• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 846 Views, 4 Comments

Moonlight brighter than the dark - fire_fly808

Luna has a hard time choosing to listen to her insticts or her sister

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Sun and Moon

Dark blue hooves trotted along the floors of the royal castle. The alicorn of the night walked out onto her balcony, getting ready to raise the moon. It wasn't any old night though, tonight was nightmare night, probably the only time Princess Luna gets to see her royal subjects. Something didn't feel quite right but Luna just ignored it and continued to raise the moon. She kept feeling like something was going to happen but she just pushed the thought away. As she was about to spread her wings something inside of her broke, she couldn't lift her wings, she couldn't move,
something was happening.

Luna could hear a crackling whisper and then everything was black

"Luna, my dear sister what ever is wrong" Celestia's asked concerned.

"Uh...um..I-I don't know I cant remember" she replied.
Focusing back to Equestria, Luna shook her head and pointed it up. She spread her wings and took off. Luna knew she didn't need to fly to raise the moon but she loved the feeling of the breaking dusk's breeze while the moonlight glimmers and causes her hooves to sparkle a bit more which usually tickled her hooves. Strangely, she felt something pulling her down, that same voice laughing and the wind howling in her ears.

"Sister, are you alright" Celestia questioned "Please Luna tell me whats wrong".

Luna gasped for breath as she looked into the sky, making sure the moon was in place. She turned to her sister who had a concerned expression. "Its ok Tia, everything's perfect"

Luna told her. With a not so sure tone Celestia replied,
"Alright then, we better get going, i'm glad we get to see our subjects tonight, as it has been so long."

The sun goddess smiled and looked down at her sister. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, all Luna felt was rage.

"Oh i'm sure you are." She replied with bitterness

"Luna? Are you alri-"

Luna interrupted and replied. " Fine sister, just FINE!. Go ahead ruin everything for thy own sister. All you get is attention a-and every-pony loves you but does anyone love little old Luna huh NO!" She screamed at her sister. " Thy cant believe my own sister would steal my night, the only night where I ever get to see them!" Luna added. She had no idea what that rage had come from but she kind of agreed to what was said this was her night, the only night every 365 days she could visit her subjects but she didn't know where the angry rage came from.

"I...well..its.. I just" In a mutter of words Celestia searched for the right thing to say.

In shock, Luna realized how rude she was being, "I'm sorry Tia, I don't know what came over me" she said sadly.

"Its ok, well it was a hard working day so goodnight." Celestia walked away quickly and Luna could see the disappointment in her face.

A pair of sparkling blue hooves trotted into Ponyville, Princess Luna thanked the guards and was on her way.

"Ahh" pinkie pretend screamed " its nightmare moon!!!!".

The young fillys and colts ran around screaming and laughing while every pony else was just playing party games and laughing along. Luna enjoyed all the fun. " Tis more fun than last time" She thought aloud. After hours of playing,scaring, fun doubling and trick or treating Luna left, she didn't mean to stay so long but it didn't matter. She had the best time and she didn't once think about yelling at her sister. Then it struck her. She had been so rude to her sister and she knew she really did hurt her.

Luna spread her wings and took off she didn't want the royal carriage ride like usual, she just flew, night breeze on her face, watching her beautiful night. Tonight was the most beautiful Luna had to admit but as she flew faster she felt like she couldn't control herself.

"Argh no not again" Luna shouted.

"Oh Luna its not that hard you weakling, haha I no you couldn't control it you're just a forgotten princess" the evil voice laughed.

"No i-it cant be" Luna stammered. "Nightmare moon" she said finishing her own sentence and scowling.

"HA! Maybe so weakling, listen Wooouna, you"re nothing but a pathetic forgotten pony, the only time ponies actually pay you attention is when you where nightmare moon ahahahahaha!" The dark voice rang in her ears.

"No they do love me i'm not forgotten, they even told me so just before." Luna replied sadly but forcefully.

A bright light shone all around where luna was flying and her eyes were glowing.

"Noooo stop it!! Tia where are you!" Luna cried out. The words forgotten princess rang in her ears she could only feel hate.

"Oww, where am I" Luna wondered aloud. Looking up she saw she was at the doors of the old royal castle within the Everfree Forest.

"I knew I would find you here" Celestia's soft voice rang.

The wind blew hard and howled like cracking whispers.

"We should get inside its too windy to stay out here sister" Luna said quickly.

She didn't want the voices to come back, she knew she couldn't control them. Realizing she was falling behind she trotted up to her sisters side.

"Luna you know you can tell me anything, any problems ok." Celestia spoke in a reassuring voice.

"Sister, you should go to sleep, I just need to be alone for a while but tomorrow ok?"

Luna said, with a bit of worry in her voice. Leaving no time for Celestia to answer, she took off into the dark blue sky.

Flying faster, trying to escape her problems, she flew. Most ponies would think Princesses only flew if they needed to but Luna just loved flying over her night but she just wanted to get away from her problems right now. The Night princess felt her wings stopping and she landed with a loud stomp.

