• Published 13th Jan 2014
  • 2,033 Views, 27 Comments

To Cast The Doubt Away - Vigilance

Princess Cadence works to get over her bigotry of Changelings. Events within the Changeling ranks however make it appear as though that is not all she'll have to worry about.

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The Alicorn's Report to the Changeling

“I must say that was an excellent day of work Cadence.” Chitin nodded to herself as the two strode down one of the Hive’s many cavernous hallways illuminated in a gooey green glow. “In fact, I think we might have that new chamber complete ahead of schedule.”

“Fantastic…” Cadence groaned, her neck sore from have to hoist it up for so long in an uncomfortable position. “Nothing like being a glorified lantern.”

“You did a wonderful job regardless of your own personal feelings.” Chitin replied.

Cadence gave the Changeling a have lidded look of annoyance. “Gee… thanks.” It bugged the Alicorn more than anything that Chitin was able to speak exactly like Princess Celestia: she could be completely monotone, but was still able make others react as if she had used emotions. Cadence really despised that way of talking for reasons not even she understood.

After another few minutes in silence the two passed into the main chamber of the Hive, a massive cavern that made the grandest ballroom in Canterlot Castle look small. The cavern could most likely hold the entirety of the main plaza at the Crystal Empire inside of it, Cadence had noted once. Drones buzzed noisily this way and that, darting in and out of roughly carved holes in the wall. Changeling taskmaster drones could be seen at varying levels of the cavern screeching out orders to lesser Changelings. Cadence had believed it to be a scene of utter chaos, but Carapace had assured her that was not the case. In fact the Queen boasted that her Hive was one of the most organized in the Collective.

Seeing as how Cadence had only been to Carapace’s hive she could not prove or refute that statement, so she took the Changeling for her word. Looking around at the near perfect inner workings of the Hive Cadence felt a question form. She had been reluctant to ask it for fear of causing an offense, but it gnawed at the back of her head. So she turned to Chitin. “I have a question Chitin.”

“I shall answer what I can.” The Changeling returned.

Cadence gulped, really hoping it did not create friction. “How much… uh… individuality do Changelings have? Are you all really stuck in one huge hivemind with every Changeling knowing everything the others do?”

Chitin’s eyes hoisted themselves to the ceiling, thinking for a bit. This was indeed the million-bit question. Other than being love sucking bugs, the thing most other sapient beings feared about Changelings was that every drone was just a walking shell for the grand hivemind with no individuality once so ever.

Finally, Chitin came up with an answer. “Firstly, what is considered individuality and what isn’t is subject to cultural aspects. By your standards, no I suppose Changelings have little in the ways of individuality. By our standards it is a much different story. Does that sufficiently answer your question?”

“I suppose…” Cadence replied sadly. A more through explanation would have been nice, though even explain it I doubt I’ll be able to understand Changeling individuality.

“Good.” Chitin said. “Now then we should…” The Changeling stopped dead in her tracks. Her fake ears twitched and her eyes darted this way and that in contemplation. “Scratch that Miss Cadence, it appears Queen Carapace will return soon and wants to speak with you.” The Changeling made a one-eighty. “Come. We need to hasten to her chambers so we may be there when she arrives.”

“Can’t I get something to eat from my room first?” The Alicorn groaned, her stomach already moaning for food.

“No time. She wants a report on your progress immediately. Let’s go Miss Cadence, time is wasting.”

Cadence made an angry whine before turning and following the Changeling to the hallway that led to the Queen’s chambers.


Queen Carapace stifled a yawn as she landed at the border between the desert and the green of her oasis. What a bore politics were. Well, Changeling politics anyway. Even as Carapace strode to meet the outer watch she couldn’t deny how much she loved dealing with other species. She knew all the tricks and playbooks Changeling society had to offer and what had been a slight challenge in her youth transformed into a walk in the park she could do with her eyes closed.

That was why when the old foreign negotiator had died a young Carapace had nearly hurt herself flying to the Council to volunteer to become the next one. Whether it was talks at a table or battles with a blade, the variety of challenges posed by different species always made Carapace’s heart flutter. It was one of the reasons that her current machinations bored her so much. Internal affairs sucked.

