• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 662 Views, 2 Comments

The Endless Carnival - ShaD-23

Every 100 years, the Endless Carnival comes to Canterlot and leaves just as mysteriously as it appeared. This year's special guest includes Princess Twilight Sparkle. Non-canon.

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The Gift of Starswirl the Bearded

“We've seen you everywhere tonight.”

“Just who are you?”

“Esteemed princesses... I am the Gatekeeper, nothing more, nothing less.”

“Why did everypony turn into a child entering here?”

“Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?”

“Please, tell us what going on, Mr. Gatekeeper.” Twilight sputtered nervously. The elderly stallion nodded kindly to the tiny alicorn.

“Young princess.” he began in a proper tone. “I am the Gatekeeper. I see all that takes place in the Endless Carnival.”

Twilight was going to ask where her friends ere, but just then, she stopped. Maybe it was because she was a little filly, but his words made her feel a sudden chill.

“I've seen you everywhere tonight!” Twilight called. “We all have. Me an' all my friends.” She felt more frightened by the thought as she went on. “Just who are you, an' how were you everywhere at once?”

“My little princess.” the cloaked stranger said. “That would be telling.” Twilight glared, still feeling scared by this strange pony.

“Some questions he will answer and some he will not.” Luna told Twilight as the little alicorn looked up to the two princesses.

“He has been here every time the Endless Carnival has arrived and leaves soon after.” Celestia added. Twilight turned back to the elderly pony, still unsure of him.

“Do you know why we're still little ponies?” she asked. The elder slowly gave a deep nod.

“Indeed, I do, young Twilight Sparkle.” he said, smiling behind his platinum beard. “It would seem that something must be preformed... some kind of action must take place.” Twilight was confused by this. Somepony had to do something for them to change back?

“What about Apple Bloom an' Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle?” Twilight breathed, not noticing the two regal princesses behind her giving the Gatekeeper a stern, suspicious look. Once again, the Gatekeeper nodded.

“Their absence,” he explained “is indeed connected with the rest of the young ponies who have yet to return to their appropriate age.”

“What needs to be done?” Twilight breathed, the two princesses almost glaring at him now. “Where are they?” At this, the old unicorn let out a low laugh.

“If you truly wish to know the truth,” he said, his horn glowing “you must catch me, little princess.”

“Stop right now!” Celestia said as she stomped forward. The elder ran for her as she powered her horn, lowering it to him, but as soon as he came to her, he ran straight through her, as if she were not even there, Celestia whirling around quickly as the three princesses stared in awe.

“I'm quite talented, aren't I?” he said in a low, mocking tone as he stopped and turned to smirk at them from under his hood. “Only Twilight may give chase, princesses. You have but one hour.” he warned as he ran off once more.

“H-how did that happen?” Twilight stammered, shuddering. “Is... is he a ghost?” she asked sheepishly. Celestia shook her head.

“I do not know, Twilight, but you must go and find him immediately.”

“I fear he may be plotting something, princess.” Luna said, narrowing her eyes. “He said only you may follow... we have no choice but to comply.” she said apprehensively. “Go now, Princess Twilight Sparkle. You've no time to waste.”

Twilight turned back to Princess Celestia, who gave her a nod. She knew she was on her own. Taking a deep breath, she ran off like a shot.


Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Apple Smith all rode the grand Ferris wheel near the main plaza of Canterlot. It gave them all a great view of the colorful festivities throughout the night sky over the great city.

“No wonder we couldn' find Apple Bloom an' them.” Apple Smith said flatly. “The whole place is packed with ponies.”

“Aw, well, meet back up with them sooner or later.” Pinkie grinned as the great wheel turned slowly. “Don't worry granny-”

“I'm not 'granny' right now, Pinkie.” the green filly said slightly irritably. Just as their car began to ascend once more, it shook suddenly, Fluttershy giving a squeak.

“Wha- what was that?” she asked as they heard a loud thud on the roof of their compartment. Before they had a chance to even guess what it was, their car shook once more as Twilight jumped on top of it, her tiny wings flapping fiercely.

“What the- Twilight?” “That's really dangerous!” “Why are you up here?” they all called as she climbed on top of their car and watched the elder pony smirk at her.

