• Published 18th Mar 2012
  • 1,225 Views, 47 Comments

The Theory of Dove And Grenade - TLC

Life for a young pegasus becomes complicated when he's saved by a mysterious mare...

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You know that feeling you get when you stand up too quick from laying down or sitting for a long time? Well, that lacks in comparison to how I was feeling when I woke up. My hoofs were numbed and had pins and needles poking at the skin. My surroundings were dark, the smell of trash and street met my muzzle and I cringed. Where the hell am I? My vision was blurry and I couldn't find the strength to sit up in my wheelchair. The sounds of carriages passing by sounded to my right and I turned. Summer leaned against the wall I'm on and peered out of the alley.

"Ugh...hey, Summer?" I tried. "What...what happened?"

She was silent for a few seconds, then glanced back at me. Her eyes no longer were glowing, but were serious. "Those ponies. From the building, chased us." Her breathing was deep. She must've ran me all the way over here.

"Where are we?" When I asked that she turned away from the alley's entry way. She sat in front of me and tried to catch her breath.

"The alley where I found you." She whispered. "Don't you live around here?"

My heart sank when I remembered. This was the alley. I turned to a familiar dumpster in the corner, it's handle was dark and reddened. My blood, probably. I turned to the ground, four faded chalk marks laid next to the opposite wall. "Yeah, just down the street. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired." Summer huffed. She got up and pulled me from the wall. "Let's go."

I chose not to ask about what really went on in her head during the chase, because whatever happened, I didn't want to cause that look to come back. When I first saw her stale expression in the alley, I felt even less safe. When we were chased, it wasn't any different. Her sulfur flame eyes were hollow pointed and fixated. You could see nothing but the sun in them. Was I worried? No. I can't tell you why, but it didn't really bring me to fear her. As far as I was concerned, Summer was still Summer...as much as I know her, at least.

The day went by relatively quickly, the sun was already out of the sky and the moon was making its' way to take the sun's place. The sky had darken, you could barely tell seeing how the sky was almost entirely covered with clouds and industrial smoke. I liked the night. In the city, walking the streets at this time, would seem like a scary activity. But in the right part of town, it was breath taking.

The neighborhood we're walking through is no different. Though a little eery when walking by yourself, it was a nice and quaint place. However, somewhere I regret living. If I didn't live here, I wouldn't be here, in this chair, my wing and abdomen covered in gauze. But, hey. Then I wouldn't have Summer here.

We pulled up past a house, it's windows were dark and the walls were dark burgundy. My house, finally. Summer took awhile before asking. "This it?"

"Yes." I answered. She wheeled me up to the door. I reached down into my-"Shit!"

"What?" She asked. My cheeks reddened as I looked up to her.

"I...don't have my key." Dammit. I must've left everything back at the hospital. Why did it take me so long to notice? "Sorry."

She smile and pulled me away. "No problem." She sat in front of the door and reached into her jacket pocket. "Just give me a sec..."

I watched her, not expecting much. She pulled something out of her jacket and stick it into the door, her hooves turned with the object and I heard the sound of a click. She sat up and faced me, letting out a triumphant "Ta-da!"

I can't say I was amazed, hearing about lock-picking from ponies at school. But actually seeing it was what made me impressed. "How did you do that?"

Summer got behind my chair and rolled me in through the door way. "Ancient equestrian secret..." Her cocky look changed to a look of surprise. "Whoa...Fancy!"

She was mostly right. My mother had earned a lot of money from her job at the local bank, so furniture and 'necessities' came easier after that. We had luxury couches and tables, fine china, expensive electronics, the works. I never really needed or wanted anything, but since we had the money, she just bought all the latest crap that came out. "More like unnecessary." I commented. I asked Summer to roll me over to my bedroom door and she pushed it open for me.

My room was relatively bland. I had a desk by the window, which was next to my bed. The closet door was open and things were lying about its' entrance. The room was pretty much a mess and hadn't been cleaned in about a week. Summer rolled me over to the bed and helped me onto it. I sighed as I fell back and felt the coolness of my pillow against the back of my head.

"Some place you got here." Summer commented. "A lavishing living room of a mansion, but a bedroom of a twelve year old."

I scoffed. "So it's not clean. Big deal, at least I have a room."

"Good point." She laughed. Summer noticed a poster that hung on the bedroom door.

"S.C.A.V.A....Where have I heard that before?" Summer asked herself.

"They're a My dad worked for them while I was growing up." I told her. "I always sort of wanted to follow in his hoof steps and join, but my mom says 'It's too dangerous! Look at what happened to your...father...'" I went quiet, saying that was kinda hard.

"So, where are your parents anyway?" Summer said, taking her seat at the end of the bed. "You mentioned your dad worked for S.C.A.V.A.?"

