• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 2,435 Views, 20 Comments

On Knife's Edge - Mr. SexSymbol

Dash and Pinkie must do whatever they can to defeat the Empress and return home.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Deep within the smooth marble walls of the cliffside canyon, in the darkest corner was Zecora's chamber, hidden well away from any of the pegasi folk who lived in the city tucked away inside the rocky seaside wall. The damp and molded stone chamber that she resided in stank with the heavy scent of onions and scallops, two key ingredients in the glowing green potion that bubbled and frothed in the center of the room. The lighting set the mood in the room a frightening one, making the masks hanging on all four walls seeming to grin with anticipation. A light fog, too thick to be considered a mist, leaked out from the top of the black dented cauldron with a steamy hiss. The scrying solution had taken days to compile together, the last thing it had revealed of the future was the prediction that the Empress had doubted.

The witch frowned and shook her head. "She is a fool to not consider my work. I have successfully saved her dignity and her army many years ago with my potions... Has her head gone too big for logic? Does she fear nothing at this point? My Empress..." Zecora sighed heavily and hopped up on the stool placed before the heated potion, leaning over it for an examination. The green liquid rippled for a moment before becoming still. The surface was flat and reflective, like a green stained glass window.

She saw nothing of interest save for her own reflection staring back at her. The zebra stepped down from the stool and retrieved a bottle of crushed gems, bringing it over to the potion and sprinkled the dust into the mix. The solution turned into a bright white color, the light was nearly blinding. Zecora dropped the bottle with a cry and it shattered as it crashed against the cobblestone flooring. The light faded out as the mist shifted into a heavy dense fog, pouring out of the cauldron like a waterfall.

Zecora loomed over the cauldron's edge and peered into all seeing concoction...

A swirl of colors moved around in the center, swimming in the light like a fish. It shrank into a small dot before expanding out into nothingness. The potion rippled and an image formed. The Empress stood over the trampled beaten body of an alicorn, feathers of white and dark blue scatter all over, blood smeared against the dry ground of their empire. The sun queen struggled, her broken wings dragged along the dirt as she tried to get up only to be stamped down by The Empress's iron hooves. A mighty laugh bellowed out in the warzone, booming from The Empress's divine throat.

There was a shout of emotional pain and a similar alicorn charged at The Empress. Tears were in the moon queen's eyes as her other half slowly faded away into the Death's grasp. The white pegasus stood her ground and lowered her head, a nasty grin plastered across her face as she summoned the power that made her who she was. The Empress...

The six elements separated from her celestial white body and sped towards the remaining alicorn, tearing her apart piece by piece... Many who watched cried out in fear, agony, despair or in disgust. The Empress simply laughed as her enemies were killed one after the other by her 'special' power. Her divine body soon became splattered with gore and filth as the battle raged on with the defeat of the two queens, the rebels fighting on with tears in their eyes and vengeance in their hearts. One by one they fell, helpless before the power of the elements that The Empress had acquired long ago. Her army roared triumphantly in their victory, the bodies of the slain rebels lay strewn across the burning battlefield. As the elements were absorbed back into her body, the new queen of the world simply smiled as she surveyed the valley of death.

Zecora stared intently, her pupils dilating as she saw something else stirring in the cauldron.

A band of ponies came over the hill, the setting sun behind them. Two who wielded magic, two who carried weapons unlike any other, and two who flew. Their leader carried a gleaming blade, her mane a flurry of colors not much unlike the Empress's. The six charged at The Empress, their bodies glowing as the elements within the tyrant responded to their cries. The blade itself even shouted a war cry, the blade stretching longer and becoming a sword.

A flash of light emitted from the cauldron again and Zecora winced, the darkness of her chamber made her eyes sensitive. She squinted, seeing a pony with a mane of many colors holding a pink blade before herself, fear dancing in her violet eyes. With a cry, she brought the blade down and took her own life. The image became still and the cauldron shook, the green color fading into a deep black.

It had been foreseen. Zecora stepped down from the stool and ponder what she had seen. There shall be another great war. The two queens and their rebels shall perish... yet those six ponies... that sword... Who was that pegasus and why did she kill herself?

Her mind flicked back to the scenery. The battlefield was just outside the palace's entrance... The date of the war was something she could not predict. Yet Zecora could not shake off the feeling that these were events too detailed and will happen very soon... the least she can do now is report her findings to The Empress and prepare for a battle.

"Oi! Witch, you down there?"

