• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 594 Views, 3 Comments

Redo - Roamingmoon

The world was destroyed but every human got a second chance

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Okay so this is fun review if you want I welcome all
Oh they don’t wake up until about 10
And I still don’t own anything
Also if you want to ask questions go to my forum
Also ||Bold is me talking to cellestia||. ||Italics is her talking to me||
Star’s POV
Where am I? My body is laying on something. It’s so soft, like I’m lying on nothing at all… feels nice. I sigh slowly opening my eyes to see the puffy white room. Where am I, wasn’t I with Scootaloo in a field, than we talked to Rainbow Dash. Did I fall asleep? Must have. I think as I get up and look around the room, seeing the furniture made of clouds. The bed obviously, there’s also a dresser, and side table. There’s a loud noise behind me that makes me spin around to see a tortoise floating in the air, staring at me. Weird.
“Quit messing with him tank” Rainbow Dash says with a chuckle. I jump off the bed torwards her.
“That bed is awesome, it’s so soft” I say smiling up at her. She lets out another chuckle and looks down at me.
“Come on kid, let’s get Scoots and get some breakfast” she says as she walks out the door and my stomach rumbles. I walk out to the hall with Rainbow Dash.
“Yes please” I say happily, which causes her to chuckle again. She stops a few doors down the hall and turns torwards me.
“Wanna pull a prank” She says a small smile creeping onto her face.
“What did you have in mind” I ask quickly. She opens the door to reveal Scootaloo asleep in a bed. Rainbow Dash lean’s down and whispers “Cloud splat”. She reaches over and pulls part off the wall into her hoof. Cloud splat in a house made of clouds. Awesome. I get a huge grin on my face as I pull some of the wall away with my hoof. Rainbow Dash lifts into the air for a better aim, while I walk up to the end of the bed so I can throw better. I turn to Rainbow Dash who nod’s and we let our clouds fly. With a splat they both find their mark on the little filly who jumps out of the bed and lands on the floor. Rainbow Dash crashes to the floor and laughs and I join her in a long set of laughs.
After a little bit Rainbow Dash stands up “You okay squirt”.
Scootaloo shakes her head a few times “Did I just get cloud splatted” She asks still a little groggy, but after a few seconds a huge grin splits her face and she laughs.
Rainbow Dash looks at us “Come on squirts we can grab something to eat at sugarcube corner” at the word eat both of our stomachs growl loudly. This causes Rainbow Dash to laugh as she walks out the bedroom door.
I turn to a smiling Scootaloo and ask “What’s Sugarcube corner”.
Scootaloo looks at me for a few seconds confused, than she looks like she just remembered something “Oh yeah your new to ponyville, Sugarcube corner is the local bakery. It has the best cupcakes and muffins in Equestria” She exclaims loudly. Through the wall we hear a faint whisper “Muffiinns” a few seconds later we hear another pony yell “Ditzy I thought I told you to stop spying on my house” to which I hear another “Muffffffiiiinns”. I turn to the sound of laughter and see Scootaloo rolling on the floor holding her stomach. “Who was that” I ask confused again.
Slowly she stops laughing enough to answer me” That was Ditzy she’s crazy… about muffins” She quickly tacks on the last part as we walk out the bedroom door. As we walk out the front door, we are greeted by the sight of Rainbow Dash chasing a grey mare with one wondering eye and is flying upside-down. Rainbow Dash is laughing and yelling at the mare who responds with “MMUUFFIINNSS” and fly’s off to town. At this point both Scootaloo and I are on the ground laughing. I see Rainbow Dash watch Ditzy for a few moments and then fly’s over to use with a little chuckle “Come on squirts lets go” Rainbow Dash lets Scootaloo climb up on her back. Then she looks at me “I got it” as I flap my wings and hover on the spot.
“Race you there, ready, set, go” She yells and blasts off torwards the town.
I stay frozen to the spot for a few seconds before I yell “Hey wait for me”.
I catch up to them over top of a building that looks like somepony built it out of gingerbread “What happened to all that speed from yesterday, huh” Rainbow Dash says looking annoyed.
“Well considering I had no idea where I was going, I think I did okay” I say a faint blush on my cheeks.
Rainbow Dash’s ears flatten out against her head as she says “oh yeah, sorry kid” Scootaloo uses one of her hooves to facehoof “Let’s get something to eat okay” Rainbow Dash says as she lands in the deserted street in front of Sugarcube corner and letting Scootaloo down with me landing right next to her. We look up and down the deserted street “where is everypony”. All we need is a tumble weed and it would be complete. A moment later a tumble weed rolls bye in front of us.
|| Celestia stop trolling||
|| … But its fun||
|| You’ll mess up the story, Stop it||
