• Published 12th Feb 2014
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Icon: Remnants of the North - Vixavior

When a shade of Celestia's protege is summoned to stop a monster terrorizing Equestria, chance ensnares an unlikely replacement. With time running out, can you stop the beast and uncover the secrets of the Icon?

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Act 2- Chapter 5: Finding Aid in a Quiet Glade

Finding Aid in a Quiet Glade

Proofread by TehSporkBandit

You were already shivering like a leaf in autumn when the rest of the group found you, but thankfully Rainbow had led them straight to you in mere moments. The galloping sound of hooves in your ears slowly translated as 'help' to your brain.

“You left him in the cold?!” Twilight snaps at Rainbow as you feel yourself effortlessly lifted up with the tingling buoyancy of magic.

“Yeah?” Rainbow responds, admittedly, her quick speed probably saved you from developing a much worse case of hypothermia, but you had been quite angry at her for leaving.

Twilight persists with her indignant fit, “On his own in freezing temperatures?!”

“Look, he's too awkward to move that quick and it probably wouldn't have been any faster than it would have taken me to bring him back. So I made sure he was huddled up and not losing too much heat.”

“What in Equestria were you thinking?!” There is the sound of dislodged snow from the branches of some nearby trees, but nothing that registers as much.

Several sets of hooves seem to find you all at once, "Hey, Rightly, you doin' okay, pardner?" Your chattering teeth and your uncontrolled twitches give Applejack her answer.

"Hugs always help, just scootch over…" you feel a warm body settle next to you, pressing against your back, "It's cold, silly." Pinkie's forehooves wrap around you, enfolding you in a hug and a surprising warmth. It isn't just some friendly gesture, and in a few moments you are surrounded by the furred bodies that lend you their heat. Nevertheless, it doesn't dissuade the lecturing going on a few paces away.

“I figured you get here, snap, bit of magic, and you're at Zecora's.” Rainbow admits readily as if saying 'hurry up and 'snap' to it’. The Pegasus had been expedient in fetching aid and her magenta eyes had reflected genuine concern at the time. In that light, Twilight's tyrannical tirade seems excessive.

Rarity and Fluttershy are still panting from how hard Rainbow must have driven them to get here, and that was more than easy to feel given the Unicorn was currently laying down at your head with her side acting as a pillow, "Y-you’re positively soaked… soaked the bone, dear. There must be something better in my pack." She is trying not to gasp, hack, or anything else unsightly.


Why was she hesitating? Hesitation isn't good, stop that Twilight!

There is still a strange aura around you, a clattering hiss, the smell of burning ozone as you look around, eyes shutting against the tracing flecks of incandescent scarlet. There is a flash of light, a hissing 'thump' that rattles your bones, and a lurching sensation followed by a painful prickling heat.

You are no longer surrounded by prodding hooves and comforting sounds of friends. “Oh no, I was off… I was off!” She hisses and seethes through her teeth like she was fighting off a migraine. With a simpering grunt of pain you fall back into the snow, splaying you out before you curl up and try to pull yourself upright on unsteady hands. “We're lost, I can't believe I missed it… I…” she growls again and you feel her bite your sleeve.

“C'rm ern.” She jerks her head, tugging you lengthwise onto her back, slumped over with your feet trailing along the ground and face nearly in the snow. “Have to see if we're close.” She can't manage a gallop, in fact she sways under the weight and stumbles forward a few feet.

The frigid cold bites into you, sucking in through the damp fabric as a dull heat burns on your back, but your extremities still feel numb. A small glow seems to prickle the back of your neck, casting a bit of light and showing a shadow of the Alicorn princess. “It's not much, but I hope this keeps you warm.” Quietly she mutters, “I'm sorry, I really am sorry to drag you into this… I thought I could do it, but you wouldn't have lasted that long. But now… now…” she gasps sharply, a sniff fighting back what sounds like a sob. “Please, please, please… forgive me.” Her chest contracts harshly underneath you and the first unsteady breath and simper breaks the silence moments after that.