Zecora simply stamped her hooves on the flooring three times, a sign that she had heard him. The sound echoed out in the room and out the hallway. Intrusion in this palace was impossible without being heard, the carved stone walls bounced off every sound made, no matter how silent. The pegasus guard banged on the door, not getting the signal. He must be new to this job, normally they would have left the reports the generals would send to her for analysis and predictions. The zebra trotted over to the large door and kicked it open. It swung open and slammed against the wall with a resounding crash, the sound blasting across the rest of the castle in a booming echo.

"What!?" She cried, leaning towards the light green pegasus. "Can you not see that I am busy? My work demands my full attention! What is it?"

The guard's ears fell flat against his head and he frowned. "I uh... Commander Cyrus demands your audience." He then gave her an awkward, nervous smile, looking as if he had hoped his job was done here. Zecora glanced all over him, not seeing a note or scroll of any kind on him.


Cyrus was not one to send reports to her. He was too proud to depend on 'striped foals' that used 'pitiful magicks'. He used strategy and was quite good at it, she had to admit. Yet his mind was that of a bigot and he was violence prone pegasus that always thought war was the answer to everything.

Zecora had a feeling something must have gone terribly wrong if he requested to see her.

"Take me to him." She ordered. The pegasus saluted and flew up, staying close by you guide her around the maze like marble castle.

What is it have you done this time, Cyrus?

* * *

"Rise and shine, Miss Dash!"

"... What time is it?"

"Time to wake up!"

"Ugh..." Rainbow Dash grunted, getting up and stretching her back and wings. They cracked, giving her a feeling so satisfyingly pleasant that she grinned to herself. The group of rebels had already cleaned up the hideout of their belongings and were waiting at the secret entrance for her to finish getting ready to go. Mercy was by her side, basket of dry carrots in her mouth, nudging Dash in an offering hum. Dash reached in and bit into a plump, round, reddish carrot and brought it down to the floor to devour it quickly.

"So, umnumh... Where are we headed again?" She asked between bites, bits of food falling out of the corners of her mouth.
Mercy placed the basket down to speak. "Doaria. We have a friend there we'd like you to meet. This was already a planned trip but it's been decided that we leave early for you."

Rainbow Dash swallowed down the last of her meal, feeling slightly guilty and uncomfortable. "Why are you guys helping me? I mean, the rest of this town tried to kill me. I just might endanger you guys if I hang around too long."

Mercy smiled, closing her azure eyes. "Hm... Have you ever heard of the story of the Wondrous Bolt?" The smile on her face seemed to grow, ever so slightly.

"No, I'm not from here, Mercy. Remember?" Dash replied. She tugged on her belt strapped around her chest before walking off, the red mare following closely behind.

"It was a marestale my mother used to tell me when I was only a filly." She paused and opened the door for Rainbow. The cyan pegasus went through and noticed that she and Mercy were behind the rest of the group, leaving themselves in their lonesome in the underground passageway.


"When the skies were filled with mayhem and darkness, a brave pegasus would drop from the sky, a mane flowing the the seven colors of the rainbow. They say she,"

"Or he." Dash interrupted. She started to feel a bit jumpy, her thoughts jumping on the conclusion that the story might be about her. With a snort, Dash shook her head ever so slightly. Don't make a foal of yourself. You've been getting your head into those adventures books Twi's been giving you.

"Or he, wields a sword that speaks and breathes just like we do. They say she was brought here by the will of the Elements to save our land in the time of crisis. To answer our pleas for salvation, to rid the land of evil, to bring back the days of kindness... friendship... good morals..." A small tear escaped her left eye and dripped down. Her mouth opened and a soft musical note escaped her lips, her voice transforming into an instrument as she sang the story of the heroine.

"The heroine with the breathing blade...
They say she came from the sky, cloaked in lightning basked in the seven colors of the rainbow.

Her courage knows no bounds and her speed unmatched. Like a tempest, wild is she...
They say she comes to defend the land in times of evil and darkness.
They say she comes to find the powerful magic to restore her blade back into it's original form.

They say she comes to fight for us all, when all is lost...
They say she comes with comrades unlike any other, all whom are blessed with the strength of the mysterious power of the legendary Elements. The elements shrouded in darkness, awaiting to be cleansed...

They title her the Wondrous Bolt. The heroine who will deliver salvation when chaos arrives.

They call her..."

Mercy toned out, unable to find the heart to end the song. She let out a ragged, pain filled breath.

