• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 576 Views, 1 Comments

Im not a hero - WinterFall

we all know tales and legends of heroes,epic adventures and quest for greatness, well this is that kind of story but this time the hero its a little bit different

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Ch 1: First Day

Author's Note:

Well I can’t let this story die so I’m will continue with it.
-1: remember English it’s not my first language so there will be some errors.
-2: if you see something incoherent on the story let me know because I usually correct some scenes a few times and sometimes I forgot to erase the previous text
-3: obviously there are words that actually don’t exist but sounds funny to me so I use them.

-Unknown place- ??? - ???
-“ugh…I hate passing out”…-he grabbed his head as he feel the world spinning, when he recovered his vision he was welcomed by a totally white and endless place- …so…I’m dead now?
-“Almost” –replied an incorporeal familiar voice-
-“almost? ...wait…who said that?” –He asked in confusion-
-“that will be me” –replied the voice from behind him, zeeb turn around to meet the source of the voice only to encounter an odd version of himself standing with his arms crossed staring at him, he was a bit taller, his hair was longer and was red instead of black, and the iris of his eyes was white instead of amber, his clothes were totally black, black long coat, turtle neck black shirt, black pants and shoes-
-“who are you…why you look like me, why you talk like me?!–He asked a little annoyed-
-“That’s because I’m YOU dumbass” –he replied mockingly- well…part of you, my name is Autumm”
-“Autumm? What kind of name is that?! And what the hell you're talking about, I'm not understanding” –he replied again, anger and frustration growing within-
-The mysterious being rubbed between his eyes in clearly frustration- “I liked you more when you did not do so many questions or even talk that much”
-“and what you want me to do Huh? I was ALMOST killed by an overgrown bear-sized mutt on the middle of a creepy forest, saved by some kind of a forest fairy however stupid that sounds, and I wake up HERE in this weird place with an Emo-gothic version of myself who does nothing except being a dickhead and telling me IM asking to many questions?!”.
-“hey hey, chill up dude…look…its…complicated, we don’t have much time left you'll wake up soon and I need to get going” –he scratched the back of his head a bit walking backwards-
-“wake up? So I’m dreaming?”
-“Not exactly… It's like a defense mechanism …every time you pass out from unnatural reasons like being knocked out or by taking serious wounds you enter in this kind of “subconscious realm” where your mind it’s safe while your physical body is recovering
-“sub-what now? You mean like being in a comma?” – He asked confused-
-“yeah, something like that, but instead of being an almost permanent state, once your physical body its fully recovered you come back to reality if that how you like to call it”
-“so I can’t die?”
-“oh of course you CAN die, if you get a fatal blow or something happens to your body while you´re in here you´re never going back so watch out where you fall asleep, remember you are not immortal just…tough, so be careful at least for now…”
-“I like how that sounds…wait what you mean with that last part?”
-“I will love to stay and chat with tea and cupcakes, but you gotta go now I will try to explain you everything at its time, you can thank me later”
-Thank you?! Why should I do that? I’m just more confused than I already was you really wasn’t of much help
-you really think that? This the SECOND time I save your ass by now, try to be more respectful –and with that autumm vanished-
-“Second time? …this is getting weirder and weirder…”

