• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 1,224 Views, 47 Comments

The Theory of Dove And Grenade - TLC

Life for a young pegasus becomes complicated when he's saved by a mysterious mare...

  • ...

Four White Walls

The bedroom door exploded and four figures charged me, throwing me against the wall. One of them covered my mouth with some sort of black tape, probably to stop me from shouting for help, and held me there. The others tore open my closet and began searching my room. Why are they here? I tried yelling, only to have my voice be silenced by a swift hoof to the stomach. Of course, the hoof went straight for the stitches. I struggled under the pony's grip, thrusting my shoulders and kicking at his legs. All of it was to no avail. When the same hoof went to the side of my face, I felt his grip let go completely and I slumped down the wall.

"Where did she go?!" He yelled. I looked up to see his face, but only to see a black metal plated mask covering his face. He wore an all black outfit, covered with body armor and satchel. The other's were the same, mask and armor. Were they...no. They can't be.

"He asked you a question!" One came over, she seemed more forceful than the stallion. She was a unicorn, her horn stuck through the mask. It began to glow and I was lifted back up against the wall. She got right in my face, her red eyes staring into mine. "Where is the mare?!"

I stared back at her, both of them. They think they could just barge into my bucking house, tear up my room and pulverize me?! The stallion took the tape and ripped it off, I screamed when the sharp pain shot through my face. "Speak."

"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled.

"We'll ask the questions here." The unicorn growled. She put her hoof to my chest. "Now, where is the mare?"

I spat in her face, my only act. She stared at me with great disdain and showed her anger by punching me. Her hoof made contact with the side of muzzle and I was forced to the floor. Blood dripped from my nostrils and stained the wooden coated flooring. Once again, I felt myself being lifted up. All of the masked ponies stood over me, talking amongst themselves.

"Brat bucking spit at me!"

"Cool it. Look let's bring him back to base. We'll get him talking there."

"I say we beat this little stain into the ground."

"I second that."

"I said we're bring him back with us. And that's final..."

The voices began to fade. I was beginning to feel lightheaded and felt myself drift away as they pulled me up and hauled me out of my room. Soon, we were out side my house. It's strange. You would think if you had neighbors, and there had been yelling and screaming, they would be outside checking out what was going on. Not now. The street was empty and he sidewalk was clear. The sky was dark grey, the sun was not visible.

They dragged me down the drive way to a point and threw me against their carriage. One opened the door, and the others got in. I was thrown into the back, where I found bliss in unconsciousness. The carriage began to move and we were driving away from my house. I remember looking out the back window, and seeing somepony in the street. I couldn't place a face but then it hit me. I saw the eyes in the distance...







"Wakie-Wakie, Mr. Showers."

"Wha..." A clock in the distance woke me. "Agh!" My eyes stung when a bright light hit my face. "Where am I?!"

"Please remain calm and keep your voice down." The deep voice said. "Now listen very carefully. This can be done the easy way, or it can be done the hard way. We are going to ask you a series of questions."

I spit out the blood from my nose and stared off into any direction. "We?"

Suddenly, the room came into view. It was of four white walls, one having a small clock. I sat in a black wooden chair, with my hooves cuffed behind my back. A table sat in front of me with a lamp pointed at my face. Five ponies surrounded me, all watching me. One, a dark red stallion with black mane. Another, a regal pegasus with yellow mane. The stallion to my right was dark grey and had blue mane, a large scar went over one eye. The last one I was able to recognize, based on how angry she was, I was able to label her as the unicorn I spit at. Her eyes shot daggers in my direction. I looked straight to find the source of the voice. He was a cobalt blue stallion. His cutie mark was a silver shield with two swords crossing it.

"I am the Director. Welcome to Project Grenade Laboratories." He said. "We believe we saw you in a wheel chair being pushed around the city by some pony. She's wanted by several different organizations, and has killed several ponies of not only our staff, but innocent lives."

Innocent? "No shit."

"Oh. So you're aware of her nature?"

"I'm aware that your thugs broke into my house, tore up my property and beat the crap out of me." I mentioned.

"Oh, we haven't even started!" I heard the unicorn hissed behind me.

"You obviously do not understand the dangers you face at this moment." The 'Director' said.

Dangers? "You obviously have no idea what I've been through in the past four days. I've been beaten up and stabbed, chased, beaten up again, and kidnapped." I looked around the room. "The only danger I know of is my constant bleeding."