"W-whats happening, not this again" Luna shouted.

"Hush, you need to see this, you must stop fighting it this is important weak one" The voice hissed.

Princess Luna was not in Canterlot anymore. She was seeing the past, the past that would forever haunt her.

"There can only be one princess in equestria!!!!" She heard from a distance.

She knew this wasn't how the story went, no-pony would listen to her side of things. A night-blue cloud of smoke ran under her hooves.

"Luuuna," A voice said, it was a dark but calming voice.

" Join us Luna, we missed you." It called.

" You know they disrespect us, they hate us,"

"Come with us, we will make a change" The voice said calmly. The dark smoke turned into black thick pieces of hair like things that pulled her in.

"Don't fight us Luna" It rang.

" I can't I need my sister" Luna replied struggling to fight back. It was getting stronger.

"No, SISTER!! HELP!!" Luna shouted in her Canterlot voice. Only to see her sister fly off, leaving her to be pulled to the dark side.
A stabbing pain pieced her side as she was transforming, a dark mask pressed deep into her face. She knew what was next.

"NO!" Luna cried. With one light blast she was back. Shivering of fear The night princess galloped back to the castle she needed her sister, her past kept replaying in her head. She could see it, her sister with the elements, but this was different, she was smiling no smirking even, she is saying something. Princess Luna stopped dead in her tracks.

"Pathetic, you think you can stop me little sister" Celestia smirked.

"You are useless no wonder every-pony sleeps through your stupid horrible night" "Its because the hate you they always have you know" Celestia went on.

With pleasure and pride, Celestia blasted the element laser like beam. In a swirl of colour, she was flying to the moon, her silhouette embedded in the moon.

"That can't be true." Luna gasped. Trying to fight what she was seeing she burst into the royal castle, sitting on her balcony, thinking.

The thought of exploring Celestia's dreams leading to the answer seemed like a good idea. But how would she know that her sister was dreaming of what happened when she transformed her. Luna decided her diary would contain the answer. She knew Celestia didn't really use it anymore but it could tell her the real truth. On light hooves, Luna swiftly grabbed the diary while her sister was in a deep sleep. She didn't need to find the key, she already had one, a mystery key, it could unlock anything. Of course Luna would never do this if wasn't for a reason.

With one turn of the key it clicked open. She turned to a page, skipped through a bit and in shock stared at what she couldn't believe was written, by her own sister.

I am the only princess this place needs not that stupid nighttime mare. She is so pathetic, to think I would ever love her? No way
I just couldn't control the laughter when I pushed her to the ground and she was crying. I just don-

Princess Luna slammed the book, hard. Locked it and transported it back to Celestia's room. She could feel tears in her eyes, she let herself cry, know she knew why her sister wanted her to come along, so she could get attention and everyone would forget about her. Luna decided a trip into Celestia's dreams could change things, right? She was so convinced it wasn't true but it must of be if her sister admitted it in her diary. A light shone around her and with one big blast she was in her sisters dreams.

"Oh Woona, its been so long since I've seen your stupid nighttime face." Celestia hissed.

"Sister, I am sorry, what did i do wrong?" The Luna in Celestia's dream cried.

" Lets see, you yourself!! you are useless, weak and you better believe the fact that no pony loves you." Celestia chuckled.

"I' cant take this anymore" The true Princess Luna whispered in tears. In a second she was gone and back to equestria.

The next morning Celestia politely nudged Luna from her sleep.

"Sorry to wake you sister, remember last nights promise?" Celestia asked and then gave her a wink.

Trying to sound happy and not heart broken Luna replied with a quick yea, of course and forced a smile.

"Ok good, you should get some rest now sister" Celestia replied with a warm happy smile.

Princess Luna landed lightly on her hooves after setting the moon in place and turned to see her elder sister waiting for her. "I'm glad we can chat, you seem to bee very unhappy." Celestia said with a warm smile, as usual.

"I have the carriages ready, I would love to stay up watching your night, well maybe not all night" she said with a yawn.

Princess Luna smiled back, a genuine smile that made her forget about what she had seen but it came flooding back to her the second she looked away.

"Actually, Tia I kind of want to fly" Luna replied.

"Well if you want to then of course, I never get to fly anymore, always cooped up writing on scrolls" Celestia sighed making a face.

The two sisters burst out laughing.

"Don't believe it, don't forget it" nightmare moons voice rang in her ears. Luna was saddened that nightmare moons instinct was still inside of her.

Princess Celestia spread her big, beautiful wings and took flight. Princess Luna did the same flying up to her sister as they flew across in the night sky.

" Wow Luna, you night is amazing."
The Night Princess smiled, whenever she was feeling happy the memory came back and haunted her, she didn't know who to believe.

"It must be fake, I read it and saw it twice" Luna thought aloud.

"Did you say something lunz?" Celestia asked.