-Fluttershy’s Cottage-

-“ugh…I’m will never going to get used with the feeling…”-he slowly opens his eyes to discover not an entirely white place, instead was a house, a wooden cottage- -“huh?”- As his eyes explore this new environment he could see that it was afternoon and he was in fact on the really comfy bed covered by sheds under the covers he was almost completely naked except for his underwear, gloves and a blood stained bandage across his chest- “well at least whoever undressed me has the courtesy of patching me up…that’s nice…I guess…now, where am I?” –the cottage was humble, wooden walls and furniture, some plants hanging from the roof, a little kitchen on the bottom a sofa and a dining room, some birds were flying on the house singing merrily- “so…I went from being in a creepy forest to be in Snow white´s house…amazing” –he said in unamused tone, he tried to get up from the bed but a sharp piercing pain across his chest stop him- “AGH!!! Dammit!” –he growls- “it seems that I’m going to stay here for a while…” –he turns around to find a wooden nightstand with a little lamp and a glass full of water, also his folding night and cellphone were there, he grabbed the glass of water and drank it all with a big gulp- “ah, that’s better, where is the rest of my stuff?” –he could see that in front of the bed his pants and scarf were hanging on a chair and his boots were on the floor next to it but he could not see his jacket or shirt anywhere- “where they might be? I hope that giant furry bastard didn’t let them unusable I will make another jacket off him in that case”. –he sighted heavily before resting his head on the pillow, but then he saw movement from the corner of the eye so he turn around to meet a little white bunny that was staring at him with apathetic expression- “hey there little one” –he greeted- where you left alice huh? I need another glass of water –he laughed at the bunny but the furry creature just keep staring him with the same expression as before- “yeah I know it was a bad joke…you know what else is a really bad joke? –He asked and the bunny cocked his head- that I’m chatting with a bunny…that´s pretty sad if you ask me…-he was about to lie back on the bed again but then the rabbit turn around has he saw the doorknob moving- “well finally someone come to visit ol’ Zeeb huh” –he rest his head on the pillow and pretended to being asleep as the door was opened and closed after a few seconds he can hear the sound of what I seems being someone putting bags of groceries on the kitchen and then he heard her-
-“hey there angel bunny! Are you hungry? Did momma take too long? –The voice said in a sweet motherly tone-
-“angel bunny? How original” –he tough- “well let’s make act of presence…” –he yawned loud enough to be sure he have drawn the attention of the girl on the kitchen- “Ah~ well that was a really good sleep” –he said stretching his arms a little too much-
-“I’m glad of hearing you´re awake now and feeling better” –replied the kind voice- “I'll be with you in a minute first I need to chop some carrots for my bunny” –she said-
-“Take your time” –he replied in a relaxed tone and lean back-
-After a couple of minutes the chopping sound ceased and the girl spoke again- “I'm done” –she walks up to the main room but her steeps sounds odd-
-Meanwhile zeeb was looking down to his feet’s without paying attention to the upcoming visitor-
-“So” –she spoke again- “how are you feeling today?” –She asked kindly-
-“Well a feel pain on the chest if I move too much but otherwise I’m fine” –he said without looking at her- “I… I wanted to said…Thanks…you now…for saving me and…patching me up and all that… –he said a little embarrassed-
-“Ow you don’t have to thank me, I could not leave you out there injured like that with that mean wolf” –she replied in a kind and caring way- “I must say you were lucky I was there by the moment”
-“Yeah…you´re right I could be dead right now…that’s why I’m thanking you I usually don’t do it” –he said with a chuckle-
“Don’t worry about that now, here, let me change your bandage” –she said-
-“I’m not uncomfortable with it but alright” -he said before turning as he do it he almost jump off the bed as he saw her savior- whoa dude! AGH! –He stands up in a quick reaction but was struck by the sharp and burning pain of his injured chest making him grab his chest in pain-
-was wrong?! –She asked startled by his reaction- you didn’t supposed to move until you were recovered! Please, calm down –she approached to him but was stopped by a frightened zeeb-
-“no no no! Stay where you are! Please! Don’t…get any closer” –it was hard to believe that at his almost 20 years old and with all his experience he was clearly afraid of no only his savior, but also he was afraid of a pony…a medium mare with yellow fur and light pink silky mane an a pair of wings folded at her sides that was staring at him with a pair of big and beautiful blue eyes full of concern, she was frozen in place hovering after his previous order-
-“a…alright –he let out a nervous laugh- this is all a joke right?! I- I’m dreaming again, I was attacked by a giant wolf and almost killed now I’m must be in the hospital waiting for wake up right…RIGHT?!” –He walked backwards but was stopped by a wall he was acting like a cornered animal-
-“what are you talking about? Are you ok? I-I’m fluttershy I found you on the everfree forest being chased by a dire wolf and you were injured…I- I managed to scare the wolf and bring you here to treat your wounds, you were asleep for almost two days by now, you are safe in here, I- I’m sorry if I scare you, that wasn’t my intention I’m just trying to help you believe me!”
-"believe you!? I can’t even believe you are real! I-I-I mean you are a TALKING! PONY! And also you-you are a PEGASUS?! You can’t even exist! Pegasus are a myth! This-this is just not right! I-I-I" –but before he can finish his sentence the constant movement of the bed caused it to slip forward making zeeb falls backwards and get hit on the head with the floor knocking him out instantly-

