eyes and tiredness, a twinkle of light escapes from some inner reservoir. Twilight seems to be fully aware of each and everypony’s support, including your own. Perhaps she’d given that same look to every one of her friends, or maybe that was just for you. Even so, it buoys your spirit. Twilight Sparkle, if there was any individual who could pull this off, it’s her. A short nervous sigh leaves your lips despite that assurance.

The elixir is opalescent and constantly swirls in some sort of convection current like it was nothing but a liquified cloud carrying flecks of mica which burst like stars in the warming light. Twilight takes the bottle and exhales once to steel her nerves. “Alright, I’m ready. I can count on you, all of you, and I know it.”

After licking her lips, she upends the potion and drinks half of it before closing her eyes. It lasts only for a second before they spring open with a burst of radiant white light streaming from seemingly empty sockets. A high pitched ethereal note crescendos, pulsing in the sides of your head like the first pangs of a migraine and causing colourful spots to explode in your eyes. Through the burning gaze you swear you can see Twilight smile, a giddy look like a foal, happy for a moment and no more. Her expression sinks and her head rears back in distraught confusion.

The other five ponies in the room watch as roving beams are swung over them like spotlights as each pony shrinks back in turn. Rainbow even lifts her wing like a blind. When they sweep onto you, you know why. The light was hot, just shy of scorching fur, fabric, and feather alike. Twilight twists and suddenly lurches to the side.

“Hey, Twilight, it’s alright. C’mon, we’re right here-” Rainbow races forward to slip her shoulder under Twilight. It draws a confused glance, causing the Pegasus to turn her head aside and grimace at the heat.

Twilight heaves and shakes as if nearly convulsing before letting loose a howling shriek that shakes the stone and extinguishes the fire. The only lights in the room are the roiling pillars of flames flaring from her eyes and a churning mass of alabaster fire that boils inside her mouth like a furnace. It lasts for several long seconds before the lights flicker like headlamps and die.

You can’t hear a thing, the shriek had come as a physical shock that buffeted you aside. You feel the room spinning and yourself slowly tilting to the left against Pinkie Pie, who leans back against you. The shriek snuffed out the blaze in the hearth and plunged the room into abject darkness, but the last thing you hear is the heavy ‘thump’ of the senseless Alicorn slumping to the floor.


Twilight, darling, put your hooves up and be sure to breath. You've had quite an ordeal.” Rarity's cooing tone could have been mistaken for patronizing but the worried creases at the corners of her eyes and the furrow of her brow tell you the Unicorn is being genuine.

The fire is lit once more, thanks to Applejack. “H-how is she?” Applejack’s voice rings shallow and indistinct thanks to the residual hum left over from the scream.

“I can’t… I can’t tell, I, there’s n-not enough light to be sure. Please-please Rainbow Dash, be alright...” Fluttershy’s prayer dissolves into a few indistinct gasps that hold back a sob. She coos and strokes Rainbow’s mane while keeping herself nuzzled against the fellow Pegasi’s side. A stark chill runs through your veins as you heave over the motley mess of cyan blue feathers and a mop of prismatic hair. You brush through Rainbow’s hair too, but it has nothing to do with some notion of comfort, and everything to do with holding her flicking ear steady to get a better look.

“Pinkie?” You quickly call out, “You got a soft cloth anywhere? Rarity, how’s Twilight?”

A ragged ‘whoosh’ whistles by your ear as a soft kerchief is tossed your way. The white lace and velvet material will have to do. Rarity’s terse tone was more certain than Fluttershy’s panicky plea, “She’s coming around. Rightly, dear, could you come over here?” It held an edge of impatience.

“Go ahead, pardner, ah’ll take over here.” Applejack gives you a quick pat as you lay the kerchief over Rainbow’s ear; the white material turns pink almost immediately.

A nauseated groan coupled with a simpering whimper escapes Rainbow’s lips, “I’m g-gonna’ be sick…”

“Awwww, Dashie, getting sick? Sick isn’t any fun, anything I can do? Hey, Applejack, any kind of super-duper farmpony potion you know?” Pinkie keeps close, even leaning her head down to Rainbow’s muzzle.

“Pinkie, ah think she might’ve burst an ear drum. She probably can’t hear ya’ so well.”

Should I talk louder?!” It only gets a whimper from Rainbow Dash before a hacking wheeze as she narrowly avoids retching.

“P-Pinkie?” It doesn’t help Rainbow Dash, but Twilight’s raspy moan can be heard as you move from one unwell pony to the other.

Kneeling down beside the Alicorn, you join Rarity, who fusses about the edges of the blanket. “Too tight? It's too tight, isn't it? I'm sorry, but please, don’t get up too quickly. You might go into a dreadful faint. Just tell me if you need anything, anything at all.” The mare in the midst of it, Twilight, lay down with dark rings around her eyes and a shallow wheezing.

“Well, let's get ya' home as soon as ya' can move. Bit a' rest and relaxation'll fix ya up better'n oil on a saddle sore.” Even Applejack's upbeat nature feels suppressed as she gives the Pegasus a pat on the ribs.

Twilight quietly sighs as you pass into her view. She struggles to say something but swallows hard as her thick tongue and parched mouth give rise to a raspy question, “What do you know about Theophilus?”

You blink and shrug, “Just the name from the dream. Why?”

She finally gets up, turning her front half to lay down, though her hindquarters seem unresponsive, “How about Mephistopheles?”

“I… what? Mephistopheles?” You search your own mind and try to come up with some information about a familiar sounding name. “Isn’t it something from- hmm. I don’t know, Paradise Lost? Maybe one of those legends, Faust, Faustus?” It draws a blank look from Twilight, or as blank as her already belaboured expression can get.

“Did you find something, dear?” Rarity’s smile might be forced, but it was infectious.

Twilight falters, shattering some of your hopefulness, “I don’t know… I’ll tell you. Maybe something else will make more sense to you. Paper… papers, please?” With a last pang of reluctance, you finally relent and pass her a quill and parchment.

Author's Note:

Convoluted? Iiit's convoluted. Sorry. :twilightblush: Oh well, there's not much metaphysics or stuff like that, this is I think the only time. Anyhow, it's also my least favourite chapter of the whole story thus-far but I'll live with it! So, next week is the last chapter of act 2!

See ya' then and take care eh?

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