Turning her focus back to the real world, the Changeling Queen nodded to her outer watch that stood diligently at the entrance to the hive as she passed. The hot desert heat gave way to cool dampness and the bright light degraded to sickly green. The Queen walked passed her many buzzing Changeling children and made a beeline for her chambers. If Chitin had followed her orders correctly, Cadence should be waiting there for her weekly report.

Navigating the tunnels and holes that had been her home since birth, Carapace had no trouble getting to her chambers. Though they were technically private, there was no real need for a door on a regular basis and instead a simple wide-open arch separated the hive and Carapace’s room. As she approach, Carapace could hear the familiar voice that was Cadence’s.

“Please Chitin, I know my way around. Just let get something to eat real quick and I’ll be back before Carapace gets here.”

“No. Her Majesty commanded you be here when she returns. You can eat when your report is finished.”

The pink Alicorn groaned. “Very well.”

“It shouldn’t take that long.”

“Agreed.” Carapace stated as she walked into the chamber. Chitin lowered herself to the ground at the sight of her Queen. Cadence also bowed, though to a lesser extent. Carapace chuckled. “I must say Cadence, you’ve gotten politer each time you’ve given your reports. That bodes well.”

Carapace walked past the two and sat in a rounded bed that rested at the far wall of the chamber. Lying down on her belly in a very regal manner, Carapace motioned for the two to come closer. “So Cadence, time for your report. It’s the same as usual. Chitin, please begin.” The Changeling leader put on her neutral, diplomatic face.

Chitin nodded and began to list off the chores and activities Cadence had taken part in (ensuring to designate which ones the Alicorn had volunteered for and those she had to be forced to do). Next she repeated comments that a different assortment of Changelings had said about her behavior.

Carapace listened to each word carefully. The Queen was looking for any sign of improvement on Cadence’s behavior, but also reading between the lines. Cadence had been able to fool Celestia and a great many others during her attempted framing of Chrysalis, so she could easily be faking her behavior. Still, it could be very hard to spot the underlining emotions behind certain actions at times and there was no ethical way for the Queen to know what was going on in Cadence’s mind.

Chitin ended on a high note, calling Cadence a great boon to the hive. Cadence blushed slightly on that remark. Carapace gave a toothy grin, “Well it certainly seems that you are improving Cadence. At this rate, you might be even be eligible to return to Equestria sooner rather than later.”

The pink mare’s face brightened at that. “You think so?”

Carapace smiled. “Of course. Remember, this retreat of yours is simply to get you to tolerate Changelings and it appears that goal is within your reach.”

Cadence couldn’t believe it, the very thought of being able to return to Equestria, to her friends and family, so quickly created a happiness in her stomach so intense she thought it was going to burst out of her chest.

Good, I can finally leave this wretched place…

The Alicorn’s eyes widened and her entire body stiffened as that thought ran through her mind. The voice was hers, no doubt, and it was filled with contempt. It was the same train of thought she had in the nursery, the feeling of desire to crush the Changelings. The Alicorn was able to keep in check most of the time and Cadence was constantly thanking her princess lessons in keeping etiquette. She might be able to stop herself from vocalizing her darker thoughts, but there was almost no way to stop them from floating about in her mind. It was a painful realization at times for the Alicorn of Love; knowing she was the one with the dagger behind her smile.


“Huh?” The Alicorn jumped out from her mind and looked at the Changeling in front of her. What a disgusting creature… No! No, ignore it Cadence told herself. “I’m sorry, what is it Queen Carapace?”

“I simply wish to know your own personal opinion on your ‘condition’. Do you believe that you’re no longer a bigot in regards to Changelings?”

Just say yes. I want to leave this place, go back to Shining and Twilight, and never see another one of these monsters ever again… Cadence swallowed. “No, I think I still need a little bit more time to fully ensure that I’m cured.”

Carapace raised an eyebrow at Cadence’s last word. Shrugging, Carapace raised herself up from her seat. “Very well then, you’ll stay here for another month and we’ll see how it goes.”