-Subconscious Realm-

-“that…was…PATHETIC! –Yelled the familiar voice from autumm- come on man! Really!? I wasn’t expecting you so soon, and let alone how did you get here this time, falling from a bed?! That was!-”
-“pathetic…I know that! But what I was supposed to do?! I talk with animals while I’m drunk! I don’t expect animals talk to me being sober!!! What the fuck was all that?! Answer!
-alright she´s a talking Pegasus who not only save YOUR life…with my help obviously, but also she patch you up, let you sleep on HER bed and try to make you reason while you were all freaked out just because you saw her! Surprise! You´re not on the earth anymore! Is that the answer you were expecting!?
-“actually no…”
-“of course not! You´re an idiot! You won’t expect intelligent answers!”
-stop calling me an idiot! –He yelled furious-
-stop being ONE! –Autumm replied-
-Zeeb growled before pounce autumm and take him to the floor-
-After a struggle both of them separate-
-I want answers and I want them now! Where am I?! What are you?! Why you know so much?! What’s going on here?!
-autumm fix his coat and clear his throat before speaking- look, I don’t know that much, and I can’t tell you much by now, I’m just know that you´re supposed to be here and I need to keep you alive you should talk to that Pegasus when you wake up, she probably tell you more than I can…” –he stated calmly-
-“You don’t answer what YOU are” –he replied in dry tone-
-“I already tell you that I’m part of you, and that’s the only thing you need to know for now”
-“WHY?!” –He asked furiously-
-CAUSE YOU´RE NOT READY! –Autumm answer-
-“You’ll know when you have to …” –and again he was gone-
-Zeeb growled in frustration and hit the floor with his fist- DAMMIT!

-Fluttershy´s Cottage-

-Ugh…my head…-he robbed his forehead before open his eyes again, when he do it he saw her asleep on the edge of the bed her chest slowly going up and down at pace of a calm breath He looked at the window and he could see that was night time-“how much time I was unconscious? …did…did she just fall asleep watching over me?”-he could not help but feel bad for what he did, how can he be afraid of such a peaceful and beautiful creature, a creature that he never even think it could actually exist, a creature that was lying in front of him- “fluttershy right?...I think I own you an apology…” –despite the pain of his chest he managed to gently grab her and put her beside him, he cover her with the sheds of the bed, then he rest his head on the pillow and before falling asleep he could feel that she moved closer to him, he don’t mind it, actually feeling his soft and warm fur was really heartwarming- “what I’m gonna do now…” –he tough before he fall asleep again-

