• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 1,224 Views, 47 Comments

The Theory of Dove And Grenade - TLC

Life for a young pegasus becomes complicated when he's saved by a mysterious mare...

  • ...

The Morn Before The Storm

I woke up to the sunshine breaking through my window, my eyes hadn't adjusted to the daytime yet so I was blinded slightly. My body wasn't as sore as it was the day before, I took it as a good sign. I don't have the best memory in the morning, so most of yesterday is still a blur. As I sat up, my wound didn't sting or hurt, so I assume it's healing pretty well. My body had grown attached to my bed and wanted me to stay, but something didn't seem right. With regret, I got up and walked away from my bed. My phone sat on the desk, connected to its' charger just where I left it. I stumbled over, feeling the pops in my joints as I leaned over to check the time.

8:23 A.M. No messages.

The window faced down the street towards the city. The streets were empty and abandoned, only haunted by the morning fog. I walked from my desk to the bedroom door. Gathering all the strength I could, I pushed the door open. The view of the living room was revealed to me. Also the view of somepony laying on my couch staring at my television. I walked over to the pony and poked the back of its' head.

"AH!" She jumped and turned around with a hoof raised. Her expression softened when she saw me. "Oh! Morning, Dove."

I stared back at her with my head tilted to the side. "Wha...? Oh, Summer. What are you still doing here?"

"What are you doing scaring the hell out me after I just woke up?" Summer asked with a smirk. "Now who's in the spotlight?"

"Whatever." I mumbled and walked to the kitchen. "So, what's on?"

She turned and looked towards the screen. "Well, the news dude is talking about weather, sports, something about The Princess and her student..." She trialed off.

Not surprised by the fact that there's never anything on. I poured my self some cereal and went to the fridge for milk.

"I spent most of last night trying to remember the whole incident."

I turned to her. "And?"

"Not single fragment came to mind." She leaned her head back, looking at me from and upside down view. "How's the stitches, by the by?"

"Doing better." I said with a mouthful of OatieeO's. I walked over to the couch and sat beside her. "So other than that, what other things can you say you remember?"

She looked at me. "What do you mean?"

"Like, you mentioned last night that you can't seem to even remember your parents. Can you recall any event in your life before the past couple of days?"

Summer leaned back into the couch, falling deep in thought. "...I remember something that happened three months ago."

I placed my bowl on the ground next to the couch. "Okay. What?"

"I remember being in a transit. Yeah, the train was cold and damp. I was sitting in one of the booths and my head pounded, like I hit it or something. There was this pony sitting across from me. I can't place a face, it was covered by something." She looked my way. "I think it was a mask."

"A mask?" I asked.

Summer nodded. "Yeah. She told me that it wasn't long now, like it wasn't long before we got to where we were going. Where were we going?" She raised a hoof to her chin.

"Is there anything else?" I asked. "Like, anything you said or something?"

She shook her head. "Nope. Nothing. Wish I could." She threw her hooves in the air and stood up. "Welp, here's an idea! I'm going go get freshen up."

I stared at her as she walked over to the bathroom door. "Uh...?"

"I'll just be minute." She said. She opened the door and headed in. The door closed, leaving me alone on the couch.

Great. I thought. And then there was one... My gaze met the television screen, but drifted away. Finding something on the tube was as likely as me sprouting a horn becoming princess. T.V. never interested me anyways. All that was usually on was mostly dumb ads or sorry excuses for shows. What kind of show stars a talking dish sponge? Or a pony who's head is a holder of alien technology and guitars are considered weapons?

Much to my legs' dismay, I decided sitting here rotting in front of the old radiation box was a null idea and found my self retiring to my bedroom. There, I could at least have something to find and do. As my body hit the bed once again, the warmness of the morning returned. After a few seconds, I rose again and retrieved my phone. My first idea was to call somepony. Without thinking, I dialed my mother's number and waited for a familiar voice.

*dial tone*


"H-hey, mom."

"...Oh my goddess. Hail?! Are you alright?!" My mother's voice shook as she spoke. "I'm so, so sorry I had to leave! You know my work can be demanding at times. How are you?"