"Sometimes I think it's just too good to be true. A world without darkness, destruction and even death at every corner. I know it's just a story..." Mercy's lip trembled and she shut her eyes to keep the tears from escaping.

Almost instantly did Pinkie and Dash feel guilty of happiness of the land they were from. Equestria had no wars. No hatred of any kind. There was love and tolerance, everypony got along some way or another... until now, neither of the two had ever encountered such turmoil before.

"But it's the one thing that keeps me moving everyday. Hope. Hope that somewhere... there's a hero out there... Because there isn't one here." Mercy hung her head. "I've lost my family to the war years ago, I've lost my home... everything." She glanced up at Dash sadly. "Pathetic, right? Hanging on to a fillies bedtime story..."

Rainbow Dash and Mercy continued their way down the tunnel, silent after their little talk. It was an awkward situation... what could she even do or say to comfort Mercy, an innocent pony who had lost everything? Pinkie sniffed, her size making the sound barely audible. Parties were the one thing she thought that could cheer anypony up... but that icy look on Mercy's face that expressed anger, sadness, and pain... a party was not the answer.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "Not really... Y'know where I'm from there are a group of the most amazing fliers ever called the Wonderbolts. Ever since I was a filly, I've been doing whatever it takes to get in and fly along side them one day."
A chuckle came out of her, reflecting back on her fillyhood. "A lot of ponies said it was just a dream for a kid and I should wake up and smell the roses, focus more on controlling the weather."

"Controlling the weather?"

It came to Dash that the sky must have been cloudless and hot for a reason. Without any pegasi, who would control the weather here? "Where I'm from, pegasus ponies are supposed to deal with the weather. Rain or shine, we make it happen. I guess that hasn't been happening here, huh?"

Mercy shook her head, the part of her mane sticking out of her black bandanna swaying. "No, I guess not."
They kept silent for a while when Dash remembered something that had happened the previous night. "Mercy, when I told you all of my name, why did all of give each other that look? Was my name funny or something?"

"No. It's just that your name probably reminded all of us of that story I just told you about. Well, I was, really. Rainbow Dash... a pegasus with the rainbow mane... Oh! I never did tell you why we wished to help you, did I? Haha, I'm so sorry!" She laughed. Rainbow Dash simply shrugged. "That's alright."

"For me, I'm helping you because you remind me of the hero in the story. You give me something to look forward too. Potential, kid, you have it." Mercy complimented. Dash smiled. "Really?"

"As for everypony else, I'm not too sure."

Dash grinned. "I don't think I need a reason to know. I'm just happy that you guys aren't trying to hurt me."
The two fell quiet again until they reached the door leading to the bar, Wilhelm and the rest of the group waiting for the straggling Mercy and Rainbow Dash. The leader of the group approached Dash, a worn looking beige vest in his mouth. He tossed it at Dash, who stretched her head forward to catch it.

"Wear that, the townsfolk won't see your wings this way." He explained.
Dash frowned and put down the vest on the floor. "What about my mane. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sure you can't forget a mane as colorful as mine."

"That's where this dye comes in! Hope you like the color!" The twins cried out, their timing together disturbingly perfect. Gavin handed her the bottle of dye. It was white... of all the colors they had to give here... it had to be white.
"Ugh... Can someone help me with this then?"

Remy leaped forward and snatched the bottle out of her hooves. "I got it, just hold still!"
He squeezed the bottle hard, shooting out a jet of white dye across Dash's face. The group laughed, leaving only Wilhelm, Remy and Dash the ones not finding any humor in the situation.

"Remy! I... ugh! Just give me that." Rainbow remarked, grabbing the dye from him and turned it upside down on her head, squirting a blob of it on her mane. "Just rub it around on my head." She ordered.

"Sorry..." The skinny unicorn mumbled, spreading around the white color. It soaked into her mane and the pegasus sighed. "This will take days to get out...."

"Would you rather be ripped apart out there then?" Wilhelm snapped. "We're helping you for a reason, Miss Dash. Don't be irritable about it."

Mercy frowned. "What's with the attitude?" The rest of the grouped agreed among themselves. "Yeah, why?" The twins said. The brown pony turned to knock on the door, his expression unreadable. Dash splashed the last of the dye in her tail, spreading it as Wilhelm answered. "The sun queen must speak with this Rainbow Dash. I believe she has something that could make this entire world better. I'll explain later..."

