• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 595 Views, 3 Comments

Redo - Roamingmoon

The world was destroyed but every human got a second chance

  • ...

Chapter 5

Ok so yeah I still own nothing {Awww}
So I welcome all reviews and because this story kinda does but kinda doesn’t follow the main adventures of twi and the gang I’m willing to put some OC’s in child for a few chapter’s down don’t know where yet might just be a brief description or I’d put them in as a permanent character and have fun with.
That being said I would need Name, Description, Personality, little quirks like flapping wings for no reason in the middle of a conversation, circling hooves in dirt, twitching. And a proffered age anywhere from six to about fourteen.
Let’s see how this goes.
For any questions about the story go ask them on my forum not as review’s please.
Anyway here is ep. One
Star’s POV
Where am I? I think while groggily lifting my head to look around at my surroundings head pounding, my eyes are greeted with varying shades of purple from almost white to lavender. Looks nice. Slowly I notice small movements around me. What did I do last night? I think as I look at the three foals asleep around me. I remember getting to Sugarcube Corner than hours of questions and some really sweet punch. I look at the purple walls for a moment and look at the three surrounding me. Than everything is a blur, until we fell asleep on the couch. So how did we get here? I look at my three friends’ again and sigh. At least I have friends to be with. I look out the window to see it is still night. I lay my head down as I slowly fall asleep, smiling at the thoughts of my friend’s around me.
A cold breeze wake’s me slowly and the first thing I notice is the weight on my back and to my right. Second I noticed my neck was lying across something. I lift my head to see a purple mane and a smile spreads across my face. Slowly I get up and hop off the couch and Scootaloo roll’s over in her sleep. So how did we get here? I think as I make my way across the room to a small set of stairs leading down. As I walk down the steps I see Sweetie bell looking down at a piece of paper and singing to herself lightly. She has a nice voice. I think as I walk up and quietly sit down beside her, listening to her sing and watch as she designs four costumes with the title Cutie Mark Crusader’s super ponies. A brown costumes with green everywhere called Back Bucker, There’s a costume made of white with pinks and purples called Lullaby, A blue suit accented with yellow and orange named Mach Speed, And finally a red suit with silver and gold named North Star. North Star and Mach Speed’s colors seem off.
“Don’t you think red would be a better base color for Mach Speed” At the sound of my voice Sweetie bell lets out a startled shriek and jumps away from me with a small blush on her cheeks.
“Don’t sneak up on me” She says looking at me.
“I’ve been here for a good five minutes Sweetie” I say smiling which just makes her blush more and concentrate on her designs.
“Well what color would you use for North Star than” trying to change the subject.
“Well you could change North’s base black to represent the night sky, take out the gold and leave in the silver to represent the stars in the sky” I say looking thoughtfully at paper before us while I speak.
“I think that might actually work” Scootaloo says with a smile that turn’s to a frown when she says “Why didn’t I think of that”.
“Well maybe you just needed a friend’s opinion” I say smiling at her reassuringly. Both of us turn our heads when we hear hooves on the steps coming down. Seconds later Scootaloo walks down and yawns sleepily.
“Sup” Scootaloo says looking at us.
“Just talking about colors for these suits Sweetie bell designed” I say pointing to the paper on the floor. Which she promptly scoops up and stares’s at the costumes and smiles.
“These are awesome, I didn’t know you could do this” She says excitedly while Sweetie just blushes.
“Anypony know where Applebloom is, and where we are” I say looking around at the many bolts of fabric, and button’s, thread, and jewels.
Sweetie bell looks at me as if I lost my mind while Scootaloo says “Were in Sweetie bells, sister’s house”.
“And Applebloom said she had to help with a family reunion” Sweetie says.
“Well let’s go see if she needs help” Scootaloo pops up and out the door before we can say anything and Sweetie bell chases after her. I smile and chase after them only to bump into Sweetie and fall on the ground the two of us getting tangled. Scootaloo is looking at us with a smile. Oh no. Is all I can think as Sweetie bell and I untangle ourselves.
“Hey star, do you think that you could fly us there” Her smile is huge and all I can think at first is. How exactly do I say no to that? Cant. I would need to use magic.
“Maybe” I say a little unsure while Scootaloo jumps on my back, Sweetie bell following timidly after her. I flap my wings a little to make sure they aren’t obstructed and begin to walk.
“Are you sure about this” Sweetie asks.
“Of course he’s sure, now let’s go” Scootaloo all but yells. I start to trot and then gallop as I flap my wings my horn glowing slightly and we raise into the air above ponyville, my wings flapping. Scootaloo lets out a little huff “ Is that as fast as you can go, I can go faster on my scooter” she says this as Sweetie bell looks around oohing and aahhing at the ground passing under us.
I turn to her with a questioning look “You try lifting two pony’s a few inches smaller than you and see how fast you go” a small blush colors her cheeks as she looks away and I bring us down to the Apple’s farm. We land in the road that leads to the Apple house and promptly crash into Big Mac all three of us bouncing off and landing in a pile.
“You three alright there” He rumbles off.
“Yeah were good” I say rubbing my snout.
Sweetie bell pops up and asks “Do you know where Applebloom is”
“Yeah” Scoots says from the ground.
For a few seconds Big Mac stares at us then chuckles and points at the barn.
