• Published 4th Jan 2014
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Six Ways, Book 1: Unity - the_bioXpony_guy

~~A My Little Pony & Bionicle Crossover~~ Sister worlds coincide with one another, never knowing about each others' existence until that one moment of crisis. Equestria and Mata Nui serve as a perfect example of such a concept.

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Chapter 7 Unknown Evils

Sleep—my little pony—sleep.

The sound of snoring filled the room, bouncing throughout the walls of Fluttershy’s little home. Everything from the outside seemed to lose its way before meeting the pony's ears. Apart from the snoring, all Fluttershy could hear was a deep, frightening voice—the likes of which came from a mystery source.

With fluttering, shining eyes, the yellow pegasus—confused and curious—pried herself from sleep. Where am I? she wondered, feeling darkness cloud around her. Out of nowhere, a ray of light stretched through a crack—revealing where she was. Oh, she realized. A familiar Discord lamp. A couch big enough for all her friends. I’m home. But—then why is it so dark?

Sleep, my Fluttershy, an eerie voice called out. The presence of such a voice proved enough to make the pony flinch.

Rather than follow its command, Fluttershy immediately picked herself up on her hooves, her heart leaping into her throat. With blood frozen, she started hyperventilating when she asked, “Wh-who are you?”

No response came.

“Where are you?” she continued.

From the shadows did he creep. An unimpressed, almost angry look showed upon the rabbit’s face.

“Angel!” cried Fluttershy, rushing over to her pet. Her feet touched his when she murmured, “Are you okay? You didn’t trip and hurt yourself in there, did you?”

It was at that moment when she noticed something out of the ordinary about the bunny. Usually Angel held a white coat over his whole body—the likes of which stood out from the rest of Fluttershy’s pets. It was pure white—without a crevice or imperfection to be seen. As he currently stood, however, Angel was totally covered up in a dark-gray pelt.

“Angel?” whispered Fluttershy, bringing her hoof up to the rabbit’s belly. “What’s wrong?” Upon touching Angel’s chest, Fluttershy’s pupils shrank.

“You’re ice cold!” she exclaimed. “And your tummy—it doesn't even feel furry!”

In the midst of the pony’s confusion, Angel opened his mouth and did what Fluttershy never thought possible from rabbit like him: he spoke. “I am that which you have sworn to protect.”

In response to such a surprise, Fluttershy leapt back ten meters. The only thing keeping her away was her set of wings—which beat like those of a hummingbird. That cannot be Angel, she thought in denial. “Wh-what are you?” she stammered.

A small smile formed upon the rabbit’s face when he answered, “I am nothing.”

Tears began streaming from the pony’s eyes as she found herself at a loss for words. “Angel—I—I—” She sniffled. “What are you doing, Angel?”

An even wider smile appeared on the rabbit’s face as a great flash of light blossomed. At the same time, a high-pitched ring sounded in Fluttershy's ears. But from where it came, she knew not.

In response to such a bright light, Fluttershy shielded her tear-encased eyes with her hooves. All the while Fluttershy silently told herself, This isn’t happening—this isn’t happening, over and over and over.

In the midst of her fear and anguish, she pulled her hooves away from her eyes—and immediately caught sight of the strange dark stone. “Oh!” she sighed in relief. “My rock!”

Her lips turned up as she jubilantly trotted over to the heavenly darkness. By spontaneous action, she kissed the frowning rock’s head. My little darling, she thought, wishing the rock could read her mind. I'm so glad all that's—

But just when Fluttershy felt like she had finally found peace, a squeal vibrated into her ears. Letting out a gasp, she turned around—staying close to the stone—and caught sight of her rabbit friend. She noticed as he stood beneath the rim of her home's entrance door.

“Angel!” she cried, allowing his rock-like texture to fill her vision. “What are you doing, sweetie?”

Not a single word escaped from the bunny’s mouth.

It as at that moment—seeing as Angel stood by himself—when Fluttershy realized she was now outside. The realization made her step away from the rock. “How did I get out here?” she asked out loud.

Angel then closed his eyes and inhaled. The very act of doing so gave him a look of authority.