I sat up. "Yeah." I began to explain. "He's co-production leader in his squad."

"What are they, like secret agents?" She teased.

"No, just stuff like crowd control. He is the best in the organization..." My head dipped.

"What happened to him?" She asked, a look of concern on her face. "You act like he died or something" I gave a weary sigh.

"He stays at work. He never...he never comes home. It's been like that since I was twelve." A sharp pain passed through my chest. "I get calls from him, letters, and my mom goes to a place where she can see him...but never me." I felt a hoof on my shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright. At least you still hear from him." She leaned back and sighed. "I don't even remember my parents

"What do you remember?" I asked. "Ever since the hospital, I've been trying to figure you out. And all that I've come up with is that you drink, mess around, and forget."

She turned to me with an odd look. "And what do you do?" She scooted closer to me. "Ever since the minute you woke up, you've been a sour puss. You sulk, whine, put yourself down, drink, mess around..."

"You're saying everything I just told you, now." I reminded her. "Whatever." I laid back, placing my head on my pillow.

It grew silent in the room. After a few minutes, I felt the bed move and heard my door open. Summer probably used this time to leave. Why not? She doesn't have to stay. She's a grown mare, and probably doesn't have time to watch over some pegasus she just met. Though...It would be nice to have some sort of companion. Like a friend, or something. Be better than having to lie in my bed alone till my wounds heal, go back to school, and get attacked by Darkstar for his friends. Maybe I should call my mom and ask to move away. Or just run away. Maybe...

"Sup!" Suddenly, I flew up into the air and slammed back down on the bed as Summer hopped on. "Your mom has great taste in cider! It was like having a bar in a fridge!"

"Summer..." I asked. "Why are you still here?"

She must have found that funny, because she sat back and laughed. "Me? Leave? Are you forgetting, you're in stitches, Dove. Your stomach is being sealed shut by twenty inches of thread. And you look like the type of pony who would kill themselves off." She said, opening a bottle and taking a sip. When I tried to argue, she put a hoof on my head and smiled at me. "So, I'm sticking around. By the sound of it, you could use a friend."

"I don't need friends!" I shouted, receiving a bigger laugh from Summer.

"Yeah, right." She calmed her laughter, and looked to the small clock on my night stand. "It's getting late. You should get some rest."

"Ugh, what are you? My mom?" Why not? At least she was there when I woke up in the hospital, she even bought me food.

Summer pointed a hoof at me. "Hey, if I was, I wouldn't have let you walk home by yourself. Now." She got up and headed towards the door. "Get some sleep."

I stared at her. "Where are you going?"

She looked back and smiled. "Don't worry about me. Night, Dove." And after turning off my light, she left and closed the door behind her. I was left staring at where she once was, not knowing what could possibly happen next. Summer was right, I could use the rest. But...Whatever. I'll deal with the shit as it comes to me. Now, I think I'll take up on her offer and get some shut eye...


Summer sat on the couch and stared out the living room window, her gaze falling onto the darkness of Manehattan's night. Her thoughts swayed back and forth, looking for signs of what occurred today. Usually when she lost her memory in small bits, Summer could at least remember a signal detail. But not this time. Not a single image or snip it could she see of the incident in the alley, which annoyed her to no end. Summer huffed as she fell to her back on the fancy cushions.

Why can't I remember? She thought to her self, blowing her dark pink hair out of her vision. Those ponies...what did they want? They recognized me, but I...

Summer sat up and peered over the couch, she saw the kitchen. Making her way over to the fridge, she pulled open the door and looked for anything to drink. I'm sure Dove won't mind me taking this cider. Summer grabbed a bottle and headed back over to the couch to enjoy the frosty beverage.

Why are you still here? That question bounced around her mind. The nerve! That little twerp asks me why I'm helping him! Of all the ponies... She took a sip of the cider and leaned into the couch. There's something about him, though...something familiar... Summer turned her attention to Hail's bedroom door, a small smile crept onto her face. He's a dork, a sad, no self esteemed dork. But I guess I should take care of him. At least until he's able to walk around...


"...So, you tell me you both saw her?"

"Yes, sir. We have a picture right here. She was with some pegasus colt."

"You say she ran from you? Both of you?"

"Well...yes sir. You see, she was faster than anything I've ever seen. And Host was-"



"Now...you say she had a colt?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, then get him. Then, when she's out and about looking for him, obtain her. And do NOT fail me, Ghost."

"Y-Yes, sir."

"And as for you, Host."

"...Y-Yes, s-"



"....Send the clean up crew up here, Jewel."

"Yes sir, Commander."

"Ghost, get me the pegasus."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, see if he knows anything. If he does, terminate him."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now, that will be all."