You spot something, weak and blurry through the tall streak like trees, right against the wispy grey sky. It is a dark smudge, not much more than that, lazily billowing in the sky. “T-t-tw-wai.” Your lips freeze and don't make out the words as you point a shivering, almost spasming, hand towards what you see.

“S-smoke?” She sniffs again before it becomes apparent, “Smoke! Smoke!” the scent galvanized her forward at a gallop. She stumbles forward in mid stride after ploughing through a small serpentine drift. You weigh her down significantly, but even now your legs aren't responding. Instead, she grunts, looping her hoof around your arm and getting up with quaking knees before taking another strong lurch forward.

“Zecora! Zecoraaaaa!” She shouts out, her voice hoarse and crackling from nearly crying scant seconds before. She weaves through the trees, grey-brown trunks streaming by as a faint scent of woodsmoke enters your nostrils.

A voice hails you as you get closer, it’s rhythmic and punctuated, “Is that Twilight Sparkle at my door? Come in, come in, I've drawn a bath and more!” You are rushed inside what looks like another great home carved from a tree nestled in the mangrove-like forest. Painted faces, demonic and frightening, seem to skim past your nose. Maybe if you shut your eyes they will simply disappear. Such is the rattled thought that bounces around in your mind as you cross the threshold.

"Zecora, please do som-"

She is interrupted without a hint of the same franticness, "I have a warming tub to fight the chill and herbal tea so he will not get ill." Everything seems to have been prepared before time.

Rainbow, I know you don't get cold all that easily, but you don't have to be a doctor to know what happens when you soak a stallion and leave him in the snow! What were you thinking?” Twilight's very words seem to rock the wooden walls all around you, rattling clay pots and ruffling feathers on the Pegasus’s wings. She fumes, face flush, fur coat prickling up to release some of the heat that seems to want to melt her from within.

Over what? Rainbow Dash is the recipient of the barrage as she just lets her head tilt back as if to brave the furnace-like blast from the Alicorn's lungs. The Pegasus doesn't quail and she doesn't shrink away, her greasy, unkempt, wind-blown mop of a mane flattens out behind her before she blows a few tracing strands out of her eyes with a subtle puff of breath. “This again? I told you why before.”

You have to admit, she’s keeping any temper she had in check but you wager confusion outweighs anger at that moment. Hell, you are defending Rainbow Dash… how that happened was not particularly pleasant, but you had been told what happened in the few moments that you were left alone. Apparently, she shouted, tramped, and all but herded the others over when Twilight seemed to be light-headed and in the grips of some fainting spell. As such, they didn't pay her too much attention until she'd physically bit Rarity's tail and pulled her until the indignation set in.

Stripped down but settled beneath no less than three layers of blankets you are feeling far better than when you'd arrived. Zecora's freshly drawn bath had seen to you being slowly warmed up in those two hours before the rest of the party showed up. Rarity had been the one to find your glasses, and they weren't in too bad a shape aside from a single long scratch on the bottom of the left lens. Most of that awkward phase about being naked had mostly been leached away too.

Actually, it's kinda liberating.

Huddled into a sitting position in one of the alcoves of Zecora's hut, you watch the baffling spectacle: one pony seeming to be in a gladiatorial blood match and the other looking like she was standing in line to pay for groceries at the market.

“Scoozie!” Pinkie says as she edges past you and slips under the blankets to your left. Leaning against your side, she is still quite a bit warmer than you, and that was helping get rid of the cold. On the face of it, that is the real purpose as Pinkie keeps a hoof around your shoulders and seems to just take in the display for a second. “Soup's almost done. I said it would have been better to make some broccoli in hot garlic sauce to warm you up. Ever tried it?”

“No, can't say I have.” It comes out as a bit of a warbled croak that would have made a frog laugh and insulted pretty much any bird.

“Cut into florets, shake of red chili, vinegar, sugar, crushed pepper, a dollop of hot sauce, salt to taste, easy-peezy. Hey, Twilight!” It doesn't garner a response.