Shaking uncontrollably, Fluttershy whispered to herself, “What is he doing?” Without warning, the river in front of her house dissipated—leaving behind a dry channel of dirt. Fluttershy’s pupils shrank at such a sight. She gulped. No—he's destroying my house, and there is nothing I can do.

Unless— She tried thinking of an idea, beating her hoof against her head.

Of course! It had worked countless times against other animals; why wouldn’t it have worked there?

Here goes, thought Fluttershy, taking a deep breath. I’m going to give him the stare.

Every animal in Equestria knew of the dreaded stare. No creature—except maybe Discord—could resist the power of her eyeballs. It would work on Angel—no doubt about it. It had worked on him before; she saw no reason why it wouldn't work here.

It’s time for me to brave, she told herself, legs wobbling with the thought of confronting the evil bunny. I’ll be back, she wanted to tell the rock as she left it behind.

Stepping over the dry crevice in front of her house, Fluttershy came a mere meter from her pet. She took a deep breath before commanding, “Angel! You stop what you're doing right this instant!”

Despite owner’s wishes, Angel did nothing to stop the chaos surrounding him. One of Fluttershy's trees caught fire, the sun started shrinking, and the grass slowly withered away. He didn't even try to look at Fluttershy.

I refuse to believe my Angel has turned evil! thought Fluttershy, fighting back tears. There is only one way to cure him.

Keeping the thought in mind, the yellow pony looked up at the rabbit. By coincidence, Angel turned his head toward his master—making their eyes lock, giving Fluttershy her chance.

Her brow scrunching up, her teeth grinding together, the brave pegasus’ piercing eyes shot straight into the bunny’s stare. With the sheer intensity of fire, she peered into Angel’s eyes. I will save you, my dear.

It had been a whole three seconds, and Angel hadn’t shown any sign of faltering. Usually it only took one or two seconds for the pegasus' stare to bring out the worst feelings in its victims—so what was happening? What is going on? wondered Fluttershy, pulling her eyes away from Angel’s. How is it not working?

Fear blanketing her entire being, she took a peek back into the bunny’s eyes—only to sense as a horrid, unfamiliar feeling spread deep into her bones. What is this? she wondered, paralyzed and unable to ask Angel with her tongue.

It was as if somebody had drowned her in a pool of blood—leaving her to suffocate in its red gaze. She may as well have been lying under a tree. What’s happening to me?

That was when it dawned on her. Angel—he—he has his own stare! And from what Fluttershy could tell, this stare was much stronger than her own. It took over her in a matter of seconds. Dizzy and barely conscious, she finally gave in to the power of Angel’s eyes.

There she stood—in the vicinity of a dark, eerie milieu—as Angel’s stare took over her thoughts.

Fluttershy, the voice called out once more.

No! she cried. I’m not listening to you, Angel! I don’t care that you’re my pet. You’re—you’re evil! She choked on her words, weeping when she thought, I’m sorry.

As she lie unconscious in the real world, the demonizing voice confessed, I am not who you think I am.

What do you mean? wondered Fluttershy whilst sniffling.

I am the stone that you have been protecting.

No—that's impossible!

Her ears perked as she came back to reality. With a quick blink of her eyes, Fluttershy exited the dark realm and caught sight of Angel once again. There stood the bunny—the same look in his eyes—as he continued to peer into Fluttershy’s mind.

Not this time! she insisted, determination taking over her thoughts. With all four hooves planted firmly in the ground, she closed her eyes and pulled away from Angel—freeing herself at last.

Violently shaking her head, the pegasus listened as the voice of Angel called out, Come to me, Fluttershy! Realizing the voice existed only within her own head, Fluttershy retreated from Angel—leaving her pet alone with the house.

Foolish pony, the rabbit thought.

Not used to sprinting, Fluttershy found herself panting by the time she made it to the rock. Crouching down, she hid behind it and asked, “What are we going to do?”

As those words flew from the pony’s lips, Angel suddenly spawned fire into his paws—the very action of which led Fluttershy to confusion and mental disarray. Am I losing my mind?

As the bunny drew the flames closer and closer to his former home, he cast a cringe-inducing, mischievous smirk.

“Fluttershy!” he exclaimed through a feminine voice.

Wrinkling her nose, Fluttershy wondered, “Huh?”