• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 1,354 Views, 6 Comments

Hope and Chaos - roberttaylor

Evil awakens in Equestria and the pony gang will need the help of a new friend to beat him.

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Hope and Chaos

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Hope and Chaos
By: Robert Taylor

Long ago in the magical land of Equestria a great darkness threatened the peace and harmony brought by the rule of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. This Darkness’ name was Chaos and his only desire was for Equestria to be covered by his darkness and his dark army. He was thwarted however when the Princesses and their two oldest friends, the Pegasus Sunlight Heart and the unicorn Moonlit Dreams, forced him back from whence he came and his army was forced far beyond Equestria into the sky.

Although Sunlight Heart and Moonlit Dreams knew this victory would be short lived so they became the guardian stars that hold back the darkness. They left Equestria in the hooves of the Princesses, and entrusted them with the care of their young colt Midnight Hope. So peace and harmony once again blossomed in the magical land of ponies known as Equestria.

“Wow Twilight that’s a great story!” cheered spike, a green and purple baby dragon.

“Well its one of my favorites Spike. I just wish it were true it would be interesting to meet those ponies.” Said Twilight Sparkle, a purple unicorn with a starburst cutie mark.

“What makes you say it isn’t real?” Spike asked.

“Please Spike, how could the stars be a Pegasus and a unicorn it’s just preposterous.” Twilight stated in that, I’m always right, tone she sometimes had.

Just then a loud crash was heard as a blur of blue, came flying through the window of the library. Suddenly the bur whacked into a bookshelf sending books flying every which direction. A blue Pegasus with rainbow covered hair and a rainbow colored lightning bolt cutie mark popped her head up from beneath a pile of books. It was Rainbow Dash. The moment she saw Twilight’s face she knew she was in trouble…again.

“Sorry about that Twilight I was trying to do the Sonic Rainboom but for some reason I can’t get it to work. Aww pony this is so not cool.” Rainbow said.

“It’s fine but help me clean up will you this is going to take forever.” Twilight sneered upset that her whole mornings work was now ruined.

“Help, clean, me? Why don’t you just use magic it’ll get done faster and I think it’d be about twenty percent cooler that way.” Rainbow pleaded as if trying to avoid some unspeakably horrible fate.

“Well normally I would but for some unknown reason recently whenever I try a spell it goes wrong.” Twilight said.

“That’s weird I think I heard Pinky Pie say her parties weren’t going to good lately, and animals have been running away from Fluttershy-“

“TWILIGHT!” a shout came from outside.

Twilight, Rainbow and Spike all went outside. When they got there they saw a light orange pony with a cowboy hat and three apples as a cutie mark standing there freaking out.

“What’s wrong Apple Jack?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah did you misplace your apple wagon?” Rainbow joked.

“I’ll tell y’all what’s wrong I haven’t been able to buck for apples all pony-lovin’ day.”Apple Jack said almost yelling again.

“This is too weird, alright every-pony we need to go see the princess. Someone go get Rarity, Pinky Pie and Fluttershy.” Twilight said.

Two hours later Twilight and the others had arrived at the Royal palace in Canterlot. Three knew ponies were with them though. One was a white unicorn with three diamonds for a cutie mark named Rarity. The next was a tan Pegasus with three butterflies as a cutie mark named Fluttershy. The Last one was a pink pony with balloons as a cutie mark named Pinky Pie. Together they prepared to enter the throne room but were shocked at what they found.

When the doors opened the room seemed filled with ever pony in Equestria. Princess Celestia and Luna were trying to patiently help each pony. Princess Celestia was a beautiful white Alicorn with multicolored hair and a sun shaped cutie mark. Luna was a gorgeous black Alicorn with a crescent moon cutie mark. Suddenly Celestia noticed Twilight.

“Come here Twilight Sparkle, my favorite student.” Celestia said.

“Princess Celestia what’s going on? All of our special talents seem to be fading.” Twilight asked after a polite bow.

“I’m not sure Twilight sparkle and that is the most disturbing part.” Princess Celestia replied.

“Sister I just remembered something that might explain this.”Luna said a look of fear on her face.

Meanwhile in a dark and damp cave a blue unicorn with a wand shaped cutie mark and a magicians hat, was making her way down into the caves farthest depths.

“How dare that Twilight Sparkle make a fool of me, The Great and Powerful Trixie. I’ll get her back as soon as I find that magical artifact that old goat told me about.” Trixie shouted in frustration. The memory of her embarrassing inability to stop the Ursa Minor was still fresh in her mind.

“Ah ha here it is the mark of the shadow just like the goat said. Hmm there seems to be a crack in it. Never mind I The Great an d Powerful Trixie order this door open…. Um nothings happening.” Trixie said.

Just as she started to turn around to leave she heard a loud clack and the doors began to shift open. Slowly a black shadowy tri-corn Pegasus with an earthquake cutie mark and red eyes shifted out.

“Who are you? Trixie asked her voice trembling.

In a harsh raspy voice he said “Chaos”.

Then a loud scream was heard.

Back at the castle everyone was silent they didn’t understand what Princess Luna had just said. None of it made since after she said she remembered something Celestia asked what and she responded with one word.

“What did you say Luna?” Celestia asked.

“I said Chaos sister it could be him” Luna replied.

“But we sealed him away he should still be imprisoned.” Celestia replied.

“Um princess could you let us know what’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“Long ago there was a pony who wanted to plunge the world into pandemonium. His name was Chaos. Luna, two of our friends and I fought him and we were able to seal him away.” Celestia said.

“He sounds scary.” Fluttershy whispered.

“So all we gotta do is beat up this Chaos guy? No problem” Rainbow boasted.