He turned around, back to Dash. "I apologize for my bitterness." Dash dipped her head in acceptance and then motioned to Mercy to help her put on the vest. It was a tight fit but the pockets on the side covered the bulges the wings could have made if the pockets were not there. Wilhelm tapped his hoof against the doorway and awaited the bartender.

Medak neared Rainbow Dash, whom looked displeased with the paint in her mane and the tight vest she wore. "Don't worry about him. He's been through quite a lot, y'know." Dash glanced up at the large stallion. "What do you mean?"
The white unicorn doctor glanced at Wilhelm, who had paid no attention to him. "Torture. Being a spy of the sun queen is a dangerous job but I've never seen anypony as dedicated to the job as Wilhelm. He's been doing it for years, regardless of the numerous captures, pain and escapes he's done. I wouldn't blame him for being so gruff."

The door opened then and the bartender let them through, nodding at each and everyone on of them. As soon as Rainbow Dash passed by she grabbed her by her vest. "I have not seen the likes of you before in this town and I certainly did not let you down there. You better start explaining missy or I'm calling the border patrol!"

"She's with us, Berthel. I had Remy sneak her in with magic so he could practice." Wilhelm quickly said. "May you let us go? I'm in a hurry to gather supplies for my group's trip to Doaria."

Dash gave Berthel the bartender an innocent smile, hoping it was convincing enough to let go of her. "Don't do it again. You know how this town feel about pegasi spies. They got magic from what I hear now. They could be anypony. Gotta keep my eyes peeled for anything suspicious, you know what I'm saying?"

Medak chuckled, the sound deep and echoing in his throat. "Understood, my dear. Times are tough after all."

"Be on your way then. Have a safe trip, all." Berthel said, waving her hoof aside as she returned to her counter to serve a pony waiting there for her. Wilhelm nodded at them and they all followed him out of the bar. Rainbow Dash sucked in her breath, the nervousness grip taking her. Would any of the townsponies see through the disguise?

The same dusty dryness of the air filled her lungs as she stepped out, her hooves over the cracked waterless ground. Morning had come and the dawning sunrise had cast a soft orange glow over everything.

The village was barely active, a few ponies walking around and doing what they normally do in their daily life. Wilhelm looked up to the sun briefly, checking the time. "Listen up! I want you all back here by 9 AM, if you have not returned by then you are left behind. Gather as much supplies as you can, food, water, and even weapons if you can. The trip is long and treacherous. A three day's journey west and we will arrive at Doaria. Any questions?"

Dash raised a hoof. "Yes?" Wilhelm asked her, dipping his head towards her slightly.
"Why is it important for me to go to Doaria? Is there somepony there who can help me?"
Wilhelm shook his head. "I cannot say the reason here. Trust in me, I shall give you the truth soon enough Rainbow Dash." He asked for anymore lingering questions before sending them off. Rainbow Dash paired up with Mercy again, wanting to ask her some more questions and because she really liked the red earth pony. She was kindhearted. Gabin and Gavin went off galloping and whooping as they sang a chant of their favorite foods. Medak and Wilhelm entered a shop nearby. Remy followed closely behind the two mares, trotting at a quick pace to keep up.

The trio passed a small group of robed ponies standing on their hind legs, all in line, silent. Each of them turned their heads towards the three ponies, staring from under the cool darkness of their hoods. They unnerved Dash and she quickened her pace. Once they separated from the strange folk, Dash turned to Mercy with a question. "Who are they?"

Mercy turned her head to look at the white robed earth ponies, her gaze was lingering on them as she said. "They call themselves the Taoka Clan. A religious sort of group that worship a strange deity. They are no pacifist though and are very dangerous. I advise not to trouble one."

"Who is this deity?"

"No pony knows. Some say a human. Some say a monster."


"Mythical creatures, kid. They don't exist."

Remy ran up to Mercy, tugging on her tail. "Hey! Mercy! Hey!"
The red pony snapped her tail back, annoyed. "What is it kiddo?" She snapped. The three of them entered a general store and Dash's nose was filled with the smells of cheese, vegetables and other fine food products. "Hey Mercy, don't we need out own provisions for scouting?" Remy asked her.

Mercy paused, thinking for a moment. "I do believe you're right. When was the last time your ration box was filled anyway? Come and pick out what you want. I will pay."

Rainbow Dash was confused and she tapped Mercy's back. "Scouts? What are scouts?" Mercy set down a hunk of cheese, which looked old and crumbly from age, back on a display board where she had found it. "A simple job really. Remy and I are scouts and our duty is to now and then go away from the group and look out for anything dangerous or something of interest. Also we sometimes set out to spy, gather food or locate resources. It's a very simple and physically demanding job."