-Fluttershy´s Cottage- 11:20 am-

-another day has come and the sun was shining bright in the sky, the birds were singing and the warm rays of the sun took zeeb out of his slumber, he slowly opened his eyes to see that again he was on the same cottage as before, he remove his sheds to discover that the bandage of his chest was a new one white and clean, and most important…fluttershy was nowhere to be seen – “so all this is actually happening…-he turns around and see that on the nightstand was another big glass full of water he take a sip of it and rest again on the back of the bed- “this is going to be a very long day…” –as he stated this his stomach start to growl- “I knew it…” –he soon recalled the “conversation” he got with fluttershy yesterday- “that’s right…I sleep for three days by now I haven’t eat anything since then, I need to eat something…it just I could…-he rise up from the bed and for his surprise the sharp pain on the chest was no longer- “well at least we're making progress here…”- he stand up and get out of the bed, stretched his limbs and get the blood circulation flowing again- “ah~ that’s better” –he took his pants from where they were hanging and his boots from the floor and get dressed, took his folding knife and put it on his belt, he look at his phone but he didn’t took it- “who I will call anyway?”- He walk up to the kitchen and discover that on the top of the bar next to the dishwasher was his jacket folded in a little plastic bag with a note on it-
-It said- “I wanted to give you this yesterday but because of um… what happened I didn’t have the opportunity to give it to you, I asked my friend Rarity to fix it for you because it was torn by your encounter with that wolf and now its fixed we can talk if you want when I come back at 12:30 pm while I'm gone you can take anything you want from the fridge to make something to eat if you are hungry, also the bathroom its upstairs.”
-“12:30?” –he look at the clock and was already 11:30 am- “I got an hour…maybe a lunch would help me make amends with her…”-he took the bag with his jacket in and walk to the bedroom at he passed by a mirror he quickly walk backwards to see his reflection- “man…I look like shit” –in fact, after 3 days without a shower after a razzle, a bar fight and an encounter with a man-eater creature on the middle of the forest everyone will look like shit, his skin was covered in dirt, his hair was a disaster make him look like he was struck by a lightning, his eyes were red and a puffy and black bags were formed beneath them, he leaned front to see more closer as he noted that his beard and moustache were growing too, and then in a blink the hideous vision was replaced by what is seems like autumm was on the other side of the mirror this make zeeb almost jump and he stumbled backwards- oh shit! –He yelled in surprise-
-“hey there handsome” –he said mockingly- “you look uglier than before and I think that’s almost a compliment”
-“what the hell man?! Will you stop being a dick someday?” –He asked more annoyed than surprised now-“and how I can see you if I’m not unconscious?”
-“ugh…I’m part of you remember? If I want to talk to you I can always appear in your reflection it’s pretty useful you know? Now I can be with you anywhere near a reflective surface that does not make you happy?”
-“actually it’s the opposite, you´re annoying as hell!”
-“aw you´re hurting my feelings” –he replied with a pout-
-“ugh! What did you want?!”
-“nothing really, I just wanted to show you this amazing trick!”
-“look, if you´re not going to say something useful just go away, I have now only like 45 minutes to take a shower and make a decent lunch before fluttershy come back”
-“so it’s a date?”-He asked-
-what?! No! I’m trying to make amends with her for what happened yesterday! –He replied really annoyed by autumm constant mocking-
-“aw, that’s cute coming for the almighty zeeb lord of badassery
-zeeb huffed in annoyance- look, I gotta go I don’t have time for this nonsense conversation! –He walked up to the stairs in search for the bathroom-
-see you later Casanova! –autumm said, in response he got a middle finger from zeeb-
-zeeb climbed up the stairs to the second floor and after searching a bit he found the bathroom, the bathroom was adorned with multiple flowers and smell really nice and clean, he saw some bathrobes hanging from a rack and clean towels neatly folded and accommodated on a wooden shelf, on the bottom near to a round window there was a porcelain bathtub with a green sliding courting adorned with pink butterflies on the edges of the bathtub there were several bottles of aromatic oils and bottles of shampoo and a little pink carpet near the tub- “this is to girly for me…but whatever” –he take off his clothes and leave them on the floor carelessly, he walk up to the mirror and see himself again- “I need to take of this bandages” –he said before taking his folding knife and proceed to cut the bandages, underneath them he could see his naked chest with a very large claw marks scar running from his side up to his chest looking like deep cracks on his skin another permanent reminder of another close encounter with de death itself, he let out a loud sight and then he get in the bathtub, he saw a rope hanging from the shower- “how this think even work?” –He pulled down the rope and a stream of cold water fall over him- “AH!”- He yelled- “ITS COLD!” –He get away from the stream of water quickly- “alright…it took you by surprise, you can do it” –he get back to the glacial stream of water and proceed with the shower and after a while he get used to the cold water, he let the stream and the soap take away all the dirt that fell to the bathtub like brownish water, he take one of the multiple bottles of shampoo and washed his head and then he was finished, he came out of the tub and take a towel to wipe himself and then he use it to dry the bathroom floor, he walk up to the mirror and he saw a completely different self- “looking good” –he took a hair brush and started brushing his hair it was a little painful at first but after undo some knots everything run smooth as silk, for last he use a soap and his folding knife to shave himself and after that he was ready, he put on his clothes again and get out of the bathroom, walk down the stairs everything seems going on smoothly until he saw the clock- oh crap! Its 12:20 already?! Fluttershy will be here in any minute!” –he run to the kitchen stumbling a little and opened the fridge looking for something to make a lunch he only find different kind of fruits and vegetables some orange juice and a half carrot cake- tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, lettuce?! There´s no ham or something like that in here?