“You really shouldn't disrupt other ponies trying to enjoy the carnival.” he said, still smirking at her from under his hood. “It is quite rude.” Narrowing her eyes, Twilight inched closer to the edge of her friends' car. She had to time this right as her wings were far too small for her to fly. Making a jump as the cars began to descend, Twilight crashed on top of the compartment the elder stood on, the young ponies inside panicking as it shook violently.

“Careful... little princesses shouldn't be so high up.” he grinned, Twilight still unable to see under his dark hood. “It's dangerous.” he said as he teleported on top of a fruit stand and hurried off into the crowd once more. Glaring, Twilight powered her horn, but could not teleport. Suddenly it hit her. She remembered she was unskilled with magic when she was a filly. Twilight was at a huge disadvantage. She had only one hour to catch the stranger without magic or flying. She was scared she wasn't going to be able to succeed. Gulping, Twilight leaped off the car as it came lower and splashed into a barrel of water. Sputtering and shaking water from her mane, she climbed out, knocking the barrel over.

“Twilight! What's going on?” Fluttershy called down to her as she shot off once more. Twilight didn't have time to worry about things. She needed to find the Gatekeeper and find out where the Crusaders were. Hurrying, she saw him standing at the bottom of the Canterlot clock tower. Looking at the giant clock face, she saw she only had thirty minutes left!

“Can't you catch me, tiny princess?” he taunted, powering his horn and shooting up a wire, sparks flying from his horn as he went up it up it. Twilight gulped. She would never be able to keep up with him at this rate. “Best to take care and leave, young Twilight Sparkle.” he said as he came to a stop on top of a large shop. “It's dangerous for little fillies to play in such high places.”

Twilight growled and powered her horn. She couldn't give up! She needed to find her friends! Powering her horn, sweat dripping down her face, she suddenly shot up it as well, sparks dancing from her horn as it clung to the wire. The elder pony laughed.

“Good show, young mare!” he said, giving her a bow. As she came to a stop in front of him, he teleported once more, this time into an opening on the side of the giant clock tower. “Now come in here!” he said as he hurried inside. Staring with her mouth wide open, Twilight looked around. How could she get in there? Just then, she saw the solution, and it made her heart race. A handful of little ponies howled with excitement as another roller coaster shot through the town. This was her only chance. Jumping, squealing in terror, Twilight caught the head car of the roller coaster, everypony on board screaming as they saw her.

“Hey! What are you doing!?” one colt called in shock, his eyes wide.

“You trying to kill yourself!?” another colt screeched as the ride rounded a bend, the fillies and colts on board staring with their eyes and mouths wide open. Twilight didn't answer as she jumped from the racing roller coaster into the clock tower opening, everypony shrieking as they watched. Her body trembling, Twilight looked at the mass of giant, gleaming gears and cogs as they turned and whirled, feeling faint.

“You are quite persistent, young mare.” the elder's voice rang out, although Twilight could not see him. “Meet me at the top. You haven't much time.”

Gulping, Twilight jumped onto a turning gear and leaped for another shining fixture, hurrying to avoid being crushed by another giant gear. Looking about as she ran in place, she saw a large chain running vertically to the top of the tower and dove for it, clinging to it with all her might. As she came to the top, she dove for another giant gear and stood in the middle, looking for some way to continue on. Just then, she dove out of the way as a gigantic pendulum swung for her. Watching it swing back and forth (careful to stay out of the way of any of the other crushing cogs), she saw it pass a catwalk. That was her ticket out of this mess. As it came back around, she made a leap for it, clinging to it like before as it swung with great speed. As it swayed back to the catwalk, Twilight jumped for it, barely catching the edge of it and climbing up onto it. Breathing heavy and sweating bullets, Twilight hurried up a spiraling staircase, leading her to the bell tower. This had to be it. Looking around, she saw more stairways, all of them leading to more and more bells. Racing up them, she saw a small opening. This was it. Stepping through, she saw she was on the same vantage point she met with Discord at the night before. He was already waiting for her.

“I'm glad you were able to find me, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” he said solemnly. “You are indeed worthy of the title 'Princess of Equestria.'” he said. Twilight glared.

“Why did you want me to chase you!?” She roared. “Where are Apple Bloom an' Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle!? Why did I have to find you in an hour!?” she demanded.

“Because, young mare,” he said “I didn't want you to miss the show.”


Before she could ask what he meant by that, loud, cheery music began to play down below. Looking down, her mouth wide open, she saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all standing at a giant stage at the base of the Canterlot clock tower.