Twilight, still fuming, doesn't even turn your way when she calls out, “Rainbow Dash, it's not just a ‘turn your head and shrug’ saying everything will be fine, it's not always that simple. We nearly had a major catastrophe on our hands today.” She knows, but you can't help but get the feeling she was half chastising herself. She'd even turned away, staring blankly at the wall while Rainbow just keeps glancing around as if saying 'are you talking to somepony else?'

Twilight turned, her eyes streaked with red and raised hackles seem to keep the Pegasus silent. You almost feel bad that there isn't anypony else that can lend support, but you and Pinkie are the sole remaining ponies aside from the pair. Rarity is out ensuring that a silvered cauldron had no tarnish on it, lest it spoil the potion; Fluttershy was tasked with obtaining a feather from red kite; Zecora and Applejack are both out digging up some semi-rare root. Twilight is supposed to be readying the various accoutrements and setting out dilution containers for some elixir, while Rainbow… well, she was basically left to her own devices away from anything that needed precision rather than her brand of intuition. It left Pinkie as the one taking care of you. “So... ever tried stuffed peppers?” it got a nod.

“-It doesn't matter that you actually went out to get him before getting us to get him, the body will lose a significant amount of warmth, every moment is precious when it comes to hypothermia.” Twilight is still fuming, wings up, in some natural intimidation display. It couldn't have been employed against a worse subject than Rainbow Dash, who tries to hide a smirk, and that makes Twilight even more irritated as you can hear her grinding her teeth.

“Twiiiiilight.” Pinkie calls again in her lilting sing-song tone. This time it gets Twilight's attention.

What?!” she snaps and huffs. Orange glows cast eerie shadows thanks to the tortured and contorted masks that line the walls, the baubles and certainly arcane looking talismans and books here and there. Sigils in wood and stone, alembics, and sets of mixing gourds are plentiful in evidence. The crackle of the fire as it heats the small cauldron of soup was soothing, yet Twilight's jaws are clenched as she glares at the bright blue-eyed pony during that interminable pause.

“Isn't it weird that a hippo can't catch hippothermia but we have it all the time?” She beams, and for once, Twilight's rage seems to falter in the face of what seemed like an inane and pedestrian observation. But the more you think about it, the more it makes you smile, and the more Pinkie's oddity seems to circulate and throw Twilight for some sort of logic-loop.

“Pinkie, look I just don't have time to deal with your antics. Not now,” the door creaks open as the late shades of the fading day make the overcast world even more dingy. Zecora and Applejack, both muddied and toting a heavy saddlebag apiece, stop at Twilight's tone. For her part, Twilight doesn't seem to remotely notice as she extends a hoof to appeal to Pinkie, “we're having a serious conversation on the dangers of overexposure to the elements to non-Pegasi ponies. Riddley could have died and she-” she points a hoof at Rainbow Dash “didn't recognize a clear and present danger!”

“Riddley?” Rainbow Dash waggles her hoof in her ear then flicks the irritated appendage as if she'd blanked out and just missed something.

“I said Rightly.” Twilight's face screws up in a look of confusion. “Didn't I?”

“Umm, suga'cube, you feelin' okay?” Applejack shrugs off the burden and quickly makes her way to Twilight, who looks like she is going to wobble and collapse. That speeds up the country-mare's steps as she slides to a stop as a support and crutch for Twilight.

“N-no, no I'm not.” Twilight finally admits and actually takes the proffered help. Pinkie hops up while you just keep the blankets clutched tightly to avoid Pinkie unintentionally absconding with them.

“See, you're just tired and need a break. Lets get you all warm and cozy-wozy so you'll be feeling like a regular smartypants by morning, 'kay?” Pleased as she seems, it is a soft and lilting tone that draws something of a weary smile from Twilight, who is supported between the pair.

Stopping for just a second, the Alicorn shoots Rainbow Dash a solitary look of desolation before sighing deeply, betraying her exhaustion, “I'm so so sorry, Rainbow, I just… I'm not sure what came over me.”