All three of us yell “Thanks” as we gallop towards the barn. Outside it’s a crazy, hectic mess. Inside its chaos. In a few minutes of air recon I spot a red tail peek out from under a barrel filled with apples. I dive down and land lightly beside a struggling Applebloom. I should help.I think as I slide under the barrel with my wings out I take the whole barrel onto my back as she keeps struggling and I giggle next to her “So where do you want the apples” I say laughing at the confused look she gets on her face.
“You don’t havta do that I can get it” She says a small frown on her face as she whines.
“I know you can but I wanted to” I say as many of the ponies around us awww and point towards us. “Where do they go” I saw looking at the barrel on my back still smiling. Applebloom sighs and walks through the crowd to an almost full bucket of apples. I fill the bucket with the barrel on my back and set it down. “So Applebloom who are all these ponies”.
“Well they would be mah family, there all here fer the summer sun celebration” Applebloom says as I look around at all the ponies and murmur “Big family” she smiles at me. Aww she is so cute. We make our way outside. When we get back outside Scootaloo and Sweetie bell run up to us with those huge cute smiles only little fillies can do and begin to talk. I laugh and look around to see Applejack talking to a lavender mare with a straight purple and pink mane and tail excitedly before she runs over to a triangle and yells “Soups on”. The resulting stampede deposits the four of us next to Big Mac near a checkered table where the lavender mare is sitting. Applejack begins to call out names of her many relatives who dash up and put a food item on the table. Until she gets to Applebloom and notices me, Scootaloo, and Sweetie bell and smiles at us.
“And this here is mah sister Applebloom an her friends Scootaloo, Sweetie bell, and Star Spinner” at each of our names the lavender mare who I now know is Twilight sparkle. Word travels fast in this crowd. Looks at each of us until she sees me looking at Applebloom wondering. Where in the hay did she get the cake she didn’t have it a few seconds ago. Twilights jaw drops at the sight of me and is about ask a question about me. When Applejack says something that has her spit out the apple that I don’t think she even knew was in her mouth and stammer “Okay, well I can see the food situation is handled, so we’ll be on our way”. Applebloom puts on what I think is the world’s most powerful sad face ever and says “Aren’t you gonna stay fer brunch” as she says this the three of us join her in a combo sad face that has twilight backing up. The cuteness level is too much we can’t hold it for long. Twilights ears flatten and she grunts “Fine” and everypony cheers as brunch begins.
The next few hours are filled with so many apples and stares from ponies that when the four of us leave running somewhat sluggishly we all smile and laugh. We get to Carousel boutique and begin to work on our costumes. Hours later after much arguing, three bolts of fabric, and me fixing things when nopony is looking. We have two costumes Back Bucker and Lullaby. In my opinion they look totally awesome. Appleblooms costume Back Bucker is brown spandex that covers everything except her eyes, With green armor made of scrap metal I found lying about and used magic to form into a breastplate along with boots that wrap up her legs and connect to the breastplate. A green cloth mask covers her eyes completely. Sweetie’s suit was not as hard but still hard to make all white spandex. What was so hard for us was the pattern on this one we made swirling purples and pinks that flow like music across the white surface, with a purple mask to finish it off. I look outside to see darkness and the moon ready to lower itself down.
“Hey girls” they look up from trying to make Mach Speed to me “The summer sun celebration is going to start soon we should go” I say as I put away all the extra materials and suits. “Yeah” all three of the little fillies yell as we race out the door towards town hall. Fillies, colts, stallions, and mares stream in as we make our way to a wall and settle in to wait for the festivities to begin. We don’t have to wait for long as a mare begins to speak to everypony. “Fillies and Gentlecolts as mayor of ponyville it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the summer sun celebration” everypony’s cheers are infectious as the mayor it seems begins to speak again. “In just a few moments our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this the longest day of the year” by now I’m cheering right along with the girls. Why am I cheering I don’t even know why I’m here. “And now it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria, Princess Celestia” Birds start to sing and the ponies cheer even louder. This is awesome I can’t stop screaming it’s great. Just then the curtains are thrown open to reveal an empty balcony. Um is somepony supposed to be there? I look around confused until Pinkie Pie lets out a large gasp. A cloud of blue smoke appears and forms into a Dark mare and I jump in front of the three little fillies without thinking. Until I take a good look at her and my jaw drops. Her mane is a fluid and graceful as it is sinister blue that holds me and glimmers in the light of the hall, while her coat is a deep midnight blue powerful and dark. What truly rivets my attention is the horn and wings she has. My breathing increases as I stare at her and she begins to speak in a beautiful yet evil voice asking if anypony remembers her if they saw some signs. Who is she?Conveniently Twilight chooses to speak.
“You’re the mare on the moon, Nightmare moon” everypony gasps even me but my gasp is for a completely different reason. Nightmare Moon, that’s her name. She begins a sinister laugh while her mane and tail spin into a dark tornado over her. The mayor yells and four guards fly at Nightmare moon only to be knocked back by lightning. Everypony gasps as the mare turns into a cloud once more and disappears out the door. No please come back. For a few moments I turn and look at the three frightened little fillies, my friends. They look at me and I back away as my wings open and I take after Nightmare moon.
To be continued
Omg this chapter is long. Its over two thousand words. Had fun though. I will be working on chapter six ep. 2
Also please send me your oc’s I would like to include some.
See ya