Apple Bloom took the stage first and sang out;

“Take off, at the speed of sound

Bright lights, colors all around”

Scootaloo hurried beside her, singing proudly;

“I'm running wild, living fast and free

Got no regrets inside of me”

Twilight couldn't believe it. Crowds upon crowds had gathered and cheered as they sang.

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and smiled as she sang;

“I'm gonna Reach for the Stars

Although they look pretty far

I'm gonna find my own way

And take a chance from today”

Just what was all this? This was where they were the whole time?

“Just a gift for the newly crowned princess.” the elder said, smiling under his cloak. “I arranged for them to hide away until the perfect moment and sing an ode to the new Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight turned to him, blinking wildly. She had no idea what to say. This was what he was planning all along?

“Now then,” he said, his horn glowing “why not go join them?” Instantly, a gigantic slide appeared stretching down to the stage the trio sang on. “This song is in your honor after all.” he said. Smiling, Twilight leaped onto the slide and shot down, everypony cheering as they saw her, giant fireworks suddenly lighting up the night sky as she rode down, smiling and singing loudly;

“I've got it in my sight

The colors feel so right

Got my feet off the ground

I'll keep on floating.”

Just then, the other Ponyville ponies climbed on stage, all beaming up at Twilight as she came down, every last pony in the plaza singing happily;

“Just take my hand

We'll take a chance tonight

Reach for the stars tonight”

Everypony cheered so loudly as the song ended. Just as they finished the song, however, the clock struck one, everypony quickly reverting to their original ages, looking themselves over. The carnival faded quickly after, leaving the plaza empty save for the many murmuring ponies.

Up above them all, the elderly pony smiled down on them from the clock tower. This had been the best carnival yet, he thought to himself.

“I thought I might find you up here.”

Whirling around, the old stallion saw Discord, the embodiment of Chaos slinking toward him. This broadened his smile.

“Is that any way to talk to an old friend?” he taunted. Discord only smiled.


“That was just so much fun.” “I sang so loud.” “Some ponies think it was all just a dream.”

The Ponyville ponies all walked together, chatting amongst themselves as the rest of the ponies piled out of Canterlot.

“This wudn't no dream.” Granny Smith said as Apple Bloom and Babs nuzzled her sleepily. “This was one of the happiest nights of 'm life.” she said, smiling as they made their way to the train.

“I agree.” Cadence said. “This was all real... I just know it was.” The rest of them nodded.

“It was so much fun... I'm happy we came.” Rarity cooed as Sweetie Belle snoozed, riding on her back.

“It's too bad we didn't run into mom an' dad, thought.” Shining Armor said. “I think it would've been fun to ride the rides with them, too, eh Twili?”

Twilight nodded. Just then, however, she noticed the elderly pony nodding to those leaving the Canterlot walls.

“It's that old pony from before.” Rainbow Dash said, Scootaloo sleeping on her back like Sweetie Belle. “He was everywhere during the carnival.”

“Now that you mention it...” Pinkie Pie mused.

“Good evening, everypony.” he said with a deep bow. “I am happy you all enjoyed the Endless Carnival.” Everypony nodded to him as they passed, except for Twilight.

“You all go on ahead.” she said. “I'll be right there.” Everypony nodded and continued on to the train station, leaving Twilight alone with the stranger. “So why did you have me chase you all around the carnival if you just wanted me to see the show Apple Bloom and them were going to put on?”

“Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it, Princess Twilight Sparkle?” he said in a slick voice, Twilight rolling her eyes. “I can, however, tell you if you truly want to know so badly.” Twilight narrowed her eyes at this. Did she really want to know?

“I guess maybe I'll ask you next carnival.” she taunted, the elder pony giving a laugh at this.

“Curious, the mind of a child.” he said. “Just the kind of answer I'd expect from the pony who succeeded where I could not.” he said, making Twilight's mane stand on end.

“Are you saying you are-” was all she said as she turned to see he was nowhere to be found.

Author's Note:

Lyrics from Sonic Colors theme song 'Reach for the Stars'

Comments ( 2 )

I enjoyed reading your story! In fact, I featured it in a blog post of mine. It's not much, but I hope it'll get you a couple of extra views. Keep up the good work! :twilightsmile:

Many many thanks friend. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story.

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