The Director laughed. "Smart kid. You aren't in any immediate danger, Mr. Showers. Right now, you hold the controller. You decide whether or not you are in danger."

My head lurched forward when a hoof slapped it. "So choose wisely." I easily recognized the voice of the stallion. "Now, explain the events that occurred three days ago on Ocean Avenue."

I tilted my head back. "...I was being mugged."


"They were a bunch of ponies from my school, dicks. Their leader, bigger dick, stabbed me, as you can tell by the gauze." I nodded towards my stomach. "Oh, and thanks for the jab earlier. Helps keep the stitches in place."

The stallion looked back at the Director for a moment and turned back to me. "What happened next?"

"Somepony came and saved me..." My voice dropped to a whisper. "She killed them...killed them all except for one."

The stallion sighed. "Must have been hard to watch."

I snapped my head to him. "Don't try to sympathize with me! Look, if I knew where she was, you would know. But I don't! So what you should do, is let me go!"

The Director shook his head. "I'm afraid we can't do that."

I froze. "W-Why not?"

"We can't risk having something like this rising to the surface. What our organization does has been...frowned upon in the past. So, we keep it all below the radar." The Director explained. "If we let you go, whose to say you won't tell the authorities?"

"What he means is, quit bullshitting and tell us where the mare is." The red stallion said from his spot on the wall. I looked around the room.

"You're...you're all crazy." I was in denial. "I'm dreaming. None of this ever happened. I'm probably sleeping in class again." The looks on their faces didn't change. My feeling went from denial to fear. "What do you want from me?"

"Mr. Showers, all we want is the mare. She's not in the right state of mind." The Director explained. "If she finds out how to control whatever is that's wrong with her, it could lead to catastrophic results."

That grabbed my attention. "What's wrong with her?"

The stallion tried to gain my attention. "That's none of your concern."

"What did you do to her?" That question shook the vibe in the room. The look on the Director's face went from calm, to frustrated. He slammed his hooves on the table and spoke. "Enough! Tell me where she is!"

"Tell me what's wrong with her!" I argued.

"Mr. Showers, please co-operate. Where is the mare you were with?" The stallion asked again, while the red stallion pulled the Director away. "Did she leave before we got there? Is she still there? What?"

I can barely remember what I had for breakfast this morning because of these guys. I wasn't going to tell them my favorite color, let alone where Summer is. Even if I did know...

"Kid, you better talk." The unicorn whispered in my ear. "This little tough act you're putting on is bullshit. We know all about you."

I turned to her. "Buck. You." My face jerked back as her hoof hit me dead center on my muzzle. "Agh!"

"That's what I wanted to hear." She grinned. The Director walked over and sat in front of me shaking his head. "I don't see how this is helping you. All we're asking is where she is, and you resist. What is she offering you?"

More than anypony had ever given me. What am I talking about? "Nothing. Look if I knew...Actually, I still wouldn't tell you."

"Tsk, tsk. Why resist?" He got up and began circling me. "We tell you she is a murderer. A bad pony, is probably what they say at your school. She's wanted in five locations all over Equestria, several very good, hard working employees have lost their lives to this monster, and the lives of others are now on your shoulders." He stopped right in front of me. "Are you telling me you care about her?"

"I haven't told you anything." I said. My head started throbbing and I tilted it to the side, blood dripped from my nostrils. "Hey, can I get some water? My blood isn't quite quenching my thirst."

The unicorn flipped the table out of the way and grabbed me by my throat. She pointed her horn at my face. "I'm done! You'll tell me where that bitch is right now or there'll be a crater where your head was!!"

This is it. I looked about the room, all the faces showed no mercy. This was serious, my life is at stake. I'm about to die. My eyes began to water and my mouth let out a whimper. I'm crumbling right in front of these ponies for my life. I didn't want to die.

"Please, I don't know anything." I tried to reason with them. "She didn't tell me anything, I swear! Just..."

The Director came from behind the unicorn and laid a hoof on her shoulder. She saw his face and sighed as she let me go. "He just saved your life." She said walking past me. I slumped down in the chair and stared up at the ceiling, tears falling down the sides of my face.

"Clear the room." The Director said. "Let's leave Mr. Showers some time to gather his thoughts." They all headed for the door and exited. Then, I was alone, sitting in a room of four white walls. The light above me only intensified the brightness so much I could only stare at the floor. This is a nightmare. I could die here, I might. In this moment, of all the things I could possibably want, I wanted to see Summer again...