“Yeah, you have been sort of-uuuh, off lately, but hey, everypony has one of those days right?” She smiles, sympathetic, even if she herself is still smarmy enough to tilt her head up saying 'I knew I wasn't the problem.' In this case, she was right.

“What she needs is a long deep sleep. Don't worry, now, we won't make a peep.” The Zebra smiles and adds, “I have a potion to ease your mind. Your eyes are red, you need to unwind.” It lasts all of ten seconds as Twilight is guided over to another alcove with a small tuck bed in it.

Nopony seemed to say a word after that, the house was quiet amidst the sound of a crackling fire, or the occasional stir of a mortar and pestle at work. However, there were a lot of fervent glances and worried stares right up until everypony was certain Twilight had fallen asleep. You, on the other hand, were fairly sure she may have simply passed out.


A fresh breath from the south sent the window shutters slapping against soft sandstone. Its echo bounced across the peaceful courtyard as a playful breeze carried with it the scent of fresh-cut grasses from summer fields stretched across the plains under the aegis of the settlement walls. A twisting leaf from a hawthorn settled on a small pool of dew that had collected on the window sill. Far in the east, dawn's eager fingers grabbed hold of the world to embrace it and lather it in the glow of another summer day. Soft shapes hove on the horizon as orchards waved and rustled far beyond the new red stone walls. It was a perfect summer morning.

“My lord?” Ulf tapped on the thick oak door and poked his head inside the room. Olaf stood next to the window, staring out over the realm, hands flat on the wooden window sill and leaning out to watch the sunrise. The great northern lord inclined his head for a moment, enough for acknowledgement as a smile crept onto his lips.

“Come in, Ulf, you're not disrupting anything.” The soft voice of the lord's newest vizier echoed in the quiet chamber. Clover was no simple sorcerer but some prophetic Seer. After the mutiny on the shores, the Unicorn had never been wrong in his predictions.

There was no meandering voice of a lecture, no bubbling elixir or stink of a poultice, just a calmness that permeated every surface from worn stone to soft cloth on the unkempt bed. Previously unseen in the dull cloth, the Unicorn was just laying on the bed, staring over at Olaf. The light scratch of a quill could be heard, it had no ink and seemed to be just scraping on the vellum of a manuscript folder. The seer's milky eyes still seemed to comprehend everything despite the assurance that he saw nothing. The strange Unicorn's ears twitched and rotated back and forth but not once did his muzzle show anything but a broad smile of contentment.

“My lord, the bishop of Canterbury has accepted your audience and will be waiting for you. Additionally, word has come from the other Jarls. A meeting is to convene concerning all Angelcynn. I thought you should be informed.” The thane bit his lip seeming ill ease.

Olaf looked back over to him and reared up. Despite his stiffened gait and lack of armor, he was still a tall intimidating presence. His chest no longer bled with the gouge of daggers and his arm had healed from the bite of the axe, but he was still not recovered. “And?” He'd seen through the hesitation. Olaf waved to command the thane to enter and shut the door, which he did in the space of a few moments.

“Rumour has it that the daughter of King Kvaren will be present and will be seeking you… an Angle Jarl named Alfvine seeks her. I thought you should know. Kolbjorn dismissed this.” His heart skipped a beat as the great northern Lord seemed to mull the news over.

“Kolbjorn was a Jom once. A Jom dismisses all rumour and heeds all superstition, you know their type, Ulf. Now, as for the daughter of the Dublin King. What of her?” He inclined his head to the seer.

As if sensing this Clover hummed and shrugged, “I assume that is some proposal. On one hoof, this may be a way to repay the desolation you met on the Irish isles. Even just an apology sows the seeds of reparation. A single nail starts to mend a fence, not enough to be called complete, but so long as you keep working at it then it will get done.” It got a smile before it turned to a frown, “On the other, don't go looking for bloodshed. Alfvine has done nothing to spite you, he shouldn't pay for merely being competition.”