|| Ok, I’ll go back to my castle, for now||
Rainbow Dash watch’s the tumble weed for a moment before she shrugs and opens the door to the dark shop. We walk in one at a time me last and looking into the darkness. “Where is Pinkie pie” Rainbow Dash says out loud.
“SURPRISE” The lights flip on and everypony yells. A few seconds pass and that original yell turns to a gasp as they finally take in what I look like. That pink pony runs up to me and starts talking extremely fast “Hey you’re the new pony right, I think so, I’m pinkie pie, what’s your name, why do you have wings and a horn, are yo…” an orange hoof lands in her mouth not stopping her just making it easier to ignore. “Sorry bout that sugarcube, she jus gets excited is all. Her name is pinkie pie and my name is Applejack” she says smiling down at me.
Pinkie pie did you read the story before I finished it
Yup you needed help and he needed a PARTY
Ughh okay just no more and I want a pinkie promise
Okie dokiey lokie, I promise not to look at the story early, Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye
Thank you
After Applejack seemed to accept me the rest of the ponies ran up and began questioning me and commenting on my appearance. Like, Why are my eyes silver, what’s your name, are you related to the princesses. Two hours of this torture and then I’m saved by pinkie pie, who hop’s over and yells something about games and music, getting everypony to play and leave me alone. Finally I thought I would spend all day answering questions. I see Scootaloo, Sweetie bell, and Applebloom standing near the punch table and I head torwards them answering questions and saying hello to all the pony’s on the way.
“Heya Star how do ya like yer party” Applebloom asks smiling at me.
“Yeah, what do you think of pinkie’s party” Sweetie bell asks as I reach for the last muffin on the table only to have a gray hoof block my path. I look up into Ditzy’s one good eye and I back away slowly. Ditzy puts the muffin in her mouth and literally slides into the crowd without moving.
I turn back to them laughing “This is the most fun I’ve ever had” the three little fillies giggle and push me torwards the dance floor. I look at them confused “What are we doing”.
This elects giggles from the young fillies and several ponies who are watching.
“We’re gonna dance” Applebloom shouts over the music.
“But I don’t know how to dance” I yell back at them as I try to stop, in vain.
“That’s okay, just follow us” Scootaloo yells. All three fillies begin to bob their heads to the music, swaying to the strong beat and smiling as they go. I begin to smile as the beat invades my ears and I bob my head to the beat and sway with the fillies. The rest of the party passes much the same way laughing, singing, and dancing. Ponies come and go during the whole party, but a few ponies are there constantly through the entire party Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie bell, Applebloom’s older sister Applejack, Pinkie pie, Ditzy hooves, Vinyl scratch the DJ, and a tan earth pony with a brown mane and tail, and blue eyes. His cutie mark is an hourglass. He told me to call him the doctor. The entire party he sat in the corner drinking punch until about nine, than he got up walked over to me with a smile and excused himself. He was interesting.
At nine-thirty me, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie bell all were laying on a couch. Applebloom was asleep on my right, Scootaloo was on my left, and Sweetie bell was lying across all three of our backs, sound asleep. My eyes where slowly closing, I looked at the three fillies around me and smile as darkness slowly encased me.
Applejack’s POV
I look over to see my sister and her friends curled around Star. All three of them are asleep and from the look of thing’s he’s about to fall asleep too. I turn to my two friend’s that are at the party “Now aint that the darn cutest thing you ever seen”.
The purple manned unicorn Rarity looks over at them and smiles “Oh don’t they just look darling”.
Dash looks over and smirks “They must be tired”.
I started headed over to the foals and young colt “I reckon since they been hear dancing and playin since bout eleven”.
“You think we should wake them” Dash asks.
“Most certainly not, I can levitate them to my house it’s closest” Rarity says as the young ins are surrounded by a purple aura and lifted not disturbed at all.
“That’s mighty kind of yah Rarity thank yah” I say as the unicorn trots out the door with the little ones floating still asleep behind her. Me and Dash help clean up the last of the party with Pinkie Pie. When that’s done I turn to my speedy friend with an evil grin “Race you to mah house”.
She turns to me with an equally evil smile “You’re on”
To be continued
What was that HEHEHE? I think that’s enough.
So Star met the town in one of pinkies longest party’s yay.
Doctor Whooves reference. Check out the next chapter it’s about the first time twilight comes to town episode one Friendship is magic pt. one yay.