She looks so happy and free flying in my night, is it an act? The Night Princess thought in her head. Forgetting her sister asked her a question she quickly replied with no and started flying faster. All to soon the sensation of flying was over as they landed at the doors of their old castle.

They headed to their old room, still remembering the little passages, they both felt like filly's again, Luna hurried to the trap door side ( her absolute favorite) while Celestia found the pipe organs and started playing an old, well known tune. Luna smiled as she heard the organ, as she was playing like a little filly, adventuring through the passages and slides.

Just as she was going down the trap door slide for the hundredth time, the voices came back, calling for her. In fear she flew to the sisters old rooms where there journal was kept. Celestia appeared, and beckoned her to follow. She had arranged the pillows so they were looking outside so they could talk and watch the night. They both sat together close watching the cold night outside.

"I suppose I will start" Celestia spoke. "Whats wrong Luna, you are acting so nervous lately, and these dreams don't help" Celestia sighed.

"Look,I know whats going on so don't pret-,wait what dreams?" Luna asked. She could see tears forming in her sisters eyes. Suddenly Luna didn't know what to think. Did her sister actually love her?

"No just an act, it must be" Luna mumbled

"Well, you see sister," Celestia started, then wrapping a wing around Luna. "I have been having dreams where an imposer me, takes over a-and she tells you things, that I just-" Celestia cut off. Luna wiped a stay tear from her sisters eye.

Tia, I saw a part of your dream, the part I saw wasn't that bad I admit but it still hurt." Luna said feeling like she was about to cry because of what she was going to accuse her sister of. This was her sister, they have been close ever since they were fillys, Luna could almost feel her pain.

"Well, nightmare's voice keeps calling me and I keep getting flashbacks of when you defeated me" Luna explained. "Except when I was in trouble, when nightmare moon was pulling me in, I tried to fight it but I couldn't so I called for you, you just rolled your eyes and flew off". " A-and then you where smiling as you defeated me, you where r-really happy and I " Luna paused to let her tears break.

"I also read a part of your diary, jut to see if I could find out why you didn't like me and i saw what you wrote about me"

"Sister I can explain"

Celestia's horn flashed once and he diary was right in front of them.

"See this pa- oh" The night alicorn saw what she missed, her sister was writing what happened in the dream, and how scared she was. She read the part she had missed

I just don't understand why these dreams keep coming, they cause me to spend most of my morning in tears-

"I'm so sorry I just-"

Celestia pulled Luna in close, her wings wrapped around her tightly. "Luna, I love you no matter what, and I couldn't fight you I refused but I had no choice, I couldn't stop crying for days I shut every-pony out almost entirely, until i had to open my school for gifted unicorns." The white alicorn said.

"I-I love you too sister"

Luna leaned in closer and her tears turned into happy crying.

"One more thing Luna"

Princess Celestia lifted her horn to Luna and in a flash a warm bright feeling rushed through Luna's body leaving a tingly feeling on her spine.

" What was that?"

"Just a little something to get rid of that nightmare moon instinct." Celestia smiled.

"I don't understand sister, has she always been apart of me"

" Luna, you have feared you past almost everyday that you turned back to you, that must be the only reason she survived long enough to haunt you and still remain deep in your heart."

" Oh, well I'm glad it's gone for good this time.

The two sisters snuggled together and shared a tight hug. Celestia slowly broke the hug, falling into a peaceful sleep.

Luna watched the sky and she heard a light snore from her sister next to her. She giggled a bit, not wanting to get up and disturb her sister, with a flash of her horn in-front of them was a large blanket. Luna smiled as she put the blanket over them both.

"Looks like i'm the big sister now" Luna laughed to herself.

Luna quietly thought to herself, she was the dream keeper she knew the perfect spell, With one flash of her horn, her sister would never have a dream like the ones she had over the past few days.

The night alicorn looked up at the sky as she watched two shooting stars, side by side, together.


Author's Note:

Sorry if i used the term "thy" wrong throughout this, im not really good with Luna's royal canterlot words.
Hello i'm new to this place and this is my first story! Hope everyone likes this, no hate please.
If there is any errors please tell me in the comments.

(P.S Im Australian so its colour not color for me :)

Comments ( 4 )

Hey! I just did an analytical review on your story! Please check it out if you want some constructive criticism, or if you are someone else who likes reading reviews! :derpytongue2:

Not bad.

It's We, for the Royal Canterlot Voice, not Thy. But well done. A little confusing, but great premise!

I really think you should work on your grammar and spelling. I found incorrect or missing punctuation, incorrect homophones, and missing capitalization. I also thought that you should work on the actual writing a bit. I didn't even finish reading; it bothered me too much. Try to draw the reader in and make it more subtle. You also changed settings very quickly, so quickly I could hardly keep up. Try to add more details but don't make any more run on sentences. I've found that reading other stories, both good and bad, helps. Then you know what it should and shouldn't look like. But if you fix the technical stuff, it could be an incredible story.

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