That notion struck Ulf as intrinsically backwards. Olaf seemed no different as he leaned back against the wooden window pane. “So what do you foresee?” The edge of hesitation was readily detectable.

“I notice you didn't ask my opinion.” Clover sighed and shook his head, “It's a gift that comes and goes: I see what I see, do not blame me.” It had grown to be a common statement.

A long silence permeated the room: the Jarl rested against the window, the seer on the bed, and the thane lingering near the door. Clover took a deep breath of the fresh air, and as if in imitation, Olaf did the same. Such a simple act appeared to have calmed him and galvanized him into making a decision. “You may say we will be heading to the gathering. If a Thing is convening, I will not miss it.”

“Yes, of course. My Lord, what about the Bishop? What should I say?”

“Hmm.” As Olaf seemed to stall in his thoughts the Seer made a small inquisitive 'hmm?' sound in his throat. It spurred Olaf on saying, “Tell him this: Olaf Traggvyson will raid no realm, no village, and no holding of a fellow Christian. And to the Angles, neither myself nor my retinue will slay another so Lord almighty help me. We are one, and will be one.”

“And Alfvine?” The Seer asked, prompting his lord as well.

It only drew a deep resigned sigh, “Beati misericordes quia ipsi misericordiam consequentur.” The blank expression graced his thane's face while Clover just blinked in surprise.

“'Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy'. Huh, I'm surprised Olaf; I wasn't aware you spoke Latin.” Clover hummed about that and smiled a bit more.

“You learn many things in slavery Clover, many things. Not all of them turn out to be bad.” Striding over to the door, Olaf plucked up his coat and shoved his way past the oaken barrier. It nearly struck the face of the blond haired shield thane. “Kolbjorn?! How long were you there?”

“N-not long, M'lord.” He bowed low. Stammering and rushed he pursued Olaf who stalked through the halls, “If there's no more raids, how will you fund your expeditions?”

“We'll find a way.”

The pleading thane asked again, “How will you deal with the Jarls?”

Once more a gruff grunt as the man retreated down the narrow halls, “We'll find a way, Kolbjorn.”

“But… my lord, no more viking?! This is unheard of. We’ll all be branded Nithinger!” It wasn't the voice of indignation, nor even of displeasure, but of deep confusion.

Ulf stood by the door before darting across the room to fetch his Lord's sword belt and darted out. The last thing he heard was the seer and that shivering sound of crystal that raised his hackles at their unnatural act. “Better to be a good king than a great king. She knew well.”

Olaf nodded, “Let’s hope this is just the start, and Kolbjorn-” he stopped for a moment and grasped the thane's collar, “no man alive will call me a coward, so no one can think that of you.” Olaf released his thane and strode down the narrow hallway.

The banner thane heard and hesitated. The flap of a closing manuscript echoed from inside the room and Ulf took that opportunity to poke his head back in. “Clover the Clever…” he waited for acknowledgement.

Instead of pulling a look of resignation the Unicorn glanced up at the thane with a nod, “Just ‘Clover’ if you don't mind. Yes, Ulf?”

“I've been meaning to ask, you know when the quill is wet and when it's dry. Why do you write when there's no ink?” The sincere tone of bafflement was there and it did seem for a second like Clover wasn't going to answer.

Instead of getting silence or dismissal as a response, Ulf's question garnered a fleeting smile and then an answer from the elusive Unicorn, “I have some of my best thoughts when I thought I was out of ink. I might as well write them down where it won't matter for them in the morning. Besides, it confuses my students to no end, and that's worth it alone.”

Ulf smiled and nodded. No, he didn't quite understand, but it was enough to be at least graced with a smile, too. It was rare, but the sincerity there was heartfelt and worthwhile. The Unicorn was a puzzle, but Ulf still had to smile and restrain a hand from patting him on the head like any other prize stallion. Blind or not, it saw more than most and he always spoke true.

Author's Note:

Another week another chapter. I guess I have to apologize for Pinkie's awful Greek joke too.

Oh well, take care and see you next time eh? :ajsmug:

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