How was I? I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that I wasn't, but by sincerity was in her voice. "I'm okay now."

"The doctor called me and told me that somepony who saved you took you home."

"Yeah. Her name is Summer. She took me to this bar-dinner, and made sure that I got home alright."

"Good. You see, not everypony in this city is as bad as you say they are." Oh foalish mother... "Now I don't want to have to worry about your safety, so make sure you stay out of trouble."

"Yes, mom."

"I mean it, Hail. I know I'm not always there, but I do care a lot about you and I want to know that you'll be safe."

"Yes, I know."

"Okay...Wait. You're home alone right?"

"Yeah..." I kinda lied. "Why?"

"Because somepony from your school called me and said they saw you being pushed around downtown in a wheel chair by somepony. Some mare."

"That's Summer. And she was taking me to get food."

"All the way downtown?"

"You know where the hospital is. Anyway why is this important?"

"I just find it a little strange that some random mare takes the time out of her day to take care of you. She's a stranger, Hail. And what had I been telling you most of your foalhood?"

I felt a sense of resentment. "For the record, she's strange. You got that part nailed on the head, but she's nice, caring. She stayed in the hospital and waited for me to wake up."


"I mean, who are you to say anything? You didn't even say goodbye when you left! Some doctor did it for you!"


"Don't 'Hail' me!" I snapped. A bubble popped in my chest. The feeling I felt when I stood up to Darkstar came back, but not fully. "Why should I calm down? I was beaten up in an alley by a gang of brainless foals with knives and clubs! And here you are, probably a hundred miles away, telling me it's okay and to calm down!" I breathed heavily into the phone. Whatever just happened, I can tell you, me and my mother weren't expecting it.

"....It was not my fault I was sent out here on a trip. This is a big chance with the company and I can't risk this job. Not this time at least. But if that wasn't the case, I would have been the first one you saw when you woke up. I'm glad she's staying with you, you could use a friend, Hail. I worry about you and how secluded you are."

"I'm not!"

"Relax. Promise me to get some rest today, okay?"

*sigh* "Alright."

"Love you, Haily."

Goddess forbid her call me that in public. "...Love you, too. Bye."




Somehow every phone call to my mom leaves me exhausted. I don't know what is was, maybe I just hate phone calls or having to call her. Maybe it's the fact she called me 'Haily' again. I dunno. My heart was heavy, my head pounded, but I felt better. Like I got a weight lifted off my back. Maybe I should let that out more. I dunno.

Before I knew it, I was developed in a reverse hug. I felt somepony's breath against my neck and shivered. Wet fur and mane clung to my head and back. The sweet smell of raspberry shampoo filled the air.

"Haily?" Summer whispered into my ear.

"H-how much of that did you hear?" I asked, my voice for some reason shook. She forced us back and we fell upon the bed.

"Oh not much..." She smirked. "..only enough to hear you say all that nice stuff about me."

I could see it in her eyes, my cheeks faded to a dark crimson. "I-" Her hoof cut me off and she laughed.

"See? I ain't such a bad pony after all. Even your mom likes me."

"But she didn't see you in the alley." I reminded.

"Dovey, I didn't even see myself in that alley." She said back. "I can't even remember it. Hehe, you're so stingy."

My body jerked out her clutches and I rolled off the bed, my eyes staring right back at her. "I'm not. Ugh, just...go sit down somewhere." I waved my hooves in any direction. "I need to lie down and think."

She scooted over as I went face down into my pillow. I could feel her eyes scanning me. "What's eating you?"

"Nothing." My voice muffled into the pillow. She laid a hoof on my back and moved it in small circles.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's something." She said. "Tell me."

"No." I was suddenly pulled out of my pillow and was facing her. "I don't want to talk, Summer." She gave me a stare. I don't know what that look was about, but it froze me. It read something I couldn't understand, but I somehow recognized it. My mind slowed. "...alright."

"Good." She said. "Now, what the hell has you all upset?"