Cadence nodded. The voice in the back of her mind scolded her but she kicked it down. Lying about her feelings was the reason she was here in the first place and would only cause her issue in the long run. No, she’d take the long way to her freedom and return to Equestria with a new lease on life.

“You are both dismissed, go and get something to eat Cadence.”

The Alicorn bowed. “Thank you. Good day Carapace.”

“To you as well.” Carapace replied. The Queen watched as the two left. Turning, Carapace found herself impressed. Beings could go their whole lives trying to rid themselves of bigotry and never succeed. Cadence, for the most part, was shrugging it off like it was nothing more than a pesky mosquito. “Though I guess the Alicorn of Love would be extremely forgiving then. It would make so much sense.” Carapace spoke aloud for no real reason.

With Cadence's report over with and not much need for the Queen for the rest of the day, Carapace decided this was an excellent time to work on some of her more... private machinations.

Walking to the far left wall of her chamber, Carapace placed her hoof in an inconspicuous indent on the normally smooth wall. The indent lit up and the magics inside of it ignited. A small click sound told the Queen the illusion spell was now active, keeping her secret safe. Magic grabbed ahold of the wall moving it aside to reveal another room.

Stepping inside with all the command of a hardened military leader, Carapace eyes fell upon the huge map table that dominated the enclosed space. Scanning over it once more, the Queen weighed her options.

“Hmmm… another month, bothersome but not unexpected really.” Carapace’s fangs glinted in the dim light of the room as she smiled. “I can’t have this backfire now can I?” The Changeling tapped the spot of the map marked Equestria, one of the few countries that bordered the badlands. “No, I certainly cannot allow this part to fail. Feel honored Cadence, you’ll be the last piece of this puzzle of mine.” The Queen’s smile widened significantly. “And it certainly helps that the precious few who can stop me won’t know what hit them…”


Canterlot, The Royal Palace

Shining Armor opened the thick oak double door and stepped into an all too familiar room. Hearts and pink everywhere, this was definitely the private chambers of the Alicorn of Love Princess Cadence, Shining’s beloved wife.

Shining looked around and lost himself to sweet memories. The times he and Cadence had spent together in this room were some of the best times of his adolescent life. At one time walking into this room was a calming experience and filled the stallion with no small amount of happiness. Now, it felt like a slap to the face.

Walking past the bed and out towards the balcony. Night had set in and all of Canterlot was blanketed in Luna’s beautiful darkness. The moon, currently in a crescent shape, glowed dimly compared to the twinkling stars all around it.

Shining was going to start his investigation here, in his beloved’s room. The stallion had been given the details and explanations of what had happened to his wife… but he did not want to believe. There had to be a reason for Cadence’s actions besides hatred or things perhaps it was not Cadence’s doing at all. Shining wanted to believe, with all his being, that Cadence could never do something as heinous as what she had been accused of. The stallion was not stupid though; he knew that it was possible. Still, he wanted to find out for himself.

Turning back to the room to start looking around the stallion made himself a promise. He would find out what happened on his own and after he did -whatever was the truth- he’d be there for Cadence…

No matter what force stood in his way.

Comments ( 11 )

Another month... Cadence is in denial if she thinks that she can get rid of the voice in her head.

Course, detective Shining is now on the case, I'm expecting we'll see some of his investigations more next time. What kind of evidence could Shining possibly find to incriminate, or even suggest a squeaky clean, Cadence?

Where'd this story go. :pinkiesad2:

so... This story is going to continue? Because the history of before was very good

So is Carapace bad or something?

I really, really hope whatever Carapace is doing will not cause a relapse in Cadence. She really only needs a trigger to get set off...

Knowing how these stories have gone, it's likely it will.

Too bad that this is dead, I really liked the previous one. :fluttercry:


Yeah im sure this story is dead.

Gone forever, never to be written further

Uhm sir could I please have some more?
What was that, a peasant asking for more!
B-But sir I would very much enjoy more.
Well you shall have none from me!
I said I would very much ENJOY MORE!:flutterrage:
:raritydespair:Fine you may have more in the future.Filthy peasant.

Alas, another dead story.

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