-after a few seconds he face palmed- of course! She´s a mare…horses are vegetarians…come on think fast! –he grabbed a few tomatoes, a lettuce some carrots and take them to the kitchen, he grabbed a cutting board and with incredible skill he chop the vegetables as fast as he could without cutting his own fingers on the spot he quickly put the chopped greens on a bowl and starting mixing and seasoning the mix with all that he could find on the cupboard that was edible, mix everything a little more and then put the resulting salad on a pair of plates he run to the dining table and leave the plates there, the he returned to the kitchen and grab two glasses and he filled them with orange juice before putting theme in the table next of the plates and go back for some forks to put them on the table just in time as the clock marked the 12:30- “just in time…not bad” –but then he realized that he forgot to put on his jacket- “Verdammt!”-He yelled- “I almost forgot!” –he run by the bed and took it from the bag it was in, he put his jacket on and buttoned it up the neck like a shirt and rolled up the sleeves he returned to the dining room just in time as the door was opened to reveal a familiar yellow Pegasus carrying saddle bags- “I’m home” –she said with her usual sweet voice-
-“oh…h-hellow fluttershy” –he welcomed her attempting being casual at the fact that he wasn’t used yet to a the talking mare-
-hey there! –She greeted him- are you feeling better already? –She asked casually despite the events of the day before-
-yeah, I woke up this morning to discover I’m fully recovered now, thanks to you –he let out a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his head-
-I’m glad to hear that you´re better now, you scare me yesterday when you fell off the bed like that, I tough you really hurt yourself bad and I tough it was my fault for scaring you
-About what happened yesterday…I- I’m sorry you didn’t scare me…I was … just shocked...it’s just…you know
-she walked towards him and kindly placed a hoof on his hand- “don’t worry about that, I understand, at first when I saw you I was a bit shocked too, I never saw something like you before, but I didn’t care you were injured so I bring you here.”
-“Even so I wanted to apologize, so I made you the lunch” –he pointed to the table where the salads and the juice glasses were placed-
-“that’s really nice of you!” –The two of them walk to the table, fluttershy left her bags on the floor and took a sit, and also zeeb took a sit in front of her- “this looks delicious” –she said-
-“Was the least I could do, by the way…my name is Zeeb”
-“It´s nice to meet you zeeb” –she said with a warm smile, both of them began to eat in silence, not an awkward silence, instead was a relaxed one, zeeb wasn’t particularly a fan of vegetarian food but fluttershy seems to being enjoying the meal, he couldn’t help but stare at her a little, after a while she noticed-
-“um…why you look at me like that?” –She asked with a little blush-
-“uh! I’m sorry is just that I never imagine I will be eating with a mythical creature so casually”
-“why do you mean with mythical creature? Its sounds kind of rude”
-“I’m sorry didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just that where I come from a Pegasus is a fantastic creature that only live in fantasy tales and ancient legends, I never tough they actually existed”.
-“I knew that you wasn’t from here since I saw you out there on the everfree forest, but now I’m a little confused, where did you come from? And if you don’t mind…what are you?”
-“I’m a human and I come from a place called earth”
-“you come from the earth?” –She gave him a confused look-
-“not from the literal earth fluttershy…my…world is called earth, I come from a city called high valley”
-“oh! You come from another world?...that’s incredible” –She asked in confusion and surprise-
-“I believe so, it’s really complicated…I don’t know how I get here or why…”
-“Maybe twilight could know something” –she suggested-
-“twilight? Who´s that?”
-“she is one of my friends she´s really smart and know a lot of things, maybe she could help you”
“Friends...I almost forgot, on the letter you left for me you mentioned someone called rarity, who’s that?”
-“it’s another friend of mine, she´s a fashionista, works at Carousel Boutique, she make beautiful dresses and she fixed your jacket, we usually don’t wear clothes except for especial occasions, but you seem to wear clothes more often you should talk to her if you want new clothing she will be glad to help you, she’s a really generous pony” – she smiled at him kindly-
-a pony? Wait… So you´re telling me there are more like you, Rarity? Twilight? They are…?
-well they´re ponies but not like me, twilight and rarity both are unicorns
-Zeeb almost choked at her last answer- “unicorns?!”
-“quite so! Instead of fly unicorns can do magic”
-“magic? Alright fluttershy slow down before the hamster in my head collapse from a cardiac arrest…”
-that would be terrible! –she covered his mouth with her front hooves” I didn’t knew humans had hamsters inside their heads! Poor hamsters!
-He sighed- not real hamsters fluttershy is just an expression, it just that I’m more confused now with all this things about magic, and pegasus and unicorns, what´s next? Dragons?”
-“actually twilight has a dragon assistant” –she answered smiling but her smile fade away and was replaced by a little blush for seeing zeeb´s unamused expression” I’m sorry” –she said embarrassed-
-“it seems this will be more complicated than expected…maybe your friend twilight can help me as you said, where is she?”
-“she lives in PonyVille on the town´s library”
-“think you can bring her here? I mean someone like me in what it seems to be a town full of ponies…I don’t think that´s a good idea”
-you´re right maybe if I bring the girls here they could help you.
-the girls? Aside from twilight and rarity?
-“hmm hmm” –she nodded-, we are six, I’m sure the girls will help you gladly.
-“well… I’ll believe in what you´re saying, after all it seems I will be here for a while…and knowing a few locals aside from you will be helpful to understand this world…thank you again fluttershy”.
-what friends are for? –She smiled at him-
-“Hmp” –she couldn’t help but smile- “so…tell me more about your friends, PonyVille, and all this place I like to know more about them but take it easy this time, will you?
-“of course, well this place is called Equestria the pony kingdom, PonyVille is a calm town where my other friends live, besides Twilight and Rarity there´s Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack- “

-“Oh man…this will be interesting.”

Comments ( 1 )

Zeeb is not named after the road in Ann Arbor, Michigan that runs from Merkel Road in Webster Township near Dexter to Textile Road in Lodi Township near Saline.

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