“Darn tootin’.” Apple Jack added.

“Who are you going to beat up my little ponies?” came a voice from the window.

“Chaos how can you be out, that seal should have held you back.” Celestia said as he entered the room.

“Well sister you sealed me away in the moon and we all saw how well that worked out.” Luna remarked.

“Oh it did but a small crack allowed me to trick a small pony into letting me out early for good behavior.” Chaos sneered.

“Don’t worry Princess Celestia we’ll use the Elements of Harmony to defeat this evil pony.” Twilight said.

The six of them grouped together and began to call to each of their inner Elements of Harmony. Suddenly Chaos appeared behind Pinky and trapped her in a magical bubble.

“Oh no pinky!” Twilight shouted.

“You let her go NOW!” Rainbow yelled at Chaos

“Oh this is fun maybe I can have a party in here oh what kind of party should it be? Hmm maybe I should get balloons.” Pinky rambled on.

“Would you be silent.” Chaos said as his horn glowed and a magical muzzle was placed on Pinky’s mouth.

“Now without the Elements of Harmony there is nothing to stop me from ruling over all of Equestria ha ha hehe.” Chaos laughed.

“I see you still enjoy picking on fillies don’t you Chaos?” Came a voice from the hall it was calm and somehow reassuring.

In walked a black Alicorn with blue eyes and a cutie mark of a dove. Chaos seemed irritated by this arrival but Luna and Celestia seem elated.

“It certainly took you long enough Midnight Hope. You kept us waiting.” Luna said.

“Sorry about that there was this great pony party in Fillydelphia I was at.” Midnight responded.

“It’s so nice to see you I wouldn’t want to leave you out of my fun. After all since your parents are no longer here I may as well take their share of my revenge out on you.” Chaos sneered.

“Yeah that whole revenge, eternal evil thing. Yeah that’s really not gonna fly with me so….no.” Midnight taunted.
“Well shall we get this over with?” Chaos asked.

“Yes lets.” Midnight responded.

That was all it took the two of them began bucking and bashing each other over and over. Magical spells filled the room transforming or levitating whatever they hit. Neither gave way but they also didn’t get an advantage. Suddenly Twilight noticed the stars going out one by one, then ten by ten and then thousands by thousands.

“You can’t beat me!” Chaos shouted as the fighting broke for a moment.

“True alone I couldn’t win but I have every-ponies hopes and dreams with me and that has nearly limitless power, and as long as those exist I can’t loss to the likes of you.” Midnight said.

Suddenly all the ponies cutie marks began to glow and with one more clash Chaos was on the ground and Midnight had won. Or so it seemed. At that moment the last star vanished and the darkness surrounded Chaos.

“Oh no” Midnight yelled as he quickly turned and broke the bubble holding Pinky. “Hurry you have to use the Elements of Harmony.”

The six ponies gathered together. Suddenly Chaos began to rush at them. Then their necklaces appeared and they were able to use the Elements of Harmony against Chaos. After a blinding flash of light the ponies looked around. Everypony and thing were back to normal.The stars were back and where Chaos had stood laid a baby colt

“What happened to Chaos?” Twilight asked?

“ Oh look at the baby colt.” Fluttershy said.

“ That’s Chaos. The Elements of Harmony only undo evil so they reverted him to an early age so he can be raised properly this time.” Midnight said.

“How in Equestria can that be?” Twilight asked.
“It’s the same as how you changed Nightmare Moon back into Luna when you first connected with the Elements of Harmony.” Princess Celestia said.

“So if the two of you are real then does that mean the old story was true?” Twilight asked as she turned to face Midnight.

Midnights only response was a small smirk that spread across his face, but that was all Twilight needed to know the stories were indeed true.

“Let’s have a party for the new Colt. Oh but our talents aren’t working.” Pinky said.

“Don’t worry without the evil Chaos your talents are just fine go on ahead the three of us will catch up.” Princess Celestia said.

The ponies began to leave the room and head for Ponyville until only Celestia, Luna and Midnight were left.

“You did wonderfully.” Celestia said.

“Yes I’m sure your parents are proud of you.” Luna added.

“Thanks now let’s go the party should be great.” Midnight replied.

As they headed out Midnight looked at the stars and they quickly reassembled as a unicorn and a Pegasus smiling down. After that day Ponyville began raising Serenity Winds (formerly Chaos) and Equestria experienced a time of unequal peace and joy.

Comments ( 6 )
#1 · Oct 20th, 2011 · · ·

to short

Thanks for the feedback I realize it was kinda short but there are two reasons for that. First this was the first time Id ever posted my work online let alone let close friends see it making it my starting point. The second reason was a bet with a friend he bet I couldn't write a fan fic in one our that was at least 1500 words. I'm happy to say I'm now $50 richer. So I apologize for it being somewhat short though I may revise and add to it as I go. So I hope to recieve more feedback from everyone to help improve my writing. :rainbowdetermined2:

Needs a proof reader. ...and a bucket of (,)s.

The hell did I just read? That had to have been the most abrupt story I've ever read. The entire plot comes out of nowhere and ends in pretty much the same way. Your premise is solid, but execution leaves much to be desired.

Enjoy your doughnut.

I went back and reread it after your comment and you right it needs a lot more build up and more needs to happen after the battle. It goes zero to 60 in no seconds flat then hits a brick wall. Although I happy you thought the general concept was good. As always thanks for the feedback.

I went back and reread it after your comment and you right it needs a lot more build up and more needs to happen after the battle. It goes zero to 60 in no seconds flat then hits a brick wall. Although I'm happy you thought the general concept was good. As always thanks for the feedback. Sorry was a spelling error in the first reply.

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