Remy stuck his head out from behind a pile of wrinkled nuts atop a crate, looking sweating from the effort of holding something heavy. "What she said. Sometimes me big brother makes me stay up late at night in case somepony tries to attack us."

Rainbow Dash blinked, surprised. "Don't you think that's bad?"

"Haha! No way! I'm more of a nocturnal kind of pony so it's cool with me. Also there have been rumors spreading around Siria that a gang of thieves are on the loose around this area so I really can't wait for tonight!" He then shouted out and fell over, whatever he was holding on his back had fallen over to the side and knocked down the large pile of nuts, scattering them all across the creaky wooden planks of the general store. The manager glared angrily at Remy. "You better clean up that mess boy or I'll have ya pay for your trouble!"


Dash chuckled and Mercy put a hoof on her face, shaking her head slightly as she sighed. "Go help him. She asked the disguised pegasus. "Sure. No problem." Rainbow Dash replied. She went over to Remy as he frantically scrabbled to gather the scattered nuts with his hooves. This bothered Dash, she cocked her head slightly with a frown as she said. "Why don't you use magic? You have a horn, you know."

Remy gasped, realization dawning over him. He lowered his head to the ground and started to bang his hooves on his head. "Arrgh! Why am I so dumb!?" He shouted. Dash leaned her head back, feeling as if she had done something wrong. "No wait, I didn't mean it like that, I-"

"Save your breath... I just forget things sometimes... a lot of times." Remy explained, his horn glowing as he utilized magic to gather all the nuts together and placed them back on top of the crate. "It's just that a lot of ponies down at Doaria really look up to my older brother. He's smart and I'm not... sometimes I feel like I'm just his shadow..." He hung his head. Dash trotted over to him and placed a reassuring hoof on his back. "I don't know what's that like but I'm sure you'll get over it!"

Remy snorted. "Yeah. Thanks." He muttered, his voiced dripping with mixed emotions. He looked out the window, towards the sun. He quickly looked away, squinting. "Ah.. it's almost time to meet up with Wilhelm. We better tell Mercy to hurry and pay for the supplies or else my brother will leave us behind!"

"I doubt it." Mercy said, appearing from behind a shelf displaying knives. "Do you remember what Wilhelm said?"

Remy paused, thinking for a moment. Mercy's expression fell. "He said he wanted Rainbow Dash to meet the sun queen. It's of great importance that she does." Dash felt a bit concerned and she tapped on Mercy's back. "Why?" She simply asked.

The red earth pony turned to her and quickly answered her question. "Because, you're no ordinary pony. We know that. Coming from a land nopony has ever heard of... Well, I'm quite sure the queen of the sun will help you on our journey home!"

"Don't be talkin' bout the sun queen in my shop! The Empress forbids any of them rebel talk!" The shop keeper called out to them.

"Oh!" Mercy pouted but then grinned. "We've been here for years, Mac, don't be pulling on the newcomer's leg!"

The bulky pony just laughed. "Take what you need and get on your way!" As the three made their way to the counter to pay for their items, two large colts peered at them from the outside through a dusty window pane. One of them stared at the cyan pony, a mane white as the snow that he had heard about in the stories his Pa had shared late at night. He watched as the pony turned to leave with her two new friends since strangely appearing in this town. As she passed a knife display, he watched as her vest brushed against the wooden surface of the display shelf and was caught on the bristly corner, where the splinters were aplenty. The dull looking vest tugged and revealed the bony part of a pegasus wing.

The colt slowly grew a nasty smile on his face and he nudged his brother's side to get his attention. Now they both looked at their enemy, tucking her wing back in and looking around to see if anypony had noticed. Her companions joined her again and they went towards the entrance to leave.

The colt duo ran off before they could be discovered. From what they had seen and heard, Pa would be most pleased and another pegasi scum would be wiped off the face of this town. A town proud of the blood that had been shed from the traitorous pegasi.

For all they had done...

This one must die, for their great sin.

For this drought.

For all the pain they had brought into this land.

Because of her.

Comments ( 6 )

Could use some more through editing, but other than that, its a pretty good story. keep it up!

This is trippy as hell, but I'm enjoying it. :pinkiehappy:

Love this story. Hope you continue it soon!

we can has moar storie telling? :pinkiehappy:

is this story dead!?!?! :applecry:

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